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单词 受体
释义 〔zafirlukast〕A drug that acts as a leukotriene receptor antagonist, reduces the inflammatory process, and is used to treat the signs and symptoms of asthma.白三烯受体对抗剂:用作白三烯受体对抗剂的药剂,可以消炎并用于治疗哮喘的症状〔heterograft〕A type of tissue graft in which the donor and recipient are of different species. Also called xenograft 异种移植:一种移植体与领受体不同的组织移植类型 也作 xenograft〔zolmitriptan〕A drug that acts as a serotonin receptor agonist and is used to treat migraine headaches.左米曲坦,唑胺色胺:具有5-羟色胺受体兴奋剂效用的药物,用于治疗偏头痛〔corpuscle〕A rounded, globular mass of cells, such as the pressure receptor on certain nerve endings.小体:一群圆的球状细胞,例如某些神经节上的压力承受体〔force〕 Constrain suggests that one is bound to a course of action by physical or moral means or by the operation of compelling circumstances: Constrain 指某人受体力或道德约束或被所处环境胁迫必须作某事: 〔Accolate〕A trademark used for the drug zafirlukast.爱克雷特:白血球三键烯受体对抗剂的商标〔montelukast〕A drug that reduces the inflammatory response by acting as a leukotriene receptor antagonist, and is used to treat the signs and symptoms of asthma.孟鲁司特钠:通过充当类脂化合物受体拮抗药而减少炎症反应的药物,用于治疗哮喘症状〔autoinoculation〕Inoculation with a vaccine made from microorganisms obtained from the recipient's own body.自体接种:利用从受体自身获得的微生物制备的疫苗作接种〔allograft〕A graft of tissue obtained from a donor genetically different from, though of the same species as the recipient. Also called homograft 同种异体移植物:接受体与供给体同种但遗传上不同的组织移植 也作 homograft〔acceptor〕The atom that contributes no electrons to a covalent bond.受体:没有给共价键提供电子的原子〔acceptor〕The reactant in an induced reaction that has an increased rate of reaction in the presence of the inductor.受体,受容体:在一个诱导反应中的反应物,因诱导剂的存在而有增加的反应速度〔albuterol〕A beta-adrenergic stimulant used as a bronchodilator in the treatment of asthma and other obstructive lung diseases.舒喘灵,沙丁胺醇:β-肾上腺素受体兴奋剂,用作治疗哮喘以及其它梗阻性肺病的支气管扩张剂〔kinase〕Any of various enzymes that catalyze the transfer of a phosphate group from a donor, such as ADP or ATP, to an acceptor.激酶:能催化施体,例如,ADP或ATP中的磷酸酯转化给接受体的各种酶




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