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单词 吞并
释义 〔Malatya〕A city of east-central Turkey in the Taurus Mountains. It was the capital of a Hittite kingdom c. 1100b.c. and was long a strategic frontier outpost. Malatya was annexed by the Ottoman Empire in 1516. Population, 179,074. 马拉提亚:土耳其中东部的一座城市,位于托鲁斯山脉中。它是约在公元前 1100年时赫梯王朝的首府,长期以来一直是一个边境战略要塞。1516年马拉提亚被奥斯曼帝国吞并。人口179,074 〔Achaea〕An ancient region of southern Greece occupying the northern part of the Peloponnesus on the Gulf of Corinth. The cities of the region banded together in the early third centuryb.c. to form the Achaean League, which defeated Sparta but was eventually beaten by the Romans, who annexed Achaea in 146 b.c. and later gave the name to a province that included all of Greece south of Thessaly. 亚加亚:希腊南部古代一地区,包括伯罗奔尼撒北部在科林斯湾的地区。该地区的城市在公元前 3世纪早期组成亚加亚联盟。这个联盟击败了斯巴达,然而最终被罗马击败。罗马人在 公元前 146年吞并了亚加亚,后来以此命名包括塞萨利以南全部希腊的一个省 〔Zaire〕A country of central Africa astride the equator. Inhabited since ancient times, the region came under the control of Leopold II of Belgium in the late 1870's and was annexed outright in 1908. Full independence was achieved in 1960. Kinshasa is the capital and the largest city. Population, 29,671,407.扎伊尔,刚果自由邦:非洲中部一横跨赤道的国家。从远古时代就有人在这定居,19世纪70年代后期受控于比利时的利奥波德二世,1908年被完全吞并。1960年获得了彻底独立。金沙萨是其首都和最大的城市。人口29,671,407〔gobble〕To take greedily; grab:吞并:贪婪地攫取;强占:〔Navarre〕A historical region and former kingdom of southwest Europe in the Pyrenees of northern Spain and southwest France. Inhabited from early times by ancestors of the Basques, it was ruled by a Basque dynasty from the 9th to the 13th century. The southern part was annexed to Spain (1512-1515), while the northern part remained an independent kingdom until it was incorporated into the French crown lands in 1589.纳瓦拉:欧洲西南部一历史区域和古王国,在西班牙北部和法国西南部的比利牛斯山上。早期被巴斯克的祖先居住,并从9世纪到13世纪被巴斯克王朝统治。其南部被西班牙吞并(1512-1515年),然而北部仍为一个独立的王国,1589年北部地区被划入到法国君主的版图〔Simferopol〕A city of southern European U.S.S.R. in the southern Crimea northeast of Sevastopol. Originally settled by Scythians, it was annexed by Russia in 1784. Population, 331,000.辛菲洛普:苏联欧洲部分南部一城市,位于塞瓦斯托波尔东北的克里米亚的南部。最初锡西厄人在此定居,1784年被俄罗斯吞并。人口331,000〔Hainaut〕A historical region of southwest Belgium and northern France. It originated in the ninth century and was later joined, through royal marriages, with Flanders and Holland. Parts of Hainaut were annexed by France in the 1600's.埃诺:历史上位于比利时西南部和法国北部的一个地区。形成于公元9世纪,后通过皇室通婚与佛兰德以及荷兰合并,在17世纪这个地区的一部分为法国所吞并〔Sumer〕An ancient country of southern Mesopotamia in present-day southern Iraq. Archaeological evidence dates the beginnings of Sumer to the fifth millenniumb.c. By 3000 a flourishing civilization existed, which gradually exerted power over the surrounding area and culminated in the Akkadian dynasty founded (c. 2340) by Sargon I. Sumer declined after 2000 and was later absorbed by Babylonia and Assyria. The Sumerians are believed to have invented the cuneiform system of writing. 苏美尔:美索不达米亚平南部一古国,位于今伊拉克南部。据考古学的证据显示,苏美尔的建立可追溯到公元前 五千年,到公元前3000年,就已出现了繁荣的文明,它逐渐地影响并控制了周围的地区,到萨尔贡世建立的古阿卡德王朝时(前2340年)、文明达到顶峰的公元前2000年前后,苏美尔开始衰落,后来被巴比伦和亚述吞并,人们相信苏美尔人发明了象形文字 〔Kostroma〕A city of central European U.S.S.R. on the Volga River northeast of Moscow. Founded in 1152, it was annexed by Moscow in 1364. Population, 269,000.科斯特罗马:苏联中欧部分一城市,位于伏尔加河畔、莫斯科东北。建于1152年,1364年被莫斯科吞并。人口269,000〔Cappadocia〕An ancient region of Asia Minor in present-day east-central Turkey. Heart of a Hittite state and later a Persian satrapy, it was annexed by the Romans ina.d. 17. 卡帕多西亚:小亚细亚的一个古老地区,位于今土耳其中东部。起先是赫梯族的心脏地带,后来又成为波斯帝国的一个总督管辖区,于公元 十七年被罗马人吞并 〔Crimea〕A region and peninsula of southern European U.S.S.R. on the Black Sea and Sea of Azov. In ancient times it was colonized by Greeks and Romans and later overrun by Ostrogoths, Huns, and Mongols. Conquered by the Ottoman Turks in 1475, the area was annexed by Russia in 1783. The peninsula was the scene of the Crimean War (1853-1856), in which a coalition of English, French, and Turkish troops defeated the Russians, although Crimea itself did not change hands.克里米亚:前苏联欧洲部分南部的一个行政区和半岛,位于黑海和亚述海沿岸。在古代它曾被希腊人和罗马人统治,后来又被东哥特人、匈奴人和蒙古人侵占。它在1475年被奥斯曼土耳其人所征服,在1783年这一地区被俄国吞并。该半岛是克里米亚战争(1853-1856年)的战场,在这场战争中英国、法国和土耳其的联合军队击败了俄国军队,但克里米亚本身却没有易手〔Zululand〕A historical region of northeast South Africa. Settled by members of a Bantu nation, it was annexed by the British in 1887.祖鲁兰:南非东北部一历史地区。班图族人定居于此,1887年被英国吞并〔Norwich〕[nŏrʹĭch] A borough of eastern England northeast of London. The city was sacked by Danes in the 11th century and devastated by the Black Death in 1348. Population, 125,900.[nŏrʹĭch] 诺里奇:英格兰东部伦敦东北的自治区。11世纪时被丹尼斯吞并,1348年被黑死病侵袭。人口125,900〔Novgorod〕A city of northwest European U.S.S.R. south-southeast of Leningrad. One of the oldest cities in Russia, it was strategically and economically important in the Middle Ages because of its location on the chief trade routes of eastern Europe. The city was overrun by Moscow in 1478 and lost its commercial dominance to St. Petersburg after 1703. Population, 220,000.诺夫哥罗德:欧洲西北苏联内的城市,在列宁格勒的东南偏南。俄国最古老的城市之一,在中世纪时曾因其在东欧主要商路上的位置而占有重要的战略和经济地位。1478年被莫斯科吞并,1703年之后其商业统治地位让与圣彼得斯堡。人口220,000〔Rovno〕A city of southwest European U.S.S.R. in the Ukraine west of Kiev. It was annexed by Russia in 1793 and by Poland in 1921. The city was occupied by Soviet troops in 1939. Population, 221,000.罗夫诺:苏联欧洲部分西南部一城市,位于基辅西面的乌克兰境内。该市于1793年被俄国吞并,1921年被波兰吞并,1939年被苏维埃红军占据。人口221,000〔Schleswig〕A historical region and former duchy of northern Germany and southern Denmark in southern Jutland. The duchy was created in 1115 and passed, along with the duchy of Holstein, to Christian I of Denmark in 1460. After subdivisions caused by complex hereditary holdings, the duchies were once more reunited under the Danish crown in 1773. Denmark, Prussia, and Austria contended for the region until 1866, when it was annexed by Prussia. In 1920 the northern part of Schleswig was returned to Denmark by plebiscite. The southern portion became part of the West German state of Schleswig-Holstein after World War II.什勒斯威格:历史上的一个地区,先前为北部德国和南部丹麦在日德兰半岛南部的公爵领地。它产生于1115年,1460年于荷尔斯泰因领地一起归属给丹麦基督一世。经复杂的由遗产所有引起的分割后,它于1773年再次合并归还给丹麦王室。丹麦、普鲁士和奥地利为这一地区展开竞争,直到1866年它被普鲁士吞并。1920年经公民投票,什勒斯威格的北部归还丹麦,南部地区在二战后成为西德所属什勒斯威格-荷尔斯泰因州的一部分〔McKinley〕The 25th President of the United States (1897-1901). His presidency was marked by the Spanish-American War (1898), the annexation of Cuba and the Philippines, an open-door policy with China, and the passage of the Gold Standard Act (1900). He was assassinated by an anarchist in Buffalo, New York.麦金利,威廉:(1843-1901) 美国第25届总统(1897-1901年)。他在职期间的事迹有,发动西班牙-美国战争(1898年),吞并古巴和菲律宾;对华提出门户开放政策;通过金本位法案(1900年)。他在纽约州的布法罗被无政府主义者刺杀〔annex〕To incorporate (territory) into an existing political unit such as a country, state, county, or city.合并,吞并:把(一个地区)并入一个政治单位,如国家,州,郡或城市〔Yaroslavl〕A city of eastern European U.S.S.R. on the Volga River northeast of Moscow. Traditionally founded in 1010, it was annexed by Moscow in 1463. Population, 626,000.雅罗斯拉夫尔:苏联东欧部分一城市,位于伏尔加河畔、莫斯科东北。传统上认为建于1010年,1463年被莫斯科公国吞并。人口626,000〔Transvaal〕A region of northeast South Africa. Inhabited by Bantu-speaking Black Africans, the area was settled by Boer farmers who formed an independent state, called the South African Republic, in the 1850's. Great Britain annexed the territory in 1877, but the discovery of gold in 1886 led to an influx of settlers, further tensions between the British and the Boers, and the eventual formation of the Transvaal as a crown colony (1900) after the Boer War. Transvaal became a part of South Africa in 1910.德兰士瓦省:南非东北部一个地区。这一地区居住着讲班图语的非洲黑人,19世纪50年代布尔农民建立此区,布尔人还成立了一个独立国家,称作南非共和国。1877年英国吞并了这个地区,但是1886年在该地区发现黄金后,大批拓居者纷纷涌入,加剧了英国和布尔人之间的矛盾,并最终使德兰士瓦省在布尔战争后成为一个直辖殖民地(1900年)。1910年德兰士瓦省成为南非的一部分〔Ryazan〕A city of central European U.S.S.R. southeast of Moscow. Founded in 1095, it was the capital of an independent principality until it was annexed by Moscow in 1521. It is now a manufacturing and industrial center. Population, 494,000.梁赞:苏联欧洲部分中部一城市,位于莫斯科东南。建于1095年,在1521年被莫斯科公国吞并之前是一个独立公国的首府。现在是制造业和工业中心。人口494,000〔Anschluss〕from anschliessen [to enclose, annex] 源自 anschliessen [并入,吞并] 〔Plovdiv〕A city of south-central Bulgaria on the Maritsa River southeast of Sofia. Originally built by Thracians, it fell to Macedonia in 341b.c. and to Rome in 46. The city changed hands frequently in the Middle Ages and was controlled by Russia from 1877 to 1885. Population, 378,000. 普罗夫迪夫:保加利亚中南部一城市,位于马里查河河畔、索非亚东南。它最初由色雷斯人建立,公元前 341年落入马其顿之手,46年又被罗马吞并。在中世纪该城的统治权频繁变换;从1877年到1885年它一直被俄国控制。人口378,000 〔Alsace〕A region and former province of eastern France between the Rhine River and the Vosges Mountains. Along with neighboring Lorraine, it was annexed by Germany in 1871 after the Franco-Prussian War and returned to France by the Treaty of Versailles (1919).阿尔萨斯:法国东部的一个地区,以前是一个省,介于莱茵河和孚日山脉中间。1871年普法战争后和它邻近的洛林一同被德国吞并,1919年凡尔赛和约签定后回归法国〔Northumbria〕An Anglo-Saxon kingdom of northern England formed in the seventh century by the union of Bernicia and Deira, Angle kingdoms originally established c.a.d. 500. Much of Northumbria fell to invading Danes in the ninth century and was annexed to Wessex in 954. 诺林伯利亚:北英格兰-盎格鲁-撒克逊王国,公元7世纪由伯尼西亚和德伊勒联盟建立,盎格鲁王国始建于公元 500年。诺森伯利亚的大部分在9世纪被入侵的丹麦人占领,954年被韦塞克斯吞并 〔Nassau〕also [näʹsou'] A region and former duchy of central Germany north and east of the Main and Rhine rivers. The region became a duchy in 1806 and was absorbed by Prussia in 1866. Members of the original dynasty subsequently ruled Luxembourg and the Netherlands (as the house of Orange). 也作 [näʹsou'] 拿骚:德国中部一地区和前公国,位于美因河和莱茵河的北部和东部。该地区在1806年成为公国并于1866年被普鲁士吞并。原先的王朝成员相继统治了卢森堡和荷兰(作为奥兰治的王室)〔Pskov〕A city of northwest European U.S.S.R. south-southwest of Leningrad. Dating from the eighth century, it became an important trade center and was annexed by Moscow in 1510. Population, 194,000.普斯科夫:前苏联欧洲部分西北地区一城市,在列宁格勒西南偏南方。它建立于8世纪,后来成为一个重要的商贸中心,1510年被莫斯科公国吞并。人口194,000〔Austria〕A landlocked country of central Europe. A Roman and Carolingian territory, it was later a powerful empire ruled by the Hapsburgs. The empire was broken up in 1918, and the republic of Austria was annexed by Adolf Hitler in 1938. Full sovereignty was restored in 1955. Vienna is the capital and the largest city. Population, 7,555,338.奥地利:欧洲中部的内陆国。曾为古罗马及加洛林王朝疆域,后成为哈布斯堡统治下的强大帝国。于1918年分裂,奥地利共和国于1938年被阿道夫·希特勒吞并。于1955年收回全部主权。维也纳是该国首都及最大的城市。人口7,555,338〔Oudh〕A historical region of north-central India. Dating from at least the 4th centurya.d. , it was ruled by the Moguls after the 16th century and annexed by Great Britain in 1856. The annexation was a major cause of the Indian Mutiny (1857-1858). 奥德:历史上印度中北部的一个地区。其历史至少可追溯到公元 4世纪,16世纪后为蒙兀儿人统治,1858年被英帝国吞并。英国的并吞是导致印度反英暴动的主要原因(1857-1858年) 〔Diu〕An island of western India northwest of Bombay. A Portuguese possession after 1535, Diu was invaded by India in 1961 and annexed the following year.第乌:印度西部一岛屿,位于孟买西北。1535年后属葡萄牙,1961年第乌被印度侵袭,次年被其吞并〔Mordvinia〕A region of eastern European U.S.S.R. Settled by a Finno-Ugric people first mentioned in the sixth centurya.d. , it was annexed by Russia in 1552. 莫德维尼亚:原苏联欧洲部分东部一个地区,第一次在公元 6世纪被提及,当时由苏诺-乌格里克人定居于此,在1552年被俄国吞并 〔Kirovabad〕A city of southern European U.S.S.R. southeast of Tbilisi. An important textile and wine center in medieval times, Kirovabad was annexed by Russia in 1804. Population, 261,000.基洛瓦巴德:苏联欧洲部分南端一城市,位于第比利斯东南。中世纪时代它是重要的纺织品和葡萄酒生产中心。1804年被俄罗斯吞并。人口261,000〔Rivne〕A city of northwest Ukraine west of Kiev. It was annexed by Russia in 1793 and by Poland in 1921. Population, 249,800罗夫诺:乌克兰西北部城市,位于基辅以西。1793年被俄罗斯吞并,1921年并入波兰。人口249,800〔Bosnia〕A region of west-central Yugoslavia. It was settled by Serbs in the 7th century and became an independent state in the 12th century. Bosnia was controlled by Turkey after 1483 and was later annexed by the Austro-Hungarian Empire.波斯尼亚:南斯拉夫中西部的一地区。7世纪塞族人定居于此,12世纪成为一个独立国家。1483年以后波斯尼亚被土耳其控制,后来被奥匈帝国吞并〔Chimkent〕A city of southwest Central Asian U.S.S.R. north of Tashkent. Founded in the 12th century, it was taken by Russia in 1864. Population, 369,000.奇姆肯特:苏联中亚部分西南部城市,位于塔什干以北始建于12世纪,1864年被俄国吞并。人口369,000




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