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单词 向西南
释义 〔Koyukuk〕A river, about 805 km (500 mi) long, of northern Alaska flowing generally southwest from the Brooks Range to the Yukon River.科尤库克河:美国阿拉斯加北部一河流,流程约805公里(500英里),大致从布鲁克斯山脉向西南流入育空河〔SW〕Southwestern.西南的,向西南〔Cowlitz〕A river rising in the Cascade Range of southwest Washington and flowing about 209 km (130 mi) west and south to the Columbia River.考利兹:发源于美国华盛顿州西南喀斯喀特山脉的一条河流,流程约209公里(130英里),向西南注入哥伦比亚河〔Wabash〕A river of the east-central United States rising in western Ohio and flowing about 764 km (475 mi) generally southwest across Indiana and southward on the Indiana-Illinois border to the Ohio River.瓦伯什河:美国中东部河流,发源于西俄亥俄州,流程约764公里(475英里),向西南跨过印第安纳州再向南在印第安纳-伊利诺斯交界注入俄亥俄河〔Douro〕A river rising in north-central Spain and flowing about 772 km (480 mi) westward then southwestward along the Spanish-Portuguese border. It enters the Atlantic Ocean at Oporto.杜罗河:发源于西班牙中北部的一条河流,流程772公里(480英里),沿西班牙-葡萄牙边境向西再向西南。在波尔图注入大西洋〔Tippecanoe〕A river, about 274 km (170 mi) long, rising in northeast Indiana and flowing generally southwest to the Wabash River. Gen. William Henry Harrison defeated the Shawnee in the Battle of Tippecanoe (1811).蒂帕卡怒河:发展于美国印第安纳州东北部的一条河流,全长约274公里(170英里),大致向西南流入沃巴什河。威廉·亨利·哈里森将军曾在蒂帕卡怒战役中打败了肖尼人〔Menderes〕A river of western Turkey flowing about 402 km (250 mi) southwest and west to the Aegean Sea. In ancient times it was called the Maeander and was legendary for its winding course.曼德列斯河:土耳其西部一河流,流程大约为402公里(250英里),向西南和向西方流入爱琴海。在古代此河叫做米安德尔,并因其蜿蜒曲折而富传奇色彩〔Coosa〕A river rising in northwest Georgia and flowing about 460 km (286 mi) southwest through eastern Alabama to join the Tallapoosa River near Montgomery and form the Alabama River.科萨河:一条发源于美国乔治亚州西北部的河流,流程约460公里(286英里),向西南流经亚拉巴马州东部后,在蒙哥马利附近与塔拉波萨河汇合形成亚拉巴马河〔Karkheh〕A river, about 563 km (350 mi) long, of western Iran and southeast Iraq flowing southwest to marshlands bordering the Tigris River.卡尔黑河:伊朗西部和伊拉克东南部一条河流,大约长563公里(350英里),向西南流入与底格里斯河接壤的沼泽地〔Escambia〕A river rising in southeast Alabama as the Conecuh River and flowing about 372 km (231 mi) southwest to joinEscambia Creek, about 121 km (75 mi) long, and then southward into northwest Florida, where it empties into Escambia Bay, an arm of the Gulf of Mexico near Pensacola. 埃斯坎比亚河:一条河流,其上游是位于美国阿拉巴马洲东南部的康尼考河,向西南大约372公里(231)流入埃斯坎比亚河 ,长约121公里(75mi),然后向南流入佛罗里达洲的西北部,在此汇入了潘萨克拉附近墨西哥海湾的分支 埃斯坎比亚湾 〔Helmand〕A river, about 1,287 km (800 mi) long, rising in the Hindu Kush and flowing southwest across Afghanistan to a marshy lake on the Iranian border.赫尔曼德河:全长约1,287公里(800英里)的 一条河流,发源于兴都库什山脉,向西南流经阿富汗流入伊朗边界处的一个沼泽湖泊〔Stikine〕A river rising in theStikine Mountains of northwest British Columbia, Canada, and flowing about 539 km (335 mi) generally west and southwest through southeast Alaska to the Pacific Ocean. 斯提肯河:发源于加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚西北斯提肯山脉 的一条河流,流程约539公里(335英里),大致向西再向西南流经阿拉斯加东南后注入太平洋 〔Tarn〕A river, about 378 km (235 mi) long, of southern France flowing generally west and southwest to the Garonne River.达恩湖:法国南部一河流,流程约378公里(235英里),大致向西然后向西南注入加伦河〔Yazoo〕A river, 302.5 km (188 mi) long, of west-central Mississippi flowing generally southwest to the Mississippi River above Vicksburg.亚祖河:美国密西西比州中西部一河流,长约302.5公里(188英里),大致向西南流入在雅克斯堡边的密西西比河〔Shabelle〕A river, about 1,609 km (1,000 mi) long, of northeast Africa rising in central Ethiopia and flowing southeast into Somalia then southwest in a course parallel to the Indian Ocean coastline. It disappears in a swampland in southern Somalia.萨比利河:非洲东北部的河流,长约1,609公里(1,000英里),发源于埃塞俄比亚中部地区,向东南流入索马里,然后向西南方向流动,流向平行于印度洋海岸线。该河消失于索马里南部的沼泽地中〔Indus〕A river of south-central Asia rising in southwest Tibet and flowing about 3,057 km (1,900 mi) northwest through northern India and southwest through Pakistan to the Arabian Sea. Its valley was the site of an advanced civilization lasting c. 2500 to 1500b.c. 印度河:中南亚的一条河流,发源于西藏西南部,流程约3,057公里(1,900英里),向西北流经印度北部,而后折向西南方向流经巴基斯坦后注入阿拉伯海。约公元前 2500年至1500年,这条河的河谷曾出现过一个高度发达的人类文明 〔Kiamichi〕A river, about 161 km (100 mi) long, of southeast Oklahoma flowing southwest then southeast to the Red River on the Texas border.凯厄米希河:美国俄克拉荷马州东南部河流,流程约161公里(合100英里),向西南然后向东南流入得克萨斯州边界的红河〔Vaal〕A river rising in eastern South Africa and flowing about 1,207 km (750 mi) southwest to the Orange River.瓦尔河:发源于南非东部的河流,流程约为1,207公里(750英里),向西南流入奥兰治河〔Chagres〕A river rising in central Panama, flowing southwest to Gatún Lake (formed by a dam on the river), then draining northwest to the Caribbean Sea.查格雷斯河:发源于巴拿马中部的一条河流,向西南汇入加顿湖(由在河上筑坝而形成),然后折向西北注入加勒比海〔Tallapoosa〕A river rising in northwest Georgia and flowing about 431 km (268 mi) generally southwest to central Alabama, where it joins the Coosa River to form the Alabama River.塔拉波萨河:一条发源于美国乔治亚州西北部的河流,流程约为431公里(268英里),向西南流经阿拉巴马州中部,在那儿它与库萨河汇合形成了阿拉巴马河〔Kuskokwim〕A river of southwest Alaska flowing about 965 km (600 mi) southwest toKuskokwim Bay, an inlet of the Bering Sea. 卡斯科奎姆河:美国阿拉斯加西南一河流,流程约965公里(600英里),向西南流入白令海的一个海湾卡斯科奎姆湾 〔Thames〕A river, about 257 km (160 mi) long, of southeast Ontario, Canada, flowing southwest to Lake St. Clair. In the War of 1812 Gen. William Henry Harrison defeated British and Native American forces in the Battle of the Thames (October 5, 1813).西蒙斯河:流程约257公里(160英里)的河,位于加拿大安大略省东南,向西南流向圣·克泊尔湖,在1812年杰思战争中,威廉·亨利·哈瑞森在西蒙斯战役中(1813年10月5日)击败英国和美洲土著部队〔Holston〕A river, about 225 km (140 mi) long, rising in two forks in western Virginia and northeast Tennessee and flowing southwest to join the French Broad River and form the Tennessee River at Knoxville.霍尔斯顿河:一条流程约225公里(140英里)的河流,有两条分别源于美国弗吉尼亚州西部和田纳西州东北部的支流,向西南与法属布罗德河交汇并在诺克斯维形成田纳西河〔southwestward〕A southwestward direction, point, or region.西南方:朝向西南的方向、地点或地区〔Negro〕A river rising in southern Brazil and flowing about 805 km (500 mi) generally southwest to the Uruguay River in central Uruguay.内格罗河:发源于巴西南部,大致向西南流到乌拉圭中部汇入乌拉圭河的一条流程约805公里(500英里)的河流〔Shebelle〕A river, about 1,609 km (1,000 mi) long, of northeast Africa rising in central Ethiopia and flowing southeast into Somalia then southwest in a course parallel to the Indian Ocean coastline. It disappears in a swampland in southern Somalia.谢贝利河:非洲东北部的一条河流,流程约1,609公里(1,000英里),发源于埃塞俄比亚中部并向东南流经索马里,然后向西南以平行于印度海海岸线的路径流动,它消失于索马里南部的沼泽地区〔Tallahatchie〕A river, about 371 km (230 mi) long, rising in northern Mississippi and flowing generally southwest to the Yazoo River.塔拉哈奇河:一条发源于密西西比州北部的河流,流程约371公里(230英里),大致向西南注入亚祖河〔southwest〕In, from, or toward the southwest.西南地:在、来自或朝向西南〔Muskegon〕A city of southwest Michigan west-northwest of Grand Rapids at the mouth of theMuskegon River, which flows about 365 km (227 mi) from west-central Michigan southwest to Lake Michigan. The city was founded on the site of a fur-trading post established c. 1810. Population, 40,283. 马斯基根:美国密歇根州西南部城市,位于马斯基根河河口的大瀑布城西北偏西,马斯基根河 从密歇根中西部向西南流入密歇根湖,流程大约365公里(227英里)。建立在建于公元1810年的一个皮毛贸易港口的遗址上。人口40,283 〔Calcasieu〕A river rising in west-central Louisiana and flowing about 322 km (200 mi) east, southeast, then southwest to the Gulf of Mexico. Near its outlet it passes throughLake Calcasieu. 加尔卡修河:源于美国路易斯安那州中西部的一条河流,流程322公里(200英里),向东、东南、后向西南流至墨西哥湾。在其出口处流进加尔卡修湖




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