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单词 合格
释义 〔regular〕not a regular lawyer.不是一个合格的律师〔eligible〕Qualified or entitled to be chosen:合格的:有资格或有权力被选中的:〔credential〕The participlecredentialed is well established in reference to certified teachers and some other professions, but its more general use to mean "possessing professional or expert credentials" is still widely considered jargon.The sentenceThe board heard testimony from a number of credentialed witnesses was unacceptable to 85 percent of the Usage Panel. 其分词形式credentialed 用于指合格的教师和一些其他专业人员的用法早已被接受, 但它作为“持有专业或专家证书的”这种更通用的用法却仍需慎思后才能使用。“委员会听取了一些资格证人的证词” 这句话在85%的用法调查中都不被接受 〔approve〕"The proper officers, comparing every article with its voucher, certified them to be right" (Benjamin Franklin). “合格的官员,将每一物品与凭单比较,以确认它们是正确的” (本杰明·富兰克林)。 〔qualification〕The act of qualifying or the condition of being qualified.赋予合格:使有资格的行为;或被证明合格的状况〔capable〕Having the ability required for a specific task or accomplishment; qualified:有…能力的:有做某一特定工作和任务所必备的能力的;合格的:〔off〕Not up to standard; below a normal or satisfactory level:没有达到标准的;在正常或合格水平之下的:〔regular〕Having the required qualifications for an occupation:合格的:拥有必要的职业资格的:〔competence〕The state or quality of being adequately or well qualified; ability.See Synonyms at ability 能力:足以胜任或非常合格的状态或性质;能力 参见 ability〔overage〕Beyond the proper or required age.超过合格年龄的:超过了适当的或所要求的年龄的〔qualify〕To be or become qualified.合格或成为合格〔electorate〕A body of qualified voters.选举人:合格选举人的总称〔defer〕To postpone the induction of (one eligible for the military draft).缓召:延期(服兵役的合格人选)的加入〔marksman〕A classification in the U.S. Army and Marine Corps for the lowest of three ratings of rifle proficiency.二等射手:美国陆军和海军陆战队中地步枪射击合格标准的最低三个级别的分类〔unprofessional〕Not a qualified member of a professional group.不称职的:不是一个职业群体的合格成员的〔wing〕wings An outspread pair of stylized bird's wings worn as insignia by qualified pilots or air crew members. wings 空军飞行胸章:合格飞行员或机组人员佩带的一对展开的格式化了的鸟翅膀形的徽章〔qualify〕To declare competent or capable; certify.证明…合格:宣布可胜任或有能力;证明〔commend〕To represent as worthy, qualified, or desirable; recommend.推荐:作为可尊敬的、合格的或令人想要的来提出;推荐〔journeyman〕Abbr. jour.One who has fully served an apprenticeship in a trade or craft and is a qualified worker in another's employ.缩写 jour.熟练工,满师学徒工:在某个行业或手艺中做学徒已满师的人,并且是受他人雇佣的合格工人〔militia〕The whole body of physically fit civilians eligible by law for military service.服兵役:法律规定的所有身体合格的平民应服兵役〔assistantship〕An academic position that carries a stipend and usually involves part-time teaching or research, given to a qualified graduate student.(半工半读)奖学金:一种给予合格毕业生的带奖学金的学位包括兼职教育或研究〔CMA〕Certified medical assistant.合格的医生助理〔accreditation〕The act of accrediting or the state of being accredited, especially the granting of approval to an institution of learning by an official review board after the school has met specific requirements.鉴定:鉴定合格的行动或被鉴定合格的状态,特别是当学校达到一定要求后由官员评审委员会授予的合格的行为〔qualifier〕One that qualifies, especially one that has or fulfills all appropriate qualifications, as for a position, an office, or a task.合格者:合格的人,尤指具有或符合适当条件的人,如为了职位、职务或任务〔attorney〕A person legally appointed by another to act as his or her agent in the transaction of business, specifically one qualified and licensed to act for plaintiffs and defendants in legal proceedings.See Synonyms at lawyer 代理人:由另一人合法指派来充当他或她商业事务的代理人,尤指司法诉讼中合格的有执照来为起诉人和被告辩护的人 参见 lawyer〔capacitate〕To render fit or make qualified; enable.使适合:使…合适或合格;使…有能力




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