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单词 告诉
释义 〔warn〕To notify or apprise in advance:预告:预先通知或告诉〔clue〕Clue me in on what's happening.告诉我发生了什么事〔warn〕"My father was warned by the neighbors that we were in great danger" (W.H. Hudson). “邻居告诉我父亲,我们的处境极端危险” (W.H.哈得孙)。〔wherein〕showed them wherein they were wrong.告诉他们错在哪儿了〔telltale〕One who informs on another; a talebearer.告密者:告诉另外一个人的人;搬弄是非的人〔hold〕Don't hold out on me; start telling the truth.不要瞒着我;告诉我真相〔might〕She told him yesterday he might not go on the trip.她昨天告诉他,他不能去旅行〔metaphrase〕phrazein [tell, show] * see g whren- phrazein [告诉,显示] * 参见 g whren- 〔since〕Since you're not interested, I won't tell you about it.既然你不感兴趣,那我就不告诉你了〔inform〕We were informed by mail of the change in plans. The nurse informed me that visiting hours were over.我们被信告计划的改变。护士告诉我们探视时间已经结束〔anesthesia〕The following passage, written on November 21, 1846, by Oliver Wendell Holmes,a physician-poet and the father of the Supreme Court justice of the same name,allows us to pinpoint the entry ofanesthesia and anesthetic into English: "Every body wants to have a hand in a great discovery. All I will do is to give you a hint or two as to names—or the name—to be applied to the state produced and the agent. The state should, I think, be called ‘Anaesthesia’ [from the Greek word anaisthēsia, "lack of sensation"]. This signifies insensibility . . . The adjective will be ‘Anaesthetic.’ Thus we might say the state of Anaesthesia, or the anaesthetic state.”This citation is taken from a letter to William Thomas Green Morton,who in October of that year had successfully demonstrated the use of ether at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston.Althoughanaesthesia is recorded in Nathan Bailey's Universal Etymological English Dictionary in 1721, it is clear that Holmes really was responsible for its entry into the language.TheOxford English Dictionary has several citations for anesthesia and anesthetic in 1847 and 1848, indicating that the words gained rapid acceptance.下面是奥立佛·万德·霍姆斯写于1846年11月21的一段话。作者是个诗人医生和与其同名的最高法庭法官的父亲。这段话能使我们断定anesthesia 和 anesthetic 进入英语的背景: “每个人都希望能够参与一次伟大的发现。我所要做的是告诉你一两个提示去命名,或能被应用于某种状态的名称。我认为这种状态应该被叫做Anaesthesia [从希腊词anaisthesia “感觉缺失”发展而来]。 这个词表示无感觉…其形容词应该是‘Anaesthetic’。这样我们可以说感觉缺失的状态或感觉缺失”。这段话是从寄给威廉·托马斯·格林·莫顿的一封信上摘录下的,莫顿同年十月在波士顿的马萨诸塞总医院曾成功使用了醚。尽管南森·巴利于1721年把anaethesia 选入了 通用英语词源词典 , 但是很显然是霍姆斯首先把这个词引入英语。牛津英语词典 上有几处引用了1847年和1848年有 anesthesia 和 anesthetic 的句子, 说明这两个词很快就被人们所接受〔over〕addressed us over the loudspeaker; can't tell you over the phone.透过扩音器对我们演讲;不能通过电话告诉〔information〕Safety instructions are provided for the information of our passengers.安全方面的行为规则被告诉给了乘客〔silent〕too secretive to disclose her vacation plans.她太讳莫如深了,不肯告诉我们她的休假计划。〔predict〕To state, tell about, or make known in advance, especially on the basis of special knowledge.预测,预知,预告:预先陈述、告诉或公布,尤指以特殊知识为基础〔argue〕"I am not arguing with you—I am telling you" (James McNeill Whistler). “我不是在和你争论--我是告诉你” (詹姆斯·麦克尼尔·惠斯勒)。〔tintinnabulum〕We may have little occasion to use the wordtintinnabulum, "a small, tinkling bell,” but it nonetheless teaches us something important about the formation of words.The English word, first used in 1597,was adopted from Latin,in whichtintinnābulum, meaning "a bell,” was derived from the verbtintinnāre, "to make a sound such as a ringing or jangling.” Tintinnāre was in turn derived from tinnīre, "to ring or clang.” Tinnīre is formed by a process called onomatopeia, or the formation of words that imitate what they denote.In the case oftinnīre we can hear the resemblance betweentinn- and a jingle or a ring. The verbtintinnāre was created from tinnīre by a process known as reduplication, in this case meaning thattin- duplicates tinn-. Tintinn- does indeed suggest a jingling, ringing sound.And a tintinnabulum makes such a sound.我们可能很少有机会用到tintinnabulum “一个小的叮铛响的铃”这个词, 但它能够告诉我们一些关于词的构成的一些重要情况。首次使用这个英语词是在1597年,它来源于拉丁文。在拉丁文中,tintinnabulum 的意思是“钟”, 它是从动词tinnare (“发出鸣响或叮铛这样的声音”)衍生而来。 Tintinnare 是从 tinnire (“鸣响或发出铛铛声”)演化而来。 Tinnire 是通过所谓的拟声构词法形成, 也就是词语模仿其所指的东西的构词法。在tinnire 这一实例中, 我们可以听出tinn- 与叮铛或鸣响之间的类似。 动词tintinnare 通过叠词构词法由 tinnire 而来, 就是说tin- 与 tinn-重叠。 Tintinn 的确让人想起这种声音。小铃铛正是发出这样一种声音〔spell〕and from Old English spellian [to tell] from spell [discourse] 并源自 古英语 spellian [告诉] 源自 spell [讨论,说话] 〔lowdown〕gave us the lowdown on what happened at the party.告诉我们实情:那次聚会上发生了什么?〔mean〕from Old English mǣnan [to tell of] * see mei-no- 源自 古英语 mǣnan [告诉] * 参见 mei-no- 〔callboy〕One who tells performers when it is time for them to go on stage.传叫童:告诉表演者什么时间登上舞台的人〔example〕gave us a sample of her temper.举例告诉我们她的脾气如何。〔reason〕"the rationalist whose reason is not sufficient to teach him those limitations of the powers of conscious reason" (Friedrich August von Hayek). “理性主义者的理智不足以告诉他们有意识的理性力量是有一些缺陷的” (弗雷德里希·奥古斯特·冯·海因克)。 〔if〕In such contexts, however,the use ofif can sometimes create ambiguities. Depending on the intended meaning, the sentenceLet her know if she is invited might be better paraphrased asLet her know whether she is invited or If she is invited, let her know. · In conditional sentences the clause introduced byif may contain either a past subjunctive verb (if I were going ) or an indicative verb ( if I am going; if I was going ), depending on the intended meaning.According to the traditional rule,the subjunctive should be used to describe an occurrence that is presupposed to be contrary to fact,as inif I were ten years younger or if Napoleon had won at Waterloo. The main verb of such a sentence must then contain the modal verbwould or (less frequently) should: 不过在这种情况下,用if 就可能会造成歧义。 Let her know if she is invited 这句话最好根据所要表达的意思, 分开说成告诉她她是否被邀请了 或 如果她被邀请了,就让她知道 两句话。 用if 引起的条件状语从句中, 可以含有一个过去式的虚拟动词(倘若我去 )或一个一般陈述动词( 如果我就去;如果我去了 ), 这得依据所要表达的意思而定。根据正统的原则,虚拟语气用来表达一个与事实相反的假设,例如如果我再年轻十岁 或者 如果拿破仑在滑铁卢战役中获胜。 于是在这样的句子里,主要动词必须包含情态动词会 或(在较少情况下) 应该: 〔interphone〕"The sergeant lifted the interphone and told the pilot that the door was properly sealed"(Tom Clancy)“士官拿起闭路电话告诉驾驶员门已经关紧了”(汤姆·克兰西)〔frank〕You can tell me what you think, and you may just as well be frank.你心里想什么就告诉我吧,你还是坦率些好。〔Clio〕from kleiein [to tell] * see kleu- 源自 kleiein [告诉] * 参见 kleu- 〔profane〕"Keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings" (I Timothy 6:20).“保守别人告诉你的秘密,避免世俗和傲慢的胡言乱语” (提摩太书第一卷6:20)。〔play〕Quit playing games and tell me what you want.不要含糊其词,告诉我你想要什么〔so〕I wouldn't have told you this if it weren't so.如果事实不是如此的话,我就不会告诉你这件事了〔relation〕The act of telling or narrating.陈述,叙述:告诉或叙述的动作〔dare〕Dare we tell her the truth?我们敢告诉她实情吗?〔nomenclator〕Latin nōmenclātor [a slave who accompanied his master to tell him the names of people he met] 拉丁语 nōmenclātor [陪着其主人并告诉他所遇到的人的名字的奴隶] 〔surprise〕"Never tell people how to do things. Tell them what to do and they will surprise you with their ingenuity" (George S. Patton).“永远不要告诉人们怎样 去做事。 告诉他们去干什么 ,他们的足智多谋将会令您惊讶” (乔治S·巴顿)。〔speed〕The fable of the tortoise and the hare teaches us that speed does not always spell success.Historically in English, however, it does:the Old English wordspēd, from which our word speed is descended, originally meant "prosperity, successful outcome, ability, or quickness.” A corresponding verb,spēdan, in Modern English the verbspeed, meant "to succeed, prosper, or achieve a goal"; and an adjective,spēdig, the ancestor of our word speedy, meant "wealthy, powerful.” Except for archaic usesthe words today relate only to the general sense of "velocity.”The meaning "success" is retained chiefly in the compoundGodspeed, a noun formed from the phrase meaning "God prosper you.”乌龟与兔子这则寓言故事告诉我们速度并不总意味着成功。然而在英语的历史中,速度就意味着成功:speed 这个词来自古英语单词 spēd , 原意为“繁荣昌盛,成功的结果,能力或速度”。与之相应的动词spedan , 即现代英语中speed 一词,意为“取得成功,繁荣昌盛或实现一目标”; speedy 的前身,形容词 spēdig ,则表示“富有的,有力的”。 除了其古代用法,这些词今天只和“速度”这一一般意义有关。“成功”之意主要保留于Godspeed (成功、幸运、天惠) 这个词中, 这是一个来自词组“祝你成功”的一个名词〔nobody〕Nobody told you to go.没有人告诉你走〔notice〕give one's employer two weeks' notice; raised the price without notice.事先告诉雇主两周后离职;没通告就涨价〔lure〕I'm tempted to tell him what I really think of him. Toseduce is to entice away, as from duty, accepted principles, or proper conduct; it usually suggests the overcoming of moral resistance: 我忍不住要告诉他我对他的真实看法。 Seduce 意为诱惑使脱离职责、公认的准则或适当的行为; 它通常指摆脱道德的约束力: 〔hear〕Hear what I have to tell you.听听我必须告诉你的事情〔vegetable〕When the speaker in Andrew Marvell's "To his Coy Mistress" tells his mistressthat "Had we but world enough, and time . . . /My vegetable love should grow/Vaster than empires and more slow,” he "makes one think of pumpkins and eternity in one breath,”as one critic has playfully suggested.However,vegetable in this case is used figuratively in the sense, "having the property of life and growth, as does a plant.”This use is based on the ancient religious and philosophical notion of the tripartite soul as interpreted by the Scholastics:thevegetative soul common to plants, animals, and humans; thesensitive soul common to animals and humans; and therational soul, found only in humans. “ Vegetable love" in Marvell's poem is thus a love that grows, takes nourishment, and reproduces,although it grows slowly.Marvell's use illustrates the original sense ofvegetable, first recorded in the 15th century.In a work published in 1582 we find recorded for the first time the adjective use ofvegetable familiar to us, "having to do with plants.” In a work of the same date appears the first instance ofvegetable as a noun, meaning "a plant.” It is not until the 18th century that we find the noun and adjective used in the more restricted way associated with the injunction "Eat your vegetables.”当安德鲁·马韦尔的“致他的羞涩情人”一诗中的说话者告诉他的情人 “如果我们有足够的世界和时间…/我的植物一样的爱会生长得/比帝国更广大、更慢”时,他“使人想起了南瓜以及一息之间的永恒,”某个批评家开玩笑似地说。然而,在这个情况下vegetable 是被用于比喻意义上的, 意思是“象植物一样具有生命和生长的性质”。这一用法是基于由经院哲学家所释的三重灵魂的古代宗教和哲学观念之上的:vegetative 的灵魂为植物、动物和人类共有; sensitive 的灵魂为动物和人类共有; 而rational 的灵魂却只存在于人类中。 因此马韦尔诗中的“植物的爱”是一种生长的、吸取营养并繁殖的爱,但是它长得很慢。马韦尔的这一用法指示了vegetable 的原先的含义, 最早记录于15世纪。在一部出版于1582年的作品中,我们第一次找到了已为我们熟悉的vegetable 一词的形容词用法的记录,意思是“与植物有关的”。 在同一时期的另一部作品中,出现了vegetable 作为名词用的第一个例子,意思是“植物”。 直到18世纪,我们才发现该名词和形容词被用于与“吃你的蔬菜”这一命令相关的更受限制的方式中




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