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单词 古希腊
释义 〔demiurge〕A public magistrate in some ancient Greek states.古希腊某些国家的地方行政官〔exedra〕An often semicircular portico with seats that was used in ancient Greece and Rome as a place for discussions.有座椅前廊:带有座位的半圆性门廊,在古希腊和古罗马通常用作谈话的地方〔Messene〕An ancient Greek city in the southwest Peloponnesus. It was founded c. 369b.c. under Theban auspices as a new capital for the region of Messenia. 麦西尼:古希腊一城市,位于伯罗奔尼撒半岛的西南部。该城是在底比斯人的资助下于公元前 369年建立起来并作为麦西尼亚地区的新首都 〔medallion〕Any of various large ancient Greek coins.古希腊各种大硬币之任何一种〔Wednesday〕We say the names of the days of the week constantly,but for most of us they are nonsense syllables. The seven-day system we use is based on the ancient astrological notion that the seven celestial bodies (the sun, the moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn) revolving around stationary Earth influence what happens on itand that each of these celestial bodies controls the first hour of the day named after it.This system was brought into Hellenistic Egypt from Mesopotamia,where astrology had been practiced for millenniums and where seven had always been a propitious number.Ina.d. 321 the Emperor Constantine the Great grafted this astrological system onto the Roman calendar, made the first day of this new week a day of rest and worship for all,and imposed the following sequence and names to the days of the week:Diēs Sōlis, "Sun's Day"; Diēs Lūnae, "Moon's Day"; Diēs Martis, "Mars's Day"; Diēs Mercuriī, "Mercury's Day"; Diēs Iovis, "Jove's Day" or "Jupiter's Day"; Diēs Veneris, "Venus's Day"; andDiēs Saturnī, "Saturn's Day.” This new Roman system was adopted with modifications throughout most of western Europe:in the Germanic languages, such as Old English, the names of four of the Roman gods were converted into those of the corresponding Germanic gods.Therefore in Old English we have the following names (with their Modern English developments):Sunnandæg, Sunday; Mōnandæg, Monday; Tīwesdæg, Tuesday (the god Tiu, like Mars, was a god of war); Wōdnesdæg, Wednesday (the god Woden, like Mercury, was quick and eloquent); Thunresdæg, Thursday ( the god Thunor in Old English or Thor in Old Norse, like Jupiter, was lord of the sky;Old NorseThōrsdagr influenced the English form); Frīgedæg, Friday (the goddess Frigg, like Venus, was the goddess of love); andSaeternesdæg, Saturday. 我们经常说一周各天的名字,但对我们中的大多数人来说,它们是毫无意义的音节。我们使用的七天制度是建立在古代星象学的观点上,即绕着静止不动的地球旋转的七个天体(太阳、月亮、火星、水星、木星、金星和土星),影响着地球上发生的事情,并且这些天体控制着以它们的名字命名的周日的第一个小时。这个体制从美索不达米亚引进到具有古希腊文明的埃及,在美索不达米亚,星象术已流行了上百万年,七一直是个吉利的数字。在公元 321年伟大的康斯坦丁国王把星相学系统用于罗马历, 把这种新星期的第一天作为休息与做礼拜的一天,并把以下的次序及名字加在其它的周日上:Dies solis ,“太阳日”; Dies Lunae “月亮日”; Dies Martis “金星日”; Dies Mercurii ,“水星日”; Dies Iovis, “朱维日”或“木星日”; Dies Veneris, “金星日”; 和Dies Saturni, “土星日”。 这种新罗马体制在西欧的大部地区有所改变后被采用:在日耳曼语言中,如古英语中,四位罗马神的名字被改为相应的日耳曼神的名字。所以在古英语中我们看到以下的名字(以及他们的现代英语形式):Sunnanhd?g, 星期日; Monand?g, 星期一; Tiwesd?g, 星期二(蒂乌神,象玛尔斯一样,是战神); Wodnesd?g, 星期三(沃登,象墨丘利一样,行动敏捷,善于词辩); Thunresd?g, 星期四( 古英语中的撒纳及古挪威语的索,象朱庇特一样,是宇宙之主;古挪威语的Thorsdagr 影响了英语中的该词的形式); Friged?g, 星期五(女神弗丽嘉,象维纳斯一样,是爱神); 和Saeternesd?g, 星期六 〔antique〕Of or belonging to ancient times, especially of, from, or characteristic of ancient Greece or Rome.古风的,古式的:古老的或属于古式的,尤指古希腊罗马的,来自古希腊罗马的或具有古希腊罗马特点的〔Pergamum〕An ancient Greek city and kingdom of western Asia Minor in modern-day western Turkey. It passed to Rome in the second centuryb.c. and was noted for its sculpture and its library, which Mark Antony gave to Cleopatra. 帕加马:古希腊城市,西亚次大陆的一个王国,在今土耳其西部。在第二个世纪时,它归于罗马公元前 ,以雕塑和马克·安东尼给女王克里奥培特拉的图书馆而著名 〔ephebe〕A youth between 18 and 20 years of age in ancient Greece.古希腊18至20岁的青年〔Dionysia〕Ancient Greek festivals held seasonally, chiefly at Athens, in honor of Dionysus, especially those held in the fall and connected with the development of early Greek drama.酒神节:古希腊主要在雅典举行的季节性节日,以纪念狄俄尼索斯尤其是秋季举行,并同早期希腊戏剧发展有关〔megaron〕The main hall or central room of a palace or house, especially of Mycenaean Greece, having a pillared porch and a more or less central hearth.中央大厅:宫殿或房屋的主厅或中心房间,尤指古希腊美锡尼式的,附有柱子的门廊和一个基本上位置靠中间的壁炉〔eunuch〕The wordeunuch does not derive, as one might think, from the operation that produced a eunuch but rather from one of his functions. Eunuch goes back to the Greek wordeunoukhos, "a castrated person employed to take charge of the women of a harem and act as chamberlain.”The Greek word is derived fromeunē, "bed,” and ekhein, "to keep.” A eunuch, of course, was ideally suited to guard the bedchamber of women.eunuch 这个词不象人们所想的那样源自于阉人的手术, 而是源自于它所起的作用。 Eunuch 可追溯到古希腊的词eunoukhos , 意为“一个负责侍候后宫女眷,并作为国王内侍的被阉割了的人”。古希腊的词源出于eune, 意为“床”,和 ekhein “照料”, 一个太监当然是保卫女眷卧室的最理想的人〔Sophocles〕Greek dramatist. Together with Euripides and Aeschylus, he is considered one of the greatest dramatists of ancient Greece. His surviving plays includeAjax, Oedipus Rex, Antigone, and Oedipus at Colonus. 萨福克里斯:古希腊剧作家。他与欧里庇底斯以及埃斯库罗斯三人被认为是古希腊最伟大的剧作家。他现存的剧作包括《埃阿斯、俄狄浦斯王、安提戈涅》 以及 《俄狄浦斯在科勒罗斯》 〔Cnidus〕An ancient Greek city of Asia Minor in present-day southwest Asiatic Turkey. It was noted for its wealth and its magnificent buildings and statuary.克尼杜斯:古希腊小亚细亚城市,位于今土耳其亚洲部分的西南,以其富有和宏伟建筑与雕像而著称〔classical〕Of or relating to the ancient Greeks and Romans, especially their art, architecture, and literature.古希腊罗马的:古希腊和古罗马的,或与其有关的,尤指其艺术、建筑和文学〔pediment〕A triangular element, similar to or derivative of a Grecian pediment, used widely in architecture and decoration.三角楣饰:广泛用于建筑物和装饰物上的一种类似或衍生于古希腊山形墙的三角形物〔Odyssey〕The younger of the two surviving ancient Greek epic poems, traditionally ascribed to Homer but containing much orally transmitted material composed over several centuries, and concerning the adventures and ordeals of the Greek warrior Odysseus after the fall of Troy as he struggles to return home and reestablish himself as king of Ithaca.奥德赛:古希腊两本仅存史诗中较新的一部,始于荷马记述但也合并了历代口耳相传的故事内容,描写希腊战士奥德赛在特洛伊城陷后如何挣扎奋斗以返回家园并夺回伊萨基王位所经历的冒险与考验〔odeum〕A small building of ancient Greece and Rome used for public performances of music and poetry.圆形剧场:古希腊和古罗马的小剧场,用来表演音乐和诗歌节目〔Hellenistic〕Relating to or in the style of the Greek art or architecture of this period.古希腊建筑式的,古希腊艺术风格的:这段时期的古希腊艺术或建筑风格的或与其有关的〔Aeolic〕A group of dialects of ancient Greek spoken by the Aeolians. Also called Aeolian 伊奥利亚语:伊奥利亚人使用的古希腊方言 也作 Aeolian〔Aulis〕An ancient port of east-central Greece in Boeotia. According to tradition, it was the embarkation point for the Greek fleet during the Trojan War.奥立斯:希腊中东部维奥蒂亚洲的一个古老港口,据传说,在特洛伊战争期间它是古希腊船队的出发点〔Laconia〕An ancient region of southern Greece in the southeast Peloponnesus. It was dominated by Sparta until the rise of the second Achaean League in the third and second centuriesb.c. 拉哥尼亚:古希腊南部的一个地区,位于伯罗奔尼撒东南部。在公元前 3世纪和2世纪之间的第二次亚该亚联盟崛起以前该地一直受斯巴达的统治 〔Estienne〕French family of printers, includingHenri (1460?-1520), who established the family business in Paris (c. 1505); his son Robert (1503-1559), who published Latin (1523) and Greek (1550) New Testaments and a Latin dictionary (1532); and his grandson Henri (1528-1598), who published ancient Greek works and his own Greek dictionary (1572). 艾蒂安纳:法国出版商家族,包括亨利 (1460?-1520年),曾于约1505年开始在巴黎创办家族产业;他的儿子 罗伯特 (1503-1559年),曾于1523年出版拉丁文《圣经》,于1550年出版希腊文《新约全书》,于1532年出版《拉丁语词典》;还有他的孙子 亨利 (1528-1598年),曾出版古希腊著作和他自己的《希腊语词典》(1572年) 〔stichomythia〕An ancient Greek arrangement of dialogue in drama, poetry, and disputation in which single lines of verse or parts of lines are spoken by alternate speakers.轮流对白:古希腊戏剧、诗歌和辩论中的对话安排,其中每行或行的部分由对话者交替来说〔agora〕A place of congregation, especially an ancient Greek marketplace.广场,集市:集会地点,尤其指古希腊的集市〔Trebizond〕A former Greek empire occupying much of the land bordering the Black Sea. It was founded as an offshoot of the Byzantine Empire by Alexius I Comnenus in 1204 and retained its autonomy until it was conquered by Ottoman Turks in 1461.特拉勃森:古希腊的一个帝国,曾占据了黑海附近的大片土地。1204年作为拜占庭帝国的一个分支,阿列克塞一世康尼努斯建立了该帝国,在1461年被奥斯曼土耳其帝国征服以前一直保持自治〔Dorian〕One of a Hellenic people that invaded Greece around 1100b.c. and remained culturally and linguistically distinct within the Greek world. 多利安人:古希腊民族,大约公元前 1100年入侵希腊,在文化和语言上与希腊仍有差别 〔rhapsody〕An ancient Greek epic poem or a portion of one suitable for uninterrupted recitation.吟诵史诗:古希腊史诗或其适于不加打断的朗诵的部分〔pallium〕A cloak or mantle worn by the ancient Greeks and Romans.大披肩:古希腊和罗马的男子穿的一种宽大外衣或披风〔ode〕A classical Greek poem modeled on the choric ode and usually having a three-part structure consisting of a strophe, an antistrophe, and an epode.诗歌:以便唱歌曲为模式的古希腊诗歌,具有三部分结构,包括向左舞动时唱的诗句,向右舞动时唱的诗句以及抒情诗等三部分〔humanism〕Humanism A cultural and intellectual movement of the Renaissance that emphasized secular concerns as a result of the rediscovery and study of the literature, art, and civilization of ancient Greece and Rome. Humanism 人本主义:文艺复兴时期的文化和知识运动,强调对世俗事物的关心,是对古希腊、古罗马的文学、艺术和文明的重新发现和研究的结果〔Antioch〕An ancient town of Phrygia north of present-day Antalya, Turkey. It was a center of Hellenistic influence and was visited by Saint Paul in biblical times.安提克:今土耳其北部弗里吉亚的一座古镇。是受古希腊文化影响的中心,《圣经》年代圣保罗曾参观过这里〔symposium〕A convivial meeting for drinking, music, and intellectual discussion among the ancient Greeks.交际酒会:古希腊时一种饮酒、听音乐和做理性讨论的交际聚会〔Polybius〕Greek historian. Only five books of his 40-volume history of Rome are extant.波利比奥斯:古希腊历史学家,在他四十卷的罗马历史中现在仅存其中的五本〔Benghazi〕A city of northeast Libya on the Gulf of Sidra. Inhabited since Greek and Roman times, it is a major port and was a capital of Libya from 1951 to 1972. Population, 367,600.班加西:利比亚东北的一个城市,位于锡德拉海湾。自从古希腊、罗马时代即有居民,是主要港口,1951年至1972年是利比亚首都。人口367,600〔Messenia〕An ancient region of southwest Greece in the Peloponnesus on the Ionian Sea. It fought a series of wars against Sparta c. 736 to 371b.c. The Romans conquered the area in 146 b.c. 迈森尼亚:古希腊西南部的一个地区,位于伯罗奔尼撒半岛上,爱奥尼亚海沿岸。该地区从公元前 736年至371年曾发生过与斯巴达的一系列战争。 公元前 146年罗马人征服了这一地区 〔amphictyony〕A league of neighboring ancient Greek states sharing a common religious center or shrine, especially the one at Delphi.近邻各邦联盟:共有一个宗教中心或神殿(特别是在特尔斐的)的古希腊邻近城邦的联盟〔Sparta〕A city-state of ancient Greece in the southeast Peloponnesus. Settled by Dorian Greeks, it was noted for its militarism and reached the height of its power in the sixth centuryb.c. A protracted rivalry with Athens led to the Peloponnesian Wars (460-404) and Sparta's hegemony over all of Greece. Its ascendancy was broken by Thebans in 371. 斯巴达:伯罗奔尼撒半岛东南部古希腊的一个城邦。该城邦由多利安希腊人建立,以其军事主义著名,于公元前 6世纪达到全盛。它与雅典的长期对抗导致了伯罗奔尼撒战争(公元前460-404年)和斯巴达对整个希腊的霸权。它的支配地位于371年被底比斯人摧毁 〔hierodule〕An ancient Greek temple slave in the service of a specific deity.圣役:古希腊在寺院打杂的奴隶〔agonistic〕Of or relating to contests, originally those of the ancient Greeks.竞技的,竞赛的:有关竞赛的,源于古希腊的竞赛运动〔classicism〕Aesthetic attitudes and principles manifested in the art, architecture, and literature of ancient Greece and Rome and characterized by emphasis on form, simplicity, proportion, and restraint.古典风格,古典主义:古希腊和古罗马的艺术、建筑和文学中体现的美学立场和原理,以强调形式、简单、成比例和约束为特征




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