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单词 历险
释义 〔Duhamel〕French writer and physician noted for his romans-fleuves, including the five-volumeLife and Adventures of Salavin (1920-1932). 杜亚美,乔治斯:(1884-1966) 法国作家与医生,以其长河小说著称,如五卷《萨拉万的生平与历险》 (1920-1932年) 〔Lawrence〕Welsh-born British soldier, adventurer, and writer who led the Arab revolt against the Turks (1916-1918) and later wrote an account of his adventures,The Seven Pillars of Wisdom (1926). 劳伦斯,托(马斯)·爱(德华):(1888-1935) 威尔士裔英国士兵、探险家和作家,1916-1918年领导了阿拉伯人反抗土耳其的起义,后来撰写了一部有关他历险的作品《七根智慧柱》 (1926年) 〔Miller〕American poet whose work is based on his adventures in the West. His collections includeSpecimens (1868) and Joaquin et al. (1869). 米勒,乔奎恩:(1837-1913) 美国诗人,其作品以他在西部的历险为主要题材。作品集有《标本》 (1868年)和 《和艾尔华金》 (1869年) 〔quest〕the quest for the Holy Grail.追究圣杯而历险〔picaresque〕Of or relating to a genre of prose fiction that originated in Spain and depicts in realistic detail the adventures of a roguish hero, often with satiric or humorous effects.流浪汉体裁小说的:流浪汉体裁小说的,这种叙述性小说体源于西班牙,以现实主义的细节描写了一个流浪汉式主人公的历险,通常具有讽刺或幽默的效果;或关于这种小说的〔pan〕"But Dr. Brett cautioned that what sounds exciting from the Moon does not always pan out in the laboratory"(London Daily Telegraph, December 14, 1972). If Dr. Brett had been talking about hunting for gold on the moon,there would be a solid connection between his use of the expressionpan out and its original use in gold mining. Pan out, like the verb pan itself, comes from the noun pan in the sense "a shallow circular metal vessel used in washing gold from gravel.”The expressionpan out was used in a variety of senses, including "to wash gold-bearing earth in a pan"; "to obtain gold by washing ore in a miner's pan";and with reference to a mine or mineral-bearing soil, "to produce gold or minerals.”From such literal usagespan out was transferred to other situations. In Frederick Whymper'sTravel and Adventure in the Territory of Alaska, published in 1868, we are told that “‘It panned out well’ means that ‘it gave good returns.’”All these uses occurred first in American English,making the expression a true Americanism.“可是布莱特博士告诫说来自月球的听起来令人激动的消息并不总会在实验室获得成功”(伦敦每日电讯报 1972年12月14日)。 如果布莱特博士谈论的是关于在月球上寻找金子,那么,在他表达panout 这个用法和这个短语在金矿开采方面的原始用法就会有一种固定的联系。 Pan out 象动词 pan 本身一样来源于名词 pan , 意思是“一个浅而且圆的金属器皿,用来从矿砂中淘洗金子”。pan out 的表达用在各种意思中, 包括“在淘金盘中淘洗含金的泥土”,“在矿工的淘金盘里淘洗矿砂得到金子”,并且与矿井或含矿土壤有关,“产金子或矿物”。在这样的文学用法中,pan out 被借用于其它情况。 在弗雷德里克·怀姆坡1868年出版的在阿拉斯加旅游历险 中, 我们得知"It panned at well"意思是“得到好的回报”。所有这些用法都首先出现在美国英语中,表达了一种真正的美国主义




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