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单词 卷入
释义 〔concern〕To engage the attention of; involve:参与:集中注意力于…;卷入〔incendiary〕Of or involving arson.纵火的:纵火的或卷入纵火的〔tangle〕Middle English tangilen [to involve in an embarrassing situation] 中古英语 tangilen [使…卷入一种让人尴尬的情形] 〔interest〕Involvement with or participation in something:卷入和加入某事:〔Catesby〕English conspirator who along with Guy Fawkes was involved in the Gunpowder Plot (1604-1605) to assassinate James I. He was killed resisting arrest.盖茨比,罗伯特:(1573-1605) 英国反叛者,与盖·弗克斯一起卷入谋杀詹姆斯一世的火药阴谋(1604-1605年)。他在拒捕时被杀〔engage〕To involve oneself or become occupied; participate:卷入其中或参加;参与:〔dynamic〕An interactive system or process, especially one involving competing or conflicting forces:对抗性态势:一种相互作用的形势或过程,尤指有两股竞争性或对抗性力量的卷入〔actor〕"France, Britain . . . and any other external actors now involved . . . in the affairs of the continent"(Helen Kitchen)“法国,英国…以及其他局外人现都已卷入…到大陆事务中”(海伦·基钦)〔hypochondria〕The persistent neurotic conviction that one is or is likely to become ill, often involving experiences of real pain when illness is neither present nor likely. Also called hypochondriasis 忧郁症,疑病症:顽性的神经性信念,认为自己病了,或可能要生病经常卷入真正病症的经历,而这时候既没有生病也不可能 也作 hypochondriasis〔share〕These verbs refer to acquiring, having, using, being involved in, or experiencing something jointly with another or others.这些动词指与另一个或其他人共同获取、享有、使用、卷入或经历某事物。〔intimate〕Of or involved in a sexual relationship.通奸的:属于或卷入性关系的〔Mussolini〕Italian Fascist dictator and prime minister (1922-1943) who conducted an expansionist foreign policy, formalized an alliance with Germany (1939), and brought Italy into World War II (1940). Dismissed by Victor Emmanuel III (1943), he led a puppet Nazi government in northern Italy until 1945, when he was assassinated.墨索里尼,贝尼托:(1883-1945) 意大利法西斯独裁者和总理(1922-1943年),他实行扩张主义的对外政策,与德国结成盟军(1939年),使意大利卷入第二次世界大战(1940年),后被维克多·伊曼纽尔三世革职(1943年)。在1945年他被刺杀之前,一直在意大利北部领导纳粹傀儡政府〔catastrophic〕Of, relating to, or involving a catastrophe.大灾难的:灾难的、与灾难有关的或卷入灾难的〔squabble〕To engage in a disagreeable argument, usually over a trivial matter; wrangle.See Synonyms at argue 争吵:卷入一场不愉快的争吵,通常由琐事引起;口角 参见 argue〔chary〕was chary of the risks involved.对卷入的风险小心翼翼〔bagwig〕A wig with the back hair encased in a small silk sack, worn in the 18th century.丝囊假发:可把后面的头发卷入一个小丝袋中的一种假发,18世纪佩戴〔involution〕The act of involving.卷入卷入的动作〔Nixon〕The 37th President of the United States (1969-1974). Vice President (1953-1961) under Dwight D. Eisenhower, he lost the 1960 presidential election to John F. Kennedy. Elected President in 1968, he visited China (1972) and established détente with the U.S.S.R. Although he increased U.S. military involvement in Southeast Asia, he was also responsible for the eventual withdrawal of U.S. troops. When Congress recommended three articles of impeachment for Nixon's involvement in the Watergate scandal, he resigned from office (August 9, 1974).尼克松,理查德·米尔豪斯:(生于 1913) 美国第三十七任总统(1969-1974年),在艾森豪·威尔执政时任副总统(1953-1961年),他在1960的总统选举中输给了约翰·F·肯尼迪,1968年为总统候选人,他访问了中国(1972年)并缓和了与苏联的关系。尽管他增加了美国在东南亚的军事介入,但他也对最终在美军从该地区的撤回中起主要作用。当国会因尼克松卷入水门事件丑闻交付三篇弹劾文章时,他辞去了总统职务(1974年8月9日)〔engaged〕Involved in conflict or battle.卷入矛盾或战争中〔catch〕To become held, entangled, or fastened:使抓紧、卷入或系紧:〔activist〕Of, relating to, or engaged in activism.激进主义的:激进主义的,有关激进主义的或卷入到激进主义的〔entangle〕To involve in or as if in a tangle.See Synonyms at catch 使卷入或如同卷入混乱之中 参见 catch〔intrigue〕The practice of or involvement in such schemes.See Synonyms at conspiracy 密谋的进行:此类计划的实行或卷入此类计划 参见 conspiracy〔embroil〕"Avoid . . . any step that may embroil us with Great Britain"(Alexander Hamilton)“避免…任何可能使我们卷入与英国敌对状态的行动”(亚历山大·汉密尔顿)〔foreign〕Conducted or involved with other nations or governments; not domestic:对外的:牵涉到或卷入其它国家或政府的;非国内的:〔complicity〕Involvement as an accomplice in a questionable act or a crime.同谋:卷入有嫌疑的活动或犯罪的共犯〔scroll〕To roll up into a scroll.使成卷形:卷入纸卷里〔involve〕To engage as a participant; embroil:使牵涉,卷入:使某人卷进来;使参与:〔philander〕To engage in many love affairs, especially with a frivolous or casual attitude.玩弄感情:卷入许多恋爱事件中,尤指以一种轻浮的或漫不经心的态度




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