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单词 及物动词
释义 〔impact〕Each generation of critics seems to select one particular usage to stand as the emblem of what they view as linguistic crassness.Thirty years ago it was the use ofcontact as a verb, but opposition to that form has more or less disappeared,and attention now focuses on the verbal use ofimpact meaning "have an effect, affect.” Eighty-four percent of the Usage Panel disapproves of the constructionto impact on, as in the phrasesocial pathologies, common to the inner city, that impact heavily on such a community; and fully 95 percent disapproves of the use ofimpact as a transitive verb in the sentence Companies have used disposable techniques that have a potential for impacting our health. But even these figures do not reflect the degree of distaste with which critics view the usage:in their comments some Panelists labeled the usage as "bureaucratic,” "pretentious,” "vile,” and "a vulgarism.” ·It may be that the particular pretentiousness associated with the verbal use ofimpact is caused by its derivation from an already questionable metaphoric use of the noun impact, as in phrases such asthe political impact of the decision or the impact of the program on the community, in which no more is usually meant than might have been expressed by effects or consequences. But thoughimpact may have begun life a generation ago as an inflated substitute for "affect significantly,” it has by now become so common in corporate and institutional contexts that younger speakers appear to regard it as wholly standard and straightforward usage.Within a few years, accordingly,the usage is likely to be no more objectionable thancontact is now, since it will no longer betray any particular pretentiousness on the part of those who use it.See Usage Note at contact 每一代的批评家好象都挑了一个特别的用法作为他们认为的语言上的愚蠢行为的象征。三十年以前是contact 作为动词的用法, 但是对这种形式的反对或多或少已经消失了,注意力现在集中到了impact 意思为“有不好的影响、影响”的动词用法上。 用法专题小组成员中百分之八十四不同意to impact on 的结构, 如在短语对内城区来说很普通的社会病理学,对这样一个社区产生了很大影响的 当中; 百分之九十五的成员完全不同意impact 在句子 公司已经使用了可能会对我们的健康产生不良影响的易处理技术 中当作及物动词来使用。 但是即使是这些数字也没有反映出批评家们对这种用法厌恶的程度:在他们的评论当中有些成员把这种用法说成是“官僚主义的”、“装腔作势的”,“可耻的”,还说这是“粗鄙的语言。”也许和impact 的动词用法有关联的虚饰成份是由于它是从名词 impact 的一个早有争议的比喻用法衍变而来造成的。 如在短语这个决定在政治上的影响 或者 这个计划对公众的影响 中它的意思并没有比用 effects 或者 consequences 表达出来的意思要多。 尽管impact 作为“明显地影响”的夸大了的替代可能在一代人之前开始产生, 但是现在的年轻一代使用者看上去把它当成了完全标准的、直接的用法,这在共同的和惯例的文章中已经很普遍了。相应地在几年内,这种用法很有可能不比今天的contact 更引起反对, 因为对于那些使用它的人来说这不会再显得有点矫揉造作了 参见 contact〔teach〕Some grammarians have objected to the use ofteach as a transitive verb when its object denotes an institution of learning, as in 一些语法学家反对teach 在它的宾语表示学习的机构时它作为及物动词的用法, 如在 〔debut〕Debut is widely used as a verb, both intransitively ( Debut 作为动词广泛使用, 既可用作不及物动词〔debut〕 and transitively ( 又可用作及物动词( 〔retract〕V., tr., senses 2 and 3, and v., intr., sense 2, Middle English retracten 及物动词释义2和释义3,不及物动词释义2, 中古英语 retracten 〔boast〕Some have objected to the use ofboast as a transitive verb meaning "to possess or own (a desirable feature),” as inThis network boasts an audience with a greater concentration of professionals and managers than any other broadcast vehicle. This usage is by now well established, however,and is acceptable to 62 percent of the Usage Panel.有人反对将boast 用作意指“占有或拥有(一种良好素质)”的及物动词, 比如在这家媒体网络拥有比任何其他传播媒介都大的专业人员和管理人员群体 中。 然而这种用法已被广泛接受了,百分之六十二的用法专题使用小组成员同意这种用法〔scoot〕Scoot comes from a Scandinavian verb related to the verb shoot and, borrowed into Scots dialect, originally meant "to squirt with water.” Two derived senses, both intransitive verbs, have become even more common:"to slide suddenly across a surface" and "to move quickly": The mouse scooted across the floor. In the American Midlands, there is a phrasal verbscoot over, meaning, in its transitive sense, "to push (someone or something) to the side to make room.”Scoot 源于斯堪的纳维亚语的一个与动词 Shoot 有关的动词,被借入到苏格兰方言中,最初意为“用水喷”。 它的二个都为不及物动词的引申意甚至变得更为常见: “突然滑过表面”和“快速移动”: 老鼠突然窜过地板。 在美国中部地区,有一动词词组scoot over , 它作及物动词时意为“把(人或物)挪开以让路”〔ergative〕Of or relating to a language, such as Georgian, in which the subject of an intransitive verb and the object of a transitive verb is expressed by one grammatical case, and the subject of a transitive verb is expressed by another.动者格语言的:用一个语法格表示不及物动词主语和及物动词宾语,用另一个语法格表示及物动词主语的语言(如格鲁吉亚语)的,或与其相关的〔lack〕As an intransitive verbin the sense "to be wanting or deficient,”lack is used chiefly in the present participle with in: 作为一个不及物动词,用于“缺乏或缺少”之意的lack 主要和 in一起用于现在分词中: 〔contrast〕 Whencontrast is used as a transitive verb, bothwith and to may follow, thoughwith is more common: 当contrast 被用作及物动词时, 后面可跟with 和 to , 但with 更为普遍: 〔quote〕As a transitive verbquote is appropriately used to describe the use of an exact wording drawn from another source. When the original source is paraphrased or alluded to,the more general termcite is usually preferable. · The nounquote is well established as a truncation of quotation, though many critics regard it as unduly journalistic or breezy.As such, it is best avoided in formal literary discussions.The use of the noun was acceptable to only 38 percent of the Usage Panel in the sentenceHe began the chapter with a quote from the Bible. But the usage is less objectionable in informal contexts or in reference to less august sources;the word was acceptable to 53 percent of the Panel in the sentenceHe lightened up his talk by throwing in quotes from Marx Brothers movies. · The nounquote is sometimes used as a synonym for "dictum, saying,” as inHis career is just one more validation of Andy Warhol's quote that "in the future, everybody will be famous for fifteen minutes.” This example was unacceptable to 76 percent of the Usage Panel.作为一个及物动词,用quote 一词来指从另一出处中抄取完全一样的用语是很恰当的。 当原文出处被意译或是间接提及时,一个意义更广泛的词cite 更可取。 quote 这名词形式是由 quatation 削减而来,也已被普遍接受, 虽然许多批评家认为这个词染有不恰当的记者文风或不太正式。因此,在正式的文学讨论中最好避免使用。在用法专题使用小组的调查中,只有38%的人认为这个名词在这章的开始他引用了《圣经》中的一段 文字 这个句子中的用法是可行的。 但在不正式的语境下或提及的出处不很严肃时,对于这种用法的反对意见要少一些。在他插入了一段引自马克斯兄弟电影中的 话 来活跃谈话气氛 这个句子中, 53%的小组成员认为这个词可以接受。 Quote 这个名词有时也可用作“格言、名言”的同义词, 如在他的一生再一次证实了安迪·霍尔的 格言 “将来,每个人都将享有十五分钟的知名度” 这个句子中, 用法专题使用小组中76%的成员认为这个例句无法接受〔research〕Some critics have objected to the use ofresearch as a transitive verb, but the usage has ample historical precedent and is common in reputable writing.In the most recent survey 81 percent of the Usage Panel accepted the sentence 一些评论家反对把research 一词作为及物动词使用, 但是这一用法有充足的历史先例并在优秀的写作中司空见惯。在最近的一次调查中81%的用法专题小组成员接受了 〔absolute〕Of, relating to, or being a transitive verb when its object is implied but not stated. For example,inspires in We have a teacher who inspires is an absolute verb. 独立的:及物动词的宾语是暗指的而并非明确指出的,比如鼓舞 在 我们有一位鼓舞人的老师 中是作为一独立动词 〔headquarter〕The verbheadquarter occurs in both transitive and intransitive senses: 动词headquarter 可同时用作及物动词或不及物动词〔alibi〕Alibi (noun) in its nonlegal sense of "an excuse" is acceptable in written usage to almost half of the Usage Panel.As an intransitive verb (they never alibi ), it is unacceptable in written usage to a large majority of the Panel.Alibi (名词)作为没有法律意义的“借口”解释时, 差不多半数以上的用法使用小组成员认为其书面用法是可以接受的。而作为不及物动词(they never alibi(他们从不为自己辩解) ), 用法使用小组中的大多数人不接受其书面用法〔lay〕Lay ("to put, place, or prepare") and lie ("to recline or be situated") are frequently confused. Lay is a transitive verb and takes an object. Lay and its principal parts ( laid, laying ) are correctly used in the following examples: Lay (“放、安置或准备”)和 lie (“躺下或位于”)两词经常被混淆。 Lay 是一及物动词,能接宾语。 在以下的例子中,lay 及它的分词形式( laid,laying )在下列句子中的用法是正确的: 〔absolutive〕Of or relating to the grammatical case in ergative languages of the subject of an intransitive verb and the object of a transitive verb.主动格的:不及物动词主语、及物动词宾语的主动格语言中的一种语法格的、或与其相关的〔identify〕In the sense "to associate or affiliate (oneself) closely with a person or group,”identify has developed two distinct subsenses. In one, the verb suggests a psychological empathy with the feelings or experiences of another person,as inMost young readers readily identify (or identify themselves ) with Holden Caulfield. This usage derives originally from psychoanalytic writing,where it has a specific technical sense,but like other terms from that field,it was widely regarded as jargon when introduced into the wider discourse.In particular,critics seized on the fact that in this sense the verb was often used intransitively,with no reflexive pronoun.As Wilson Follett wrote in 1966,"The critic . . . could help restore the true notion in these words if he would give upidentifying at large and resume identifying himself with Ivan Karamazov, Don Quixote, Mary Poppins, or whomever.” In recent years, however, this use ofidentify with without the reflexive has become a standard locution. Eighty-two percent of the Usage Panel accepts the sentenceI find it hard to identify with any of his characters; whereas only 63 percent now accepts this same usage when the reflexive pronoun is used,as inI find it hard to identify myself with any of his characters. · Omission of the reflexive with this use ofidentify serves among other things to distinguish it from use of the verb to mean "to associate (oneself) with the goals, interests, or principles of a group.” This use of the verb can be traced back to the 18th century,but it is now somewhat less acceptable to the Panel than the first sense under discussion:58 percent of the Panel accepts the sentenceShe identified herself with the campaign against drug abuse, and only 40 percent acceptsShe identified with the campaign against drug abuse, where no reflexive pronoun is used. 在“使(自己)密切联系或依附于别人”这一意思中的。identify 一词又有两种不同的含义。 第一,这个动词表现了对其他人的感情或经历在心理上的认同,例如大多数青年读者很快认同了 (或 identify themselves ) 霍尔顿·科尔菲德。 这种用法来源于有关心理分析的著作,在这些著作中,这个词具有特殊的科技含义,不过就象从该领域引入的其它词语一样,这个词在日常生活使用中还带有专业术语的痕迹。特别指出的是,批评家们在发现这个词常常作为不及物动词来用,后面不带反身代词。正如威尔逊·福勒特1966年写到的,“如果评论家们很早就全面放弃identifying 而重新使用 identifying himself with 伊万·卡拉玛佐夫、堂吉诃德、玛丽·波普斯等人物,那就会有助于探询出这些词的真实含意。” 不过,近年来使用identify with 中间不加反身代词已成为一种标准搭配。 用法专题小组中82%的成员认为我觉得很难认同于他小说中的人物 一句是正确的; 而现在只有63%的成员接受使用反身代词来表达同一意思的句子,即I find it hard to identify myself with any of his characters。 省略反身代词以及其它一些方法,使identify 这种用法区别于它作为动词在“与某个集团的目标、利益或原则相联系”一句中的意思。 它作为动词的用法可追溯到18世纪,不过对于用法专题小组来说它没有第一种解释那样被易于接受:58%的小组成员接受她支持反对滥用药物的运动 这一说法, 只有40%的成员接受不要反身代词的She identified with the campaign against drug abuse 这一说法 〔dare〕The auxiliary forms are used primarily in present tense questions, negations, imperatives, and conditional clauses.These forms differ subtly in meaning from the main verb formsin that they emphasize the attitude or involvement of the speakerwhile the main verb forms present a more objective situation.ThusHow dare she take the exam without ever once coming to class? expresses indignation at the student's action, whereasHow did she dare to take the exam without ever once coming to class? is a genuine request for information. Whendare is used as a transitive verb meaning "challenge,” only main verb forms are possible andto is required: 助动词形式主要用于一般现在时疑问句、否定句、祈使句和条件从句中。这些形式和实义动词形式的意思有细微的差别,即他们强调说话者的态度和参与,而实义动词形式给出一个较客观的形势。因此她怎么敢从未上过课就参加考试呢? 表示对该学生行为的愤怒, 然而她从未上过课怎么敢参加考试呢? 是一真实的信息需求, 当dare 用作及物动词意指“挑战”时, 只能是实义动词形式而且要接to : 〔ergative〕Of or relating to the grammatical case of the subject of a transitive verb in such a language.动者格的:动者格语言中及物动词主语的语法格的,或与其相关的〔set〕Originallyset meant "to cause (something) to sit,” so that it is now in most cases a transitive verb: 最初set 意思是“使…就坐”,所以现在它大多情况下是及物动词〔get〕Used with the past participle of transitive verbs as a passive voice auxiliary:被:作为被动语气助动词而与及物动词的过去分词连用:〔dig〕V., tr., sense 7 and intr., sense 3, perhaps influenced by Wolof degg [to hear, find out, understand] 不及物动词释义7和及物动词释义3,可能受 沃洛夫语 degg的影响 [听,发现,明白] 〔mill〕Tomill, in Western U.S. English, means "to halt a cattle stampede by turning the lead animals.”In theOxford English Dictionary we find this 19th-century example of the verb: "At last the cattle ran with less energy, and it was presently easy to ‘mill’ them into a circle and to turn them where it seemed most desirable" (Munsey's Magazine).This usage ofmill comes from the resemblance of the cattle's circular motion to the action of millstones. A related intransitive sense of the verb is better known in Standard English: A crowd milled around in the street. Originally this sense ofmill also meant "circular motion"; now it means "to move around in churning confusion"with no pattern in particular.Mill 这个词在美国西部所说的英语中, 意为“通过让领头牲畜绕圈子跑来制止牛群的惊跑”。在牛津英语词典 中, 我们可以找到该动词19世纪用法的例子: “最后牛群终于跑得快没劲儿了,这时候可以容易地驱赶头牛,把其它牛绕进圈子里,然后把它们赶到最合适的地方去” (芒西杂志)。Mill 的这种用法来自牛群绕圈跑与磨石运作的相似之处。 该词作不及物动词时所具有的与此相关的意义在标准英语中更为常见: 一群人在大街上兜圈子。 Mill 的这一含义本来亦指“旋转运动”; 现在它指“在旋涡般的混乱中到处移动”,不再有其它特指〔materialize〕In its original sensesmaterialize is used intransitively to mean "to assume material form,” as inMarley's ghost materialized before Scrooge's eyes, or transitively to mean "to cause to assume material form,” as inDisney materialized his dream in a plot of orchard land in Orange County. But these uses are probably less common nowadays than two extended senses of the intransitive sense of the verb.In the first the meaning is roughly "to appear suddenly,”as inNo sooner had we set the menu down than a waiter materialized at our table. Some critics have labeled this use incorrect,but the criticism may suggest an overliteralism;used in this way,the verb has the sense "to appear as if by magic.”Materialize also means "to take effective shape, come into existence,” particularly as applied to things or events that have been foreseen or anticipated: materialize 的最初含义是作为不及物动词时意思是“具有物质形式,” 例如在玛雷的鬼魂在斯克鲁奇眼前显现了 一句中或作及物动词时意思是“使具有物质形式,” 例如在迪斯尼在奥兰治郡的一块果园实现了他的梦想 中。 但是现在这两种用法也许不如该词作为不及物动词的两种延伸的用法更为常见。第一种用法的大致意思是指“突然出现,”例如在我们刚放下菜单不久,侍者就突然出现在我们的饭桌旁 中。 一些批评家认为这种用法不准确,但是这种批评未免太拘泥于字面意思;同样这种用法下,该词还有“仿佛由于魔力而出现”的意思。Materialize 还有“显形,显效,出现”的含义, 尤其适用在已经预料到或被期望的事物。 〔rattle〕A large proportion (86 percent) of the Usage Panel approved the use of the verbrattle in the sense "to unnerve" in the first edition ofThe American Heritage Dictionary, published in 1969. But we may ask how the verbrattle came to have such a sense. The earliest use of the word is found in a name,Johannes Ratellebagg, recorded in a document of around 1273; the earliest use of the word as a common noun (in the sense "to flap, used of a banner") is found in a work written about 1300and copied in manuscript around 1330.It is thought that the word probably comes from Middle Dutchratelen, which may be imitative in origin. In any case,the wordratelen was used mainly in intransitive senses such as "to make a rattling sound.”Already in Middle English, however, the transitive sense "to babble something" existed,and other transitive senses,as in "to make something rattle,” "to stir up, rouse,” "to drive in a rapid, rattling manner,” came into existence from the 16th century on.The transitive sense "to unnerve,”that is, "to make somebody rattle,” is first found in an American work of 1869.词语用法专题小组中有相当一部分人(百分之八十六)都同意rattle 这个词有“使人不安”的意思, 1969年出版的美国经典辞书 第一版收录了这一意思。 但人们不禁要问动词rattle 为何有了这个意思。 该词最早的使用发现于1273年前后记载的一个文件中的Johannes Ratellebagg 这个名字中; 1300年这个词第一次被用作普通名词(意为“飘扬,用于旗帜”),1330年又见于手抄的印本中。人们认为这个词可能来自原来可能是拟声词的中古德语ratelen 。 不过无论怎样,ratelen 这个词本来只是作为不及物动词来使用, 如发出嘎嘎声等意思。在中古英语中,“含糊不清地说出”这一及物动词的意思就已存在,该词其它的及物意思,如“使发出嘎嘎声”、“激起,唤醒”“嘎嘎响地急速向前拖”从16世纪开始就形成了。及物意思“使不安,”即“使某人惊慌”首先出现于1869年的美国作品中〔lay〕There are a few exceptions to these rules.The phrasal verblay for and the nautical use of lay, as inlay at anchor, though intransitive, are well established.对于这些规则也有一些例外。动词词组lay for 及航海用语 lay , 如在lay at anchor (抛锚)中, 虽然为不及物动词,但已被广泛接受了〔hack〕V., intr., sense 2, back-formation from hacker 1及物动词释义2,源自 hacker1的逆成词 〔take〕Intransitive verbs take no direct object.不及物动词不带直接宾语〔lay〕Lieis an intransitive verb and does not take an object.Lie and its principal parts ( lay, lain, lying ) are correctly used in the following examples: Lie是一不及物动词, 不接宾语。在以下的例句中,lie 和它的分词形式( lay,lain,lying )的用法是正确的: 〔set〕Sit is generally an intransitive verb: Sit通常是不及物动词〔bus〕V., intr., sense 2, back-formation from busboy 不及物动词释义2,源自 busboy的逆成词〔peddle〕V., intr., sense 2, probably influenced by piddle 不及物动词释义2,可能受 piddle的影响〔unbeknown〕obsolete beknown [known] from Middle English beknowen [past participle of] beknowen [to get to know] from Old English becnāwan be- [be-] cnāwan [to know] * see know 废语 beknown [知道的] 源自 中古英语 beknowen beknowen的过去分词 [认识] 源自 古英语 becnāwan be- [前缀,构成及物动词] cnāwan [得知] * 参见 know〔tump〕The verbtump, used almost invariably with over in the intransitive sense "to fall over"and the transitive sense "to overturn,”is in common use in the South.The editors of theDictionary of American Regional English have collected evidence of its use in Arkansas, Texas, and Kentucky; it is also common in Alabama, Tennessee, and Georgia.This example supplied byDARE is typical: "When he brushed against the coffee table his Coke tumped over" (Little Rock, Arkansas, informant).But another citation, taken from Gregory Jaynes's parody of detective fiction, "In New York State: Who Poisoned the Pudding?” in the June 17, 1985, issue ofTime, indicates that tump may not be exclusively Southern: "At the end he tumps over into his rice pudding, poisoned. Whodunit?” As for its ultimate origin,tump is probably related to tumble as a separate development from the same Old English verbtumbian. 动词tump 几乎总是和 over 连用, 作不及物动词表示“倾倒,翻倒”,也可作及物动词表示“弄翻,翻转”,这个词在南部普遍使用。美国方言词典 的编辑们收集证据证明这个词用于阿肯色州、得克萨斯州和肯塔基州, 也普遍用于阿拉巴马州,田纳西州和佐治亚州。美国区域英语词典 中提供的这个例句很典型: “当他擦过咖啡桌时,他的可乐打翻了” (阿肯色州小石城,密告者)。但是从格里高利·杰恩斯的模仿侦探小说的作品《在纽约州:谁往布丁里下了毒?》(该作品刊登于1985年6月17日出版的时代 )中摘录的另一处引文却显示 tump 不一定只在南方使用: “最后,他跌倒在自己的稻米布丁中,被毒死了。谁干的?” 至于这个的词的最终来源,tump 可能与 tumble 有关, 它们分别从同一个古英语动词tumbian 发展而来 〔be〕Used with the past participle of a transitive verb to form the passive voice:与一个及物动词的过去分词连用,形成被动语态:〔flaunt〕Flaunt as a transitive verb means "to exhibit ostentatiously": Flaunt 作及物动词用时意思是“卖弄似地展示”:




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