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单词 变种
释义 〔Macoun〕A variety of apple having medium fruit with a red skin and white, crisp flesh.玛康苹果:苹果的变种,果实中等大小,果皮红色,果肉白色松脆〔interbreed〕To breed within a narrow range or with closely related types or individuals; inbreed.变种间杂交:在小范围内或与联系密切的种类或个体繁殖;近交〔cabbage〕Any of several forms of a European vegetable(Brassica oleracea var. capitata) of the mustard family, having a globose head consisting of a short stem and tightly overlapping green to purplish leaves. 卷心菜,甘蓝菜:欧洲几种十字花科蔬菜之一(芸苔属甘蓝 变种 卷心菜) ,其头部呈球形,由短茎和紧密层叠的绿色到略带紫色的叶子组成 〔crossbred〕Produced by the mating of individuals of different breeds, varieties, or species.杂交产生的:由不同品种、变种或种类的个体交配而产生的〔cultivar〕A horticultural race or variety of a plant that has originated and persisted only under cultivation.栽培品种:某一植物的园艺品种或变种,在栽培条件下起源并只能在栽培条件下存活〔feterita〕A grass(Sorghum vulgare var. caudatum) native to Sudan, grown in warm regions for its grain and as forage. 苏丹草:一种生长于温暖地带的草(蜀黍 变种 尾叶蜀黍) ,原产于苏丹,其谷粒用作饲料 〔greening〕Any of several varieties of green-skinned apples.绿皮苹果:绿皮苹果的任何变种〔cantaloupe〕A variety of melon(Cucumis melo var. reticulatus) having a tan rind with netlike ridges and a sweet, fragrant orange flesh. 罗马甜瓜,香瓜:一种甜瓜(甜瓜 的变种 网纹甜瓜) ,瓜皮呈黄棕色,上有网状隆起,其果肉呈桔黄色甜美芳香 〔crossbreed〕To produce (an organism) by the mating of individuals of different breeds, varieties, or species; hybridize.使杂交:通过不同品种、变种或种类的个体交配而产生(另一种生物);使杂交〔morello〕A variety of the sour cherry(Prunus cerasus var. austera) having double flowers and fruit with dark red skin. 黑樱桃:一种酸樱桃(欧洲酸樱桃 变种 酸樱桃) 开有双层花朵,结有黑红色果皮的果实 〔varietal〕Of, indicating, or characterizing a variety, especially a biological variety.变种的:变化了的,表明变化的,或以变化为特征的,尤其是生物变化〔kohlrabi〕A plant(Brassica oleracea var. gongylodes) in the mustard family, having a thick basal part of the stem that is eaten as a vegetable. Also called turnip cabbage 撇蓝:一种十字花科植物(甘蓝 变种 圆形甘蓝) ,长有肥大的茎基部,可作蔬菜食用 也作 turnip cabbage〔cenospecies〕A group of related ecospecies capable of interbreeding so as to produce at least partially fertile hybrids.杂交种:一组有血亲关系并能异种杂交的生物,产生至少有部分繁殖能力的变种〔broccoli〕A vegetable(Brassica oleracea var. italica) in the mustard family, closely related to the cauliflower and having dense clusters of numerous green flower buds. 花椰菜,球花甘蓝:十字花科的一种蔬菜(花椰菜 变种 花茎甘蓝) ,与菜花紧密相关并有许多密实的绿色花苞束 〔radicchio〕Any of several prized varieties of chicory, having red or red-spotted leaves that form globose or elongated heads.菊苣:一种稀有的菊苣菜变种,叶有红点或叶呈红色,叶成球形或长形的头状〔mutation〕The process by which such a sudden structural change occurs, either through an alteration in the nucleotide sequence of the DNA coding for a gene or through a change in the physical arrangement of a chromosome.突变,变种:突变发生的过程,是通过基因的脱氧核糖核酸密码的核苷酸顺序的改变或者通过染色体内部的物理重新排列〔finocchio〕A variety of fennel(Foeniculum vulgare var. dulce) whose blanched aromatic, celerylike stalks are eaten as a vegetable. Also called Florence fennel ,sweet fennel 茴香:茴香属中的一种(茴香 变种 佛罗伦萨茴香) ,去皮后的茎有香味,很象芹菜,可作为一种蔬菜食用 也作 Florence fennel,sweet fennel〔chufa〕An Old World sedge(Cyperus esculentus var. sativus) having edible, nutlike tubers. 土杏红,油莎草:东半球的一种莎草(莎草属 油莎草 变种 种植莎草) ,有似坚果的可食块茎 〔caprifig〕A wild variety of Mediterranean fig(Ficus carica var. sylvestris) used in the caprification of certain edible figs. 野无花果:一种地中海野生无花果(榕属 无花果 变种. 野生无花果) ,用用于给某些可食无花果进行人工授粉 〔hectocotylus〕A modified arm of the male of certain cephalopods, such as the octopus, functioning as a reproductive organ in the transference of sperm to the mantle cavity of the female.化茎腕,交接腕:某些雄性头足纲动物,如章鱼身上的一条变种腕,可起生殖器官的作用,把精液传送到雌性的套膜腔中〔daikon〕A white radish(Raphanus sativus var. longipinnatus) of Japan, having a long root that is eaten raw, pickled, or cooked. Also called Chinese radish ,Japanese radish ,Oriental radish 大白萝卜:一种产于日本的大白萝卜(萝卜属 萝卜 变种 长羽裂萝卜) ,长有长根,可生吃、腌着吃或煮着吃 也作 Chinese radish,Japanese radish,Oriental radish〔mutation〕A sudden structural change within a gene or chromosome of an organism resulting in the creation of a new character or trait not found in the parental type.突变,变种:生物体的基因或者染色体的突变,产生一种父代所没有的新的特征或者特性〔loganberry〕A trailing, prickly plant(Rubus ursinus var. loganobaccus) native to Oregon and south to Baja California, cultivated for its acid, edible fruit. 罗甘莓:一种笔直生长的、带刺的植物(悬钩子属 加州露莓 变种 罗甘莓) ,原产于俄勒冈州和下加利福尼亚州南部,因其可食带酸味的果实而种植 〔kale〕An edible plant(Brassica oleracea var. acephala) in the mustard family, having spreading, crinkled leaves that do not form a compact head. Also called borecole ,cole ,colewort ,collard 羽衣甘蓝,无头甘蓝:十字花科的一种可食用植物(花椰菜 变种 羽衣甘蓝) ,生有展开的皱形叶和没形成密集的叶球 也作 borecole,cole,colewort,collard〔celery〕A biennial European plant(Apium graveolens var. dulce) in the parsley family, having edible roots, leafstalks, leaves, and fruits. 芹菜:一种二年生伞形科欧洲植物(芹属 旱芹 变种 甜芹) ,根、茎、叶和果实均可食用 〔gage〕Any of several varieties of plum, such as the greengage.变种的梅子:多种梅子中的一种,例如青梅子〔greengage〕A variety of plum(Prunus domestica) having yellowish-green skin and sweet flesh. 西洋李:李子的一个变种(李属 洋李) ,皮黄绿色、肉味美 〔variety〕A taxonomic subdivision of a species consisting of naturally occurring or selectively bred populations or individuals that differ from the remainder of the species in certain minor characters.变种:一个种类的细小分支,由自然发生或选择繁殖的群体或个体而组成,在一定的较小的特点上不同于此类的剩余者〔cabernet〕A dry red wine made from the black grape varietyCabernet sauvignon. 卡勃耐酒:一种无甜味的红色的酒,用卡勃耐白葡萄 的变种黑葡萄制成 〔siscowet〕A fat, thick-bodied variety of the lake trout, found in the upper part of Lake Superior.湖鳟:湖红点鲑的一个变种,体肥而厚,分布在苏必利尔湖上游〔orris〕Any of several species of iris having a fragrant rootstock, especially a variety of the hybridIris germanica. 鸢尾科植物:一种鸢尾种类植物,有芳香的根状茎,尤指德国鸢尾 的杂交变种 〔variation〕An organism or a plant exhibiting such difference or deviation.变种:存在上述不同或偏离的生物或植物〔roque〕A variation of croquet played with short-handled mallets on a hard court that is bounded by a concrete wall against which a ball may rebound and be retrieved.短柄槌球:槌球游戏的变种,用短柄木槌在用水泥墙围住的硬地面上击球,球打在墙上可反弹回来再接住〔mizuna〕An edible plant(Brassica rapa var. nipposinica) in the mustard family, having dark green, glossy, feathery leaves and white stems. 芜菁:为可食用植物(芜菁 变种 日本芜菁,中国芜菁) ,属于十字花科中,长有墨绿色、光滑、羽毛状叶片和白色茎干 〔barley〕The grain ofH. vulgare or its varieties, used for livestock feed, malt production, and cereal. 六列型大麦六列型大麦 或其变种的谷物,用作牲畜饲料、麦芽制品和谷类 〔crenshaw〕A variety of winter melon(Cucumis melo var. inodorus) having a greenish-yellow rind and sweet, usually salmon-pink flesh. 克兰省甜瓜:一种冬季产的甜瓜变种(甜瓜属 变种 冬香瓜) ,有黄绿色的瓜皮和通常为橙粉色的甜瓜瓤 〔celeriac〕An edible variety of celery(Apium graveolens var. rapaceum) cultivated for its swollen, knobby root. Also called celery root ,turnip-rooted celery 块根芹:一种可食用的芹菜(根芹菜 芹属 变种 旱芹) ,因其肿大节状的根而种植 也作 celery root,turnip-rooted celery




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