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单词 合成
释义 〔betamethasone〕A synthetic glucocorticoid, C22H 29FO 5, that occurs as a white crystalline powder and is used as a topical anti-inflammatory agent for the treatment of dermatological conditions. 倍他米松:一种合成的糖皮质激素,C22H 29FO 5,以白色结晶粉末存在,用作治疗皮肤病的主要消炎剂 〔compositive〕Synthetic; compounded.合成的;混合的〔diadelphous〕Having the filaments of a flower united into two groups:两体的:具有合成两组的花丝的:〔glycogenesis〕The formation or synthesis of glycogen.糖原生成:糖原生成或合成〔constitutive〕Of or relating to the synthesis of a protein or an enzyme at a constant rate regardless of physiological demand or the concentration of a substrate.蛋白质或酶不受生理要求或酶作用物浓度而快速合成的或与之有关的〔sealant〕A plastic resin used in dentistry to coat the chewing surfaces of the back teeth to prevent the growth of cavity-causing bacteria.密封填充物:一种塑料合成脂,修牙时用作后牙咀嚼面的加封层,来抑制导致虫牙细菌的生长〔photoautotroph〕An organism capable of synthesizing its own food from inorganic substances using light as an energy source. Green plants and photosynthetic bacteria are photoautotrophs.光合自养生物:能把光作为能量来源从无机物质中合成自己所需食物的有机体。绿色植物和光合细菌都是光合自养生物〔component〕Being or functioning as a constituent or an ingredient.合成的:是或作为一个组成部分或成分的〔mix〕To combine or blend into one mass or mixture.混合,混杂:合成或融合成一团或一个合成〔dATP〕One of the two purine nucleotides that are used to synthesize DNA.脱氧腺苷三磷酸:用来合成脱氧核糖核酸的两个嘌呤核苷酸之一〔menthol〕A white crystalline organic compound, CH3C 6H 9(C 3H 7)OH, obtained from peppermint oil or synthesized. It is used in perfumes, in cigarettes, as a mild topical anesthetic, and as a mint flavoring. 薄荷醇,薄荷脑:一种白色结晶状有机化合物,化学式为CHÈ�3C 6H 9(C 3H 7)OH,从薄荷油提炼而得或是合成的,作为轻度局部麻醉剂和薄荷调味品被用于香水及香烟中 〔atorvastatin〕A statin, (C33H 34FN 2O 5) 2Ca·3H 2O, that blocks the body's synthesis of cholesterol and is administered especially to individuals at risk for heart disease. 阿活他汀:阻碍体内合成胆固醇的抑制素,(C33H 34FN 2O 5) 2Ca·3H 2O,尤其适用于有心脏病危险的人 〔metronidazole〕A synthetic antimicrobial drug, C6H 9N 3O 3, used in the treatment of vaginal trichomoniasis and intestinal amebiasis. 灭滴灵:一种合成抗微生物药,C6H 9N 3O 3,用于治疗阴道滴虫病和肠阿粑病 〔prepare〕To put together or make by combining various elements or ingredients; manufacture or compound:着手做:放在一起或把各种成分或元素混合在一起而制成;制造或合成〔clofibrate〕A synthetic drug, C12H 15ClO 3, used primarily to reduce abnormally elevated levels of plasma cholesterol and triglyceride. 安妥明,降固醇酸:一种合成药物,C12H 15ClO 3,主要用于降低淋巴胆固醇和三酸甘油脂的不正常升高 〔mincemeat〕A mixture, as of finely chopped apples, raisins, spices, meat, and sometimes rum or brandy, used especially as a pie filling.甜馅:由切得很碎的苹果、葡萄干、香料、肉,有时加朗姆酒或白兰地合成的混合物,尤用作馅饼的馅〔thalassemia〕An inherited form of anemia occurring chiefly among people of Mediterranean descent, caused by faulty synthesis of part of the hemoglobin molecule.地中海贫血:主要发生于地中海后裔中的遗传性贫血,由血红蛋白分子部分错误合成引起〔auxotroph〕An organism, such as a strain of bacteria, that has lost the ability to synthesize certain substances required for its growth and metabolism as the result of mutational changes.营养缺陷型:一种有机体,如细菌菌株,因某种突变的结果而失去合成某种生长及代谢所需物质的能力〔exon〕A nucleotide sequence in DNA that carries the code for the final messenger RNA molecule and thus defines the amino acid sequence during protein synthesis.编码顺序:DNA中的核苷酸序列,为最终的信息传递者RNA分子携带编码并在蛋白质合成中确定氨基酸范围〔Lipitor〕A trademark used for the drug atorvastatin.阿活他汀药剂(胆固醇合成抑制剂)的商标〔Berthelot〕French chemist and public official who was a founder of thermochemistry, studied explosives, and was the first to synthesize organic compounds.贝特洛,皮尔·尤金·马瑟林:(1827-1907) 法国化学家和政府官员,热化学的奠基人,研究爆炸物且第一个合成有机化合物〔synthesized〕Relating to or being compositions or a composition performed on synthesizers or synthesized instruments.合成乐的:与在合成器或合成音响乐器上演奏的乐章有关的或属于之的〔sitosterol〕Any of a group of sterols that occur in high concentrations in certain plants, such as yams, and are used in the synthesis of steroid hormones.谷甾醇:一组在某些植物如薯蓣属植物中含有的高浓度的甾醇和甾醇混合物,用于类固醇荷尔蒙的合成〔Fresnel〕French physicist who supported the wave theory of light, investigated polarized light, and developed a compound lens for use in lighthouses.菲涅耳,奥古斯丁·简:(1788-1827) 法国物理学家,他支持光波理论、研究了偏振光并发明了用于灯塔上的合成透镜〔pyridoxal〕An aldehyde, C8H 9NO 3, one of several active forms of pyridoxine, important in amino acid synthesis. 吡哆醛:醛C8H 9NO 3,吡哆醇的几种活跃的形式中的一种,在氨基酸的合成过程中起重要作用 〔niacin〕A white crystalline acid, C5H 4NCOOH, that is a component of the vitamin B complex found in meat, wheat germ, dairy products, and yeast and is used to treat and prevent pellagra. Also called nicotinic acid 烟酸,尼克酸:一种白色结晶酸,C5H 4NCOOH,是在肉、麦胚、奶制品和酵母中发现的合成维他命B的一种成分 也作 nicotinic acid〔indophenol〕Any of various synthetic blue or green dyes.靛酚染料:任何一种人造合成的蓝色或绿色染料〔mesitylene〕A hydrocarbon, C6H 3(CH 3) 3, occurring in petroleum and coal tar or synthesized from acetone and used as a solvent. 三甲苯:一种碳氢化合物,化学式为C6H 3(CH 3) 3,能从石油和煤焦油中提取或用丙酮合成,被用作一种溶剂 〔Fischer〕German chemist. He won a 1930 Nobel Prize for his work on the synthesis of hemin.费歇尔,汉斯:(1881-1945) 德国化学家,因在氯高铁血红素的合成研究而获1930年诺贝尔奖〔mestranol〕A synthetic estrogen, C21H 26O 2, used in combination with a progestin in oral contraceptive preparations. 炔雌醇甲醚:一种合成的雌激素,化学式为C21H 26O 2,与孕激素合用作口服避孕药 〔germanium〕A brittle, crystalline, gray-white metalloid element, widely used as a semiconductor, as an alloying agent and catalyst, and in certain optical glasses. Atomic number 32; atomic weight 72.59; melting point 937.4°C; boiling point 2,830°C; specific gravity 5.323 (at 25°C); valence 2, 4. See table at element 锗:一种银白色的脆而透明的金属元素,被广泛用作半导体,可作一种合成剂和催化剂,还被用在光学玻璃中。原子序数32;原子量72.59;熔点937.4°C;沸点2,830°C;比重5.323(在25°C时);化合价2,4 参见 element〔phenolic〕Any of various synthetic thermosetting resins, obtained by the reaction of phenols with simple aldehydes and used to make molded products and as coatings and adhesives. Also called phenolic resin 酚醛树脂:一种合成的热固树脂,通过本酚与乙醛反应获得,用于制造模制产品,并用作涂层和粘合剂 也作 phenolic resin〔simvastatin〕A statin, C25H 38O 5, that blocks the body's synthesis of cholesterol and is administered especially to individuals at risk for heart disease. 斯活他汀:阻碍体内合成胆固醇的抑制素,C25H 38O 5,尤其适用于有心脏病危险的人 〔GTP〕A nucleotide composed of guanine, ribose, and three phosphate groups and necessary for the synthesis of RNA.三磷酸鸟苷:由鸟嘌呤、核酸和三组磷酸盐组成的核苷核酸,为合成核糖核酸的必备成分〔porphyry〕Rock containing relatively large conspicuous crystals, especially feldspar, in a fine-grained igneous matrix.斑岩:含有嵌入致密的合成基质的相对较明显的长石晶体的岩石〔curium〕A silvery, metallic synthetic radioactive transuranic element. Its longest lived isotope is Cm 247 with a half-life of 16.4 million years. Atomic number 96; melting point (estimated) 1,350°C; valence 3. See table at element 锔:一种合成的银色放射性超铀金属元素。其周期最长的同位素是Cm247,该同位素的半衰期为16.4百万年。原子序数96;熔点(估计值)1,350°C;三价 参见 element〔narcotic〕An addictive drug, such as opium, that reduces pain, alters mood and behavior, and usually induces sleep or stupor. Natural and synthetic narcotics are used in medicine to control pain.麻醉剂:一种能使人上瘾的药剂,如鸦片,能够减轻疼痛,改变心情和行为,通常导致沉睡或麻木。天然和合成的麻醉剂用于医药止痛〔Fischer〕German chemist. He won a 1902 Nobel Prize for his work on the structure and synthesis of sugars and purines.费歇尔,埃米尔·赫尔曼:(1852-1919) 德国化学家,因在糖和嘌呤的结构和合成上的研究而获1902年诺贝尔奖〔DNA〕A nucleic acid that carries the genetic information in the cell and is capable of self-replication and synthesis of RNA. DNA consists of two long chains of nucleotides twisted into a double helix and joined by hydrogen bonds between the complementary bases adenine and thymine or cytosine and guanine. The sequence of nucleotides determines individual hereditary characteristics.脱氧核糖核酸:一种在细胞中带有基因信息的核酸,能够自行复制并合成核糖核酸,DNA由两个核甙酸长链组成,这两个核甙酸链交结成一个双螺旋体〔methylamine〕A toxic flammable gas, CH3NH 2, produced by the decomposition of organic matter and synthesized for use as a solvent and in the manufacture of many products, such as dyes and insecticides. 甲胺:一种有毒易燃气体,CH3NH 2,通过分解有机物来制造,合成后用做溶剂,也用在许多产品中,诸如颜料与杀虫剂的制造中




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