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单词 发育
释义 〔notochord〕A similar structure in embryos of higher vertebrates, from which the spinal column develops.脊索:更为高等的脊椎动物胚胎中的类似结构,脊椎骨由此发育〔zygote〕The organism that develops from a zygote. 从受精卵发育而成的有机体〔blastema〕A mass of embryonic cells from which an organ or a body part develops, either in normal development or in the regeneration of a lost body part.胚基:身体某部分或一器官由此发育的一组胚胎细胞,或正常发育或失去的身体某部分的再生能力〔mesonephros〕The second of the three excretory organs that develop in a vertebrate embryo, becoming the functioning kidney in fish and amphibians but replaced by the metanephros in higher vertebrates. Also called Wolffian body 中肾:在脊椎动物胚胎内发育而成的三对排泄器官中的第二对,作为功能肾存在于鱼类和两栖类体内,但在更高级的脊椎动物中则发育成后肾 也作 Wolffian body〔zoon〕An animal developed from a fertilized egg.动物:由受精卵发育而成的动物〔inviable〕Unable to survive or develop normally:不能生存的:不能生存或正常发育的:〔myelencephalon〕The posterior portion of the embryonic hindbrain, from which the medulla oblongata develops.末脑:胚胎期后脑的后部,延髓在此发育〔dwarfism〕A pathological condition of arrested growth having various causes. Also called nanism 侏儒症:一种因多种原因引起的抑制生长发育的病理状况 也作 nanism〔sting〕A sharp, piercing organ or part, often ejecting a venomous secretion, as the modified ovipositor of a bee or wasp or the spine of certain fishes.刺螫针:一种利而尖的器官或部分,常射出有毒分泌物,如蜜蜂或蜂发育了的产卵器官或某些鱼的刺〔Wieschaus〕German-born biologist. His research on fruit flies resulted in the identification of the genes that are essential for embryonic development of the body segments. He shared a 1995 Nobel Prize in medicine.魏区豪斯,艾力克:德裔生物学家。他通过对果蝇的研究从而确定基因是身体部分最初发育必不可少的因素。他与人共获1995年诺贝尔医学奖〔serotinous〕Late in developing or blooming.晚开花的,迟发育的:发育或开花晚的〔proestrus〕The period immediately before estrus in most female mammals, characterized by development of the endometrium and ovarian follicles.发情前期:大多数雌性哺乳动物发情期前准备期,其特点是子宫内膜和囊状卵泡发育〔marsupium〕An external pouch or fold on the abdomen of most female marsupials, containing the mammary glands and in which the young continue to develop after leaving the uterus.育儿袋:大多数有袋目动物母亲腹前的袋子,内有乳腺,幼仔在离开子宫后在里面继续生长发育〔sporozoite〕Any of the minute undeveloped sporozoans produced by multiple fission of a zygote or spore, especially at the stage just before it infects a new host cell.孢子体、子孢子:一种由受精卵或孢子的成熟分裂而产生的微小的未发育的孢子物,尤指在未感染一个新的寄生细胞阶段〔embryo〕An organism in its early stages of development, especially before it has reached a distinctively recognizable form.胚胎:有机体的发育早期阶段,尤指还未长成独立的可分辨的形状〔oogenesis〕The formation, development, and maturation of an ovum.卵生成:卵子的形成,发育和成熟〔Brangus〕A trademark used for any of a breed of beef cattle developed from a cross between the Brahman and the Aberdeen Angus.布兰古斯:从婆罗门牛和亚伯丁安加斯牛的杂交品种发育而来的一种肉牛的商标〔nucellus〕The central portion of an ovule in which the embryo sac develops; the megasporangium.珠心:胚珠的中心,胚芽囊在此发育;大孢子囊〔parabiosis〕The natural or surgical union of anatomical parts of two organisms, usually involving exchange of blood, as in the development of Siamese twins or in certain transplant operations.联体,并体:天生的或手术施行的通常进行血液交换的两器官的联合,比如在连体婴的发育或某种嫁接手术中〔apospory〕The development of a gametophyte directly from a sporophyte without the occurrence of meiosis or spore formation.无孢子形成,无孢子生殖,无孢子状态:没有经过减数分裂或孢子形成而直接由孢子体进行的配子体发育〔dysgenesis〕Defective or abnormal development of an organ, especially of the gonads.畸形:器官不良或发育不正常,尤指生殖腺的〔androgen〕A steroid hormone, such as testosterone or androsterone, that controls the development and maintenance of masculine characteristics.雄激素:类固醇激素,如睾丸激素或雄酯酮,可以控制雄性特征的发育和维持〔pedology〕The study of the physical and mental development and characteristics of children.儿科学:研究儿童身心发育及特点的学科〔pronephros〕A kidneylike organ, being either part of the most anterior pair of three pairs of organs in a vertebrate embryo, disappearing early in the embryonic development of higher vertebrates, but functioning as a kidney in some simple vertebrates, such as the lamprey.前肾,原肾:一肾状器官,是脊椎动物胚胎中三对器官最前面一对的一部分,在高级脊椎动物的早期发育时消失,但在一些初级脊椎动物中作为肾脏,如八目鳗〔hindgut〕The caudal portion of the embryonic alimentary canal in vertebrates.后肠:脊椎动物的未发育全的消化道的尾部〔teratoma〕A tumor consisting of different types of tissue, as of skin, hair, and muscle, caused by the development of independent germ cells.畸形瘤:包含有不同类型的组织(如皮肤、毛发和肌肉)的、因一独立的细胞的发育而引起的肿瘤〔amphibiotic〕Living in water during an early stage of development and on land during the adult stage.水陆两栖的:在发育的早期水生而成年期陆生的〔totipotency〕The ability of a cell, such as an egg, to give rise to unlike cells and thus to develop into or generate a new organism or part.全能性:一细胞如卵细胞产生不相似细胞的能力,从而发育或生成一新的生物体或部分〔bonding〕The attachment process occurring between a parent and offspring that usually begins at the time of birth, is the basis for further emotional affiliation, and influences the child's physical and psychological development.代际联系:父母与后代之间亲密关系的形成过程,常常在孩子出生时就开始,是更深的感情联系的基础,影响着孩子的生理和心理发育〔mayfly〕Any of various fragile winged insects of the order Ephemeroptera that develop from aquatic nymphs and live in the adult stage no longer than a few days. Also called dayfly ,shadfly 蜉蝣:蜉蝣纲的各种有纤细翅膀的昆虫,由水生的蛹发育而成,成年期仅存活几天 也作 dayfly,shadfly〔aril〕A fleshy, usually brightly colored cover of a seed, arising from the hilum or funiculus.假种皮:一种肉质的,通常色彩光亮的种子皮,由种脐或胚珠柄发育而来〔shrimp〕Any of various small, chiefly marine decapod crustaceans of the suborder Natantia, many species of which are edible, having a compressed or elongated body with a well-developed abdomen, long legs and antennae, and a long spinelike projection of the carapace.虾:一种小型的,通常为游行亚目中的海生十足甲壳纲动物其中许多种类可食,具有侧扁或伸长的身体,腹部发育较好,腿和触角长,背甲上有长如脊刺的突起〔bud〕A small protuberance on a stem or branch, sometimes enclosed in protective scales and containing an undeveloped shoot, leaf, or flower.芽,萌芽:茎或枝上小的隆起物,有时被包在保护性的介壳中,内中有未发育的根、叶子或花〔achondroplasia〕Improper development of cartilage at the ends of the long bones, resulting in a form of congenital dwarfism.软骨发育不全:在骨头尾部的软骨的不正常发育,从而引起先天性侏儒症〔salamander〕Any of various small lizardlike amphibians of the order Caudata, having porous scaleless skin and four, often weak or rudimentary legs.蝾螈:有尾目中一种像蜥蜴的小型两栖动物,具有多孔无鳞的皮肤和四条常无力或发育不完全的腿〔forebrain〕The most anterior of the three primary regions of the embryonic brain from which the telencephalon and diencephalon develop.前脑:大脑胚胎三个主要区域中最靠前的一个,端脑与间脑从这里发育〔incubate〕To maintain (eggs, organisms, or living tissue) at optimal environmental conditions for growth and development.培育:使(蛋、器官或生长组织)保持在一种适宜的环境条件下,以便生长和发育〔chorion〕The outer membrane enclosing the embryo in reptiles, birds, and mammals. In placental mammals it contributes to the development of the placenta.绒毛膜:在爬行类动物、鸟类及哺乳类动物中包含胚胎的外膜,在有胎盘哺乳动物中与胎盘的发育有关〔boll〕The seed-bearing capsule of certain plants, especially cotton and flax.棉,亚麻等植物的圆荚、钻、蒴:某些植物种子发育的蒴,尤指棉花和亚麻〔rickets〕A deficiency disease resulting from a lack of vitamin D or calcium and from insufficient exposure to sunlight, characterized by defective bone growth and occurring chiefly in children. Also called rachitis 佝偻病,软骨病:由缺乏维生素D或钙及日晒不足导致的缺陷疾病,症状为有缺陷的骨质发育,主要发生于儿童中 也作 rachitis




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