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单词 发型
释义 〔Mohawk〕A hairstyle in which the scalp is shaved except for an upright strip of hair that runs across the crown of the head from the forehead to the nape of the neck.莫霍克头:一种发型,头皮剃光,只留一长条竖起的头发从脑门穿过头顶直到脖子的后颈〔pouf〕A woman's hairstyle popular in the 18th century, characterized by high rolled puffs.高发髻:18世纪流行的一种女式发型,其特点是将头发高高盘起呈蓬松状〔gel〕A jellylike substance used in styling hair.发胶:固定发型时使用的胶状物质〔unisex〕unisex clothing; unisex hairstyles.不分男女的衣服;不分男女的发型〔Afro〕A rounded, very thick, tightly curled hair style.埃弗罗发式,非洲黑人头:一种圆形的,非常浓密且紧凑卷曲的发型〔haircut〕A style in which hair is cut.发型:剪发所形成的发式〔punk〕Of or relating to a style of dress worn by punk rockers and often characterized by unusual clothing, hairstyles, and makeup.庞克风格:属于或有关庞克乐师的衣着风格并常以不寻常的衣着、发型和化装为特征〔cornrow〕To arrange or style (hair) by dividing into sections and braiding close to the scalp in rows.玉米辫子发型:把(头发)分绺编为成排的辫子,贴于头皮上〔hairstyle〕The design of a coiffure.发型:头发的样式〔hairpin〕A thin, cylindrical strip of metal or other material bent in the shape of a long U, used by women to secure a hairdo or headdress.发夹:一个由金属或其它材料制成,被弯成一个长U形的细瘦的柱形长条,用来固定妇女的发型或发式〔mousse〕An aerosol foam used to control and style the hair.摩丝:一种用于梳理和设计发型的乳胶〔headdress〕A hairdo; a coiffure.头发式样;发型〔pompadour〕A woman's hairstyle formed by sweeping the hair up from the forehead.高卷式:一种妇女的发型,将头发从前额往上梳做成〔ponytail〕A hairstyle in which the hair is held back so as to hang down like a pony's tail.马尾辫:一种将头发一把束于脑后的发型,垂下的头发就象一个马尾〔ducktail〕A hairstyle in which the hair is swept back at the sides to meet in an upturned point in back. Also called DA 1鸭尾巴式发型:两侧头发后梳,在脑后向上转的一点相遇的发型 也作 DA1〔pompadour〕A man's hairstyle formed by brushing the hair up from the forehead.大背头:一种男子的发型,将头发从前额往上梳做成〔pageboy〕A hairstyle, usually shoulder-length, with the ends of the hair curled under smoothly in a loose roll.发梢向内蜷曲的齐肩发型:一种发型,通常是齐肩的长发,头发末端朝里卷成自然流畅的发卷〔roach〕A hairstyle especially among certain Native American peoples in which the head is shaved except for a strip from front to back across the top.拱状发型:一种发型,在某些美国土著民族中尤为常见,除从前到后在头顶留一条头发外其余头发全都剃掉〔popularize〕A famous dancer popularized the new hairstyle.一位著名的舞蹈家使这种发型流行起来〔costume〕A prevalent fashion of dress, including garments, accessories, and hairstyle.服饰:一种流行的穿着样式,包括衣服、装饰和发型〔cornbraid〕To style (hair) in rows of thin braids; cornrow.编麦穗发型:把头发编成一行行的细辫;编成玉米状发型〔permanent〕In this world of impermanenceit seems that we have tried to hold on to a few things at least by using the wordpermanent. Coming ultimately from the present participlepermanēns of Latin permanēre, "to endure,” Middle Englishpermanent (first recorded around 1425) also had to do with the enduring and the stable. When we consider some of the applications of this adjective,as inpermanent press, permanent tooth, we are struck by the relative evanescence of the so-called permanent.But perhaps never more so than in the case of the permanent wave.When asked what this phenomenon was,one journalist wrote in 1932,“(so far as my experience goes): a wave that is anything but permanent.”在这个无常的世界里,看起来我们已经试图保持一些事物,至少通过使用permanent 这个词来保持。 最终来自意为“持久,持续”的拉丁文permanere 的现在分词 permanens, 中世纪英语permanent (大约在1425年首次记录)也与持久和稳固的意思有关。 当我们考虑这个形容词的一些用法时,例如在句子耐久熨压,恒牙 中, 我们便会想到所谓永恒的相对的短暂性。但可能从不会因波浪式发型而想到此。当被问到这种现象是怎么回事时,一个新闻记者于1932年写道:“(以我的经验而言):卷曲发型恰恰不是永恒的”〔hairpiece〕A covering or bunch of human or artificial hair used to conceal baldness or give shape to a coiffure.假发:用来遮秃或装饰发型的一块或一绺人发或假发




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