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单词 历险记
释义 〔mentor〕The wordmentor is an example of the way in which the great works of literature live on without our knowing it. The word has recently gained currency in the professional world,where it is thought to be a good idea to have a mentor, a wise and trusted counselor, guiding one's career, preferably in the upper reaches of the organization.We owe this word to the more heroic age of Homer,in whoseOdyssey Mentor is the trusted friend of Odysseus left in charge of the household during Odysseus's absence. More important for our usage of the wordmentor, Athena disguised as Mentor guides Odysseus's son Telemachus in his search for his father.Fénelon in his romanceTélémaque (1699) emphasized Mentor as a character, and so it was that in French (1749) and English (1750)mentor, going back through Latin to a Greek name, became a common noun meaning "wise counselor,” first recorded in 1750.Mentor is an appropriate name for such a person because it probably meant "adviser" in Greekand comes from the Indo-European rootmen- 1, meaning "to think.”词语mentor 使我们看到了伟大的文学作品是如何在我们毫无察觉的情况下而经久而不衰的。 这个词最近开始在职业界通用起来,在职业界中,能有一个“良师”, 一个忠实而又聪明的顾问来指导你的职业生涯,尤其是你的提升,真不失为一个好办法。这个词来源于荷马英雄时代,在荷马史诗Odyssey 中,孟托是奥德赛的忠实朋友,奥德赛出征时将其留下以掌管家事。 对于我们今天mentor 这个词的用法更为重要的一个事实是, 雅典娜将自己装扮成孟托而引导奥德赛之子忒勒马科斯去寻找他的父亲。费奈隆在他的传奇故事泰雷马克历险记 (1699年)中强调了孟托这一人物, 正因为如此,这一从一个希腊人名经拉丁文演化而来的词mentor 在法语(1749年)和英语(1750年)中成了一个意为“贤明的顾问”的普通名词, 并在1750年被首次记载。Mentor 对于一个贤明的顾问是个合适的名称, 因为它在希腊语中可能有“顾问”之意,而且源自印欧语词根men- 1, 又有“思考”之意〔Johnson〕American explorer and filmmaker. With her husband,Martin Johnson (1884-1937), she explored the South Seas and Africa. Their films include Jungle Adventures (1921) and Wonders of the Congo (1931). 约翰逊,奥萨·海伦·莱迪:(1894-1953) 美国探险家、制片商。她与丈夫马丁·约翰逊 (1884-1937年)一起考察了南太平洋及非洲。他们的影片包括 《丛林历险记》 (1921年)以及 《刚果奇观》 (1931年)等 〔without〕"You don't know about me without you have read a book by the name ofThe Adventures of Tom Sawyer ” (Mark Twain)“如果你没有读过一本叫汤姆·索亚历险记 的书的话,你就不知道我” (马克·吐温)〔Gide〕French writer noted for his diaries and novels, such asThe Immoralist (1902) and Lafcadio's Adventures (1914), which examine alienation and the drive for individuality in an often disapproving society. He won the 1947 Nobel Prize for literature. 纪德,安德鲁:(1869-1951) 法国作家,以其日记和小说闻名,如《不朽》 (1902年)和 《拉夫卡迪奥历险记》 (1914年),这些作品是对这个通常不令人满意的社会中的人与人之间的疏远和工作上的压力的一种审视。他获得1947年的诺贝尔文学奖 〔Clemens〕American author and humorist who drew on his childhood along the Mississippi River to create masterpieces of humor and sarcasm, includingTom Sawyer (1876) and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1884). 克莱门斯,塞缪尔·兰霍恩:(1835-1910) 美国作家、幽默作家,他曾回顾其密西西比河边的童年时光,创作了杰出的幽默和讽刺小品,包括《汤姆·索亚历险记》 (1876年)和 《虎克尔佰瑞·芬恩历险记》 (1884年)




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