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单词 发展阶段
释义 〔adolescence〕The period of physical and psychological development from the onset of puberty to maturity.青春期:从青春发育期到成熟期的一段生理与心理的发展阶段〔rudiment〕Often rudiments Something in an incipient or undeveloped form: 常作 rudiments 初级阶段:处于早期或未发展阶段的某物:〔formative〕the formative stages of a plot.情节的发展阶段〔latency〕The psychoanalytic stage of development, from about five years to puberty, during which a child represses sexual urges and prefers to associate with members of the same sex.潜伏期:心理分析学中人的大约五岁到青春期这一发展阶段,在这期间儿童压抑其性欲并倾向于与同性别成员相处〔insanity〕underwent progressive stages of dementia. 经历了精神失常由轻到重的发展阶段 〔seed〕To help (a business, for example) in its early development.催化:在最初的发展阶段中帮助(例如一个企业)〔morning〕the morning of a new nation.新国家的最初发展阶段〔postindustrial〕Of or relating to a period in the development of an economy or a nation in which the relative importance of manufacturing lessens and that of services, information, and research grows.后工业化的:制造业的重要性相对减弱而服务业、信息业及科研工作的重要性相对加强的经济或国家之发展阶段的,或与之相关的〔adder〕The biblical injunction to be wise as serpents and innocent as doves looks somewhat alien in the Middle English guise "Loke ye be prudent as neddris and symple as dowves.”Neddris, which is perhaps the strangest-looking word in this Middle English passage, would beadders in Modern English, with a different meaning and form. Adder, an example of specialization in meaning, no longer refers to just any serpent or snake, as it once did, but now denotes only specific kinds of snakes.Adder also illustrates a process known as false splitting, or juncture loss: the word came from Old Englishnǣdre and kept its n into the Middle English period, but later during that stage of the language people started analyzing the phrasea naddre as an addre —the false splitting that has given us adder. “象蟒蛇一样聪明,象白鸽一样无邪”的圣经训谕与在中古英语中的“象蛇一样智虑,象鸽子一样简单”的表达法看起来颇为不同。Neddris 也许是中古英语的中看起来较奇怪的一个词, 在现代英语中为adders ,意义和形式相差很大。 Adder 作为意义特殊化的一个例子,不再象从前一样表示蟒蛇或蛇, 而只表示蛇的特殊种类。Adder 同时也说明了错误分离或连音遗失的过程: 这个词来源于古英语的needre 并在中古英语中保留 n , 但是在后来的英语发展阶段,人们开始将词组a naddre 分析为 an adder --这种错误的分离给我们提供了 adder 一词 〔primitive〕One that is at a low or early stage of development.初期发展:处于低级或早期发展阶段的事物〔civilize〕To raise from barbarism to an enlightened stage of development; bring out of a primitive or savage state.使文明:使…从野蛮到一个开化的发展阶段;把…带出原始社会阶段或奴隶社会阶段〔early〕Of or belonging to an initial stage of development:初级阶段:处于发展阶段的早期部分:〔new〕"The science of pure mathematics, in its modern development, may claim to be the most original creation of the human spirit" (Alfred North Whitehead).“纯数学学科,在其现代发展阶段或许可被称之为人类精神的最初创造” (阿尔弗莱德·诺斯·怀特海德)




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