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单词 各种
释义 〔stemma〕A small, circular, simple eye present in various insect larvae.侧单眼:各种昆虫幼虫的小的环形单眼〔eicosanoid〕Any of a group of substances that are derived from arachidonic acid, including leukotrienes, prostaglandins, and thromboxanes.20碳化合物,二十酸:各种来自花生四烯酸的衍生物,包括白三烯素、前列腺素及凝血黄素〔spectrophotometer〕An instrument used to determine the intensity of various wavelengths in a spectrum of light.分光光度计:用来测定光谱中各种波长之强度的仪器〔lymphoma〕Any of various usually malignant tumors that arise in the lymph nodes or in other lymphoid tissue.淋巴瘤:任一种在淋巴结或其它淋巴组织中产生的通常为恶性的各种肿瘤〔per〕Base of prepositions and preverbs with the basic meanings of "forward,” "through,” and a wide range of extended senses such as "in front of,” "before,” "early,” "first,” "chief,” "toward,” "against,” "near,” "at,” "around.”基于“向前,前方,” “穿越,经过”的介词和动词前的前缀的基本意思和各种衍生含意,如 “在…的前面,” “在…之前,” “早的,” “第一的,” “主要的,” “向,对于,” “反对,靠,” “接近,靠近,”“ 在…地方,向,” “在…周围,四处.”〔macroeconomics〕The study of the overall aspects and workings of a national economy, such as income, output, and the interrelationship among diverse economic sectors.宏观经济学:对一个国家经济整体方面和运作,如收入、支出和各种经济成份之间相互关系的研究〔Olean〕A city of western New York on the Allegheny River near the Pennsylvania border. It produces varied manufactures. Population, 16,946.奥利安:美国纽约州西部的一个城市,濒临宾夕法尼亚州界附近的阿勤格尼河,该市生产各种产品。人口16,946〔deutzia〕Any of various shrubs of the genusDeutzia, cultivated for their clusters of white or pinkish flowers. 溲疏属:各种溲疏属 灌木的任一种,因其白色的枝条和粉红的花朵而被人们种植 〔megapode〕Any of various large-footed, ground-dwelling birds of the family Megapodiidae, found in Australia and many South Pacific islands, that build mounds or burrows of earth and compost in which to incubate their eggs. Also called moundbird ,mound builder ,scrub fowl 冢雉:冢雉科各种大脚的,栖息于地上的鸟,产于澳大利亚和许多南太平洋岛屿,其用泥土或腐土修筑土墩或洞穴以在其中孵蛋 也作 moundbird,mound builder,scrub fowl〔thick〕Having component parts in a close, crowded state or arrangement; dense:密集的:各种组成部分处于一个闭合的拥挤状态或排列的;稠的:〔weigela〕Any of various deciduous shrubs of the genusWeigela of Asia, especially W. florida, widely cultivated for its pink, white, or red flowers. 锦带花:亚洲的锦带花属 的各种落叶灌木之一,尤指 锦带花 ,因其紫色、白色或红色的花朵而被广泛种植 〔corundum〕An extremely hard mineral, aluminum oxide, Al2O 3, sometimes containing iron, magnesia, or silica, that occurs in gem varieties such as ruby and sapphire and in a common black, brown, or blue form used chiefly in abrasives. 刚玉:一种极为坚硬的矿物,氧化铝,Al2O 3,有时含铁、氧化镁或硅土,存在于各种宝石中,如红宝石、蓝宝石,并且在磨蚀剂中以普通的黑色、棕色或蓝色形式出现 〔pipe〕pipes A small wind instrument, consisting of tubes of different lengths bound together. pipes 排箫:一种小形的吹奏乐器,由各种不同长度管子捆绑做成〔collage〕An artistic composition of materials and objects pasted over a surface, often with unifying lines and color.拼贴画:通常以统一的线条和色彩,在画面上拼贴各种原料和物体的艺术拼合作品〔strip〕An area, as along a busy street or highway, that is lined with a great number and variety of commercial establishments.沿闹街或高速公路的地区,两侧有大量各种商业设施〔emporium〕A place where various goods are bought and sold; a marketplace.市场:各种货物买卖的地方;市场〔ball〕Any of various rounded, movable objects used in various athletic activities and games.球:用于各种体育活动或比赛中的圆形的可移动物体〔leghorn〕The dried and bleached straw of an Italian variety of wheat.意大利麦杆:被晒干和漂白的各种意大利小麦的麦杆〔gynecopathy〕Any of various diseases specific to women.妇科病:妇女特有的各种疾病〔every〕Every is representative of a large class of English words and expressions that are singular in formbut felt to be plural in sense.The class includes, for example, noun phrases introduced byevery, any, and certain uses of some. These expressions invariably take a singular verb;we say Every car has (not have ) been tested. Anyone is (not are ) liable to fall ill. But when a sentence contains a pronoun whose antecedent is introduced byevery, grammar and sense pull in different directions.The grammar of these expressions requires a singular pronoun, as in Every car must have its brakes tested, but people persist in using the plural pronoun,as in Every car must have their brakes tested. Although the latter pattern is common in the speech of all groups,it is still widely regarded as grammatically incorrect in writing. ·The effort to adhere to the grammatical rule leads to various complications, however.The first is grammatical.When a pronoun refers to a phrase containingevery or any that falls within a different independent clause, the pronoun cannot be singular.Thus it is simply not English to sayEvery man left; he took his raincoat with him. Nor can one sayNo one could be seen, could he? Writers unwilling to use plural forms in these examples must find another way of expressing their meaning,either by rephrasing the sentence so as to get the pronoun into the same clause (as inEvery man left, taking his raincoat with him ) or by substituting another word forevery or any (as in All the men left; they took their raincoats with them. ) · The second complication is political.When a phrase introduced byevery or any refers to a group containing both men and women, what shall be the gender of the singular pronoun?This matter is discussed in the Usage Note athe. See Usage Note at all ,any ,each ,either ,he 1neither ,none Every 是一大类英语单词和短语的代表, 它们在形式上是单数的,但在意义上感觉起来却是复数。例如,这一类词中所包括的由every,any 和某些用法中的 some 所引导的名词短语。 这些短语毫无例外的跟单数动词,我们说每辆车都已 (不是 have ) 被测试过。 每个人都(不是 are ) 会生病 。 但是当一个句子中包括一个由先行词every 引导的代词时, 从句法和意义上就要区分不同的情况了。象每一辆车必须测试它的制动器 这样的表达法在语法上要求使用一单数代词, 但人们总习惯于用复数代词,象Every car must have their brakes tested 这样。 虽然后面这种形式在各种团体的讲话中非常普遍,但它在写作中仍广泛地被认为是语法上的错误。无论如何,坚持语法规则的努力总会导致各种各样的复杂问题。首先是语法上的复杂性。当一个代词指代一个短语,而这个短语中包括every 或 any 属于另一个与此代词所在子句不同的独立子句中时, 这个代词不能用单数形式。因此很容易理解英国人为何不说每个人离开时,都拿着各自的雨衣 , 也不说没有人会被看到,不是吗? 。 不愿意在这些例子中用复数形式的书写者必须找到另外一种表达他们意思的方法,或者可以通过重新改变句子的说法以使代词与其指代的短语同属一个从句中(如Every man left, taking his raincoat with him ), 或者通过以另一个词代替every 或 any 的方法(如 All the man left;they took their raincoats with them )。 第二是政治上的复杂性。当一个被every 或 any 引导的短语指代的一个团体中既有男人又有女人时, 单数代词的词性怎么确定呢?这个问题在单词he的用法说明中将被讨论 参见 all,any,each,either,he1neither,none〔Delaware〕A group of closely related Native American peoples formerly inhabiting the Delaware and Hudson river valleys and the area between, with present-day populations in Oklahoma, Kansas, Wisconsin, and Ontario. The Delaware formed a variety of political alliances in their westward migration after losing their lands to white settlement in the 17th and 18th centuries.特拉华人:一群与早期居住在特拉华河河谷和哈得孙河河谷及其之间的地区的美国印第安人有亲缘关系的人。现今人口分布在俄克拉荷马州、堪萨斯州、威斯康星州和安大略州。17和18世纪期间,特拉华人在土地被白人殖民者夺走后向西迁移,在此过程中他们结成了各种政治联盟〔lobster〕Any of several edible marine crustaceans of the family Homaridae, especially of the genusHomarus, having stalked eyes, long antennae, and five pairs of legs, the first pair of which is modified into large pincers. 大螯虾:螯龙虾科的各种可食海生甲壳类动物,尤指螯龙虾属 ,有柄眼,长触须和五双腿,第一双腿变异为大钳 〔pot〕Any of various usually domestic containers made of pottery, metal, or glass, as:罐,壶:各种通常由陶瓷、金属或玻璃制成的家用容器,如:〔snag〕To tear, break, hinder, or destroy by or as if by a snag:戳坏:用或似乎用各种突出物来撕破、打破、阻碍或毁坏:〔golf〕A game played on a large outdoor course with a series of 9 or 18 holes spaced far apart, the object being to propel a small, hard ball with the use of various clubs into each hole with as few strokes as possible.高尔夫球:在室外大场地开展的一种球类运动,有一系列的9个或18个彼此远距离分开的穴,比赛目的是用各种球棒把一小的硬球推入各个穴,球棒击球的次数越少越好〔toad〕Any of numerous tailless amphibians chiefly of the family Bufonidae, related to and resembling the frogs but characteristically more terrestrial and having a broader body and rougher, drier skin.蟾蜍:各种无尾,主要是蟾蜍科两栖动物中的任何一种,与蛙类有亲缘关系,外表相近,但蟾蜍明显地更有陆地性,身体更宽更粗糙,皮肤更干燥〔compendium〕A list or collection of various items.目录:各种项目的列表或集合〔whirl〕To move circularly and rapidly in varied, random directions:回旋:打旋;在各种任意方向上迅速且呈圆周性的运动:〔Bergenfield〕A borough of northeast New Jersey east of Paterson. It has varied light industries. Population, 24,458.伯根菲尔德:美国新泽西州东北部一行政区,位于帕特森东部。有各种轻工业。人口24,458〔slate〕A list of the candidates of a political party running for various offices.候选人名单:某个政党内角逐各种职位的竞选人名单〔arsenic〕Symbol As A highly poisonous metallic element having three allotropic forms, yellow, black, and gray, of which the brittle, crystalline gray is the most common. Arsenic and its compounds are used in insecticides, weed killers, solid-state doping agents, and various alloys. Atomic number 33; atomic weight 74.922; valence 3, 5. Gray arsenic melts at 817°C (at 28 atm pressure), sublimes at 613°C, and has a specific gravity of 5.73. See table at element 符号 As 砷:一种有剧毒的金属元素,有黄、黑、灰三种同素异形体,其中质脆,结晶体的灰色形体最为常见。砷及其化合物用于杀虫剂,除草剂,固体添加剂和各种合金。原子序数33;原子量74.922;化合价3,5。灰色砷熔点为817°C(在28气压时),613°C升华,比重5.73 参见 element〔Plimpton〕American writer and editor known for participating in various sports with professional athletes and writing about his experiences.普林普顿,乔治·埃姆斯:(生于 1927) 美国作家和编辑,因和专业运动员一起参加各种体育运动并记录他的经历而闻名〔compere〕The master of ceremonies, as of a television entertainment program or a variety show.主持人:主持人,尤指电视娱乐节目或各种表演的主持人〔muscat〕Any of various sweet white grapes used for making wine or raisins.麝香葡萄:用来产葡萄酒或葡萄干的各种白色甜葡萄〔dogwood〕Any of several trees or shrubs of the genusCornus. Also called flowering dogwood 棶木乔木,棶木灌木:各种棶木属 乔木或灌木 也作 flowering dogwood〔bottlebrush〕Any of various Australian shrubs or trees of the generaCallistemon and Melaleuca, having densely flowered, cylindrical spikes with numerous, long, protruding stamens that suggest a brush used to clean bottles. 红千层属植物:红千层属 和 白千层 属各种澳大利亚灌木或树木,具有稠密的花状圆柱形尖刺,上带大量长而突出的雄蕊,令人想起清洁瓶子的刷子 〔separate〕A garment, such as a skirt, jacket, or pair of slacks, that may be purchased separately and worn in various combinations with other garments.单件衣着:可能是分别购买的与其它衣服合穿成各种搭配的单件衣服,例如裙子、茄克衫或便裤〔soap〕A cleansing agent, manufactured in bars, granules, flakes, or liquid form, made from a mixture of the sodium salts of various fatty acids of natural oils and fats.肥皂:洗涤用的东西,制成条状、粒状、片状或液体状形式,用各种含脂肪酸的钠盐和天然油脂的混合物制成〔eveningwear〕Evening attire and accessories for women.夜礼服:女士晚间的服装以及各种装饰物〔shade〕Any of various devices used to reduce or screen light or heat.遮阳物:各种用于减少或掩蔽光与热的设置




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