单词 | 发明 |
释义 | 〔Hero〕Alexandrian scientist who invented many water-driven and steam-driven machines and devised a formula for determining the area of a triangle.希罗:亚历山大时期的科学家,发明了许多水动力机和蒸汽动力机并想出了测定三角形面积的公式〔Sumer〕An ancient country of southern Mesopotamia in present-day southern Iraq. Archaeological evidence dates the beginnings of Sumer to the fifth millenniumb.c. By 3000 a flourishing civilization existed, which gradually exerted power over the surrounding area and culminated in the Akkadian dynasty founded (c. 2340) by Sargon I. Sumer declined after 2000 and was later absorbed by Babylonia and Assyria. The Sumerians are believed to have invented the cuneiform system of writing. 苏美尔:美索不达米亚平南部一古国,位于今伊拉克南部。据考古学的证据显示,苏美尔的建立可追溯到公元前 五千年,到公元前3000年,就已出现了繁荣的文明,它逐渐地影响并控制了周围的地区,到萨尔贡世建立的古阿卡德王朝时(前2340年)、文明达到顶峰的公元前2000年前后,苏美尔开始衰落,后来被巴比伦和亚述吞并,人们相信苏美尔人发明了象形文字 〔comparable〕"The satellite revolution is comparable to Gutenberg's invention of movable type"(Irvin Molotsky)“卫星旋转可与谷登堡活字印刷的发明相比较”(欧文·莫洛特斯基)〔Brunel〕French-born British engineer who invented a tunneling shield and successfully used it in his construction of the Thames Tunnel (1825-1843). His sonIsambard Kingdom Brunel (1806-1859) designed the first transatlantic steamship, the Great Western (1838). 布鲁内尔,马克·埃萨莫德:(1769-1849) 法裔的英国工程师,发明了隧道掘进铠框,在建泰晤士隧道时(1825-1843年),成功地运用了此项发明。其子伊萨姆巴德·金德姆·布鲁内尔 (1806-1859年)设计了第一艘横渡大西洋的轮船, 伟大的西方 (1838年) 〔Beach〕American publisher whose aggressive journalism established theNew York Sun as a leading daily newspaper. He is also credited with publishing the first syndicated news story. His son Moses Sperry Beach (1822-1892) invented a cutting device that allowed printing on a continuous roll of paper and a process for printing both sides of a newspaper sheet at one time. 比奇,摩西·耶尔:(1800-1868) 美国出版家,以其积极向上的新闻工作创立了作为主要日报的《纽约太阳报》 。发表第一个报业辛迪加的新闻故事也是他的功劳。他的儿子 摩西·斯佩里·比奇 (1822-1892年)发明了一个切割装置,使得印刷可在连续滚动的纸卷上进行,并且发明了同时在报纸的两面印刷的程序 〔Mercator〕Flemish cartographer who developed the Mercator projection (1568).麦卡托,格哈杜斯:(1512-1594) 佛兰芝地图的绘制者,发明了麦卡托投影法(1568年)〔invention〕Skill in inventing; inventiveness:发明才能:在发明方面的技巧;创造性:〔Briggs〕English mathematician who devised the decimal-based system of logarithms and invented the modern method of long division.布里格斯,亨利:(1561-1630) 英国数学家,发明常用对数和现代长除法的方法〔Leibnitz〕German philosopher and mathematician. He invented differential and integral calculus independently of Newton and proposed the metaphysical theory that we live in "the best of all possible worlds.”莱布尼兹,戈特弗里德·威廉·冯:(1646-1716) 德国哲学家和数学家。他不受牛顿影响而发明了微分演算法和积分演算法,并提出了我们生活在“所有可能存在最美好的世界”中的形而上学理论〔Pasteur〕French chemist who founded modern microbiology, invented the process of pasteurization, and developed vaccines for anthrax, rabies, and chicken cholera.巴斯德,路易斯:(1822-1895) 法国化学家,创立了现代微生物学,发明了巴氏杀菌法,并且改进了炭疽、狂犬病和禽霍乱的疫苗〔Diesel〕German engineer who devised and patented (1892) an internal-combustion engine.狄赛尔,鲁道夫:(1858-1913) 发明内燃机并对之拥有专利(1892年)的德国工程师〔Jubal〕In the Old Testament, a descendant of Cain who is said to have invented musical instruments.犹八:《圣经·旧约》中该隐的后代,据说是他发明了乐器〔madrigal〕from Late Latin mātrīcālis [invented, original] 源自 后期拉丁语 mātrīcālis [发明的,起源的] 〔announce〕The invention of the microchip announced a new generation of computers.微晶片的发明预示了新一代的计算机〔reap〕She reaped large profits from her unique invention.她从她那奇特的发明中获得了大量的利益〔Newton〕English mathematician and scientist who invented differential calculus and formulated the theories of universal gravitation, terrestrial mechanics, and color. His treatise on gravitation, presented inPrincipia Mathematica (1687), was supposedly inspired by the sight of a falling apple. 牛顿,艾萨克:(1642-1727) 英国数学家、科学家,他发明了微积分,系统阐述了万有引力理论、地球结构和颜色。他发表在《自然科学的数学原理》 (1687年)上关于地球引力的论文据说是因为看到苹果落地而引起的灵感 〔manufacture〕To concoct or invent; fabricate:调制或发明;制作:〔Zernike〕Dutch physicist. He won a 1953 Nobel Prize for developing the phase contrast microscope.泽尔尼克,弗里茨:(1888-1966) 荷兰物理学家,因发明相衬显微镜而获得了1953年的诺贝尔奖〔Bigelow〕American inventor of power looms used in the manufacture of fabrics and carpets. He was a founder of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1861).比奇洛,伊拉斯塔斯·布里格姆:(1814-1879) 发明用于纺织品和地毯制造中的动力纺机的美国发明家。是马萨诸塞技术研究院的创始人(1861年)〔contrivance〕Something contrived, as a mechanical device or a clever plan.发明物:发明或设计的东西,如机械装置或巧妙计划〔Sorensen〕Danish chemist who devised the pH scale for measuring the acidity or alkalinity of solutions.苏润生,索伦·彼得·劳里兹:(1868-1939) 丹麦化学家。发明了测量溶液酸度或碱度的PH值〔kudos〕Kudos is one of those words like congeries that look like pluralsbut are etymologically singular:correctness requiresKudos is (not are ) due her for her brilliant work on the score. Some writers have tried to defend the use ofkudos with a plural verb, or even the introduction of a new singular form ofkudo, on the grounds that these innovations follow the pattern whereby the English words pea and cherry were re-formed from nouns ending in-s that were thought to be plural. Perhaps the singularkudo would have to be acknowledged as a legitimate formation if it came to be widely adopted in the popular language in the way that cherry and pea have. But at presentkudos is still regarded as a slightly pretentious variant for praise and can scarcely claim to be part of the linguistic folkways of the community.When writers reach for an unfamiliar Greek word for the sake of elegance,it is fair to ask that they get it right.Still, it is worth notingthat even people who are carefulto treat the word syntactically as a singularoften pronounce it as if it were a plural:etymology would require that the final consonant be pronounced as a voiceless (s),rather than as a voiced (z).Kudos 和 congeries 那些词一样, 看上去好象是复数,但从词源上看是单数:因此正确的用法应该是Kudos is (不是 are ) due her for her brilliant work on the score 。 许多作者为kudos 后跟动词复数形式的做法辩护, 他们甚至发明了一个新的词kudo 作为该词的单数形式,他们这样做是以英语单词 pea 和 cherry 的形成模式为依据的, 这些词都是从原先结尾带-s 的复数形式名词演化而来。 kudo 这种单数形式只有在象 cherry 和 pea 这样为大众语言所普遍接受之后才能被认可为一种正确的形式。 但是现在kudos 这个词仍被看作是 praise 这个词稍稍有些做作的变体, 还很难成为社群的习惯用语的一部份。当一个作家为了行文的优雅用一个生僻的希腊词的时候,他应该正确地使用它。但是值得注意的是,即使是那些非常仔细的人,他们在句子中把它用作单数,但在读的时候却读成复数的形式:根据词源来看,这个词最后一个辅音应该发成清辅音(s),而不是浊辅音(z)〔Hale〕American astrophysicist who invented the spectroheliograph (1891) and directed the Mount Wilson Observatory (1904-1923).海耳,乔治·埃勒利:(1868-1938) 美国天体物理学家,1891年发明太阳摄谱仪,曾任威尔逊天文台台长(1904-1923年)〔patent〕A grant made by a government that confers upon the creator of an invention the sole right to make, use, and sell that invention for a set period of time.专利权:政府授予发明者在一定时期内制造、使用和销售其发明品的唯一的权力〔inventive〕Adept or skillful at inventing; creative.善于发明的:善于或长于发明的;有创造力的〔scrivener〕"Gutenberg's invention of movable type . . . took words out of the sole possession of monastic scriveners and placed them before the wider public"(Irvin Molotsky)“古得博格的可移动打字的发明…使文字不再成为苦行僧生活的抄写员的独占并使其大众化”(欧文·莫洛特斯基)〔Abel〕British chemist noted for his research and writings concerning explosives. He invented cordite (1889) with Sir James Dewar.艾贝尔,弗雷德里克·奥古斯都:(1827-1902) 英国化学家,以其对炸药的研究和专著闻名。1889年他和詹姆斯·杜瓦爵士发明了柯达无烟火药〔Corey〕American chemist. He won a 1990 Nobel Prize for developing techniques of creating synthetic compounds.科里,伊莱亚斯·詹姆斯:(生于 1928) 美国化学家,因发明制造合成纤维化合物技术获1990年诺贝尔奖〔Piccard〕Swiss physicist and aeronaut known for his experiments at extreme altitudes and depths. He designed a balloon that in 1932 carried him to 16,946.7 meters (55,563 feet) and invented a bathyscaphe that in 1953 reached a depth of 3,151.3 meters (10,332 feet).皮卡尔,奥古斯特:(1884-1962) 瑞士物理学家和热气球驾驶员,因其在极高海拔和极深层的实验而闻名。1932年他乘自己设计的气球到达海拔16,946.7米(55,563英尺)的高空,他还发明了一种深海探测潜水艇,1953年这只艇到达海底3,151.3米(10,332英尺)的深处〔spoof〕When a comedian spoofs a television show or someone watches such a spoof,one is indebted to Arthur Roberts (1852-1933),a British comedian who invented a game calledSpoof, which involved trickery and nonsense.The first recorded reference to the game in 1884refers to its revival.It was not long beforethe wordspoof took on the general sense "nonsense, trickery,” first recorded in 1889. The verbspoof is first recorded in 1889 as well, in the sense "to deceive.” These senses are less widely used now than the noun sense "a light parody or satirical imitation,” first recorded in 1958,and the verb sense "to satirize gently,” first recorded in 1927.In the 1969American Heritage Dictionary the Usage Panel found both usages acceptable in writing at all levels,which seems the obvious finding since these senses had come to be so important to the use of the term.当一个喜剧演员在电视剧里表演滑稽讽刺剧或者当人们看到此类表演时,人们应当感激亚瑟·罗伯茨(1852-1933年),一个发明了叫做Spoof 剧的英国喜剧家。 此剧包括打趣和滑稽言辞。1884年第一次记载此类剧,表明它的兴起。不久以后,spoof 一词有了“傻话,哄骗”的一般意义,1889年第一次记载下来。 动词spoof 也首次记载于1889年,是“欺骗”的意义。 这些意思现在不如该词首次记载于1958年的名词意思“轻浮地讽刺模仿品和滑稽模仿作品”使用广泛,“轻浮地讽刺”的动词意义首次记载于1927年。1969年,美国词源字典 词语用法专家发现, 两种用法在许多情况下都可以接受。由于这些意思的使用已经变得相当重要,因而似乎很容易发现此种情况〔Eastman〕American inventor and industrialist who invented a dry-plate process of photographic film development, flexible film, a box camera, and a process for color photography.伊斯曼,乔治:(1854-1932) 美国发明家和工业家。他发明了照相机胶卷干片冲卷过程、可卷的胶片、盒式照相机以及彩色照相法〔Land〕American inventor who developed (1932) the light-polarizing plastic film called Polaroid and incorporated it into lenses for cameras and sunglasses. He also invented the one-step photographic process (1947).兰德,埃德温·赫伯特:(1909-1991) 美国发明家,他于(1932年)改进了被称为偏振片的光偏振塑料胶片,并把它应用于照相机的镜头和太阳镜。他还发明了一步法摄影程序(1947年)〔Dewey〕American librarian and founder of the decimal system of classification (1876).杜威,梅尔维尔:(1851-1931) 美国图书管理专家,发明了文件分类法的十进制系统(1876年)〔patent〕To invent, originate, or be the proprietor of (an idea, for example).发明,保有:发明、创造或拥有(如思想)〔Haynes〕American inventor who built one of the earliest American automobiles (1893-1894) and developed numerous alloys, including stainless steel (1911).海恩斯,埃尔乌德:(1857-1925) 美国发明家,制造了第一辆美国早期汽车(1893-1894年)并发明了包括不锈钢(1911年)等多种合金〔intrapreneur〕The wordentrepreneur is more than 150 years old, having come into English from French in 1828.But it is not until very recently that we find its intracorporate counterpart,intrapreneur, meaning "a person within a large corporation who takes direct responsibility for turning an idea into a profitable finished product through assertive risk-taking and innovation.”This coinage is generally attributed to management consultant Gifford Pinchot,author of the 1985 book entitledIntrapreneuring; others insist its true originator was Norman Macrae, deputy editor of theEconomist, although Macrae himself denies it.Still, whatever its exact source,in the scant number of years since its inception the termintrapreneur has gained currency very quickly. It has also given rise to various derivatives,such as the aforementioned gerundintrapreneuring, the noun intrapreneurship (as in a September 30, 1985, interview with Stephen Jobs inNewsweek : "The Macintosh team was what is commonly known as intrapreneurship—only a few years before the term was coined—a group of people going in essence back to the garage, but in a large company"),the adjectiveintrapreneurial, and another noun, intrapreneurialism ("what has become known as intrapreneurialism, where people within the corporation acquire more adventurous small business outlooks,” by Ian Hamilton-Fazy in "An Uneasy Co-existence,”Financial Times, October 23, 1984). Broad use of a word and the development of numerous derivatives are strong signals predicting staying power within the language.Intrapreneur and its spinoffs are of particular interest to etymologists and lexicographers because they illustrate the constant changes inherent in a living language.entrepreneur 一词已有150多年的历史, 于1828年从法语传入英语。但是直到最近我们才发现其在公司内部的对应人物intrapreneur , 意为“对通过果断地承担风险和革新使想法变为有利可图的成品这一过程承担直接责任的大公司里的高级成员”。这个新造的词普遍认为应归功于业务顾问吉福德·平肖,1985年出版的名为Intrapreneuring 一书的作者; 其他人坚持其真正的发明者是经济学家 杂志的副编辑诺曼·麦克里, 虽然麦克里本人否认这一点。然而,不管其准确的起源是什么,自它开始出现以来的短短几年中,intrapreneur 一词已很快流行开来。 它同样产生了多个衍生词,例如前面提到的动名词intrapreneuring ,名词 intrapreneurship (例如新闻周刊 于1985年9月30日斯蒂芬·乔布斯的采访中: “马金托什队通常地以出色的企业运作而闻名——仅仅是这个词条被发明的几年前——一群实质上是回到汽车房的人,而现在不过是大公司的汽车房罢了”),形容词intraprenurial 以及另一个名词 intrapreneurialim (以企业运作主义出名的地方,在那儿公司内部的职员获得更为冒险的商业前景”,伊恩·汉密尔顿一费茨的“不稳定的共存”,金融时报 1984年10月23日出版)。 一个词的广泛运用以及无数派生词的产生是预示语言内部持久力的强烈的信号。词源学家以及词典编纂者对intrpreneur 以及它的派生词产生了独特的兴趣, 因为它们说明现用语言所固有的持续不断的变化〔royalty〕A share in the proceeds paid to an inventor or a proprietor for the right to use his or her invention or services.专利权税:为使用发明或服务而付给发明者或业主的一部分收益〔Burt〕American surveyor and inventor who in 1829 patented his "Typographer,” a forerunner of the typewriter. He also invented (1836) a solar compass to offset magnetic attraction.伯特,威廉·奥斯丁:(1792-1858) 美国勘测员和发明家。他在1829年因“活版印刷机”,即打字机的前身,而获得专利权。他还发明了太阳罗盘来抵消磁力(1836年)〔latest〕the latest in electronic gadgetry.最新的电器发明〔Boyden〕American inventor of processes for the manufacture of patent leather, workable forms of iron, and shaped hats. His brotherUriah Atherton Boyden (1804-1879) improved the turbine water wheel. 博伊登,塞特:(1788-1870) 美国发明家,发明了漆皮、可塑铁和定形帽的加工处理工艺,其弟犹里亚·亚得顿·博伊登 (1804-1879年)改进了水涡轮 |
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