单词 | 同样 |
释义 | 〔tight〕Tight is used as an adverb following verbs that denote a process of closure or constriction, assqueeze, shut, close, tie, and hold. In this useit is subtly distinct from the adverbtightly. Tight denotes the state resulting from the process,whereastightly denotes the manner of its application. As such,tight is more appropriate when the focus is on a state that endures for some time after the activity has ended. The sentenceShe closed up the house tight suggests preparation for an impending blizzard. By the same token, it is more natural to sayThe windows were frozen tight than The windows were frozen tightly, since in this case the tightness of the seal is not likely to be the result of the manner in which the windows were frozen.With a few verbstight is used idiomatically as an intensive and is the only possible form: sleep tight; sit tight. Tight can be used only following the verb:The house was tightly (not tight ) shut. Tight 作副词用在表示关闭或压迫过程的动词后, 如squeeze,shut,close,tie 和 hold 。 在这种用法中,它与副词tightly有细微的差别。 Tight 表示过程导致的状态,而tightly 表示使用这些动作的方式。 因此,当焦点放在动作结束后仍然能持续一段时间的状态时,用tight 更为恰当。 句子她把房子的门窗紧紧地关起来 中表示准备迎接即将来到的暴风雪。 同样,我们说The windows were frozen tight 比 The windows were frozen tightly 更为自然, 因为这里的密封不大可能是窗子被冻上的结果。tight 还与几个动词结合惯用为加强语气的成分,且是唯一可能的形式: sleep tight; sit tight。 Tight 只能用于动词后:房子紧紧地 (而非 tight ) 关闭着 。 〔laconic〕As the study of the classics has disappeared from the curriculum,so has the ready understanding that terms such aslaconic once possessed. Laconic, which comes to us via Latin from Greek Lakōnikos, is first recorded in 1583with the sense "of or relating to Laconia or its inhabitants.”Lakōnikos is derived from Lakōn, "a Laconian, a person from Lakedaimon,”the name for the region of Greeceof which Sparta was the capital.The Spartans, noted for being warlike and disciplined, were also known for the brevity of their speech,and it is this quality that English writers still denote by the use of the adjectivelaconic, which is first found in this sense in 1589. 当古典研究从学校的课程中消失的时候,人们对于诸如laconic 之类的曾经黯熟的词汇的本来理解也同时失去。 Laconic 这个词是从希腊文 Lakonikos 经拉丁文流传下来的, 它第一次出现于1583年,意思是“拉哥尼亚的或拉哥尼亚居民的”。Lakonikos 源于 Lakon , 意为“一个拉哥尼亚人,来自拉栖第梦的人”,它是希腊的一个地区名,斯巴达是其首府。以好战和纪律严明闻名的斯巴达人也同样因为言简意赅而闻名,laconic 这个词从1589年起被发现有言简意赅的意思起直到今天仍然被英国作家用来表示这一意思 〔repeat〕To express (oneself) in the same way or words:自言自语:以同样的方式或言语表达(自己):〔kind〕By the same token,when bothkind and the noun following it are singular, the verb must be singular: 由于同样的原因,当kind 和它后面跟的名词都是单数时, 动词必须是单数: 〔reword〕To state or express again in the same words; repeat.再说,重述:以同样的词句再次陈述或表达;重复〔alike〕Having close resemblance; similar:同样的,相似的:非常相象的;类似的:〔testosterone〕A white crystalline steroid hormone, C19H 28O 2, produced primarily in the testes and responsible for the development and maintenance of male secondary sex characteristics. It is also produced synthetically for use in medical treatment. 睾丸激素:白色结晶固酮类激素,C19H 28O 2,主要由睾丸产生,负责男性第二性征的发展和维持。它同样人造合成用于药物治疗 〔specie〕In a similar manner; in kind:以同种类:以同样的方式;同类的:〔limit〕"Liberty, too, must be limited in order to be possessed" (Edmund Burke).Torestrict is to keep within prescribed limits, as of choice or action: “为了维护自由,自由同样要受到限制 (埃德蒙·伯克)。Restrict 指保持在规定的范围内, 如选择或行动: 〔rematch〕A second contest between the same opponents.重赛:在同样的对手之间的第二次比赛〔repeater〕One who has been convicted of wrongdoing more than once, especially for the same offense.惯犯:多次被宣判有罪的人,尤指犯同样的罪行〔paripinnate〕Latin pār par- [equal, a pair] 拉丁语 pār par- [同样,一双] 〔damned〕There are many regional variants, mostly euphemisms, fordamned, both as an oath and as a mild intensive. Southern exclamations and intensives tend to begin withdad-, a euphemism for "god"—hencedadblamed, dadblasted, dadburn, and dadgum. Dadgum can be combined withit in the interjection dadgummit. Another such euphemism is the better knowndoggone, probably originally Southern but now widespread.Likedadgum, doggone is used as a mild intensive: "The best doggone deals in Alabama" (billboard in Montgomery). Doggone likewise appears in phrasal interjections: Doggonit, I dropped my hammer. A common regional variant ofdamned is durn, also euphemistic and relatively mild,as in this snatch of Baltimore dialogue: "If that's not just the weirdest durn thing I ever laid eyes on" (Anne Tyler).作为诅咒和轻度的加强语气词,damned 有许多宗教上的替换形式,其中大多为委婉语。 南方人的感叹词和加强语气词倾向于以dad- 作为开始, “上帝”的一种委婉说法——因而出现dadblamed,dadblasted,dadburn 和 dadgum。 Dadgum 在感叹词dadgummit 中,可与 it 结合在一起。 另一个这样的委婉词比doggone 知道的人更多, 可能最初为南方人使用而现在已普遍应用了。象dadgum,daggone 被用作轻度的加强语气词: “亚拉巴马最好的交易” (蒙哥马利的大型广告牌)。 Daggone 同样也出现在短语感叹词: 他妈的,我弄掉了锤子。 dammed 是 durn 的一个常见局部性的变体, 它也是一个委婉语且相对较轻,正如巴尔的摩的几句对话中出现的: 如果那不是最奇特的东西,我绝不会看一眼的 (安妮·泰勒)〔doublet〕A pair of similar or identical things.成对物:一对类似或同样的物体〔antinomy〕A contradiction between principles or conclusions that seem equally necessary and reasonable; a paradox.二律背反:看上去同样必要及合理的原理或结论之间的矛盾;充满矛盾的人或事〔landau〕A style of automobile with a similar roof.双排座活顶轿车:有同样的顶部的汽车〔carapace〕"He used to worry that Sarah would age the same way, develop the same brittle carapace"(Anne Tyler)“他过去常担忧莎拉也同样会苍老,外表变得同样冷漠”(安妮·泰勒)〔ballade〕A verse form usually consisting of three stanzas of eight or ten lines each along with a brief envoy, with all three stanzas and the envoy ending in the same one-line refrain.三解韵格:一种诗歌形式,通常由三个八至十行的诗节组成,每一行都有一个简短的结尾诗节,所有三个诗节和结尾诗节都以同样的一行迭句结尾〔strength〕"The same energy of character which renders a man a daring villain would have rendered him useful to society, had that society been well organized" (Mary Wollstonecraft).“要是社会秩序良好的话,同样的使一个人成为无所不为的恶棍的性格中的潜力说不定会使他成为一个对社会有用的人” (玛丽·伍尔斯通克拉芙特)。〔materialize〕In its original sensesmaterialize is used intransitively to mean "to assume material form,” as inMarley's ghost materialized before Scrooge's eyes, or transitively to mean "to cause to assume material form,” as inDisney materialized his dream in a plot of orchard land in Orange County. But these uses are probably less common nowadays than two extended senses of the intransitive sense of the verb.In the first the meaning is roughly "to appear suddenly,”as inNo sooner had we set the menu down than a waiter materialized at our table. Some critics have labeled this use incorrect,but the criticism may suggest an overliteralism;used in this way,the verb has the sense "to appear as if by magic.”Materialize also means "to take effective shape, come into existence,” particularly as applied to things or events that have been foreseen or anticipated: materialize 的最初含义是作为不及物动词时意思是“具有物质形式,” 例如在玛雷的鬼魂在斯克鲁奇眼前显现了 一句中或作及物动词时意思是“使具有物质形式,” 例如在迪斯尼在奥兰治郡的一块果园实现了他的梦想 中。 但是现在这两种用法也许不如该词作为不及物动词的两种延伸的用法更为常见。第一种用法的大致意思是指“突然出现,”例如在我们刚放下菜单不久,侍者就突然出现在我们的饭桌旁 中。 一些批评家认为这种用法不准确,但是这种批评未免太拘泥于字面意思;同样这种用法下,该词还有“仿佛由于魔力而出现”的意思。Materialize 还有“显形,显效,出现”的含义, 尤其适用在已经预料到或被期望的事物。 〔Velcro〕A trademark used for a fastening tape consisting of a strip of nylon with a surface of minute hooks that fasten to a corresponding strip with a surface of uncut pile, used especially on cloth products, such as outerwear, luggage, and athletic shoes. This trademark sometimes occurs in print in lowercase:"dart boards with velcro balls for darts" (American Banker). It also occurs as a verb: "We might Velcro the camera to the window, to steady it" (Washington Post). The trademark occurs in figurative contexts as well: 维可牢:一种尼龙刺粘搭链的商标,该搭链由一条表面有细小钩子的尼龙条与表面有毛圈的对应的尼龙条粘合面构成,尤指用于布制品上,如外套、箱包以及田径鞋等。该商标有时用小写母排印:“在掷镖游戏中用的带维可牢球的靶” (美国银行家)。它也以动词的形式出现: “我们可以把照相机用维可牢粘在窗上,使其固定下来” (华盛顿邮报)。该商标也同样出现在象征性的语境中: 〔so〕Such as has already been suggested or specified; the same:这样:象早已指出或确定的那样的;同样的:〔equal〕It has been argued thatequal is an absolute term— two quantities either are or are not equal—and hence cannot be qualified as to degree.Therefore one cannot logically speak ofa more equal allocation of resources among the departments. However, this usage was accepted by 71 percent of the Usage Panel in an earlier survey.What is more, objection to the usage betrays a widespread but questionable assumptionthat it is in mathematics and logic that we find the model of accuracy most appropriate to the everyday use of language,a supposition that also underlies traditional grammatical discussions of words such asunique, parallel, and center. According to this account,the "precise" or "literal" meaning ofequal is realized in the use of the equal sign in an arithmetic expression such as 5 + 2 = 7; and the ordinary-language uses of the term,though they may be permissible,represent "loose" or "imprecise" extensions of that sense.But in fact the mathematical concept of equality is a poor model for using the wordequal to describe relations between things in the world. As applied to such things,statements of equality are always relative to an implicit standard of tolerance.When someone saysThe two boards are of equal length, we assume that the equality is reckoned to some order of approximation determined by the context;if we did not,we would be required always to usenearly equal when speaking of the dimensions of physical objects. What is more,we often want to predicate equality of things that do not admit of quantitative measurement,as when we sayThe college draft was introduced in an effort to make the teams in the National Football League as equal as possible, orThe candidates for the job should all be given equal consideration. In all such cases,equality is naturally a gradient notionand so is amenable to modification in degree.This much is evident from the existence of the wordunequal. The prefixun- attaches only to gradient adjectives: we sayunmanly but not unmale; and the worduneven can be applied to a surface (whose evenness may be a matter of degree) but not to a number (whose evenness is an either-or affair). ·The adverbequally is generally regarded as redundant when used in combination with as, and the following examples employingequally as were termed unacceptable by 63 percent of the Usage Panel in an earlier survey: 单词equal 一向被认为是一个很绝对的词语—— 两个数量要么相同要么不同——这样就不能有程度上的差别。所以,如果有人说在各部门间对资源更公平的分配 ,那么就不合逻辑了。 但是这种用法在早先的用法调查中被百分之七十一用法使用小组的人接受。而且,对这种用法的反对体现出了一种很流行但却值得怀疑的假设,那就是我们从数学和逻辑中得出适用于日常语言准确性的实例,而这种假设也可从我们对一些词,如unique,parallel 和 center 传统的语法讨论中体现出来。 根据这个解释,equal “准确”或“书面”的意思则是由在算术表达式,如5+2=7中所运用的相同的符号而表达清楚的; 而该词在日常语言中的用法,虽然被允许,但却代表了其含意“松散”或“不严谨”的引申。但是实际上用数学概念上的相等来运用equal 这个词描述世上各种事物之间的关系是一个很差劲的例子。 当该词应用于生活中的事物时,相等的观念往往与暗含的容忍相关联。当有人说两块木板同样长 时, 我们会认为由于上下文的关系,相等可以被看作大约近似;如果我们不这样想,那么当我们谈到物体的尺寸时,就要经常使用nearly equal 。 另外,我们常常会预测和数量无关的事物的相同性,比如我们会说,引入大学的要求是为了使全国足球联合会中的各队尽可能平等 , 或者应给予该项工作的应征者同等的考虑 。 在所有这些例子中,相等是个可变化的概念,所以可在程度有所不同。Unequal 这个词的存在就是很好的证明。 un- 这个前缀只附加于有程序变化的形容词, 我们说unmanly 但不说 unmale ; 而uneven 这个词只能用于某物的表面(其平坦可有程度上的差别), 而不能用于数目(数目只能说相等或不相等)。Equally 这一副词在与 as 连用时通常被认为是多余的, 在早先的用法调查中,以下这些使用equally as 的句子遭到百分之六十三使用小组的人反对: 〔sinister〕"The Florida eagles are slightly smaller than the others, but they have the same fierce, baleful look" (John Corry).“佛罗里达鹰比其它品种要略小一些,但是同样具有凶悍邪恶的外表” (约翰·考利)。〔school〕A group of people, especially philosophers, artists, or writers, whose thought, work, or style demonstrates a common origin or influence or unifying belief:学派:尤指哲学家、艺术家或作家群体,其思想、作品或风格显示同样的渊源、影响或同样的信仰:〔so〕In the same way; likewise:同样:以同样的方式;一样地:〔nonchalant〕A nonchalant person is not likely to become warm or heated about anything,a fact that is underscored by the etymology of the wordnonchalant. Non-,the first part of the word, is easy to spot as a familiar negative prefix;since this word was formed in Old French,we havenon-, the Old French descendant of Latin nōn-. The second element,chalant, is the Old French present participle of the verb chaloir, meaning "to be concerned.”This in turn came from the Latin wordcalēre, which from its concrete sense "to be hot or warm" developed the figurative sense "to be roused or fired with hope, zeal, or anger.”Obviously the Old French verbchaloir has lost some of the warmth of Latin calēre, but then, the nonchalant person has little warmth or concern.The wordnonchalant is first recorded in English before 1734, although Frenchnonchalance, a derivative of French nonchalant, seems to have entered English first. Englishnonchalance is first recorded in 1678. 态度冷漠的人是不太可能变得热心或对某事激动的,这一事实被词语nonchalant的词源所强调。 Non-,这个词的第一部分, 很容易认出是个很熟悉的否定前缀;因为此词形成于古法语,我们可以说non-,来自 拉丁语 non- 在古法语中的衍生词。 第二个组成部分chalant, 是动词 chaloir 的古法语现在分词, 意思是“担忧的,关心的”。此词同样也来自于拉丁词calere , 从其具体的感觉“热的或暖和的”演变到比喻的感觉“被激起或引起希望、热心或愤怒”。很明显古法语动词chaloir 已去掉了一些拉丁语 calere 的温暖, 不过,冷漠的人确是几乎没有什么热心或关心的。词语nonchalant 在1734年前第一次被记录在英语中, 尽管法语nonchalence, 是法语 nonchalant 的派生词似乎已首先进入英语。 英语中的nonchalance 于1678年第一次被记录下来 〔can〕I can tune the harpsichord as well as play it.我会弹奏大键琴,同样地,我也会给大键琴调音〔disinterested〕a proportion that is not significantly different from the 93 percent who disapproved of the same usage in an earlier survey.与前一段统计中不赞成这一同样用法的比率百分之九十三相比,没有什么大的差别〔regard〕Regard is traditionally used in the singular in the phrase in regard (not in regards ) to. Regarding and as regards are also standard in the sense "with reference to.” In the same sensewith respect to is acceptable, butrespecting is not. · Respects is sometimes considered preferable to regards in the sense of "particulars": In some respects (not regards ) the books are alike. Regard 传统上以单数形式出现在词组 in regard 中(而不是 in regards ) to。 Regarding和 as regards 也是正规用法,意为“关于…。” 具有同样意义的with respect to 也是可以接受的, 但用respecting 就不可以了。 在表示“个别”时,有时respects 比 regards 更适合: In some respects (而不用 regards ) the books are alike。 〔vitamer〕One of two or more related chemical substances that fulfill the same specific vitamin function.类维生素:两种或两种以上的相关化学物质之一,起同样特定维生素功能〔reorder〕To order the same goods again.再次定购同样的货物〔font〕A complete set of type of one size and face.一副活字:一整套同样尺寸和型号的活字模〔hypoeutectic〕Having the minor component present in a smaller amount than in the eutectic composition of the same components.亚共晶的:有比同样组成成分的共晶体少数量的〔bilingual〕A person who uses or is able to use two languages, especially with equal fluency.能说两种语言的:使用或有能力使用两种语言的人,尤指能同样流利地〔degenerate〕Having more than one codon specify the same amino acid. Used of a genetic code.兼并密码子的:有不止一个密码子来指定同样的氨基酸。用于一种遗传基因〔harass〕Educated usage appears to be evenly divided on the pronunciation ofharass. In a recent survey50 percent of the Usage Panel preferred a pronunciation with stress on the first syllable,while 50 percent preferred stress on the second syllable.Curiously, the Panelists' comments appear to indicatethat each side regards itself as an embattled minority.harass 一词在受教育者的使用中也同样有不同的发音。 在最近的一次调查中,百分之五十的用法专题使用小组成员将该词的重音放在第一个音节,而另百分之五十则倾向于将重音放在第二个音节上,奇怪的是在小组成员的观点中可以看出,各方都认为自己是不断受困扰的少数派〔retaliate〕To pay back (an injury) in kind.进行同样报复:以同样的方法(伤害)进行报复〔either〕Likewise; also. Used as an intensive following negative statements:也:同样;也。作为强调成分用在否定陈述之后:〔warranty〕An assurance by the seller of property that the goods or property are as represented or will be as promised.保证:货物卖主所作的货物同样品无差别或与许诺相同的保证 |
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