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单词 味道
释义 〔savor〕The taste or smell of something.味道:某物的味道或气味〔smack〕from shmekn [to sniff, smell] 源自 shmekn [一口气,味道] 〔ragout〕gost [taste] from Latin gustus * see geus- gost [味道] 源自 拉丁语 gustus * 参见 geus- 〔chutney〕A pungent relish made of fruits, spices, and herbs.印度酸辣酱:用水果、调料和药草制成的有刺激性味道的调味品〔complete〕Conclude adds tocomplete and close a sense of formality: Conclude 较complete 和 close 更有一种正式味道〔tartish〕a tartish apple.味道酸涩的苹果〔tinny〕Tasting or smelling of tin:有铁皮味的:有锡的味道或气味的:〔pepper〕Any of various condiments made from the more pungent varieties ofCapsicum frutescens, such as cayenne pepper, tabasco pepper, and chili. Also called hot pepper 胡椒调料:任何一种由味道较辛辣的辣椒 制成的调味品,如胡椒粉、辣酱油和干辣椒 也作 hot pepper〔individual〕Each variety of melon has its individual flavor and texture.每一种不同的瓜都有自己独特的味道和品质〔kill〕Too much garlic killed the taste of the meat.太多的蒜破坏了肉的味道〔poignant〕Sharp or sour to the taste; piquant.辛辣的:味道辣或酸的;辛辣而刺激的〔tinny〕tinny canned food.有铁皮罐头味道的食物〔mocha〕A rich, pungent Arabian coffee.摩卡咖啡:一种醇厚且有刺激性味道的阿拉伯咖啡〔prunelle〕A brownish sloe-flavored French liqueur.黑刺李酒:一种有李子味道的淡棕色法国酒〔smack〕To have a distinctive flavor or taste. Used withof. 有特殊的气味或味道。与of 连用 〔stink〕A strong offensive odor; a stench.See Synonyms at stench 恶臭:强烈的不好闻的味道 参见 stench〔sour〕Having a taste characteristic of that produced by acids; sharp, tart, or tangy.酸味的:具有由酸性物质产生的味道特点的;味道强烈的,酸的或者味道浓烈的〔lebkuchen〕A chewy, usually honey-flavored Christmas cookie containing nuts and candied fruits.蜂蜜果脯饼:一种耐嚼的通常有蜂蜜味道的圣诞饼,内夹有坚果和甜果脯〔vinegary〕Having the taste, smell, or nature of vinegar.醋的:有醋的味道、气味或性质的〔flavorist〕One whose profession is blending artificially isolated chemicals to create the taste and smell of a particular food.调味专家:职业为人工混合各种不同化学物质以生成特定食品的味道和气味的人〔fetor〕An offensive odor; a stench.See Synonyms at stench 恶臭:难闻的味道;臭气 参见 stench〔bittersweet〕[After its roots, which are said to taste bitter, then sweet when chewed] [来自其根,据说咀嚼时味道先苦后甜] 〔berried〕"an off-dry, berried flavor"(New York Times)“一种干透的浆果的味道”(纽约时报)〔taste〕The sensation of sweet, sour, salty, or bitter qualities produced by or as if by a substance placed in the mouth.味道:由置于口腔中的或仿佛是置于口腔中的一种物质所产生的甜、酸、咸或苦等感觉〔taste〕To distinguish flavors in the mouth.品尝:在口中辨别味道〔bitter〕Having or being a taste that is sharp, acrid, and unpleasant.苦的:有刺激性、辛辣性或令人不快的味道〔fastidious〕Excessively scrupulous or sensitive, especially in matters of taste or propriety.See Synonyms at meticulous 过分讲究的:过分谨慎或敏感的,尤其在味道和礼节方面 参见 meticulous〔smack〕from Old High German smac [smell, taste] 源自 古高地德语 smac [味道,气味] 〔acerbity〕Sourness of taste, character, or tone.尖酸,苦涩,刻薄:味道、性格或语调的尖酸〔dope〕Before it came to mean "a narcotic or narcotics considered as a group,”dope was borrowed into English from the Dutch word doop, "sauce.” Throughout the 19th century it meant "gravy.”In the lower northern United States,from Pennsylvania westward to Missouri, dope still means "a sauce of sorts";it is now the term for a topping for ice cream,such as syrup or a chocolate or fruit sauce.In the South, on the other hand,dope means "a cola-flavored soft drink.” The term might be related to the northern usage as a reference to the sweet syrup base of a cola drink.However, folk wisdom has it thatdope recalls the inclusion of minute amounts of cocaine in the original Atlanta recipe for Coca-Cola, which was named after this exotic ingredient.Dope 是从荷兰语 doop 借入英语的,后来才用来指“麻醉剂的总称”。 整个19世纪该词的含义为“肉汁,肉卤”。在美国北部低地地区,从宾夕法尼亚州向西一直到密苏里州, dope 一词仍然指“一种调味汁”;现在用来指冰激凌的浇料,如糖浆、巧克力或果汁。另一方面,在南方dope 一词指“味道象可乐的软饮”。 这种用法可能与北方用来指糖浆做成的可乐饮料这种用法有关。然而,民间的说法是dope 令人想起原亚特兰大处方中的可口可乐包括的少量古苛硷, 可口可乐就是得名于这种产于外国的成分〔smoky〕Tasting of smoke:烟味的:有香烟一样味道的:〔spicy〕Having the flavor, aroma, or quality of spice.芳香的:具有香料的味道、香味或性质的〔fragrance〕A sweet or pleasant odor; a scent.芳香:甜甜的或悦人的味道;香味〔decoct〕To extract the flavor of by boiling.熬,煎:通过煮把味道熬出来〔acetous〕Having an acetic taste; sour-tasting.酸味的,酸的:醋一样的味道的;酸味的〔taint〕An infecting touch, influence, or tinge.感染性的接触、影响或味道〔racy〕Strong and sharp in flavor or odor; piquant or pungent.辛辣的:味道或气味强烈、刺鼻的;刺激的或刺鼻的〔ratel〕from Middle Dutch [rattle, honeycomb (either from its cry or its taste for honey)] 源自 中古荷兰语 [响尾蛇,蜜蜂巢(可能源于其叫声或蜂蜜味道)] 〔tasty〕Having a pleasing flavor; savory.美味可口的,滋味好的:具有一种宜人味道的;美味的〔fishy〕Resembling or suggestive of fish, as in taste or odor.象鱼的:在味道或气味上象鱼的或含有鱼味的




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