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单词 名著
释义 〔Buber〕Austrian-born Judaic scholar and philosopher whose influentialI and Thou (1923) posits a direct personal dialogue between God and the individual. 布贝尔,马丁:(1878-1965) 奥地利裔的犹太学者和哲学家。其名著《我和你》 (1923年)以神与人之间的直接对话为前提 〔Elyot〕English scholar and diplomat who wroteThe Boke Named the Governour (1531), the first English treatise on education, and helped popularize the classics with his translations and Latin-English dictionary (1538). 埃利奥特,托马斯:(1490?-1546) 英国学者和外交家,他编写了第一部英语教育论著《名叫先生的博克》 (1531年),并以其翻译作品和拉丁语-英语字典(1538年)来帮助普及经典名著 〔Harington〕English writer known for his translation (1591) of Ariosto'sOrlando Furioso. He was banished from Elizabeth's court because of his satires. 哈林顿,约翰:(1561-1612) 英国作家,曾因翻译阿里奥斯托的名著《疯狂的奥兰多》 闻名于世(1591年)。由于他的讽刺文章被伊丽莎白法庭流放 〔Boethius〕Roman philosopher. Falsely accused of treason, he wroteThe Consolation of Philosophy, an account of classical thought, while awaiting his execution. 波伊提乌,阿尼修斯·马尼利乌斯·塞维里努斯:() 罗马哲学家,被误判判国罪处死。在狱中写成以柏拉图思想为理论依据的名著《哲学的慰藉》 〔version〕the film version of a famous novel.根据一本名著改编的电影〔highfalutin〕H.L. Mencken, in his famous bookThe American Language, mentions highfalutin as an example of the many native U.S. words coined during the 19th-century period of vigorous growth. Althoughhighfalutin is characteristic of American folk speech, it is not a true regionalismbecause it has always occurred in all regions of the country,with its use and popularity spurred by its appearance in print.The origin ofhighfalutin, like that of many folk expressions, is obscure. It has been suggested that the second element,-falutin, comes from the verbflute —hence high-fluting, a comical indictment of one who thinks too highly of oneself. H.L.曼肯,在其名著美国的语言 一书中指出, highfalutin 一词是众多的创造于19世纪迅速成长时期的美国本土的词汇的一个例子。 尽管highfalutin 一词是典型的美国民间用语, 但它不是方言土语,因为它总是出现在国家的各个地区。出现在印刷品上更促进了它的使用。highfalutin 一词的起源,象许多民间表达方式一样不为人所知, 曾有人说该词的第二词素-falutin, 来源于动词flute ——由此 high-fluting, 特指太自高自大的人 〔Baum〕American writer known especially forThe Wonderful Wizard of Oz (1900) and 13 other Oz stories, including Ozma of Oz (1917). 鲍姆,吕曼·弗兰克:(1856-1919) 美国作家,特别是他1900年写的名著《绿野仙踪》 和13个其它的奥兹国故事,包括1917年写的 《奥兹国的奥兹玛》 (1917年) 〔Avicenna〕Persian physician and philosopher noted for hisCanon of Medicine, a standard medical textbook used in Europe until the 17th century. 阿维森纳:波斯医生和哲学家,名著《医典》 在欧洲直到17世纪仍被做为标准的医学教科书 〔Downing〕American landscape architect and horticulturist who wrote the classicA Treatise on Landscape Gardening (1841) and designed the grounds of the White House and the U.S. Capitol. 唐宁,安德鲁·杰克逊:(1815-1852) 美国园林建筑师和园艺家,写有名著《论造园技术》 (1841年),设计了白宫和美国国会场地 〔Aquinas〕Italian Dominican monk, theologian, and philosopher. The outstanding representative of Scholasticism, he applied Aristotelian methods to Christian theology. His masterwork isSumma Theologica (1266-1273). 阿奎那,托马斯:(1225-1274) 意大利多明我会修道士,神学家和哲学家。经院哲学杰出代表,他将亚里士多德的方法应用于基督神学。他的名著是《神学大全》 (1266-1273年)




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