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单词 向东方
释义 〔left〕Of, belonging to, located on, or being the side of the body to the north when the subject is facing east.左边的,左面的,左侧的:物体面向东方时其朝北的身体一侧的、位于、属于或处于物体面向东方时其朝北的身体一侧的〔oriental〕"Oriental immigration"(S.I. Hayakawa)“向东方国家迁移”(S.I.早川一会)〔Kazan〕A city of eastern European U.S.S.R. on the Volga River east of Moscow. Founded in 1401, the modern city became the capital of a powerful Tartar khanate in 1455 but was conquered by Czar Ivan IV in 1552. In the 18th century it was an outpost of Russian colonization to the east. Population, 1,047,000.喀山:苏联欧洲部分的东部城市,位于莫斯科东部、乌拉尔河上,建于1401年,这个现代城市在1455年成为一个强大的鞑靼汗国的首都,但在1552年被沙皇伊凡四世征服。18世纪是俄国向东方扩张的一个前哨基地。人口1,047,000〔east〕In, from, or toward the east.东方地:在东方地、来自东方地或朝向东方〔southpaw〕[From the practice in baseball of arranging the diamond with the batter facing east to avoid the afternoon sun. A left-handed pitcher facing west would therefore have his pitching arm toward the south of the diamond] [来源于棒球运动中球场的后设置,使得击球员面向东方以躲过午后的阳光照射,面向西的左投手因此需要将他的投臂指向球场的南面] 〔east〕To, toward, of, facing, or in the east.东方的:向东方的、朝向东方的、面对东方的、或位于东方的〔orient〕To locate or place (something) so as to face the east, especially to build (a church) with the nave laid out west to east and the main altar at the eastern end.使…向东方:设定或放置(某物)使之面向东方,特别是建设(一个教堂)使其中殿坐西朝东且主圣坛在最东端




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