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单词 及时
释义 〔boon〕A spanking breeze is a boon to sailors.一阵狂风是对水手们的及时恩赐〔time〕When or before due.及时:在到期时或在此之前〔season〕At the right moment; opportunely.及时的:在合适时间的;碰巧的〔modern〕The wordmodern, first recorded in 1585 in the sense "of present or recent times,” has traveled through the centuriesdesignating things that inevitably must become old-fashionedas the word itself goes on to the next modern thing.We have now invented the wordpostmodern, as if we could finally fixmodern in time, but evenpostmodern (first recorded in 1949) will seem fusty in the end, perhaps sooner thanmodern will. Going back to Late Latinmodernus, "modern,” which is derived frommodo in the sense "just now,” the English wordmodern (first recorded at the beginning of the 16th century) was not originally concerned with anything that could be later considered old-fashioned. It simply meant "being at this time, now existing,” an obsolete sense today.Beginning in the later 16th century, however, we see the word contrasted with the wordancient and also used of technology in a way that is clearly related to our own modern way of using the word.Modern was being applied specifically to what pertained to present times and also to what was new and not old-fashioned.Thus in the 19th and 20th centuries the word could be used to designate a movement in art,which is now being followed by postmodernism.单词modern 首次于1585年以“现在的或最近的时代”的意义被记载, 它已经历了数个世纪,表明必然会变得过时的事物,就象这个词本身也会继续走向更加现代。现在我们已发明了单词postmodern, 仿佛我们终于能及时固定住modern 的了, 但即使是postmodern (首次于1949年记载)最终也会显得过时, 也许比modern 更快。 可追溯至近代拉丁词modernus “现代的”, 源自表示“刚才”意思的modo , 英语单词modern (首先在16世纪初被记载)原本与后来被认为过时的事物没有任何联系。 它只意味着“现时的,现存的”,今天已废弃了的一个意思。然而从16世纪晚期我们看到这个词成为ancient 的反义词并且用于科技, 其意义与我们现在使用的意义明显相关。Modern 当时特指现时的事物, 也指新的且不过时的事物。因此在19世纪和20世纪这个词能被用来表示艺术上的一个运动,现在尾随其后的是后现代主义〔readily〕In a prompt, timely manner; promptly.敏捷地:以一种快速及时的方式地;迅速地〔timely〕Occurring at a suitable or opportune time; well-timed.See Synonyms at opportune 及时的:在一个适当或适宜的时间发生的;适时的 参见 opportune〔just〕just missed being hit; just caught the bus before it pulled away.差点被击中;及时搭上即将启动的公共汽车〔unhesitating〕Prompt to act, move, or express oneself; ready:不犹豫的;及时的:迅速地行动、活动或表示自己;准备好的:〔Jamestown〕A former village of southeast Virginia, the first permanent English settlement in America. It was founded in May 1607 and named for the reigning monarch, James I. The "Starving Time" of 1609 to 1610 nearly wiped out the colony, and only the timely arrival of Baron De La Warr with supplies convinced the survivors to remain. Jamestown became the capital of Virginia after 1619 but was almost entirely destroyed during Bacon's Rebellion (1676) and further declined after the removal of the capital to Williamsburg (1698-1700).詹姆斯敦:美国弗吉尼亚州东南部的原村落,第一个英国人在美国的固定居住点。建立于1607年5月,被指定为属詹姆士一世的君主统治。1609年到1610年的“饥饿时代”几乎将这个殖民地抹去,但巴龙·德·拉·沃带着补给的及时到来给幸存者带来了信心。1619年后詹姆士镇成为了弗吉尼亚州的首府,但是在1676年的巴尔干叛乱中它几乎被毁,随后在首府迁往威廉斯堡后日渐衰落〔opportune〕a well-timed attack. inopportune 及时的攻击 inopportune〔dew〕"The timely dew of sleep/. . . inclines/Our eye-lids"(John Milton)“从沉睡中及时地醒来露珠/…爬上了/我们的眼睑”(约翰·米尔顿)〔seasonal〕 applies to what is appropriate to the season (seasonable clothing ) or timely ( seasonable intervention in the dispute ). Rains areseasonal if they occur at a certain time of the year. They areseasonable at any time if they save the crops. 适于对某个季节适应的事物(合时令的衣服 )或及时的事物( 对这场纠纷的及时调解 )。 如果雨下在一年中某一特定时间,那我们说它是seasonal 。 如果它在任何时候拯救了庄稼,那都是seasonable 〔time〕In a reasonable length of time.及时,迅速:在合适的一段时间内〔time〕Before a time limit expires.及时:在时限到来之前〔boon〕A timely blessing or benefit:及时的恩赐:及时的庇护或利益:〔knock〕knocked herself out to be ready on time.为了及时作好准备她竭尽全力〔comfort〕To soothe in time of affliction or distress.慰藉:对苦恼和忧伤的及时安慰〔opportune〕seasonable summer storms;及时的夏季暴雨;〔abreast〕keeping abreast of the latest developments.及时了解最新动态〔warn〕 Warn, the most inclusive, implies well-timed notice that causes a person to be alert, vigilant, or wary: Warn 含义最广,它含有通知及时以使某人留神、警觉或警惕之意: 〔shelter〕"O! receive the fugitive and prepare in time an asylum for mankind" (Thomas Paine).“哦!接纳逃犯并及时为人类准备庇护所” (托马斯·佩恩)。〔timely〕In time; opportunely.及时地;适时地〔pound〕A unit of weight differing in various countries and times.不同重量单位:在各个国家及时代各不相同的重量单位〔so〕Mail your package early so as to ensure its timely arrival.早点寄出你的包裹以便保证它能及时寄到〔seasonable〕Occurring or performed at the proper time; timely.See Synonyms at opportune See Usage Note at seasonal 及时的:在合适的时间发生或被实施的;及时的 参见 opportune 参见 seasonal




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