单词 | 吼叫 |
释义 | 〔bawl〕Middle English bawlen [to bark] 中古英语 bawlen [大叫,吼叫] 〔roar〕To make or produce a loud noise or din:吼叫:发出或产生出巨大的噪音或嘈杂声:〔rout〕Middle English routen [to roar] 中古英语 routen [咆哮,吼叫] 〔rut〕from Latin rūgīre [to roar] 源自 拉丁语 rūgīre [吼叫] 〔bell〕To utter long, deep, resonant sounds; bellow.吼叫:发出长时间的、深沉的、洪亮的声音;吼叫〔rut〕from *rūgere [to roar] 源自 *rūgere [吼叫] 〔bell〕The bellowing or baying cry of certain animals, such as a deer in rut or a beagle on the hunt.吼叫声:某些动物的吼叫或吠声,如发情期的鹿或正在追猎中的小猎兔犬〔riot〕perhaps from ruire [to roar] 可能源自 ruire [吼叫] 〔rote〕[Probably of Scandinavian origin] ; akin to Old Norse rauta [to roar] [可能源于斯堪的纳维亚语] ;类似于 古斯堪的纳维亚语 rauta [咆哮,吼叫] 〔stampede〕The Spanish wordestampida, meaning "explosion, bang, crash, uproar,” seems very fitting to describe a rush of animals, such as buffaloes, horses, or cattle,and was so used first in American Spanish.From this use came our wordstampede (actually from the Spanishestampido, a masculine noun corresponding to the feminine estampida, first recorded in 1828). Thusstampede, now a general English word, is an Americanism, that is, a word or expression that originated in the United States.Later the United States was to see stampedes of miners who rushed westward to find gold.Not surprisingly, an early instance of this word to describe a stampede of human beings is found in theSan Francisco Herald in 1851. 西班牙语estampida 的意思是“爆炸,巨响,击碎,吼叫”, 似乎很适合形容兽群如野牛、马群或牛的惊跑,并且首先被使用于美国西班牙语中。由此就出现了我们的stampede (事实上源于与西班牙语estampida 相对应的 estampido ,于1828年首次被记录下来)。 因此,stampede ,一个目前很普遍的英语词,是一种美国英语, 也就是说来源于美国的一个单词或词组。后来,美国目睹了成千上万向西淘金的人群。1851年在旧金山的先驱 中出现了形容大批人群蜂拥而至的这个字就不足为怪了 〔cynic〕A cynic may be pardoned for thinking that this is a dog's life.The Greek wordkunikos, from which cynic comes, was originally an adjective meaning "doglike,” fromkuōn, "dog.” The word was most likely applied to the Cynic philosophers because of the nicknamekuōn given to Diogenes of Sinope, the prototypical Cynic. He is said to have performed such actions as barking in public, urinating on the leg of a table, and masturbating on the street.The first use of the word recorded in English, in a work published from 1547 to 1564, is in the plural for members of this philosophical sect.In 1596 we find the first instance ofcynic meaning "faultfinder,” a sense that was to develop into our modern sense.The meaning "faultfinder" came naturally from the behavior of countless Cynics who in their pursuit of virtue pointed out the flaws in others.Such faultfinding could lead quite naturally to the belief associated with cynics of today that selfishness determines human behavior.犬儒学派成员因认为这是狗的生命而可能被赦免。希腊词kunikos 是 cynic 的来源, 最初为形容词,意思是“似狗”,源自kuon “狗”,。 这个词最适用于犬儒派哲学家,因为给犬儒主义者的鼻祖的绰号是kuon 。 据说他曾经当众吼叫,在桌腿上小便,并且在街上手淫。这个词在一本1547到1564年出版的著作里首次用英语记录下来的用法是,用作复数来指代此哲学学派的成员。1596年,我们发现cynic 的第一个意思是吹毛求疵的人的例子, 也是发展成具有我们现代意义的含义。 “吹毛吹疵的人”这个意思是从无数个以追求指摘别人缺点为美德的犬儒主义者的行为而得来。这种指摘很自然地得出与现在的犬儒主义相联系的信仰,认为自私自利决定人类行为〔snarl〕To speak angrily or threateningly.吼叫:气愤地,带有威胁地说话〔bellow〕To make the deep roaring sound characteristic of a bull.吼叫:发出象公牛般的低沉吼叫声〔moo〕To emit the deep, bellowing sound made by a cow; low.哞哞地叫:母牛发出的低沉的吼叫;低的〔snarl〕A vicious growl.嗥叫:不怀好意地吼叫〔bell〕From Middle English bellen [to bellow] 源自 中古英语 bellen [吼叫] 〔fairly〕The walls fairly shook with their bellowing.他们的吼叫简直把墙都撼动了〔howl〕To express or utter with a howl.See Synonyms at shout 哀号,吼叫:吼叫着说出,发出 参见 shout〔bellow〕bylgan [to bellow] bylgan [吼叫] 〔meaningless〕"the shrieking of the mindless wind" (John Greenleaf Whittier). “没头脑的大风的吼叫” (约翰·格林里夫·惠蒂埃)。 〔gnarl〕To snarl; growl.咆哮;吼叫,嗥叫〔bay〕a mob baying its fury.愤怒得吼叫的民众〔bark〕To utter the harsh, abrupt sound of a dog.吠,吼叫:发出刺耳短促的狗叫声〔bawl〕from Medieval Latin baulāre [to bark] [probably of Scandinavian origin,] 源自 中世纪拉丁语 baulāre [大叫,吼叫] [可能源于斯堪的纳维亚语] 〔blast〕To emit a loud, intense sound; blare:吼叫:发出高声尖响;吼叫:〔berserk〕When we say that we are going berserk,we may not realize how extreme a state this might be.Our adjective comes from the nounberserker, or berserk, which is from the Old Norse wordberserkr, "a wild warrior or champion.” Such warriors wore hides of bears,which explains the probable origins ofberserkr as a compound of .bera, "bear,” and serkr, "shirt, coat.” Theseberserkers became frenzied in battle, howling like animals, foaming at the mouth, and biting the edges of their iron shields.Berserker is first recorded in English in the early 19th century, long after these wild warriors ceased to exist. 当我们说我们正变得狂暴时,我们可能不知道这种状况会有多严重。形容词源自名词berserker 或 beserk , 这两个词都来自古老的斯堪的纳维亚语berserkr, 意思是“狂野的斗士”。 这些斗士身穿熊皮,也许这可以解释berserkr 这个词的来源是 bera “熊”和 serkr “衬衫,外套”这两个词的组合。 这些berserkers 在战斗中表现狂暴, 象动物一样吼叫,口吐白沫,口咬铁护甲。Berserker 于19世纪初首次出现于英语文字中,那已是狂暴斗士消失很久以后了 〔stampede〕Spanish estampida [uproar, stampede] 西班牙语 estampida [吼叫,惊跑] 〔bullbat〕[From its roaring sound in flight] [来源于它在飞行中吼叫的声音] |
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