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单词 厨师
释义 〔room〕allowed the chef leeway in choosing the menu;允许厨师有选择菜单的自由;〔shortchange〕"a deceitful cook who skimps on ingredients and shortchanges guests"(Jacques Pepin)“一个克扣配料,欺骗客人的不老实的厨师”(雅克·丕平)〔warpath〕The chef is on the warpath today.厨师今天怒气冲冲〔themselves〕The cooks themselves eat after all the guests have finished.厨师们等客人吃完后才吃〔help〕A team of kitchen apprentices assisted the chef in preparing the banquet.一组厨房学徒协助厨师准备宴会。〔spin〕an innovative chef who puts a new spin on traditional fare.一个有创意的厨师赋于传统食品以新风格〔Escoffier〕French chef of grand hotels, such as the Savoy and Carlton in London. He wrote several cookery books, includingLe Guide Culinaire (1903). 埃斯科菲耶,奥古斯特:(1846-1935) 曾任伦敦的萨伏依和卡尔登等大饭店的法国主厨师,他编写了几本关于烹调的书,像《烹饪指导》 (1903年) 〔Mallon〕American cook and immune carrier of typhoid fever who while moving from job to job infected more than 50 people with the disease. After health officials found her, she was institutionalized for much of the rest of her life.玛尔龙,玛丽:(1870?-1938) 美国的一位厨师,是伤寒的免疫带原者,因她不时地换工作,将伤寒病传染给了五十多人。在卫生官员找到她后,她的余生大部分时间是被禁止与人接触的〔kitchen〕A staff that prepares, cooks, and serves food.厨师:准备、烹调,和供应食物的人员〔chef〕A cook, especially the chief cook of a large kitchen staff.厨师厨师,尤指一个大的厨师群体中的厨师〔madeleine〕After Madeleine Paulmier, 19th-century French pastry cook 源自 玛德琳 保罗米尔,19世纪法国各种点心烘烤厨师 〔specialty〕French pastry is the chef's specialty.这个厨师的特色菜是法式面点〔calculate〕"I cal'late she's a right smart cook"(Dialect Notes)“我猜测她是一位手艺精巧的厨师”(方言注释)〔mayonnaise〕possibly from Mahón [captured by Louis François Armand de Vignerot du Plessis, Duc de Richelieu (1696-1788), in 1756 (the duke's chef is said to have introduced mayonnaise in honor of this victory)] 可能源自 Mahón[该市于1756年被黎塞留公爵弗朗索瓦·阿尔芒(1696-1788年)占领。据说(为庆祝这次胜利,公爵的厨师第一次做了蛋黄酱)] 〔seasoner〕The cook is a heavy seasoner.这厨师喜欢加很多的佐料〔hire〕hired himself out as a cook; hired out the cottage for the summer.他被雇佣当厨师;夏天把小屋租了出去〔chef〕short for chef (de cuisine) [head (of the kitchen)] * see chief chef (de cuisine) 的简写 [(厨师的)头目] * 参见 chief〔throw〕The cook's helper slung the peeled potatoes into a huge enamel pot. See also Synonyms at confuse 厨师的帮手把削了皮的土豆扔进了一口巨大的搪瓷锅里 参见同义词 confuse〔join〕The cook combined whipped cream, sugar, and vanilla to make a topping for the compote.厨师把掼奶油、糖和香草精混合起来做成果盘的浇汁。〔help〕You've been a great help. A food processor is a help to the serious cook.你是个很得力的帮手。食物加工机对于任务繁重的厨师来说是个有用的帮手




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