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单词 向南
释义 〔Verdigris〕A river, about 451 km (280 mi) long, of southeast Kansas and northeast Oklahoma flowing generally southward to the Arkansas River.佛地格里斯:美国堪萨斯州东南部以及俄克拉荷马州东北部的一条河流,长约451公里(280英里),大致向南流入阿肯色河〔Skeena〕A river rising in western British Columbia, Canada, and flowing about 579 km (360 mi) generally south and west to the Pacific Ocean near Prince Rupert.斯基纳:发源于加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省的一条江,流程大约579公里(360英里),大致向南和向西在鲁珀特王子港附近汇入太平洋〔fair〕American folk speech puts Standard English to shame in its wealth of words for describing weather conditions.When the weather goes from fair to cloudy,New Englanders say that it's "breedin' up a storm" (Maine informant in theLinguistic Atlas of New England ). If the weather is clear, however,a New Englander might call itopen. Southernfair off and fair up, meaning "to become clear,” were originally Northeastern terms and were brought to the South as settlement expanded southward and westward.They are now "regionalized to the South,” according to Craig M. Carver, author ofAmerican Regional Dialects. These phrases may be the origin of modern and less regional coinings,such asmild up, used on a television weather forecast: "The Southwest is beginning to mild up just a tad.”美国方言对天气状况的描写因其应有尽有的单词使标准英语黯然失色。当天气由晴转多云时,新英格兰人会说“孕育着一场暴风雨”(新英格兰语言学图册 的缅因消息提供者)。 但如果天气是无云的,新英格兰人也许会说open。 南部的fair off 和 fair up 所表示的放晴, 起源于东北部词语,后被带到南部成为固定用法并向南向西流传。根据克雷格M·卡弗尔,美国地区方言 的作者所说,它们如今已“被南方地区化了”。 这些词组或许正是现代不再具地区性的词句的起源,例如mild up, 用于电视天气预报: “西南将变得暖和一点”〔Maritsa〕A river of western Bulgaria and western Turkey flowing about 483 km (300 mi) southeast then south to the Aegean Sea.马里查河:保加利亚西部和土耳其西部一河流,流程约483公里(300英里),先流向东南后又向南注入爱琴海〔Sheyenne〕A river, about 523 km (325 mi) long, rising in central North Dakota and flowing east, south, and northeast to the Red River of the North above Fargo.夏延河:发源于美国北达科州中部的一条河流,流程523公里(325英里),向东、向南、向东北在法戈城北部流入雷德河〔Vetluga〕A river, about 850 km (528 mi) long, of central European U.S.S.R. flowing generally southward to the Volga River.韦特卢哥河:位于苏联欧洲部分中部的一条河流,大约850公里(528英里)长,它向南流向伏尔加河〔palimpsest〕"Spaniards in the sixteenth century . . . saw an ocean moving south . . . through a palimpsest of bayous and distributary streams in forested paludal basins"(John McPhee)"16世纪的西班牙人…通过森林里的沼泽盆地的河口和支流小溪的沉淀层…看到海洋向南移动”(约翰·麦克菲)〔Tiber〕A river of central Italy flowing about 406 km (252 mi) south and southwest through Rome to the Tyrrhenian Sea at Ostia.台伯河:意大利中部的一条流程约406公里(252英里)的河流,向南和西南方向流经罗马并在奥斯蒂亚市附近注入第勒尼安海〔Pennines〕A range of hills extending about 257 km (160 mi) southward from the Cheviot Hills on the Scottish border to central England. Sometimes called "the backbone of England,” it rises to 893.7 m (2,930 ft) at Cross Fell.奔宁山脉:一条从苏格兰边界的切维厄特丘陵向南延伸257公里(160英里)至英格兰中部的山脉,有时被称为“英格兰的脊梁”,最高峰为海拔893.7米(2,930英尺)的克劳斯菲尔山〔Neches〕A river of eastern Texas flowing about 669 km (416 mi) south and southeast to Sabine Lake.内奇斯河:美国得克萨斯州东部的一条河流,全长约669公里(416英里),向南和东南流入萨宾湖〔Struma〕A river, about 348 km (216 mi) long, of western Bulgaria and northeast Greece flowing southward to an inlet of the Aegean Sea.斯特鲁马河:保加利亚西部,希腊东北部的一条河流,长约348公里(216英里),向南流入爱琴海海口〔Scioto〕A river, about 381 km (237 mi) long, rising in western Ohio and flowing east then south to the Ohio River in south-central Ohio.赛欧托河:发源于美国俄亥俄州西部的一条河流,流程约381公里(237英里),先向东后向南注入俄亥俄州中南部的俄亥俄河〔Mahican〕A Native American confederacy of subtribes formerly inhabiting the upper Hudson River valley from Albany south to the Catskill Mountains and north to Lake Champlain. Present-day descendants live in Oklahoma and Wisconsin.马希坎部族:一个美洲土著小部族的联盟,以前居住在上哈得孙河河谷从奥尔巴尼向南直到卡茨基尔山脉、向北到尚普兰湖地区。现在这个部族的后裔散居于美国俄克拉荷马和威斯康星州〔Cunene〕A river rising in west-central Angola and flowing about 1,207 km (750 mi) south and west to the Atlantic Ocean. It forms the Angola-Namibia border in its lower course.库内纳:一条源于安哥拉中西部的河流,流程约为1,207公里(750英里),向南和向西注入大西洋。它的下游形成了安哥拉-纳米比亚国界〔southing〕The difference in latitude between two positions as a result of a movement to the south.南向纬度差:向南运动时的前后两点间的纬度差〔Volga〕A river of European U.S.S.R. rising in the Valdai Hills northwest of Moscow and flowing about 3,701 km (2,300 mi) generally east and south to the Caspian Sea. It is the longest river of Europe and the main commercial waterway of the U.S.S.R. The Volga is linked by canals and other rivers to the Baltic Sea.伏尔加河:苏联欧洲部分一条河流,源于莫斯科西北部瓦尔代山,长约3,701公里(2,300英里),大致向东流再向南注入里海。它是欧洲最长的河流和苏联主要商业水道。伏尔加河被许多运河和其它河流连向波罗的海〔Kennebec〕A river, about 257 km (160 mi) long, of west-central and southern Maine flowing generally south to the Atlantic Ocean.肯纳贝克河:美国缅因州中西部和北部的一条河,流程约257公里(160英里),大体向南流注入大西洋〔Neotropics〕The biogeographic region of the New World that stretches southward from the Tropic of Cancer and includes southern Mexico, Central and South America, and the West Indies.新热带区:新世界生物地理区,从北回归线向南延伸包括墨西哥南部,中、南美洲与西印度群岛等地区〔Vardar〕A river, about 386 km (240 mi) long, rising in southeast Yugoslavia and flowing southward to an arm of the Aegean Sea in northeast Greece.瓦达:一条长约386公里(240英里)的河流,发源于南斯拉夫东南部并向南在希腊东北部注入爱琴海海湾〔Shoshone〕A group inhabiting the Great Basin area of Idaho, Utah, and Nevada south to Death Valley, California, now mostly in Nevada. Also called Western Shoshone 居住在爱达荷州,犹他州和内华达州的大盆地区向南直到加利福尼亚的死谷,现在大多住在内华达州的一支 也作 Western Shoshone〔Tensas〕A river, about 402 km (250 mi) long, of northeast Louisiana flowing south to the Ouachita River.坦萨斯河:位于美国路易斯安那州东北部的一条流程约402公里(250英里)的河,向南注入沃希托河〔Neotropical〕Of or designating the biogeographic region stretching southward from the Tropic of Cancer and including southern Mexico, Central and South America, and the West Indies:新热带区的:属于或标明由北回归线向南沿伸的生物地理区,包括墨西哥南部、美国中部和南部,西印度群岛:〔Dnieper〕A river of western European U.S.S.R. rising near Smolensk and flowing about 2,285 km (1,420 mi) southward to the Black Sea. It has been a major commercial waterway since the ninth century.第聂伯河:起源于斯摩棱斯克附近的苏联西欧部分河流,向南流入黑海。流程2,285公里(1,420英里),9世纪以来即为重要商业水道〔Shannon〕A river, about 386 km (240 mi) long, rising in north-central Ireland and flowing generally south and west to the Atlantic Ocean through a long, deep estuary.香农河:一条发源于爱尔兰中北部的河流,流程约386公里(240英里),大致向南和向西穿过长而深的河口后注入大西洋〔Chattahoochee〕A river rising in northern Georgia and flowing about 702 km (436 mi) generally southwest then south to the Flint River on the Georgia-Florida border.查塔胡奇河:发源于美国乔治亚州北部的河流,流程约702公里(436英里),流向大致为西南向,然后向南在佐治亚州和佛罗里达州的边界流入弗林特河〔Tocantins〕A river, about 2,639 km (1,640 mi) long, flowing from central Brazil near Brasília northward to the Pará River southwest of Belém.托坎延斯河:发源于巴西中部巴西利亚附近的一条河流,全长约2,639公里(1,640英里),向南流入贝伦西南面的帕腊河〔Thames〕[thāmz, tāmz] A tidal estuary of southeastern Connecticut flowing about 24 km (15 mi) southward to Long Island Sound.[thāmz, tāmz] 西蒙斯:康涅狄格州东南一潮汐海湾,向南约24公里(15英里)流入桑德长岛〔Anadyr〕A river of northeast Far Eastern U.S.S.R. rising in theAnadyr Plateau and flowing about 1,118 km (695 mi) south and then east to Anadyr Bay, an inlet of the Bering Sea. There are coal and gold deposits near the river's mouth. 阿纳德尔河:苏联远东东北部的一条河,发源于阿纳德尔高原 流程约1,118公里(695英里),向南然后向东流入 阿纳德尔湾 白令海的一个海湾,河口处有煤矿和金矿 〔Navasota〕A river of east-central Texas flowing about 209 km (130 mi) southward to the Brazos River.纳瓦索塔河:美国得克萨斯州中东部的一条河流,全长约209公里(130英里),向南流入布拉索斯河〔Guadiana〕A river rising in south-central Spain and flowing about 821 km (510 mi) west and south partly along the Spanish-Portuguese border to the Gulf of Cádiz.瓜地亚纳河:发源于西班牙中南部一河流,长约821公里(510英里),向西和南流动,部分沿西班牙和葡萄牙边界向南流入加地斯湾〔Chindwin〕A river rising in the hills of northern Burma and flowing about 1,158 km (720 mi) generally south to the Irrawaddy River.亲敦江:发源于缅甸北部丘陵区的河流,流程约1158公里(720英里),大致上向南流入伊洛瓦底江〔Natashquan〕A river of eastern Canada rising in southern Labrador and flowing about 388 km (241 mi) southward across eastern Quebec to the Gulf of St. Lawrence.纳塔什昆河:加拿大东部的一条河流,源于拉布拉多的南部,全长约388公里(241英里),向南流经魁北克的东部后注入圣劳伦斯湾〔Brahmaputra〕A river of southern Asia rising in the Himalaya Mountains of southwest Tibet and flowing about 2,896 km (1,800 mi) east then south and west through northeast India to join the Ganges River and form a vast delta in central Bangladesh.布拉马普特拉河:南亚河流,发源于西藏西南部的喜马拉雅山,流程约2,896公里(1,800英里),先向东后向南和西流经印度东北部汇入恒河,在孟加拉中部形成一个大三角洲〔Berezina〕A river of west-central European U.S.S.R. rising in northwest Belorussia and flowing about 611 km (380 mi) generally southward to the Dnieper River.别列津纳:苏联在欧洲中西部的一条河流,发源于白俄罗斯西北部,流程611公里(380英里),大致向南注入第聂伯河〔Wabash〕A river of the east-central United States rising in western Ohio and flowing about 764 km (475 mi) generally southwest across Indiana and southward on the Indiana-Illinois border to the Ohio River.瓦伯什河:美国中东部河流,发源于西俄亥俄州,流程约764公里(475英里),向西南跨过印第安纳州再向南在印第安纳-伊利诺斯交界注入俄亥俄河〔Sarthe〕A river, about 285 km (177 mi) long, of northwest France flowing generally south to Angers.萨尔特:法国西北部一河流,流程约285公里(177英里),大致向南流至翁热〔Biscay〕An arm of the Atlantic Ocean indenting the western coast of Europe from Brittany in northwest France southward to northwest Spain.比斯开湾:大西洋一海湾,在欧洲西海岸从法国西北的布列塔尼向南沿伸到西班牙西北,呈锯齿状〔Desna〕A river rising east of Smolensk in western European U.S.S.R. and flowing about 885 km (550 mi) generally south to the Dnieper River above Kiev.得斯纳河:一条起源于俄罗斯西欧部分的斯摩棱斯克东部的河流,流程约885公里(550英里),向南在基辅上端流入第聂伯河〔Vyatka〕A river, about 1,368 km (850 mi) long, of eastern European U.S.S.R. rising in the foothills of the Ural Mountains and flowing west, south, and southeast to the Kama River.维亚特卡河:位于苏联欧洲部分东部的一条河,长约1,368公里(850英里),发源于乌拉尔山脉山脚并向西、向南再向东南注入卡马河〔Peribonca〕A river, about 451 km (280 mi) long, of central Quebec, Canada, flowing southward throughPeribonca Lake to Lake St. John. 佩里邦卡河:位于加拿大魁北克中部的一条河流,流长约451公里(280英里),向南流经佩里邦卡湖 汇入圣约翰湖




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