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单词 发育成
释义 〔metencephalon〕The anterior part of the embryonic hindbrain, which gives rise to the cerebellum and pons.后脑:胚胎后脑的前面部分,后发育成小脑和桥〔mesenchyme〕The part of the embryonic mesoderm, consisting of loosely packed, unspecialized cells set in a gelatinous ground substance, from which connective tissue, bone, cartilage, and the circulatory and lymphatic systems develop.间叶细胞:胚胎的中胚层部分,由生长于胶状基质的、结构松散的、无特定功能的细胞组成,这些细胞将会发育成结缔组织、骨、软骨、血液及淋巴系统〔mesonephros〕The second of the three excretory organs that develop in a vertebrate embryo, becoming the functioning kidney in fish and amphibians but replaced by the metanephros in higher vertebrates. Also called Wolffian body 中肾:在脊椎动物胚胎内发育而成的三对排泄器官中的第二对,作为功能肾存在于鱼类和两栖类体内,但在更高级的脊椎动物中则发育成后肾 也作 Wolffian body〔metanephros〕The third and final excretory organ that develops in a vertebrate embryo. In birds, reptiles, and mammals it replaces the mesonephros as the functional excretory organ and develops into the adult kidney.后肾:脊椎动物胚胎发育中的第三个也是最后一个排泄器官。在鸟类、爬行动物和哺乳动物中它代替中肾起排泄器官的作用,并最终发育成〔statoblast〕An asexually produced encapsulated bud of a freshwater bryozoan that is released upon disintegration of the parent colony in autumn, remains inactive through winter, and develops into a new organism in spring.休眠芽:淡水苔藓虫的无性繁殖包芽,秋季从母体的分解中释放出来,整个冬季呈休眠状态,在春季发育成新的有机体〔neuroblast〕An embryonic cell from which a nerve cell develops.成神经细胞:发育成神经细胞的胚胎细胞〔bud〕An asexual reproductive structure, as in yeast or a hydra, that consists of an outgrowth capable of developing into a new individual.芽体:一种无性再生结构,如酵母或水螅,包含有一个外部生长物,可以发育成一个新的个体〔mesomere〕The middle zone of the mesoderm of a chordate vertebrate embryo, from which excretory tissue develops.中胚叶节:脊索类脊椎动物胚胎的中胚层的中间部分,最终会发育成排泄组织〔mesoblast〕The middle germinal layer of an early embryo, consisting of undifferentiated cells destined to become the mesoderm.中胚层:早期胚的中间胚芽层,由最终将发育成中胚层的未分化细胞组成〔mesothelium〕The layer of flat cells of mesodermal origin that lines the embryonic body cavity and gives rise to the squamous cells of the peritoneum, pericardium, and pleura.间皮:起源于中胚层的扁平细胞层,衬于胚胎的原始体腔中,最终发育成腹膜、心包及胸膜的上皮细胞〔parthenogenesis〕A form of reproduction in which an unfertilized egg develops into a new individual, occurring commonly among insects and certain other arthropods.单性生殖,孤雌生殖:一种配子未经受精就能发育成新个体的生殖方式,常用于昆虫和某些其它类节肢动物中〔ectomere〕Any of the blastomeres from which the ectoderm develops.外裂球:任一种发育成外胚层的裂球〔lodicule〕One of two or three small scales at the base of the ovary in a grass flower, believed to be a rudimentary perianth.浆片:禾草花子房基部的两个或三个小鳞片之一,据信能发育成花被〔endoderm〕The innermost of the three primary germ layers of an animal embryo, developing into the gastrointestinal tract, the lungs, and associated structures. Also called hypoblast 内胚层:动物胚胎三个原始胚层的最内层发育成胃肠道、肺及其附属衍生结构 也作 hypoblast〔mesoderm〕The middle embryonic germ layer, lying between the ectoderm and the endoderm, from which connective tissue, muscle, bone, and the urogenital and circulatory systems develop.中胚层:中间胚芽层,位于外胚层和内胚层之间,最终发育成结缔组织、肌肉、骨骼、泌尿系统及循环系统〔proctodeum〕An inward fold on the surface of the embryonic ectoderm that develops into part of the anal passage.原肛肛道:胚胎消化道表面的凹陷,发育成直肠的一部分




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