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单词 古冰岛语
释义 〔fellow〕A jolly good fellow might or might not be the ideal business associate,but the ancestor of our wordfellow definitely referred to a business partner. Fellow, borrowed into English from Old Norse,is related to the Old Icelandic wordfēlagi, meaning "a partner or shareholder of any kind.”Old Icelandicfēlagi is derived from fēlag, "partnership,” a compound made up offē, "livestock, property, money,” and lag, "a laying in order" and "fellowship.” The notion of putting one's property together lies behind the senses offēlagi meaning "partner" and "consort.”In Old Icelandicfēlagi also had the general sense "fellow, mate, comrade,” whichfellow has as well, indicating perhaps that most partnerships turned out all right for speakers of Old Icelandic.极好的伙伴可能是但也可能不是理想的商业伙伴,但fellow 这个词的前身确实是指商业伙伴。 Fellow 从古挪威语中借入英语,与古冰岛词felagi 有关, 意思是“任何一种形式的伙伴或股东”。古冰岛的felagi 源于 felag, “伙伴关系,” 一个由fe “家畜,财产,钱,”和 lag, “整齐的布置”和“伙伴关系” 组成的合成词。 将某人的财产放在一起的概念隐藏在felagi 的意义中, 意思是“伙伴”和“同事”。在古冰岛语中felagi 也有概括的含义“伙伴,同事,同志”, 这些意思fellow 也有, 暗示着也许大多数同伴关系对讲古冰岛语的人来说结果都不错〔freckle〕[probably of Scandinavian origin] ; akin to Old Icelandic freknōttr [freckly] [很可能来自斯堪的纳维亚语] ;类似于 古冰岛语 freknōttr [长满雀斑的] 〔perk〕Zero-grade form*p—k w- . fir , probably from a Scandinavian source akin to Old Icelandic fȳri , fir, from Germanic *furh-jōn- . 零级形式*p—k w- . fir , 可能源自 斯堪的纳维亚语 ,类似于 古冰岛语 的 fȳri , 枞树,冷杉, 源自 日耳曼语 的 *furh-jōn- . 〔fear〕Old Englishfǣr, the ancestor of our word fear, meant "calamity, disaster,”but not the emotion engendered by such an event.This is in line with the meaning of the prehistoric Common Germanic word.fēraz, "danger,” which is the source of words with similar senses in other Germanic languages,such as Old Saxon and Old High Germanfār, "ambush, danger,” and Old Icelandic fār, "treachery, damage.” Scholars, in fact, have determined the form and meaning of Germanic.fēraz by working backward from the forms and the meanings of its descendants. The most important cause of the change of meaning in the wordfear was probably the existence in Old English of the related verb fǣran, which meant "to terrify, take by surprise.” Fear is first recorded in Middle English with the sense "emotion of fear" in a work composed around 1290.古英语f?r 是 fear 的前身, 意为“不幸,灾难”,而不是因不幸或灾难引起的情绪。这符合史前普通日耳曼词feraz 的意思“危险的”, 是其他日耳曼语言中有相近意思的词的起源,如古撒克逊语和古高地德语far, “埋伏,危险,”和古冰岛语 far “挖掘,破坏”。 事实上,学者们已经通过对它的衍生词的形式和意思的反向研究决定德语feraz 的形式和意思。 引起词语fear 变化的最重要原因可能是古英语中相关动词 f?ran的存在, 意为“害怕,被惊奇抓住。” Fear 第一次在中世纪英语作为“害怕的情绪”被记录下来是在一部约1290年左右创作的作品中〔reindeer〕Although Saint Nick uses reins on his reindeerand reindeer are used to pull sleds in Lapland and northern Siberia,the wordreindeer has nothing to do with reins. The element-deer is indeed our word deer, but therein- part is borrowed from another language, specifically from the Scandinavian languages spoken by the chiefly Danish and Norwegian invaders and settlers of England from the 9th to the 11th century.Even though the Old Icelandic language in which much of Old Norse literature is written is not the same variety of Old Norse spoken by these settlers of England,it is close enough to give us an idea of the words that were borrowed into English.Thus we can cite the Old Icelandic wordhreinn, which means "reindeer,” as the source of the first part of the English word. The wordreindeer is first recorded in Middle English in a work composed before 1400. 尽管圣诞老人在他的驯鹿身上用缰绳,且驯鹿过去在拉普兰和西伯利亚北部曾被用来拖拉雪撬,reindeer 这个字却和缰绳没有任何关系。 构词元素-deer 确实是我们的单词 deer, 但是rein 这一部分是从其他语言中借用过来的, 特别是主要从丹麦和挪威的入侵者及9世纪到11世纪列英格兰定居者说的斯堪的纳维亚语借用的。尽管许多古代北欧文学都使用的古冰岛语与这些到英格兰定居的人所说的古代北欧语并不是同一变体,但它对于我们认识借进英语的词汇也是足够接近的。这样,我们便可以引用意为“驯鹿”的古冰岛语hreinn 来作为英语单词第一部分的来源。 Reindeer 最早在1400年以前所著的一部作品中以中古英语记录下来 〔scold〕A scold is no poet and a scolding is not poetry, at least to the one being scolded,but it seems that the wordscold has a poetic background. It is probable thatscold, which is first recorded in Middle English in a work probably composed around 1150, has a Scandinavian source that is related to the Old Icelandic wordskāld, "poet.” Middle Englishscolde may in fact mean "a minstrel,” but of that we are not sure.However, its Middle English meanings, "a ribald, abusive person" and "a shrewish, chiding woman,”may be related toskāld, as shown by the senses of some of the Old Icelandic words derived fromskāld. Old Icelandicskāldskapr, for example, meant "poetry" in a good sense but also "a libel in verse,” whileskāld-stöng meant "a pole with imprecations or charms scratched on it.” It would seem that libelous, cursing verse was a noted part of at least some poets' productions and that this association with poets passed firmly along with the Scandinavian borrowing into English.骂人者不是诗人,谩骂不是诗,至少对被骂的人来说是这样的,但是scold 这个词似乎有着诗的背景。 Scold 这个词在中世纪英语中第一次被记录在一部大约于1150年创作的作品中,它有可能源于斯堪的纳维亚语, 与skald 这个在冰岛古语中表示“诗人”的词有关。 中世纪英语中的scolde 实际上可能意为“吟游诗人”, 但对此没有肯定说法。然而,它在中世纪英语中的意思是“说脏话、辱骂人的人”和“悍泼的、好骂人的女人”,可能与skald 有关, 如一些起源于skald 的冰岛古词语的意思显示的那样。 例如,古冰岛语中的skaldskapr 其褒义为“诗”,但也有“诽谤性的诗”的意思, 而skald-stong 意思是“刻有诅咒或符咒的杆子”。 看来,诽谤、辱骂性的诗歌至少是一些诗人作品突出的部分并与诗人这种联系稳步地随斯堪的纳维亚语被借入英语中




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