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单词 古国
释义 〔Jaipur〕A city of northwest India south-southwest of Delhi. The center of a former state established in the 12th century, Jaipur was founded in 1728 and is noted for its walls and fortifications and the pink color of many of its houses. Population, 977,165.斋浦尔:印度西北部城市,位于德里西南以南。建于1728年,曾是12世纪建立的古国的中心,并且以其城墙、防御工事和许多房屋呈粉红色而闻名。人口977,165〔Ecbatana〕A city of ancient Media on the site of present-day Hamadan in western Iran. It was captured by Cyrus the Great in 549b.c. and plundered by Alexander, Seleucus I, and Antiochus III. 埃克巴塔那:美迪亚古国中的一座城市,位于现在伊朗西部哈麦丹地区。公元前 549年被居鲁士大帝攻占,后又被亚历山大、塞流古斯一世及安条克三世洗劫 〔Latium〕An ancient country of west-central Italy bordering on the Tyrrhenian Sea. It was dominated by Rome after the third centuryb.c. 拉丁姆:意大利中西部一古国,毗邻第勒尼安海。公元前 3世纪被罗马占领 〔Samnium〕An ancient country of central and southern Italy. The expansionist desires of its rulers led to the Samnite Wars (343-290b.c. ) and the ultimate defeat of Samnium by Rome. 桑尼姆:意大利中部和南部一个古国,其君主的扩张野心导致了桑尼特战争(公元前 343-290年),并被罗马战败 〔Parthia〕An ancient country of southwest Asia corresponding to modern northeast Iran. It was included in the Assyrian and Persian empires, the Macedonian empire of Alexander the Great, and the Syrian empire. A Parthian kingdom lasted from c. 250b.c. to a.d. 226, reaching the height of its influence and land holdings at the beginning of the first century b.c. Its people, of Scythian stock, were noted as horsemen and archers. 帕提亚:亚洲西南部的一个古国,位于现在的伊朗东北部。它曾被亚述帝国和波斯帝国,亚历山大大帝的马其顿帝国及叙利亚帝国统治。存在于公元前 250年到 公元 226年间的帕提亚王国在 公元前 1世纪初时影响和版图都达到其顶峰。其居民为锡西厄族人,以骑手和射手而著称 〔Thrace〕A region and ancient country of the southeast Balkan Peninsula north of the Aegean Sea. In ancient times it extended as far north as the Danube River. The region was colonized by Greeks in the seventh centuryb.c. and later passed under the control of Rome, Byzantium, and Ottoman Turkey. Northern Thrace was annexed by Bulgaria in 1885, and eastern Thrace passed to Turkey in 1923. 色雷斯:巴尔干半岛东南部一地区和古国,位于爱琴海北部。在古代它一直延伸到多瑙河。这一地区在公元前 7世纪为希腊占有,后为罗马人,拜占庭和奥斯曼土耳其所统治。北色雷斯于1885年并入保加利亚,东色雷斯在1923年并入土耳其 〔Phrygia〕An ancient region of central Asia Minor in modern-day central Turkey. It was settled c. 1200b.c. and flourished from the eighth to the sixth century, after which it came under the influence of Lydia, Persia, Greece, Rome, and Byzantium. 弗里吉亚:小亚细亚中部一古代地区,位于今天的土耳其中部。从公元前1200年起就有人定居,并从公元前 8世纪到6世纪繁荣一时,之后受到吕底亚古国、波斯、希腊、罗马和拜占庭的统治 〔Bactria〕An ancient country of southwest Asia. It was an eastern province of the Persian Empire before its conquest by the Greeks in 328b.c. . The kingdom was destroyed c. 130 b.c. by nomadic tribes. 巴克特里亚:亚洲西南的一个古国,于公元前 328年被希腊征服之前是波斯王国的一个东部省份,这个王国大约在 公元前 130年被游牧部落摧毁 〔Sheba〕An ancient country of southern Arabia comprising present-day Yemen. Its people colonized Ethiopia in the tenth centuryb.c. and were known for their wealth and commercial prosperity. In the Old Testament, the queen of Sheba made a celebrated visit to King Solomon. 示巴:阿拉伯半岛南部的一个古国,包括现在也门,其居民在公元前 10世纪在埃塞俄比亚开始殖民,并以他们的财富和商业繁荣而著称。在《旧约》中,示巴女王对所罗门国王作了一次著名的访问 〔Niort〕A city of western France southeast of Nantes. Originally a Gallo-Roman town, it was a stronghold of the Huguenots in the 16th and 17th centuries. Population, 58,203.尼奥罗:法国西部南特东南的一城市,最初是罗马帝国统治下的(西欧古国)高卢的一城镇,在16世纪和17世纪是胡格诺派教徒的根据地。人口58,203〔Epirus〕An ancient country on the Ionian Sea in present-day northwest Greece and southern Albania. It flourished in the 3rd centuryb.c. and was later a Roman province. An independent state after a.d. 1204, Epirus was conquered by the Turks in the 15th century. 伊庇鲁斯:爱琴海上一古国,位于现今希腊和阿尔巴尼亚南部的西北方,公元前 3世纪达到全盛,后成罗马帝国一省, 公元 1204年成为一自由城邦,15世纪伊庇鲁斯被土耳其人占领 〔Bithynia〕An ancient country of northwest Asia Minor in present-day Turkey. Originally inhabited by Thracians, it was absorbed into the Roman Empire by the end of the first centuryb.c. 比希尼亚:小亚细亚西北一古国,在今土尔其境内最先由色雷西人居住,在公元前 1世纪末并入罗马帝国 〔Aram〕In the Old Testament, an ancient country of southwest Asia, roughly coextensive with present-day Syria.阿拉姆:旧约全书中亚洲西南部一古国,基本与今叙利亚共存〔Pontus〕An ancient country of northeast Asia Minor along the southern coast of the Black Sea. Established in the fourth centuryb.c. , it flourished under Mithridates VI until his defeat by Pompey of Rome in 66. 蓬塔斯:小亚细亚东北部的一个古国,沿伸到黑海南岸。此国建于公元前 4世纪,在米特司立得提六世的统治下开始繁荣昌盛,直到公元66年被罗马的庞培击败 〔Lycia〕An ancient country and Roman province of southwest Asia Minor on the Aegean Sea. Ruled from early times by Persia and Syria, it was annexed by Rome in the first centurya.d. 利西亚:一古国,曾为罗马帝国行省,位于小亚细亚西南部,靠爱琴海。早期为波斯和叙利亚所统治,于公元 1世纪被罗马帝国兼并 〔Media〕An ancient country of southwest Asia in present-day northwest Iran. Settled by an Indo-European people, it became part of the Assyrian Empire and was conquered c. 550b.c. by Cyrus the Great, who added it to the Persian Empire. 米堤亚:亚洲西南部的一个古国,位于今天伊朗的西北处。该国居民为一印欧部落。该国于公元前 550年被居鲁士大帝征服,从而被其并入波斯帝国之中 〔Magadha〕An ancient kingdom of northeast India. It was especially powerful from the fourth centuryb.c. to the fifth century a.d. , particularly under the emperor Asoka (third century b.c. ). 摩揭陀:印度东北部的一个古国。它在公元前 4世纪到 公元 5世纪尤为强盛,特别是在皇帝阿育王统治时期( 公元 前3世纪) 〔Moab〕An ancient kingdom east of the Dead Sea in present-day southwest Jordan. According to the Old Testament, its inhabitants were descendants of Lot. Archaeological exploration has traced settlement in the area to at least the 13th centuryb.c. 摩押国:死海东部,今约旦西南的一个古国。据旧约全书,这里的居民是罗德的后代。考古学测定,已把该地有定居人口的历史上溯至公元前 13世纪 〔Edom〕An ancient country of Palestine between the Dead Sea and the Gulf of Aqaba. According to the Old Testament, the original inhabitants were descendants of Esau.以东:巴勒斯坦的一个古国,位于死海与亚喀巴湾之间。根据旧约记载,其原始居民是以扫的后裔〔Numidia〕An ancient country of northwest Africa corresponding roughly to present-day Algeria. It was part of the Carthaginian empire before the Punic Wars and became a separate kingdom after 201b.c. Conquered by Rome in 46 b.c. and invaded by the Vandals in the fifth century a.d. , Numidia was overrun by the Arabs in the eighth century. 努米底亚:非洲西北部的一个古国,大致在今天的阿尔及利亚。在古迦太基战争前是迦太基帝国的一部分,公元前 20年成为独立王国, 公元前 46年被罗马征服, 公元后 5世纪被汪达尔人侵略,8世纪大批阿拉伯人来到努米底亚 〔Sumer〕An ancient country of southern Mesopotamia in present-day southern Iraq. Archaeological evidence dates the beginnings of Sumer to the fifth millenniumb.c. By 3000 a flourishing civilization existed, which gradually exerted power over the surrounding area and culminated in the Akkadian dynasty founded (c. 2340) by Sargon I. Sumer declined after 2000 and was later absorbed by Babylonia and Assyria. The Sumerians are believed to have invented the cuneiform system of writing. 苏美尔:美索不达米亚平南部一古国,位于今伊拉克南部。据考古学的证据显示,苏美尔的建立可追溯到公元前 五千年,到公元前3000年,就已出现了繁荣的文明,它逐渐地影响并控制了周围的地区,到萨尔贡世建立的古阿卡德王朝时(前2340年)、文明达到顶峰的公元前2000年前后,苏美尔开始衰落,后来被巴比伦和亚述吞并,人们相信苏美尔人发明了象形文字 〔Lydia〕An ancient country of west-central Asia Minor on the Aegean Sea in present-day northwest Turkey. Noted for its wealth and the magnificence of its capital, Sardis, it may have been the earliest kingdom to use minted coins (seventh centuryb.c. ). 吕底亚:小亚细亚中西部一古国,濒临爱琴海,位于今天土耳其的西北部,以其富庶及其宏伟的首都萨第斯著称,它可能是最早使用铸币的国家(公元前 7世纪) 〔Ituraea〕An ancient country of northeast Palestine. The area was first inhabited by Arabians and later passed to Judea and Rome.伊特利尔:巴勒斯坦东北部的一个古国。这一地区最先是阿拉伯人居住,后来迁入了犹太人和罗马人




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