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单词 可食用
释义 〔muskmelon〕Any of several varieties of the melonCucumis melo, such as the cantaloupe, having fruit characterized by a netted rind and edible flesh with a musky aroma. 香瓜:一种香瓜属 甜瓜种类,如罗马甜瓜,果实有网纹、可食用并且有麝香香味 〔champignon〕An edible mushroom, especially the much cultivated speciesAgaricus bisporus. 洋蘑菇:一种可食用的蘑菇,尤指大量培植的品种双孢子蘑菇 〔tuna〕The edible flesh of tuna, often canned or processed. Also called In this sense, also called tuna fish 金枪鱼肉:金枪鱼可食用的肉,通常是装有罐头中或加工过的 也作 在此意义上也可称作 tuna fish〔laver〕Any of several dried, edible seaweeds of the generaPorphyra (the red algae) and Ulva (the green algae). 紫菜:任一种紫菜 属(红藻)和 石藻 属(绿藻)的晒干的、可食用海草 〔herbage〕The fleshy, often edible parts of plants.牧草:植物的通常可食用的肉质部分〔lentil〕A leguminous plant(Lens culinaris) native to southwest Asia, having flat pods containing lens-shaped, edible seeds. 小扁豆,兵豆:一种豆科植物(兵豆 兵豆属) ,原产于亚洲西南地区,长有扁平的豆荚,内含可食用的透镜形种子 〔squash〕Any of various tendril-bearing plants of the genusCucurbita, having fleshy edible fruit with a leathery rind and unisexual flowers. 南瓜:一种南瓜属 卷须植物,具有新鲜可食用的果实,有毛皮状表皮和单性生殖的花朵 〔mangosteen〕A Malaysian evergreen tree(Garcinia mangostana) having thick leathery leaves and large edible berries. 莽吉柿树:一种产于马来西亚的常绿乔木(莽吉柿) ,长有厚实的革状叶片,结硕大可食用的果实 〔cress〕An Old World annual plant(Lepidium sativum) in the mustard family, cultivated for its edible seedlings and leaves. 家独行菜:一种产于旧大陆的十字花科的一年生植物(独行菜属 家独行菜) ,因其有可食用的种子和叶子而被培植 〔litchi〕A Chinese tree(Litchi chinensis) that bears bright red fruits, each of which has a large single seed with a white, fleshy, edible aril. 荔枝树:一种中国树种(荔枝属 荔枝) 所结的鲜红的果实都有一个大核和白色、多肉、可食用的假种皮 〔tuna〕Any of several flat-jointed tropical American cacti of the genusOpuntia, which includes the prickly pears, especially O. tuna of Jamaica, having yellow flowers and edible red fruit. 霸王树:产于热带的一种仙人掌 属扁平生节的美洲仙人掌,包括具皮刺的梨,尤指产于牙买加的 霸王树 ,有黄色的花和可食用的红色果实 〔cook〕To prepare food for eating by applying heat.烹饪:通过加热加工食物使之可食用〔meal〕The edible whole or coarsely ground grains of a cereal grass.粗磨粉:谷类植物完全或粗磨的可食用颗粒〔damson〕A Eurasian plum tree(Prunus insititia) cultivated since ancient times for its edible fruit. Also called bullace plum 乌荆子李树,欧亚野李树:一种欧亚李树(李属 乌荆子李) ,因其果子可食用,远古时代就有人栽培 也作 bullace plum〔celery〕A biennial European plant(Apium graveolens var. dulce) in the parsley family, having edible roots, leafstalks, leaves, and fruits. 芹菜:一种二年生伞形科欧洲植物(芹属 旱芹 变种 甜芹) ,根、茎、叶和果实均可食用 〔sardine〕Any of numerous small, silvery, edible freshwater or marine fishes unrelated to the sardine.淡水鱼,海水鱼:任一种各种小型、银色、可食用的与沙丁鱼无关的淡水或海水鱼类〔instant〕A food or beverage designed for quick preparation.速食食品,即溶饮料:经过简短准备就可食用的食品或饮料〔pea〕A Eurasian climbing annual vine(Pisum sativum) cultivated in all temperate zones, having compound leaves with terminal leaflets modified into tendrils and globose, edible seeds enclosed in a green, elongated pod. 豌豆属植物:一种欧亚大陆的一年生爬藤植物(豌豆) ,栽植于所有温带地区,具有顶生小叶片的复叶,复叶变成卷须和包在绿色的长荚中的球状可食用种子 〔cobnut〕The large edible nut of a cultivated variety of hazel.欧洲榛子:栽培的多种榛子的可食用坚果〔pecan〕A deciduous tree(Carya illinoinensis) of the central and southern United States, having deeply furrowed bark, pinnately compound leaves, and edible nuts. 美洲山核桃树:产于美国中部和南部的落叶树(美国山核桃 山核桃属) ,具有很深皱纹的树皮,羽状复叶和可食用的坚果 〔saskatoon〕A shrub(Amelanchier alnifolia) of northwest North America, having white flowers and edible dark purple fruit. 唐棣:一种产于北美西北部的灌木(桤叶唐棣 唐棣属) ,开白花,结可食用的暗黑色果实 〔sapote〕A Mexican and Central American tree(Poulteria sapota) having edible, brown, oval fruit with very sweet reddish flesh. 人心果树:一种产于墨西哥和中美洲的树木(人心果树) ,结有可食用的椭圆形棕色果实,有十分甜的红色叶肉 〔butternut〕The nut of this tree, having an edible sweet kernel.灰胡桃果:灰胡桃的坚果,长有一个可食用的甜果核〔pear〕A widely cultivated tree(Pyrus communis) in the rose family, having glossy leaves, white flowers grouped in a corymb, and edible fruit. 梨树:一种蔷薇科的普遍种植的乔木(梨属 西洋梨) ,具有光质叶片,白色的伞状花簇,果实可食用 〔currant〕Any of various deciduous, spineless shrubs of the genusRibes, native chiefly to the Northern Hemisphere and having flowers in racemes and edible, variously colored berries. 醋栗:任一种主要产于北半球的茶子属 落叶无刺灌木,开有总状花序的花朵,结可食用的且色彩多样的浆果 〔crookneck〕Any of several edible varieties of summer squash having a narrow crooked or curved neck and a yellow rind and flesh.曲颈南瓜:任一种可食用的夏天南瓜属植物,长有细的弯脖子和黄色的皮和果肉〔persimmon〕Any of various chiefly tropical trees of the genusDiospyros, having hard wood and orange-red fruit that is edible only when completely ripe. 柿树:一种柿树 属的热带主要树种,有坚硬的木质,和完全成熟后才可食用的桔红色果实 〔chanterelle〕An edible mushroom(Cantharellus cibarius) that is yellow to orange in color, trumpet-shaped, and sometimes fragrant. 鸡油菌:一种可食用的蘑菇(食物鸡油菌) ,颜色从黄色至橙色,呈喇叭状,有时有香味 〔brill〕An edible flatfish(Bothas rhombus) of European waters. 菱鲆:欧洲水域产的一种可食用的扁鱼(菱鲆 鲆属) 〔jojoba〕A dioecious shrub(Simmondsia chinensis) of the southwest United States and northern Mexico, having opposite, leathery leaves and edible seeds that contain a valuable oil. 加州希蒙得木:产于美国西南部及墨西哥北部的一种雌雄异株灌木(希蒙得木) ,长有坚韧的对生叶,种子可食用并含有一种有价值的油 〔clam〕Any of various usually burrowing marine and freshwater bivalve mollusks of the class Pelecypoda, including members of the generaVenus and Mya, many of which are edible. 蛤,蛤蜊:一种双壳纲通常穴居的海洋及淡水双瓣软体动物,包括帘蛤属 和 海螂属 的成员,其中许多可食用 〔crayfish〕The crayfish, also known as the crawfish, owes its name to a misunderstanding.The actual source of the word may be the Old High German wordkrebiz, "edible crustacean,” or a word related to it.From this Germanic source came Old Frenchcrevice, which when taken into English becamecrevise (first recorded in a document written in 1311-1312). In Old French and Middle English these words designated the crayfish.People began to pronounce and spell the last part of this word as if it werefish, the firstfish spelling (actually fysshes ) being recorded in 1555. Because of a variation in Anglo-Norman pronunciation,two forms of the word have come down to Modern English:crayfish and crawfish. 螯虾又名crawfish,正是出于误解才有现在这个名字。该词的真正来源可能是古高地德语中krebiz 一词, 意为“可食用的甲壳类动物”,或与之相关的一词。从这个日耳曼语词源中出现了古法语crevice 一词, 该词被借用入英语中变成了crevise (初次记录在1311-1312年间所写的一个文件中)。 在古法语和中世纪英语中这一词被称为crayfish。人们开始用fish 来发音和拼写这个词的后半部分, 而第一个fish 拼写法(实际上是 fysshes )被记录于1555年。 由于英国法语发音的差异,这个词的两种变体,即crayfish 和 crawfish 就共同延续到了现代英语中 〔mango〕A tropical Asian evergreen tree(Mangifera indica) cultivated for its edible fruit. 芒果树:一种产于亚洲的热带常绿乔木(芒果) ,因其果实可食用而被种植 〔tamarind〕A tropical Asian evergreen tree(Tamarindus indica) having pinnately compound leaves, pale yellow flowers, and thick, cinnamon-brown pods containing an edible acid pulp. 罗望子:一种生活于亚洲热带地区的常绿乔木(酸豆 酸豆属) ,生有二羽状复叶,开淡黄色花朵,并结含有可食用酸味果浆的厚且呈浅红褐色的荚 〔dulse〕An edible red alga(Palmaria palmata) that grows on rocky shores on both sides of the northern Atlantic Ocean. 红皮藻:一种可食用红藻(红皮藻 红皮藻属) ,生长于北大西洋西岸的礁石海岸 〔perch〕Any of various spiny-finned freshwater fishes of the genusPerca, especially either of two edible species, P. flavescens, of North America, and P. fluviatilis, of Europe. 河鲈:任何一种有刺状鳍的鲈属 淡水鱼,尤指两种可食用类,北美洲的 金鲈 和欧洲的 河鲈 〔hake〕Any of various marine food fishes of the generaMerluccius and Urophycis, related to and resembling the cod. 狗鳕,海鳕:一种可食用的海鱼无须鳕属 和 长鳍鳕属 海洋食用鱼,与鳕鱼有亲缘关系,外表相似 〔flesh〕The meat of animals as distinguished from the edible tissue of fish or fowl.肌肉:区别于鱼或禽类的兽类动物的可食用的组织〔melon〕Any of several varieties of two related vines(Cucumis melo or Citrullus lanatus) widely cultivated for their edible fruit. 瓜蔓:被广泛种植以取其可食用之果实的两种相互有联系的瓜蔓(甜瓜 或 西瓜) 〔oyster〕Any of several edible bivalve mollusks of the family Ostreidae, especially of the generaCrassostrea and Ostrea, that live chiefly in shallow marine waters and have a rough, irregularly shaped shell. 牡蛎:任一种蛎科的可食用的双壳软体动物,尤指巨蛎属 和 牡蛎属, 主要生活在浅海水中并有坚硬的不规则形状的壳




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