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单词 叶绿素
释义 〔granum〕A stacked membranous structure within a chloroplast that contains the chlorophyll and is the site of the light reactions of photosynthesis.叶绿体基粒:叶绿体内的一种堆叠状的膜结构,其中含有叶绿素,是光合作用中光反应的场所〔fungus〕Any of numerous eukaryotic organisms of the kingdom Fungi, which lack chlorophyll and vascular tissue and range in form from a single cell to a body mass of branched filamentous hyphae that often produce specialized fruiting bodies. The kingdom includes the yeasts, molds, smuts, and mushrooms.真菌:一种缺乏叶绿素和血管组织的真菌界真核生物,存在形式从一个单细胞到整个枝状菌丝体不等,经常可产生专化子实体。这一界生物包括酵母、霉菌、担子菌和蘑菇〔xanthophyll〕A yellow carotenoid pigment, C40H 56O 2, found with chlorophyll in green plants and identical with lutein. 叶黄素:一种黄色类胡萝卜素的色素,C40H 56O 2,常见于绿色植物中的叶绿素和与此类似的黄体素中 〔pyrrole〕A five-membered heterocyclic ring compound, C4H 5N, having an odor similar to chloroform. It is the parent compound of hemoglobin, chlorophyll, and many other complex, biologically active substances. 叽咯:一种五倍杂环混合物,C4H 5N,气味与三氯甲烷相似,是血红蛋白,叶绿素和其他多种复杂的生物性活跃的物质的亲体混合物 〔chlorophyll〕A waxy blue-black microcrystalline green-plant pigment, C55H 72MgN 4O 5, with a characteristic blue-green alcohol solution. Also called chlorophyll a 蜡制叶绿素物质:一种蜡制的蓝黑色微晶绿色植物色素,C55H 72MgN 4O 5,具有蓝绿色的酒精溶液特征 也作 chlorophyll a〔chlorophyll〕Any of a group of related green pigments found in photosynthetic organisms, especially:叶绿素:在光合的有机体中所发现的一组互为关联的绿色素中任何一种,尤指:〔plant〕Any of various photosynthetic, eukaryotic, multicellular organisms of the kingdom Plantae characteristically producing embryos, containing chloroplasts, having cellulose cell walls, and lacking the power of locomotion.植物,树:植物界中具有光合作用的,真核生物的多细胞生物体,其特征能产生胚,含有叶绿素,具有纤维素构成的细胞壁,且缺乏运动的能力〔zooflagellate〕A flagellated protist that ingests food and lacks chlorophyll.动鞭亚纲原生生物:一种有鞭毛的原生生物,它摄取食物并缺乏叶绿素〔pigment〕A substance, such as chlorophyll or melanin, that produces a characteristic color in plant or animal tissue.色素:在植物或动物组织中产生一种特定颜色的物质,如叶绿素或黑色素〔chlorophyll〕A similar green-plant pigment, C55H 70MgN 4O 6, having a brilliant green alcohol solution. Also called chlorophyll b 叶绿素物质:相似的绿色植物色素,C55H 70MgN 4O 6,具有鲜艳的绿色酒精溶液 也作 chlorophyll b〔gonidium〕An algal cell filled with chlorophyll, formed in the thallus of a lichen.共生藻细胞:在苔藓的叶状体里发现的带有叶绿素的藻类细胞〔dodder〕Any of various leafless, annual parasitic herbs of the genusCuscuta that lack chlorophyll and have slender, twining, yellow or reddish stems and small whitish flowers. 菟丝子,菟丝子属植物:一年生无叶寄生草本植物菟丝子属 ,缺少叶绿素,有细长蜷曲黄色或浅红色茎,开白色小花 〔euglena〕Any of various minute single-celled freshwater organisms of the genusEuglena, characterized by the presence of chlorophyll, a reddish eyespot, and a single anterior flagellum. 眼虫藻,裸藻:一种眼虫 属的各种微小单细胞淡水微生物,该属的特点是存在叶绿素、红眼点和单一的前部鞭毛 〔chromoplast〕A plastid that contains pigments other than chlorophyll, usually yellow or orange carotenoids.有色体,色素体:除了叶绿素外的含色素的质粒,通常为黄色或橙色的类胡萝卜素〔albino〕A plant that lacks chlorophyll.白化体:缺乏叶绿素的植物




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