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单词 向上
释义 〔ski〕One of a pair of long flat runners of plastic, metal, or wood that curve upward in front and may be attached to a boot for gliding or traveling over snow.滑雪板:一双用塑料、金属或木头制成的又长又平的滑行装置之一,它的前端向上并且可缚在靴子上以便滑行或在雪上穿行〔bound〕To leap forward or upward; spring.跳,弹跳:向前或向上跃起;弹跳〔anabaena〕ana- [ana-] ana- [前缀,表“向上”] 〔anion〕From Greek [neuter present participle of] anienai [to go up] 源自 希腊语 anienai的中性现在分词 [向上] 〔awaken〕ā- [on, up] * see a- 2ā- [在…上,向上] * 参见 a-2〔anode〕Greek anodos [a way up] 希腊语 anodos [向上] 〔hatchback〕An automobile having a sloping back with a hatch that opens upward.后开车门小客车:有向上打开的斜形后盖门的机动车〔cuff〕The turned-up fold at the bottom of a trouser leg.翻边:裤脚底部向上折叠的部分〔tierceron〕A secondary or intermediate rib in a rib vault that rises from one of the main springers and connects to a point on the ridge rib.(哥德式拱顶的)居间拱肋:肋拱结构中的第二个或中间拱肋,由起拱石向上连接至横梁拱肋上的一点〔spire〕A top part or point that tapers upward; a pinnacle.尖塔、尖顶:向上逐渐变尖的顶端或顶点;小尖塔〔cumulonimbus〕An extremely dense, vertically developed cumulus with a relatively hazy outline and a glaciated top extending to great heights, usually producing heavy rains, thunderstorms, or hailstorms.积雨云:一种极其浓密的、垂直扩展的积云,其轮廓比较模糊,顶部覆有冰晶且向上伸入高空,通常能产生大雨、雷暴或雹暴〔ascending〕Moving, going, or growing upward:向上的:向上移动,走或生长的:〔horse〕To haul or hoist energetically.猛推或用力向上〔hock〕A small cut of meat, especially ham, from the front or hind leg directly above the foot.腿肉:尤指一小块取于前后腿向上部分的腿肉〔tower〕To fly directly upward before swooping or falling. Used of certain birds.高飞:在下扑或坠落以前直向上飞行,用来指某些鸟类〔antrorse〕Directed forward and upward, as the hairs on certain plant stems.向前的,向上的:向前的、向上的,如某些植物茎上所生的绒毛〔upheave〕To be lifted or thrust upward.被提起或被向上抛起〔upturn〕An upward movement, curve, or trend, as in business activity.向上的运动,曲线或趋势:如商业活动中的上升趋势〔kundalini〕Energy that lies dormant at the base of the spine until it is activated, as by the practice of yoga, and channeled upward through the chakras in the process of spiritual perfection.生命力:直到被激发后蜷伏在尾椎部的能量,如通过瑜伽教理中,而且通过在精神领悟过程中的人体精神力量的中心引导向上〔smile〕A facial expression characterized by an upward curving of the corners of the mouth and indicating pleasure, amusement, or derision.微笑:一种面部表情,其特点是嘴角向上弯成曲线,表示舒服、高兴或嘲笑〔upswing〕An upward swing or trend.增长,向上的趋势〔stem〕The main ascending axis of a plant; a stalk or trunk.茎,干:植物向上的主茎轴;茎或干〔prominent〕Projecting outward or upward from a line or surface; protuberant.突起的:从直线或平面向外或向上伸的;突出的〔loft〕The upward course of a ball driven in a high arc.向上的路线:被击出高弧线的球上升期间经过的路线〔ascent〕An upward slope or incline.上坡度,向上的斜度〔evaporate〕ē-, ex- [ex-] ē-, ex- [向外,向上,来自] 〔peach〕"Middle-level bureaucrats cravenly peach on their bosses[when] one of them does something the tiniest bit illegal" (National Observer)“ 中等阶级官员的同事做了一点点违法的事,他们就会胆怯地向上司告密” (美国观察者)〔ducktail〕A hairstyle in which the hair is swept back at the sides to meet in an upturned point in back. Also called DA 1鸭尾巴式发型:两侧头发后梳,在脑后向上转的一点相遇的发型 也作 DA1〔upbraid〕ūp- [up-] ūp- [向上] 〔harrow〕A farm implement consisting of a heavy frame with sharp teeth or upright disks, used to break up and even off plowed ground.耙:一种由一个沉重的框架和尖齿或垂直向上的耙片构成的用于打碎并摊平犁过的泥土的农具〔upcast〕Something cast upward.被向上抛出的某物〔gradient〕An ascending or descending part; an incline.斜面:向上或向下倾斜的部分;斜坡〔amount〕from amont [upward] 源自 amont [向上] 〔high〕Having a relatively great elevation; extending far upward:高的:具有相对高度的;向上伸的:〔up〕Middle English up [upward] 中古英语 up [向上(地)] 〔crowfoot〕pl. crow.feet[-fēt'] An iron ball with four spikes arranged so that one always points upwards, used to delay the advance of mounted troops and infantry; a caltrop.【复数】 crow.feet[-fēt'] 铁蒺藜:一种上面有四个铁钉而且总有一个铁钉向上的铁球,用来阻碍骑兵或步兵部队前行;铁蒺藜〔up〕an up elevator.向上运行的电梯〔derrick〕A machine for hoisting and moving heavy objects, consisting of a movable boom equipped with cables and pulleys and connected to the base of an upright stationary beam.悬臂起重机:提升和移动重物的机器,它由一个带有缆绳和滑轮的可移动的、并与一根由向上静止横梁的底座连接的起重杆组成〔spring〕To move upward or forward in a single quick motion or a series of such motions; leap.跳,跃:以一种很快的动作或一系列的动作作向上或前进运动;跳跃〔upcast〕upcast volcanic ash.向上喷出的火山灰




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