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单词 反复
释义 〔rehearse〕To perfect or cause to perfect (an action) by repetition.See Synonyms at practice 经训练使熟练掌握:通过反复使完善或造成动作的完美 参见 practice〔din〕To instill by wearying repetition:喋喋不休地说:使人厌烦的反复灌注:〔drill〕Disciplined, repetitious exercise as a means of teaching and perfecting a skill or procedure.训练:受控制的、反复的练习,以做为转授或完成一项技术或程序的手段〔harass〕 Harass andharry imply systematic persecution by besieging with repeated annoyances, threats, demands, or misfortunes: Harass 和harry 意指通过反复的激怒、威胁、命令或不幸来包围而进行的有组织的困扰: 〔tick〕To emit recurring clicking sounds:滴嗒作响:发出反复的滴嗒声:〔flexible〕Capable of being bent repeatedly without injury or damage.弹性的:能够反复弯曲而不损伤或损坏的〔tootle〕The act or sound of tooting softly and repeatedly, as on a flute.(发)嘟嘟声:轻轻、反复吹奏的动作或音,例如在长笛上〔truth〕 Verity often applies to an enduring or repeatedly demonstrated truth: Verity 常表示长久的或反复验证的真理: 〔work〕To cause to be inserted by repeated or continuous effort.努力插入:经过反复的或不断的努力使被插进去〔tick〕A light, sharp, clicking sound made repeatedly by a machine, such as a clock.滴嗒声:钟表等机器反复发出的很轻且很高的滴嗒声〔hobbyhorse〕A topic with which one is obsessed; a fixation.反复爱讲的话题;固结,依恋〔videodisk〕A recording on disk of sounds and images, as of a movie, that can be played back on a television receiver.电视唱片:象电影一样带有声音和图像的录像盘,能够在电视接收器上反复播放〔ding〕To instill with constant repetition:反复唠叨地讲:〔scribble〕It is not easy to think simultaneously of the carefully crafted writings of a trained scribe and the hastily scrawled jottings referred to by the wordscribble, but the two words are related.Scribe goes back to the Latin scrība, meaning "one who has charge of things such as public records or accounts,” scrība, in turn, coming from scrībere, "to write.” The Latin word was borrowed into English directly as well as by way of Old French (scribe ), giving us Middle English scribe, first recorded in a work written probably around 1200.People do not always write with great care,especially when pressed for time,as is shown by an early use of the verbscribble in a Middle English text: "Scribled in hast with mine owne hand in default of other helpe.”Hence it is easy to see why the verbscribble came into existence. From Latinscrībere English had formed its own verb scriben, "to write,” and probably from this verb with the addition of the suffix-el, denoting diminutive, repetitive, or intensive actions, came the Middle English word scriblen (first recorded around 1456), the ancestor of our wordscribble. 不容易同时想到由经过训练的抄写员细心写出来的字体和单词scribble 所指的匆忙中胡乱的涂写, 但是这两个字是有关联的。Scribe 可追溯到拉丁文 scriba 意思是“管理公众记录或记事的人”。 scriba 反过来,来自于 scribere, 即“写”。 这个拉丁文字通过古法语(scribe )被直接借入英语,这样我们就有了中世纪英语 scribe, 大概在1200年左右第一次被写入作品中。人们不是总能非常细心地写字,尤指当时间紧凑时,就如同在一个中世纪英语文章中scribble 的早期用法似的: “缺少其它帮助时用我自己的手匆匆地乱写”。因此很容易理解为什么动词scribble 出现了。 源于拉丁文scribere ,英语也形成了它自己的动词 scriben, “写”。 并用加上后缀-el, 表示小的、反复的或者强调的行为的单词,可能衍生了那个中世纪英语单词 scriblen (最早被记录于1456年左右), 即我们现在的单词scribble 的前身 〔fractal〕A geometric pattern that is repeated at ever smaller scales to produce irregular shapes and surfaces that cannot be represented by classical geometry. Fractals are used especially in computer modeling of irregular patterns and structures in nature.不规则碎片形:一种几何形状,被以越来越小的比例反复折叠而产生不能被标准几何所定义的不标准的形状和表面。不规则碎片形尤被用于对天然不规则的模型和结构的计算机模型制作中〔repeat〕Of, relating to, or being something that repeats or is repeated:重复的,反复的:属于、关于或为重复或被重复事物的:〔percolator〕A coffeepot in which boiling water is forced repeatedly up through a central tube to filter back down through a basket of ground coffee beans.咖啡渗滤壶:一种咖啡壶,使开水反复通过一中心管,再返回滤过的磨好的咖啡豆〔fixate〕To command the attention of exclusively or repeatedly; preoccupy obsessively:全部或反复控制地注意;固定地占据:〔drill〕drill pupils in grammar.经反复训练使学生完全掌握语法〔reprise〕A return to an original theme.反复:返回原来的主旋律〔repeated〕Said, done, or occurring again and again:反复的:一遍又一遍地说、做或发生的:〔Hama〕A city of western Syria south-southwest of Aleppo. Settled probably in the Bronze Age, it was a Hittite center in the second millenniumb.c. and is frequently mentioned in the Bible as Hamath. Population, 177,208. 哈马:叙利亚西部的一个城市,位于阿勒坡的西南偏南,始建于约青铜器时代,它是公元前 两千年赫梯族的中心,并且在《圣经》中以哈马斯的名字反复被提及。人口177,208 〔chant〕chanted defiant slogans.反复呼喊抗议口号〔research〕re- [re-] re- [表示“反复”等意思的前缀] 〔nucleosome〕Any of the repeating subunits of chromatin, consisting of a DNA chain coiled around a core of histones.核小体:染色质反复的从属单位,由盘绕在组蛋白核的脱氧核糖核酸链条构成〔over〕made me write it ten times over.让我反复写了十次〔litany〕a litany of praise for the new professor.对新教授反复称颂〔stroke〕A single uninterrupted movement, especially when repeated or in a back-and-forth motion:摆动:单个连续运动,尤指前后来回反复运动:〔frequentative〕Expressing or designating repeated action.反复的:表示或描述重复的动作〔harry〕To disturb or distress by or as if by repeated attacks; harass.See Synonyms at harass 一再骚扰:以反复的攻击或类似方式来烦扰;骚扰 参见 harass〔drill〕To infuse knowledge of or skill in by repetitious instruction.See Synonyms at practice See Synonyms at teach 灌输:经反复讲解传授知识或技术 参见 practice 参见 teach〔scale〕A hard mineral coating that forms on the inside surface of boilers, kettles, and other containers in which water is repeatedly heated.锅垢:在锅、壶和其它盛水器皿中经反复加热后在容器内壁形成的硬矿物质层〔mop〕To wash or wipe with or as if with a mop:用或好象用拖把反复清洗或擦拭:〔slogan〕A phrase used repeatedly, as in advertising or promotion:广告语:(广告或促销中)反复使用的短语:〔iterative〕Characterized by or involving repetition, recurrence, reiteration, or repetitiousness.重复的:以反复、循环、重述或重复为特征的;或与之相关的〔canvass〕"The evidence had been repeatedly canvassed in American courts"(Anthony Lewis)“证据已在美国的法庭中反复被审查过”(安东尼·刘易斯)〔cycle〕A periodically repeated sequence of events:周而复始:一个周期反复的事件的后果:〔container〕A large reusable receptacle that can accommodate smaller cartons or cases in a single shipment, designed for efficient handling of cargo.集装箱:一种可反复使用的大型容器,可将小一些的纸盒或箱子容纳在一批运载的货物中,专为高效率地装卸货物而设计〔practice〕Repeated performance of an activity in order to learn or perfect a skill:苦练:为掌握或完善某种技能某活动的反复进行:〔hammer〕hammered the information into the students' heads.把这条信息反复向学生们强调




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