单词 | 叫做 |
释义 | 〔Cabell〕American writer best known for a series of satirical novels, includingJurgen (1919), set in a fictitious medieval French province called Poictesme. 卡贝尔,詹姆斯·布朗奇:(1879-1958) 美国作家,以一系列讽刺小说而成名,包括《朱根》 (1919年),讲述发生在中世纪时一个虚构的法国省份(叫做鲍克泰斯米)的故事 〔foolish〕It is ludicrous to call a simple split-level house a mansion. 把一座简朴的错层式的房子叫做大厦真太可笑了 〔Maginot〕French politician who as minister of war (1922-1924 and 1929-1932) proposed a line of fortification, called the Maginot Line, along France's border with Germany. Thought to be impregnable, the line was bypassed and later captured by the Germans (1940).马其诺,安德鲁:(1877-1932) 法国政治家,在担任陆军部长时(1922-1924以及1929-1932年)提议沿法国和德国边境设一条叫做马其诺防线的防御工事。马其诺防线曾被认为是牢不可破的,但是德国军从侧面包抄并在后来占领了这条防线(1940年)〔mesmerism〕When the members of an audience sit mesmerized by a speaker,their reactions do not take the form of dancing, sleeping, or falling into convulsions.But if Franz Anton Mesmer were addressing the audience,such behavior could be expected.Mesmer, a visionary 18th-century physician,believed cures could be effected by having patients do thingssuch as sit with their feet in a fountain of magnetized waterwhile holding cables attached to magnetized trees.Mesmer then came to believe that magnetic powers resided in himself,and during highly fashionable curative sessions in Parishe caused his patients to have reactions ranging from sleeping or dancing to convulsions.These reactions were actually brought about by hypnotic powers that Mesmer was unaware he possessed.One of his pupils, named Puységur, then used the termmesmerism (first recorded in English in 1802) for Mesmer's practices. The related wordmesmerize (first recorded in English in 1829), having shed its reference to the hypnotic doctor, lives on in the sense "to enthrall.”当一群观众被一位演讲者深深吸引时,他们的反应方式不会是舞蹈、睡眠或哄堂大笑。但是如果换了弗兰茨·奥顿·梅斯梅尔来给这群听众作演讲的话,那么这些行为是有可能发生的。梅斯梅尔,这位18世纪眼光远大的医师,认为可以通过诸如以下方法来治疗疾病,即让病人把脚放在有磁性的水中,同时手执与磁力场相连接的电线。此后,梅斯梅尔又认为他自己体内就存在着磁力,并且他在巴黎推行他的治疗方法的过程中,他又使他的病人们作出了睡眠、舞蹈直至抽搐等各种反应。这些反应实际上是他所拥有的催眠力导致的,但他自己却不知道自己拥有这样的力量。后来,梅斯梅尔的一个叫做皮勒塞格尔的学生采用了mesmerism (在英语中始见于1802年)这一字眼来给梅斯梅尔的治疗方法命名。 另一相关词汇mesmerize (在英语中始见于1829年)则摒弃了与这位催眠医师的关系, 现在这个词意是“迷惑住”〔cot〕People might assume that there is nothing particularly exotic about the history of the wordcot. However,cot happens to be a good example of how words are borrowed from other cultures, becoming so firmly naturalized over time that they lose their émigré flavor. The British first encountered the object denoted bycot, a light frame strung with tapes or rope, in India, where their trading stations had been established as early as 1612.The wordcot, first recorded in English in 1634, comes fromkhāṭ, the Hindi name for the contrivance. During subsequent years,cot has been used to denote other types of beds, including in British usage a crib.人们也许会认为cot 这个词的词源毫无特别的异国情调, 但是cot 恰巧是这样一个好的例子——从别的文化中借来又变得如此根深蒂固,以致于随着时间推移其丢失了外来语的味道。 英国人首先遇到这种叫做cot 的穿有带子和绳子的框架是在印度, 他们早在1612年就在那里建了贸易站。单词cot 在英语中首先记录于1634年, 由印度语中表示这个东西的词khat 而来。 在以后的岁月中,cot 已被用来指其他类型的床, 包括英国表示摇篮的用法〔soldier〕Why do soldiers fight?One answer is hidden away in the wordsoldier itself. Its first recorded occurrence is found in a work composed around 1300,the word having come into Middle English (assoudier ) from Old French soudoior and Anglo-Norman soudeour. The Old French word,first recorded in the 12th century,is derived fromsol or soud, Old French forms of Modern French sou. There is no longer a French coin namedsou, but the meaning of the wordsou alerts us to the fact that money is involved. Indeed, Old Frenchsol referred to a coin and also meant "pay,”and asoudoior was a man who fought for pay. This was a concept worth expressing in an era when many men were not paid for fighting but did it in service to a feudal superior.Thussoldier is parallel to the word mercenary, which goes back to Latinmercēnnārius, derived frommerces, "pay,” and meaning "working for pay.”The word could also be used as a noun,one of whose senses was "a soldier of fortune.”士兵们为什么而打仗?其中一个答案就隐藏在soldier 这个单词里面。 在大约1300年的一本著作中发现了这个词的最早记载。这个词由古法语的soudoior 和盎格鲁诺曼底语中的 soudeour 进入中古英语(形式为 soudier )。 古法语中的这个单词,最早记录于12世纪,是由sol 或 soud ,现代法语单词 sou 的古法语形式衍变而来的。 已经没有叫做sou 的法国硬币了, 但是单词sou 的意思使我们意识到这和钱有关。 实际上,古法语中的sol 指的是一枚硬币, 也意味着“报酬”,而soudoior 是一个为了报酬而打仗的人。 在许多人打仗并没有得到报酬而是给封建王服役的时代里,这种概念是值得表达出来的。这样,士兵(soldier) 类似于 雇佣兵(mercenary) , 可以追溯到拉丁文mercennarius , 由merces “报酬”衍变而来, 意思是“为报酬而工作”。这个词也能当名词使用,其中的一个意思是“雇佣兵”〔spoof〕When a comedian spoofs a television show or someone watches such a spoof,one is indebted to Arthur Roberts (1852-1933),a British comedian who invented a game calledSpoof, which involved trickery and nonsense.The first recorded reference to the game in 1884refers to its revival.It was not long beforethe wordspoof took on the general sense "nonsense, trickery,” first recorded in 1889. The verbspoof is first recorded in 1889 as well, in the sense "to deceive.” These senses are less widely used now than the noun sense "a light parody or satirical imitation,” first recorded in 1958,and the verb sense "to satirize gently,” first recorded in 1927.In the 1969American Heritage Dictionary the Usage Panel found both usages acceptable in writing at all levels,which seems the obvious finding since these senses had come to be so important to the use of the term.当一个喜剧演员在电视剧里表演滑稽讽刺剧或者当人们看到此类表演时,人们应当感激亚瑟·罗伯茨(1852-1933年),一个发明了叫做Spoof 剧的英国喜剧家。 此剧包括打趣和滑稽言辞。1884年第一次记载此类剧,表明它的兴起。不久以后,spoof 一词有了“傻话,哄骗”的一般意义,1889年第一次记载下来。 动词spoof 也首次记载于1889年,是“欺骗”的意义。 这些意思现在不如该词首次记载于1958年的名词意思“轻浮地讽刺模仿品和滑稽模仿作品”使用广泛,“轻浮地讽刺”的动词意义首次记载于1927年。1969年,美国词源字典 词语用法专家发现, 两种用法在许多情况下都可以接受。由于这些意思的使用已经变得相当重要,因而似乎很容易发现此种情况〔submarine〕The long sandwich featuring layers of meat and cheese on a crusty Italian roll goes by a variety of names.Submarine, sub, and hero are widespread terms, not assignable to any particular region.Most of the localized terms are clustered in the northeast United States,where the greatest numbers of Italian Americans live.Jane Stern, having studied the great variety of American names for this sandwich, finds that upstate New Yorkers call it abomber, while speakers downstate refer to awedge. In the Delaware Valley,including Philadelphia and southern New Jersey,the sandwich is called ahoagie. In Italian restaurants in New England the menu is likely to include agrinder. Speakers in Miami use the nameCuban sandwich and in Maine,Italian sandwich, but in the southern Midwest, according to Stern, the nameItalian is common, with both Italian and Italian sandwich recapturing the authentic nationality of the sandwich. In New Orleansthe same sandwich is called apoor boy and is likely to be offered in a most un-Italian version featuring fried oysters.在意大利长圆面包上放上几层肉和干酪而做成的长三明治,已有好几个名称。Submarine,sub 以及 hero 是使用最为广泛的名称, 而并非哪个地区的专用。这种三明治的大多数地方性名称集中于美国东北部地区,那里是居住意裔美国人最多的地方。简·斯特恩在对这种三明治的各种美国名称进行研究后发现,纽约州北部的居民称之为bomber(轰炸机) , 而纽约州南部的居民称之为wedge(楔形物) 。 在特拉华河谷,包括费城和新泽西南部,这种三明治叫做hoagie 。 在新英格兰的意大利饭馆的菜单上,它称为grinder 。 迈阿密人则使用古巴三明治 这个名称, 而缅因州人使用意大利三明治 这个名称。 依据斯特恩的研究,在中西部的南部,人们普遍使用Italian(意大利式) 这一名称,或者就叫它 意大利式 ,或者称之为 意大利三明治 。这两个名称都反映了该三明治的原产国。 在新奥尔良,相同的三明治又叫做可怜的男孩 , 而其做法绝对是非意大利式的,因为当中夹有牡蛎〔shotgun〕"Shotguns[are] so named because a shotgun fired through the front door of these long, narrow homes could pass straight through the house and out the back door without hitting any barriers" (Melissa O. Fryauf)See Regional Note at beignet “盒式房屋之所以[被] 叫做shot guns是因为用滑膛枪在这些狭长房子的前门射击,子弹穿过房间,从后门射出,在这过程中子弹不会遇到任何障碍物” (梅利萨O.弗雷奥夫) 参见 beignet〔complement〕An angle related to another so that the sum of their measures is 90°.余角:两角和为90°,其中一个角叫做另一个角的余角〔term〕To designate; call.把…称为:称为;叫做〔of〕Specified as; named or called:具体为;被称为或叫做:〔style〕To call or name; designate:称呼:称为,叫做;指称:〔slatch〕In New Englandaslatch can be a lull between breaking waves or a lull in a high windstorm.Its use is recorded as far back as the 17th century: "Whan it hath beene a sett of foule weather and that there comes an Interim . . . of faire weather . . . they call it a little Slatch of faire weather" (Nomenclator Navalis).Occurrence of the word in both its senses,formerly in Britainand now in New England,attests continuous use down through the centuries of the Old English wordslæc, which is pronounced today as it was in Old English.Slæc is also the source of modern slack, the relationship ofslatch and slack being evidenced in the use of slatch in 17th-century nautical parlance to denote the slack part of a rope or cable on a ship. 在新英格兰,slatch 可能是中断的波浪之间的平静, 也可能是强烈风暴中的平静。它有记载的使用可以追溯到17世纪: “当一段坏天气中出现一阵…好天气时…他们把它叫做一小强烈风暴间的好天气” (诺曼克莱特·那瓦利斯)。这个词出现在这两个意思中,以前在英国使用,现在是在新英格兰,这证明了古英语中sloc 这个词经历几个世纪的不断的使用, 它现在的发音与它在古英语中的发音一样。Sloc 还是现代英语中 slack 这个词的词源, 17世纪航海用语中用slatch 这个词来表示船上绳索松散的部分,这清楚地表明了 slatch 与 slack 这两个词之间的联系 〔smog〕Smog is so much a part of modern, industrialized lifethat it is difficult to realize that at one time neither smog nor the word for it existed.The word, of course, followed the phenomenon perhaps by half a century,for air pollution was noticed during the Industrial Revolution.The wordsmog is first recorded in 1905 in a newspaper report of a meeting of the Public Health Congress. Dr. H.A. des V÷ux gave a paper entitled "Fog and Smoke,” in which,in the words of theDaily Graphic of July 26, "he said it required no science to see that there was something produced in great cities which was not found in the country, and that was smoky fog, or what was known as ‘smog.’”The next day theGlobe remarked that "Dr. des V÷ux did a public service in coining a new word for the London fog.”Since Dr. des V÷ux's creation of this blend, much more has been learned about the composition of smog;unfortunately, it is still with us.烟雾污染已成为现代工业生活中如此大的一部分,以至有一段时间人们难以认识烟雾污染以及表达其存在的烟雾污染这个词。不言而喻,这个词是在这种现象产生半个世纪以后才出现的,因为空气污染是在工业革命期间才被发现。Smog 这个词的第一次使用记录出现在1905年关于公共健康委员会一次会议的新闻报导中, H·A·德佛博士当时上交了一份题为《雾和烟》的论文,按照7月26日每日画报 的说法, 在这篇论文中,“他认为不必借助科学,人们就会发现一种只存在于大城市而乡村没有的东西,那就是含烟的雾,或者叫做烟雾”。第二天的环球报 评论说: "H·A·德佛博士关于伦敦大雾所创造的新词是对公众的一个贡献”。自从H·A·德佛博士用混合的方法创造这个词开始,人们对烟雾的结构做了仔细的研究;但不幸的是,它至今还存在着〔Tokyo〕The capital and largest city of Japan, in east-central Honshu onTokyo Bay, an inlet of the Pacific Ocean. Founded in the 12th century as Edo, Tokyo became the imperial capital in 1868. Much of the city was destroyed by an earthquake in 1923 and by bombing raids during World War II. Population, 8,353,674. 东京,江户:日本首都和最大城市,位于本州岛中东部,临太平洋的一个海湾。东京湾 建立于12世纪,当时叫做江户,1868年东京成为帝国首都,1923年的地震和二次世界大战期间的空袭曾使该城的大部分被摧毁。人口8,353,674 〔redundancy〕The usages that critics have condemned as redundancies fall into several classes.In some cases,such asconsensus of opinion, close proximity, hollow tube, and refer back, the use of what is regarded as an unnecessary modifier or qualifier can sometimes be justified on the grounds that it in fact makes a semantic contribution.Thus ahollow tube can be distinguished from one that has been blocked up with deposits, and aconsensus of opinion can be distinguished from a consensus of judgments or practice. In other cases the use of the qualifier is harder to defend.Thus there is no way torevert without reverting back and noconsensus that is not general. · Sometimes recognition of redundancy may require familiarity with a foreign language.The expressionsSierra Mountains and Rio Grande River are indeed redundant for those who know Spanish, but the use of the wordsmountains and river may still serve some purpose when one is addressing an English-speaking audience. Occasionally, what originates as a redundant element may, through long use,become part of the established name of a thing.Thus a reference to the site of a famous World War II battle as "the El Alamein"incorporates three versions of the definite article, in English, Spanish, and Arabic.See Usage Note at close ,consensus ,cross section ,mental telepathy ,rarely ,refer 被评论家指责为冗长和重复的使用方法可分为几类。在某些情况下,如consensus of opinion,、close proximity、 hollow tube 和 refer back , 这种不必要修饰或限定语的使用有时也不能完全否定,因为它们从语义上说还是有意义的。因此,一个空管子 可以与被装填物堵满的管子相区别, 观点的一致 可以与判断力或惯例的一致相区别。 在其它情况下类似修饰语的使用就不那么容易自圆其说了。因此,没有 reverting back 就没有办法 revert , 没有 consensus 不是 general。 · 有时辨认出冗余需要对外语很熟悉。对于懂西班牙语的人来说 Sierra Mountains 和 Rio Grande River 这类说法是重复的, 但当对说英语的人讲话时,使用 mountains 和 river 还是有用的。 有时,一个刚产生时是多余的成份经过长时间使用后,可成为一个物体固定的一部分。因此当提到二战时叫做“阿拉曼战役”的著名战役时,在英语、西班牙语和阿拉伯语中的定冠词的三种形式取得了一致 参见 close,consensus,cross section,mental telepathy,rarely,refer〔tule〕Low, swampy land istules or tule land in the parlance of northern California. When the Spanish colonized Mexico and Central America,they borrowed from the native inhabitants the Nahuatl wordtollin, "bulrush.” The English-speaking settlers of the West in turn borrowed the Spanish wordtule to refer to certain varieties of bulrushes native to California.Eventually the meaning of the word was extended to the marshy land where the bulrushes grew.北加利福尼亚的说法中,潮湿洼地叫做tules 或 tule land 。 当西班牙人殖民于墨西哥和中美洲时,他们从土著居民那里借来了那瓦特语tollin (“灯心草”)。 接着西方讲英语的定居者又借用了西班牙语tule , 用来表示原产于加利福尼亚的各种灯芯草。最后该词的意义又扩展到这种灯芯草所生长的沼泽地〔totalitarian〕Of, relating to, being, or imposing a form of government in which the political authority exercises absolute and centralized control over all aspects of life, the individual is subordinated to the state, and opposing political and cultural expression is suppressed:极权主义的:政治权威对社会生活的各个方面具有绝对的、中心化的控制权的政府叫做极权政府,个人从属于国家,政治和文化上的反对意见受到压制,这样的政府的,与极权政府有关的或强制建立极权政府的:〔alarum〕"This instrument called television can teach and illuminate, cautioned Edward R. Murrow, but only to the extent that its operators choose to use it. . . . an era later . . . Murrow's alarum remains as up to date as tonight's news"(Harry F. Waters)“这种叫做电视机的设备能够教导和启发人,但是爱德华·R·默罗告诫说,其只能到操作者选择使用的程度上。…一个时代以后…默罗的警告仍会和今晚的新闻一样萦绕”(哈里F.沃特斯)〔enemy〕"Art hath an enemy called Ignorance"(Ben Jonson)“艺术有个敌人叫做无知”(本·琼森)〔possum〕Since English is a language that stresses some syllables and not others, weakly stressed syllables,especially those preceding strong stresses, are dropped at times.This process, called aphesis when it occurs at the beginning of a word,is more common in regional American dialects than in the more conservative Standard English,which tends to retain in pronunciation anything reflected in spelling.Although many American dialects feature aphesis,it is most famous in the dialects of the South,where it yields pronunciationssuch ascount of for (on) account of, tater for potato, possum for opossum, and skeeter for mosquito. 由于英语是一种强调某些音节而不强调另一些音节的语言,所以弱音音节,特别是那些在重音音节之前的弱音音节就常常被省掉了。这个过程,如发生于一个字的开头就叫做词首非重读短元音省略。这种现象在美国地方方言中比在更为保守的标准英语中要常见得多,因为标准英语趋向于将拼写中的每一个字母都在发音中加以保存。虽然许多美国方言具有词首非重读短元音省略的特征,但这一现象在南方的方言中最为显著,并产生了许多新发音,如(on) account of 被读成 count of,potato 被读成 tater,opossum 被读成 possum 以及 mosquito 则被读成 skeeter 〔Menderes〕A river of western Turkey flowing about 402 km (250 mi) southwest and west to the Aegean Sea. In ancient times it was called the Maeander and was legendary for its winding course.曼德列斯河:土耳其西部一河流,流程大约为402公里(250英里),向西南和向西方流入爱琴海。在古代此河叫做米安德尔,并因其蜿蜒曲折而富传奇色彩〔Atlas〕Italian-born American bodybuilder who taught his method of bodybuilding, called "dynamic tension,” in gymnasiums and through correspondence.阿特拉斯,查尔斯:(1894-1972) 意大利裔美国健美运动员,他在体育馆及通过信笺来传授叫做“动态张力”的健美方法〔reeling〕In the granite quarries of Maine,stones for paving were once shaped by men using small hammers calledreels. Crews of 30 men at a time would use these hammers.The resulting "shattering noise as the pieces of the granite were shaped. . . . gave Mainers a word for any sustained hubbub—reelin' ” (John Gould). Reeling can denote noise made by humans as well: She told the children to hush their reeling. 在美国缅因州的花岗石采石场,人们用叫做reels 的小锤来使石头成形以用来铺设地面。 30人将同时使用这些手锤。“在使一块块花岗石成形时的破裂声给了缅因州人一个用来形容任何持续的吵闹声的词语——reelin' ” (约翰.古德)。 Reeling 还可以表示人发出的噪声: “她让喧闹的孩子安静下来” |
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