单词 | 君主制 |
释义 | 〔commonwealth〕The English state and government from the death of Charles I in 1649 to the restoration of the monarchy in 1660, including the Protectorate of 1653 to 1659.英吉利共和国:从查理士一世1649年去世到1660年恢复君主制的英格兰的州和政府,包括1653到1659年的摄政国〔Montesquieu〕French philosopher and jurist. An outstanding figure of the early French Enlightenment, he wrote the influentialParisian Letters (1721), a veiled attack on the monarchy and the ancien régime, and The Spirit of the Laws (1748), a discourse on government. 孟德斯鸠:法国哲学家和法学家。他是早期法国启蒙运动的杰出人物。著有隐含攻击君主制和古代政体的有影响力的作品如《波斯人信札》 (1721年)和谴责政府的 《论法的精神》 (1748年) 〔successive〕the government successive to the fallen monarchy.接替了垮台的君主制的政府〔redivivus〕"defenders of the Imperial Presidency redivivus"(Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr.)“再生的君主制的卫士”(小阿瑟M.施莱辛格)〔Hobbism〕A political theory promulgated by Thomas Hobbes, advocating absolute monarchy as the only means of adequately controlling the inevitable problems created by the inherently selfish, aggrandizing nature of human beings.霍布斯的哲学理论:托马斯·霍布斯倡导的一种政治理论,认为集权君主制是唯一能有效控制人类与生俱来的自私及渴望的天性引起的一系列问题的方法〔monarchism〕Belief in or advocacy of monarchy.君主主义:信仰或拥护君主制〔Caesar〕Roman general, statesman, and historian who invaded Britain (55), crushed the army of his political enemy Pompey (48), pursued other enemies to Egypt, where he installed Cleopatra as queen (47), returned to Rome, and was given a mandate by the people to rule as dictator for life (45). On March 15 of the following year he was murdered by a group of republicans led by Cassius and Brutus, who feared he intended to establish a monarchy ruled by himself.凯撒,尤利乌斯:(100-44) 罗马将军、政治家、历史学家,他入侵了大不列颠王国(55年)并征服了他的政敌庞培的军队(48年),又追击其它敌人至埃及,他在此立克娄巴特拉为女王(47年),返回罗马后,被罗马人民授予终身一人统治的权力(45年)。次年3月15日,他被卡西乌和布鲁图斯领导的一群共和主义者谋杀身亡,这些人担心他图谋建立由他个人统治的君主制政权〔monarchism〕The system or principles of monarchy.君主制:君主的体系或原则〔Visigoth〕A member of the western Goths that invaded the Roman Empire in the fourth centurya.d. and settled in France and Spain, establishing a monarchy that lasted until the early eighth century. 维斯哥特人:西哥特人,在公元 4世纪入侵罗马帝国,并定居在法国和西班牙,所建立的封建君主制持续到8世纪初 〔Retz〕French politician, prelate, and writer who was active in the Fronde, a French civil war (1648-1653) that ultimately strengthened the monarchy.雷斯枢机主教:法国政治家、高级教士、作家,是投石党运动的活跃分子。投石党运动是一场最终巩固了君主制的法国内战(1648-1653年)〔Vane〕English politician and colonial administrator who was governor of Massachusetts (1636-1637) and a leading Parliamentarian during the English Civil War. He was tried and executed for high treason after the restoration of the monarchy.范内,亨利:(1613-1662) 英国政治家和殖民地行政官员,他是马萨诸塞的总督(1636-1637年)并是英国内战其间起领导作用的议员。他因君主制恢复以后的极度不满而受审并被判决〔Richelieu〕French prelate and politician. As chief minister of Louis XIII he worked to strengthen the authority of the monarchy and directed France during the Thirty Years' War (1618-1648).黎塞留:法国主教及政治家。作为路易十三世的首席大臣,他工作以加强君主制统治,并在三十年战争(1618-1648年)中领导法国 |
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