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单词 史前
释义 〔protohistory〕The study of a culture just before the time of its earliest recorded history.史前历史学:对有最早文字记载历史时期以前的文化的研究〔trilithon〕A prehistoric structure consisting of two large stones set upright to support a third on their tops.三石塔:一种史前的建筑结构,由两块竖立的巨石上架另一块巨石构成〔paleobotany〕The branch of paleontology that deals with plant fossils and ancient vegetation.史前植物学:古生物学的分支,研究植物化石以及古代植被〔troglodyte〕A member of a fabulous or prehistoric race of people that lived in caves, dens, or holes.史前穴居人:神话中的或史前的居住在洞、穴中的人种中的一个成员〔tattoo〕The practice of tattooing the body is prehistoric,but the English wordtattoo was introduced fairly recently. Our word came from Polynesian languages such as Tahitian and Samoanand was introduced to English speakers by the explorer Capt. James Cook (who also gave us the wordtaboo ). The earliest use of the verbtattoo in English is found in 1769 in his account of a voyage around the world from 1768 to 1771. Cook also used a noun in his writings of 1769but treated it as a native wordso he is not given credit for the first use of the noun in English (recorded in 1777).In any event,sailors introduced the custom into Europe from the Pacific societies in which it was practiced,and it has remained associated with sailors,although many other people have tattoos as well.尽管在身体上刺出花纹这一做法在史前就已存在,但英语中tattoo 一词却是在距离现在较近的时候才被引入的。 我们这个词源于塔西提语或萨摩亚语等波利尼西亚语族,它是由探险家詹姆斯·库克船长介绍给英语使用者的(库克同时也给了我们taboo 一词)。 动词tattoo 在英语中的首次使用见于库克关于他在1768年-1771年所做的一次环球航行记录中。 库克在他1769年的日志中也把这个词用作一个名词,但因为他只是把它作为一个土著人的词汇对待,所以人们不认为他是第一个在英语中使用该词名词形式的人(记录于1777年)。但不管怎样,是水手们将这种原本是太平洋岛屿社会中的习俗带入欧洲的,所以直到今天这种做法仍然和水手们联系在一起,虽然各种职业的人们都在身上刺花纹〔whore〕Derivatives of Indo-European roots often make strange bedfellows. A prime example is the case of.kā-, "to like, desire.” From the stem.kāro- derived from this root came the prehistoric Common Germanic word .hōraz with the underlying meaning "one who desires" and the effective meaning "adulterer.” From this word came the Old English wordhōre, the ancestor of Modern Englishwhore. The same stem produced the Latin wordcārus, "dear,” from which came Modern Englishcaress, cherish, and charity, the highest form of love. Contact with East Indian culture has added yet another pair of derivatives from this Indo-European root to the English language.From the stem.kāmo- came the Sanskrit word kāmaḥ, "love, desire,” from which are derived the English borrowingsKama, "the Hindu god of love,” andKamasutra, "a Sanskrit treatise on the rules of love and marriage according to Hindu law.” 从印欧语词根派生出的词常产生奇怪的词伴。一个很好的例子就是ko- “喜欢,渴望”。 从这个词根派生出karo 这个词干,然后又产生出史前共同日尔曼语的 horaz 一词,暗指“渴望…的人”,也含有显著的意义“通奸者”。 从这个词又产生古英语中的hore, 这是现代英语whore 的前身。 这一词干产生了拉丁词carus “亲爱的”, 又由它而引出现代英语中的caress,cherish 和 charity 这是爱的最高形式。 与东印度文化的接触又给英语语言加上了另外两个从这个印欧词根派生出的词。从词干kamo- 产生出梵语词 kamah “爱,欲望”, 从这个词又产生出英语的外来词Kama “印度人的爱神”, 和Kamasutra “根据印度法律所制定的关于爱情和婚姻的规定的梵语论述” 〔bleed〕It seems only common sense thatbleed should be related to blood, but one needs some knowledge of historical linguistics to understand the relationship fully.In prehistoric Common Germanic, the hypothetical predecessor of Germanic languages such as English, German, and Swedish,the word.blōdha-, "blood,” the ancestor of our word blood, is assumed to have existed. From this noun was derived the verb.blōdhjan, "to bleed.” A change of sound then came into play in Old English, that is, thej, pronounced like the y in your, caused the vowelō, pronounced as in go, to become pronounced like the ö in German schön. Later in Old English thisō changed to ē, pronounced like the a in labor, eventually becoming like thee in bee by 1500. By this change, as well as others,.blōdhjan became Modern English bleed. 根据常识bleed 好象应该和 blood 联系在一起, 但要想全面理解这种关系,应具备一些历史语言学的知识。在史前日耳曼共同语,即日耳曼语言(如英语、德语和瑞典语)的假设前任语言中,我们使用的单词blood 源于 blodha- 意为“血”,被认为已经存在了。 从这一名词派生出动词blodhjan, 意为“流血”。 发音的改变出现于古英语中,即j, 发音与 your 中的 y 相似, 引起go 中的元音 ō 变得如德语 schon 中的 ö 。 后来在古英语中ō 变为 ē, 发音如 labor 中的 a, 最后在1500年前变得如bee 中的 e 。 通过这种变化,以及其他变化,blodhjan 成为了现代英语的 bleed 〔caveman〕A prehistoric or primitive human living in caves.穴居人:史前或原始的居于洞中的人类〔paleoconservative〕Extremely or stubbornly conservative in political matters.史前保守派的:对于政治事务极端或固执于保守主义的〔Badlands〕A heavily eroded arid region of southwest South Dakota and northwest Nebraska. The Badlands National Monument in South Dakota was established in 1939 to protect the area's colorful rock formations and prehistoric fossils.巴德兰兹:美国南达科他州西南部及内布拉斯加西北部被严重侵蚀的贫瘠干旱的地区。南达科他州的巴德兰兹国家纪念碑建于1939年,以保护这一地区的彩色岩石结构和史前化石〔Cahokia〕A village of southwest Illinois, a residential suburb of East St. Louis. Nearby are theCahokia Mounds, a group of approximately 85 prehistoric Native American earthworks. Population, 17,550. 卡何齐亚:美国伊利诺斯西南部的一个乡村,是东圣路易斯的一个居住区。其附近有由大约85个史前本土美洲工地组成的卡何齐亚丘 。人口17,550 〔dolmen〕A prehistoric megalithic structure consisting of two or more upright stones with a capstone, typically forming a chamber.石棚:常作寝室的史前巨石结构,由二块或多块矗立的石头和一块覆盖的石头构成〔Portsmouth〕A city of southern Ohio on the Ohio River south of Columbus. An important industrial and rail center, it has prehistoric mounds and earthworks nearby. Population, 22,676.朴次茅斯:美国俄亥俄州南部一城市,位于俄亥俄河沿岸,哥伦布市以南。该市是重要的工业中心及铁路中心,附近则分布着史前印第安人构筑的土墩及土木工事。人口22,676〔megalith〕A very large stone used in various prehistoric architectures or monumental styles, notably in western Europe during the second millenniumb.c. 巨石:各种史前建筑或纪念碑所用之巨型石块,尤见于公元前 第二个千年时之西欧 〔Norfolk〕A historical region of eastern England bordering on the North Sea. Settled in prehistoric times, it was part of the Anglo-Saxon kingdom of East Anglia. Its name means the "northern people,” as opposed to the "southern people" of Suffolk.诺福克:英国东部北海之滨的历史地区,建于史前年代,为东安哥里尔盎格鲁-撒克逊王国的一部分。它名字意为“北部人”,与索福克“南部人”相对〔Tiryns〕An ancient city of southern Greece in the eastern Peloponnesus. It contains the ruins of pre-Homeric palaces as well as prehistoric structures.梯林斯:希腊南部一个古代城市,在伯罗奔尼撒半岛的东部,它保存有前荷马时代的宫殿遗址,还有一些史前建筑〔Oran〕A city of northwest Algeria on theGulf of Oran, an inlet of the Mediterranean Sea west-southwest of Algiers. Built on a site occupied since prehistoric times, Oran was captured by the Spanish in 1509 and by the Turks in 1708. It was occupied by the French in 1831 and held by Vichy France during World War II. Allied troops liberated the city in November 1942. Population, 409,788. 奥兰:阿尔及利亚西北部一座城市,位于奥兰湾畔, 该湾处阿尔及尔西南偏西,是地中海的入海口。奥兰建立于自史前即有人占据的地址上,1509年被西班牙占领,1708年被土耳其据有。1831年被法国占据并在二战其间被法兰西维希帝国统治。1942年11月盟军解放该城。人口409,788 〔menhir〕A prehistoric monument of a class found chiefly in the British Isles and northern France, consisting of a single tall, upright megalith.竖石纪念物:一种史前遗留下来的纪念碑,主要存在于不列颠群岛及法国北部,由单块高而直的巨石构成〔echo〕found echoes of past civilizations while examining artifacts in the Middle East.在调查中东的史前古器物时,发现了旧时文明的遗迹〔winter〕Winter, spring, summer, fall.It is not too difficult to see how the season namesspring and fall came into being, but without some background information it is impossible to tell what the origins of the wordswinter and summer are. Summer goes back to the Indo-European root .sem-, meaning "summer.” From a suffixed form of this root came the prehistoric Common Germanic word.sumaraz, the ancestor of Old Englishsumor and its descendant, Modern English summer. This is the only Indo-European root referring to a season that has survived in an English name for a season.Of the other three,.wesr-, "spring,” has produced words such as vernal; ghyem-, "winter,” has given us words such as hibernate; andesen-, "harvest, fall,” has yielded earn ( from the prehistoric Common Germanic word.aznōn, "to do harvest work, serve"). Winter does, however, go back to the Indo-European root wed-, "water, wet.” From the formwe-n-d- of this root with the nasal infix -n- was derived the Germanic word .wintruz, with the underlying meaning "wet season" and the literal meaning "winter.”The Germanic word is the source of Old Englishwinter, the ancestor of Modern English winter. 冬,春,夏,秋。说出季节名spring 和 fall 的来历不是很难, 但如果没有一些背景知识,不可能知道winter 和 summer 的词源。 Summer 可追溯到印欧语中的词根 sem- ,意思是“夏天”。 给这个词根加后缀后又转化为史前的普通日尔曼词sumaraz, 这是古英语中sumor 的前身,由此又发展来现代英语中的 summer。 这是印欧语中表季节的词根在英语中作为季节名保留下来的唯一一个。另外三个wesr- “春”产生了象 vernal这类的词; ghyem-“冬”又给了我们单词 hibernate; esen- “收获,秋天”衍生出 earn ( 从史前的普通日尔曼词aznon “做收获的工作,服务”而来)。 然而winter 得追溯到印欧词根 wed- “水,湿的”。 由这个词根的we-n-d 形式和鼻音中缀 -n- 衍生出日尔曼语词 wintruz, 其隐含的意思是“湿润的季节”和字面意义“冬天”。这个日尔曼词是古英语中winter 的前身,也是现代英语 winter 的前身 〔paleontology〕The study of the forms of life existing in prehistoric or geologic times, as represented by the fossils of plants, animals, and other organisms.古生物学:对出现在史前或地质时代的生命的形成的研究,体现在植物、动物和其它有机体的化石上〔yes〕The wordyes is a good example of how an ordinary and frequently used word can have a complex etymology. We can traceyes back to two Indo-European roots, .i-, a pronominal stem, and .es-, "to be.” From two extended forms of.i-, .yām and .yāi, came the prehistoric Common Germanic forms.jā and jai, which gave us Old Englishgeā, an affirmative particle, the source of Modern Englishyea. The Indo-European is the source of our forms am and is. From the stem.sī- used to make verb forms in the optative mood, a mood used to express a wish, came the Germanic form.sijai-, which gave us Old Englishsīe, "may it be so.” This form, unlike the sources ofam and is, died out, but before disappearing it had combined with Old Englishgēa to form the compound gēse, the ancestor of our wordyes. Thissīe was destined to have even more of a triumph. Until around 1600yea was used to respond to positive expressions, whereasyes was used to respond to negative expressions. After that timeyes became a response to both positive and negative expressions, yea surviving primarily in voice votes. yes 一词是说明一个普通常用词如何拥有一复杂词源的极好例证。 我们可以追溯yes 到两个印欧语词根, 代名词词干i- 和 es- “是”。 从i-的两种扩展形式,yam 和 yai, 形成了史前普通日耳曼语形式ja 和 jai, 它们又带来了古英语中的肯定虚词gea , 这便是现代英语yea 的来源。 而印欧语词根es- 是我们 am 和 is 两形式的源头。 以is- ,一个用于制造祈愿语气动词的词干, 产生出日尔曼形式sijai-, 并由此形成了古英语sie, “希望如此”。 这种形式不象am 和 is 的词源,已经灭绝了, 但在消失之前,它已经和古英语gea 混合形成复合词 gese, 即我们的单词yes 的前身。 这个sie 注定要获取更大的胜利。 直至1600年左右,yea 还被用于回答肯定的陈述; 而yes 则用于回答否定陈述。 此后,yes 既可作肯定也可否定表达的回答, yea 则主要在口头投票时使用 〔Aurignac〕A village of southern France at the foot of the Pyrenees. It is the site of caves containing prehistoric relics.奥瑞纳:法国南部一村庄,位于比利牛斯山脉脚下。是藏有史前文化的洞穴的遗址〔paleobiogeography〕The study of the geographic distribution of fossil organisms.史前生物地理学:对有机体化石的地理分布的研究〔celt〕A common prehistoric tool of stone or metal, shaped like a chisel or ax head.斧,锛头:史前一种象凿子或斧头的石质或金属质普通工具〔Memphis〕An ancient city of Egypt south of Cairo. Reputedly founded by Menes, the first king of united Egypt, it retained its primacy until the conquest of Egypt by Alexander the Great. Its remains include an extensive necropolis.孟菲斯:埃及一古老城市,位于开罗以南。据说该城是由统一埃及的第一位国王美尼斯建立的,在亚历山大大帝占领埃及之前它一直保持原状。该地遗物包括大面积的史前坟墓〔paleoliberal〕Extremely or stubbornly liberal in political matters.史前自由派的:对于政治事务极端或固执于自由主义的〔Gezer〕An ancient city of Canaan on the coastal Plain of Sharon northwest of Jerusalem. Excavations here have revealed many levels of prehistoric cultures.基色:迦南的一个古老的城市,在沙龙沿海平原,耶路撒冷的西北。出自此地的发掘物显示了不同水平的史前文化〔Thomsen〕Danish archaeologist who proposed a three-part system for the chronological classification of prehistoric artifacts, divided into the Stone, Bronze, and Iron ages.汤姆生,克里斯坦:丹麦考古学家,他提出将史前手工艺品分成依照年代顺序的三部分系统,即石器时代、青铜器时代、铁器时代〔Canaanite〕A member of a Semitic people inhabiting Canaan from late prehistoric times and who were conquered by the Israelites around 1000b.c. 迦南人:自史前晚期居住在迦南的希伯来人的成员,公元前 1000年左右被以色列人征服 〔Sind〕A historical region of southern Pakistan along the lower Indus River. Inhabited since prehistoric times, it was held by Moslem dynasties from the 11th century until 1843, when it was annexed to British India. Sind became part of Pakistan in 1947.信德:巴基斯坦南部一历史性地区,位于印度河下游沿岸,史前就有人在此居住,从11世纪到1843年前一直被穆斯林王朝所统治,1843年并入英属印度1947年信德成为巴基斯坦的一部份〔Anderson〕A city of east-central Indiana northeast of Indianapolis. There are numerous prehistoric mounds nearby. Population, 59,459.安德森:美国印第安纳州中东部一城市,位于印第安纳波利斯东北,附近有很多史前坟丘。人口59,459〔sapiens〕An early or prehistoric form ofHomo sapiens. 智人:早期的或史前的智人 形式 〔fear〕Old Englishfǣr, the ancestor of our word fear, meant "calamity, disaster,”but not the emotion engendered by such an event.This is in line with the meaning of the prehistoric Common Germanic word.fēraz, "danger,” which is the source of words with similar senses in other Germanic languages,such as Old Saxon and Old High Germanfār, "ambush, danger,” and Old Icelandic fār, "treachery, damage.” Scholars, in fact, have determined the form and meaning of Germanic.fēraz by working backward from the forms and the meanings of its descendants. The most important cause of the change of meaning in the wordfear was probably the existence in Old English of the related verb fǣran, which meant "to terrify, take by surprise.” Fear is first recorded in Middle English with the sense "emotion of fear" in a work composed around 1290.古英语f?r 是 fear 的前身, 意为“不幸,灾难”,而不是因不幸或灾难引起的情绪。这符合史前普通日耳曼词feraz 的意思“危险的”, 是其他日耳曼语言中有相近意思的词的起源,如古撒克逊语和古高地德语far, “埋伏,危险,”和古冰岛语 far “挖掘,破坏”。 事实上,学者们已经通过对它的衍生词的形式和意思的反向研究决定德语feraz 的形式和意思。 引起词语fear 变化的最重要原因可能是古英语中相关动词 f?ran的存在, 意为“害怕,被惊奇抓住。” Fear 第一次在中世纪英语作为“害怕的情绪”被记录下来是在一部约1290年左右创作的作品中〔cromlech〕A prehistoric monument consisting of monoliths encircling a mound.巨石纪念物:由围绕堤丘的数块独石柱构成的史前纪念物〔Bydgoszcz〕A city of north-central Poland northeast of Pozna÷. Chartered in 1346, it developed during the Middle Ages around the site of a prehistoric fort. Population, 361,400.比得哥煦:波兰中北部的一座城市,位于波兹东北。建于1346年,是中世纪时在一个史前要塞原址上发展起来的。人口361,400〔belfry〕The wordsbell and belfry seem obviously related, but in fact thebel- portion of belfry had nothing to do with bells until comparatively recently. Belfry goes back to a compound formed in prehistoric Common Germanic. It is generally agreed that the second part of this compound is the element.frij-, meaning "peace, safety.” The first element is either.bergan, "to protect,” which would yield a compound meaning "a defensive place of shelter,” or.berg-, "a high place,” which would yield a compound meaning "a high place of safety, tower.”Whatever the meaning of the original Germanic source, its Old French descendantberfrei, which first meant "siege tower,” came to mean "watchtower.” Presumably because bells were used in these towers, the word was applied to bell towers as well.The Old North French alterationbelfroi, which reminded English speakers of their native word belle (our bell ), entered Middle English with the sense "bell tower,” first recorded in 1272.bell 和 belfry 这两个词似乎显著相关, 但事实上直到最近,belfry 词里的 bel 部分才同“钟”这个词联系起来。 Belfry 源于史前普通日耳曼语的复合词。 一般认为这个复合词的第二部分是frij-, 意思是“和平、安全”。 它的第一部分或是"bergan", 意为“保护”, 该复合词就当“隐蔽防御之地”讲;或是berg 意为“高处”, 该词就是“安全高处;塔”的意思。无论其日耳曼语来源意思是什么,它衍生成古法语的berfrei, 原意为“围塔”,后意为“望塔”。据推测由于钟被用于这些塔里,所以这个词也开始指钟塔了。belfroi 作为古北法语的变体它使英语使用者想到了自己的母语中 belle 一字(我们写做 bell ), 进入中古英语后意为“钟楼”,首次记载于1272年〔Carnac〕A small village in northwest France on the coast of Brittany. It is famous for its prehistoric megalithic monuments that extend in parallel rows.卡赫纳:法国西北部一小村庄,濒临布列塔尼半岛海岸。该村庄有平行排列的史前巨石纪念碑,非常有名〔paleoecology〕The branch of ecology that deals with the interaction between ancient or prehistoric organisms and their environment.古生态学:生态学的分支,涉及古代或史前有机体与其环境的关系〔paleobiochemistry〕The study of the development and evolution of biochemicals and biochemical processes.史前生物化学:对生物化学以及生物化学过程的发展和演变的研究




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