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单词 哈罗德
释义 〔Bloom〕American literary theorist and scholar whose works includeThe Anxiety of Influence (1972). 布卢姆,哈罗德:美国文学理论家和学者,其作品包括《影响的焦虑》 (1972年) 〔Wilson〕British politician who served as prime minister (1964-1970 and 1974-1976). His administration was marked by turmoil in Rhodesia and Northern Ireland and resistance to a price and income policy. He resigned in 1976.威尔逊,(詹姆斯)哈罗德:(生于 1916) 英国政治家,曾任首相(1964-1970和1974-1976年)。他执政期间,罗得西亚和北爱尔兰有暴乱,人们反对当时的物价和收入的政策。他在1976年辞职〔Grange〕American football player. A three-time All-American running back for the University of Illinois (1923-1925), he played professionally for the Chicago Bears (1925-1935).格兰奇,哈罗德·爱德华:(1903-1991) 美国橄榄球运动员。伊利诺斯大学的三次全美进攻后卫得主(1923-1925年), 他在芝加哥熊队打职业比赛(1925-1935年)〔Varmus〕American microbiologist. He shared a 1989 Nobel Prize for discovering a sequence of genes that can cause cancer when mutated.瓦莫斯,哈罗德·埃利奥特:(生于 1939) 美国微生物学家。他因为发现了一系列变异时可导致癌症的基因而获1989年诺贝尔奖〔Kroto〕British chemist who shared a 1996 Nobel Prize for discovering fullerenes.克洛托,哈罗德·沃尔特:英国化学家,因发现富勒烯与人分获1996年诺贝尔奖〔Nicolson〕British diplomat and writer noted for his literary criticism and his biographies of Tennyson, Swinburne, and George V.尼科尔松,哈罗德·乔治:(1886-1968) 英国外交家兼作家,以文学批评及丁尼生·斯漫伯恩和乔治五世军的传记著名〔Pinter〕British playwright whose works, includingThe Dumbwaiter (1957) and Birthday Party (1958), create an atmosphere of menace. 品特,哈罗德:(生于 1930) 英国剧作家,他的作品创造出一种恐吓气氛,包括《看房者》 (1957年)和 《生日宴会》 (1958年) 〔Denmark〕A country of northern Europe on Jutland and adjacent islands. It was unified in the 10th century by the Viking king Harold Bluetooth (died 985), who converted the people to Christianity. Denmark controlled England briefly in the 11th century and was united with Sweden until 1523 and with Norway until 1814. Copenhagen is the capital and the largest city. Population, 5,112,130.丹麦:欧洲北部的一个国家,建立在日德兰半岛及其邻近的岛上。10世纪斯堪的纳维亚国王哈罗德·布鲁士斯(死于985年)统一该地,并使这儿的人民皈依为天主教徒。该国在11世纪控制着英格兰,直到1523年才与瑞典统一,1814年丹麦与挪威统一。首都哥本哈根是最大的城市。人口5,112,130〔Doolittle〕American army officer and aviator who commanded daring bombing raids of Tokyo and other Japanese cities in April 1942.杜立德,詹姆斯·哈罗德:(生于 1896) 美国军官和飞行员,曾经指挥了1942年4月对日本东京和其它城市的轰炸〔persuasion〕"The persuasion of a democracy to big changes is at best a slow process"(Harold J. Laski)“要民主国家做重大变革,最好能缓慢进行”(哈罗德J.拉斯基)〔Lloyd〕American silent film actor. His most famous stunt was hanging from a clock face at the top of a building inSafety Last (1923). 劳埃德,哈罗德·克莱顿:(1894-1971) 美国默声影片演员。他最著名的特技是在《安全放在最后》 (1923年)中从一建筑顶端的大钟面上悬挂下来 〔Hardecanute〕King of England (1040-1042) and of Denmark (1035-1042). The legitimate son of King Canute, he claimed the English throne after the death of Harold I, Canute's illegitimate son.哈迪克努特:英国国王(1040-1042年)及丹麦国王(1035-1042年),卡努特国王之子,在卡努特的私生子哈罗德一世死后得到了英国王位〔Ross〕American publisher who founded and edited (1925-1951) theNew Yorker magazine. 罗斯,哈罗德·华莱士:(1892-1951) 美国出版商,创办并编辑了《纽约人》 周刊(1925-1951年) 〔Ickes〕American politician who served as secretary of the interior (1933-1946) under presidents Franklin D. Roosevelt and Harry S Truman.伊克斯,哈罗德·勒克莱尔:(1874-1952) 美国政治家,1933至1946年在富兰克林·D·罗斯福总统和哈里·S·杜鲁门总统手下任内政部长〔Stassen〕American politician who served as governor of Minnesota (1938-1943) and made numerous unsuccessful bids for the Republican presidential nomination.史塔生,哈罗德·爱德华:(生于 1907) 美国政治家,曾任明尼苏达州州长(1938-1943年),并多次争取共和党总统的提名失败〔Edgerton〕American electrical engineer and photographer noted for his application of strobe lights to high-speed photography.艾吉顿,哈罗德·奥甫盖尼:(1903-1990) 美国电子工程师和摄影家,因他在快速摄影中使用电子闪光灯而闻名〔flavor〕"What matters in literature . . . is surely the idiosyncratic, the individual, the flavor or color of a particular human suffering"(Harold Bloom)“文学中最重要的当然是描绘特殊的人、有特色的个体和带有某种人类苦难意味的事”(哈罗德·布卢姆)〔Arlen〕American composer of more than 500 songs, including the 1939 Oscar winner "Over the Rainbow.”阿伦,哈罗德:(1905-1986) 美国作曲家,作曲达五百多首,包括1939年获奥斯卡奖的“飞跃彩虹”〔Johnson〕American publisher who founded a number of magazines, includingEbony (1945). 约翰逊,约翰·哈罗德:(生于 1918) 美国出版商,他创办了数家杂志,其中包括《乌木》 (1945年) 〔agon〕"Freud's originality stemmed from his aggression and ambition in his agon with biology"(Harold Bloom)“弗洛伊德的独创性来源于他对生物学挑战的信心和抱负”(哈罗德·布卢姆)〔Barton〕British chemist. He shared a 1969 Nobel Prize for the study of organic molecules.巴顿,德里克·哈罗德·理查德:(生于 1918) 英国化学家,因研究有机分子而于1969年获诺贝尔奖〔concurrency〕"Concurrency of development with deployment . . . has almost always proven counterproductive"(Harold Brown)“部署与开发同时进行…已被证明总会起反作用”(哈罗德·布朗)〔Laski〕British political scientist and member of the Fabian Society who led the British Labor Party (1945-1946).拉斯基,哈罗德·约瑟夫:(1893-1950) 英国政治科学家和费边社成员,于1945-1946年间领导英国工党〔Senlac〕A hill in southern England near Hastings. The battle fought here in 1066, in which William the Conqueror defeated Harold II, is known as the Battle of Hastings.森拉克:英格兰南部靠近哈斯丁斯的一座小山,1066年在这里的一场战役中,征服者威廉击败了哈罗德二世,这便是有名的哈斯丁斯战役〔Macmillan〕British politician who joined Churchill in the 1930's in condemning Great Britain's appeasement of Hitler. As prime minister (1957-1963) he sought British entry into the Common Market.麦克米兰,(莫里斯)哈罗德:(1894-1986) 英国政治家,在20世纪30年代支持丘吉尔反对英国对希特勒的绥靖政策。他任首相期间(1957-1963年)曾致力于使英国加入共同市场〔Burton〕American jurist who served as an associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court (1945-1958).伯顿,哈罗德·希茨:(1888-1964) 美国法官,任最高法院陪审法官(1945-1958年)〔psych〕"Depending on whose personality is stronger, one can more easily psych the other"(Harold C. Schonberg)“个性更强的人能更轻易地在心理上压过别人”(哈罗德C.绍恩伯格)〔Crane〕American poet whose works, includingThe Bridge (1930), celebrate America's cultural past, present, and future. 克雷恩,(哈罗德)哈特:(1899-1932) 美国诗人,作品包括《桥》 (1930年),赞扬了美国文化的过去、现在和将来 〔Urey〕American chemist. He won a 1934 Nobel Prize for his discovery of heavy hydrogen.尤里,哈罗德·克莱顿:(1893-1981) 美国化学家,因发现氘(重氢)获得1934年诺贝尔奖〔Spender〕British writer whose poetry reflects personal emotional responses to social and political injustices. His works include the collectionThe Still Center (1939) and Generous Days (1971). 斯彭德,斯蒂芬·哈罗德:(生于 1909) 英国作家,他的诗反映了他个人对于社会及政治不平等的反感情绪。他的作品包括诗集《静止的中心》 (1939年)以及 《慷慨的日子》 (1971年) 〔Clurman〕American theatrical director and critic who directed a number of Broadway productions, includingAwake and Sing (1935) and Tiger at the Gates (1955). 克劳曼,哈罗德:(1901-1980) 美国戏剧导演、评论家,导演了大量百老汇作品,包括《醒来,歌唱吧》 (1935年)及 《守门虎》 (1955年)




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