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单词 哲学
释义 〔expansion〕a book that is an expansion of the author's Ph.D. thesis.这部书是作者哲学博士论文主题的延伸〔Platonism〕The philosophy of Plato, especially insofar as it asserts ideal forms as an absolute and eternal reality of which the phenomena of the world are an imperfect and transitory reflection.柏拉图哲学:柏拉图的哲学,尤指宣称理念形式是绝对的和永恒的实在,而世界中实在的现象却是不完美的和暂时的反映〔Manichaeism〕A dualistic philosophy dividing the world between good and evil principles or regarding matter as intrinsically evil and mind as intrinsically good.善恶对立说:一种二元论哲学,把世界分为善与恶两方面,或认为物质本质是恶的而思想本质上是善的〔Voltaire〕French philosopher and writer whose works epitomize the Age of Enlightenment, often attacking injustice and intolerance. He wroteCandide (1759) and the Philosophical Dictionary (1764). 伏尔泰:法国哲学家和作家,其作品是启蒙时代的代表,常常攻击不公正和不宽容。他著有《老实人》 (1759年)和 《哲学辞典》 (1764年) 〔Spencer〕British philosopher who attempted to apply the theory of evolution to philosophy and ethics in his seriesSynthetic Philosophy (1855-1893). 斯宾塞,赫伯特:(1820-1903) 英国哲学家,他试图在其系列论著《合成哲学》 (1855-1893年)中将进化论运用于哲学及伦理学 〔Platonic〕Often [-ĭ-kəl] Of, relating to, or characteristic of Plato or his philosophy: 常作 [-ĭ-kəl] 柏拉图的:属于、关于或代表柏拉图或他的哲学的:〔Rosicrucian〕A member of an international organization, especially the Ancient Mystic Order Rosae Crucis and the Rosicrucian Order, devoted to the study of ancient mystical, philosophical, and religious doctrines and concerned with the application of these doctrines to modern life.玫瑰(蔷薇)十字会会员:尤指古玫瑰十字秘教和玫瑰十字会等国际性组织的成员,他们致力于研究神秘的、哲学的和宗教的教义并把这些教义应用到现代生活中去〔category〕A basic logical type of philosophical conception in post-Kantian philosophy.后康德方式:后康德主义哲学哲学概念的一种基本逻辑类型〔problem〕urban problems such as traffic congestion and smog; the philosophical problem of evil.See Usage Note at dilemma 诸如交通拥挤和烟雾的城市疑难问题;关于罪恶的哲学难题 参见 dilemma〔syncretism〕Reconciliation or fusion of differing systems of belief, as in philosophy or religion, especially when success is partial or the result is heterogeneous.汇合,调和:不同的信仰系统,如哲学主张或宗教信仰的和谐一致或溶合,尤指当获得部分成功或结果仍不同者〔Berkeleianism〕George Berkeley's philosophy of subjective idealism, which holds that material objects have no independent being but exist only as concepts in God's mind and as perceptions of those concepts in other minds.贝克莱主义:乔治·贝克莱的主观理想主义哲学,认为物质没有独立的属性,只是存在于上帝的头脑里的概念,也存在于其他人头脑里的对这些概念的感知中〔pluralistic〕Of or relating to social or philosophical pluralism.多元论的:属于或是关于社会学或哲学的多元论〔Justin〕Greek theologian who founded a school of Christian philosophy at Rome and wrote theApology and the Dialogue. 查斯丁:希腊神学家,在罗马创建了基督教哲学的一个派别,著有《护教文》 和 《谈话录》 〔responsible〕"The liberal philosophy holds that enduring governments must be accountable to someone beside themselves;that a government responsible only to its own conscience is not for long tolerable" (Walter Lippmann). “自由派哲学认为长久的政府必须对除自己以外的他人负责;一个仅对自己良心负责的政府是不能持久的” (沃尔特·李普曼)。〔Hegelianism〕The monist, idealist philosophy of Hegel in which the dialectic of thesis, antithesis, and synthesis is used as an analytic tool in order to approach a higher unity or a new thesis.黑格尔主义,黑格尔哲学:黑格尔的唯心主义的哲学,在他的哲学中,命题、反题及合体辩证法被当作一种分析工具用以靠近更高阶段的一致性或新命题〔philosophize〕To consider (a matter) from a philosophical standpoint.从哲学的角度来考虑(事情)〔summa〕A comprehensive treatise, especially in philosophy or theology.总结性论文:综合性论文,尤指哲学或神学方面的论文〔that〕The standard rule isthatthat should be used only to introduce a restrictive (or "defining") relative clause, which serves to identify the entity being talked about;in this useit should never be preceded by a comma.Thus, we sayThe house that Jack built has been torn down, where the clausethat Jack built tells which house was torn down, orI am looking for a book that is easy to read, wherethat is easy to read tells what kind of book is desired. Onlywhich is to be used with nonrestrictive (or "nondefining") clauses, which give additional information about an entity that has already been identified in the context;in this use,which is always preceded by a comma. Thus, we sayThe students in Chemistry 10 have been complaining about the textbook, which (not that ) is hard to follow. The clausewhich is hard to follow does not indicate which text is being complained about; even if it were omitted,we would know that the phrasethe textbook refers to the text in Chemistry 10. The use ofthat in nonrestrictive clauses like this, though once common in writing and still frequent in speech,is best avoided in formal style. ·Some grammarians have argued that symmetry requires thatwhich should be used only in nonrestrictive clauses, asthat is to be used only in restrictive clauses. Thus, they suggest that we should avoid sentences such asI need a book which will tell me all about city gardening, where the clausewhich will tell me all about city gardening indicates which sort of book is needed. Such use ofwhich is useful where two or more relative clauses are joined by and or or, as inIt is a philosophy in which the common man may find solace and which many have found reason to praise. Which is also preferred to introduce a restrictive relative clausewhen the preceding phrase itself contains athat, as inI can only give you that which I don't need (not that that I don't need ) or We want to assign only that book which will be most helpful (preferred tothat book that will be most helpful ). · That may be omitted in a relative clause when the subject of the clause is different from the referent of the phrase preceding the clause. Thus, we may say eitherthe book that I was reading or the book I was reading, where the subject of the clause (I ) is not the referent of the phrase the book. Omission ofthat in these cases has sometimes been described as incorrect, but the practice is extremely common and has ample precedent in reputable writing. ·There have also been occasional objections to the omission ofthat in its use to introduce a subordinate clause, as inI think we should try again. But this usage is entirely idiomatic and is in fact favored with some of the verb phrases that can introduce such clauses:thus, one would more normally write 标准规则中,that 应只被用于引导限定性(或“确定的”)关系从句, 这些从句用于明确正被谈论的实体;在这种情况下,前面决不能有逗号。因此,我们说杰克建的房子已经拆毁了 , 在这里,从句杰克所建的 指明哪幢房子被拆毁了, 或者我正在找一本易读的书 , 在这里,易读的 指明哪类书是需要的。 只有which 用于非限定性(或“不确定的”)从句中, 为已经在上下文中定义的实体提供附加信息;在此用法中,which 之前总有逗号。 因此,我们说化学10班的学生一直在抱怨这课本,实在 (不是 that ) 是太难懂了 。 从句which is hard to follow 并不指明哪一课本被抱怨; 即使它被省略,我们也知道the textbook 指化学10班的课本。 That 象这样用于非限定性从句中, 虽然在写作中曾很普遍而且在口语中依然频繁出现,但在正式文体中最好避免使用。一些语法学家认为对称性要求which 应只用于非限定性从句中, 就象that 只用于限定性从句中。 因此,他们建议我们应该避免诸如我需要一本关于城市园艺的书 这样的句子, 这里从句which will tell me all about city gardening 指明需要何种书。 当两个或多个关系从句被and 或 or 连接时, which 的这种用法很有用, 如是哲学使普通人找到慰藉并使许多人有理由去称颂。 Which 也用作引导限定性关系从句,在当前置短语中含有that 时, 如我只能给你我不需要的东西 (不是 that that I don't need )或 我们只想分发那本最用的书 (好于that book that will be most helpful )。 当从句主语与从句前短语所指不一致时,that 在关系从句中可以省略。 因此,我们可以说the book that I was reading 或者 the book I was reading 。 在这里,从句主语(I )和短语 the book 的主语不同。 在这些情况下,that 的省略有时被认为是错误的, 但是这在实际中极普遍而且在规范写作中有充分的先例。对于that 用于引导从句时被省略偶然持有异议, 如在我认为我们应该再试一次 中。 但这种用法完全符合语法而且实际上有一些引导这样从句的短语支持;因此,可以正常应用 〔philosophy〕The science comprising logic, ethics, aesthetics, metaphysics, and epistemology.哲学:由逻辑学、伦理学、美学、文学和认识论组成的学科〔Becker〕American historian noted for his analyses of philosophies in action. His works includeOur Great Experiment in Democracy (1924). 贝克尔,卡尔·洛图斯:(1873-1945) 美国历史学家,因其对故事情节出色的哲学分析而著名。其著作有《我们在民主方面的伟大实验》 (1924年) 〔Adler〕American philosopher and educator whose numerous published works includeHow to Read a Book (1940) and The Conditions of Philosophy (1965). 阿德勒,莫蒂默·杰罗姆:(生于 1902) 美国哲学家及教育家,其大量已出版的作品包括《如何阅读一本书》 (1940年)以及 《哲学的条件》 (1965年) 〔vegetable〕When the speaker in Andrew Marvell's "To his Coy Mistress" tells his mistressthat "Had we but world enough, and time . . . /My vegetable love should grow/Vaster than empires and more slow,” he "makes one think of pumpkins and eternity in one breath,”as one critic has playfully suggested.However,vegetable in this case is used figuratively in the sense, "having the property of life and growth, as does a plant.”This use is based on the ancient religious and philosophical notion of the tripartite soul as interpreted by the Scholastics:thevegetative soul common to plants, animals, and humans; thesensitive soul common to animals and humans; and therational soul, found only in humans. “ Vegetable love" in Marvell's poem is thus a love that grows, takes nourishment, and reproduces,although it grows slowly.Marvell's use illustrates the original sense ofvegetable, first recorded in the 15th century.In a work published in 1582 we find recorded for the first time the adjective use ofvegetable familiar to us, "having to do with plants.” In a work of the same date appears the first instance ofvegetable as a noun, meaning "a plant.” It is not until the 18th century that we find the noun and adjective used in the more restricted way associated with the injunction "Eat your vegetables.”当安德鲁·马韦尔的“致他的羞涩情人”一诗中的说话者告诉他的情人 “如果我们有足够的世界和时间…/我的植物一样的爱会生长得/比帝国更广大、更慢”时,他“使人想起了南瓜以及一息之间的永恒,”某个批评家开玩笑似地说。然而,在这个情况下vegetable 是被用于比喻意义上的, 意思是“象植物一样具有生命和生长的性质”。这一用法是基于由经院哲学家所释的三重灵魂的古代宗教和哲学观念之上的:vegetative 的灵魂为植物、动物和人类共有; sensitive 的灵魂为动物和人类共有; 而rational 的灵魂却只存在于人类中。 因此马韦尔诗中的“植物的爱”是一种生长的、吸取营养并繁殖的爱,但是它长得很慢。马韦尔的这一用法指示了vegetable 的原先的含义, 最早记录于15世纪。在一部出版于1582年的作品中,我们第一次找到了已为我们熟悉的vegetable 一词的形容词用法的记录,意思是“与植物有关的”。 在同一时期的另一部作品中,出现了vegetable 作为名词用的第一个例子,意思是“植物”。 直到18世纪,我们才发现该名词和形容词被用于与“吃你的蔬菜”这一命令相关的更受限制的方式中〔Boethius〕Roman philosopher. Falsely accused of treason, he wroteThe Consolation of Philosophy, an account of classical thought, while awaiting his execution. 波伊提乌,阿尼修斯·马尼利乌斯·塞维里努斯:() 罗马哲学家,被误判判国罪处死。在狱中写成以柏拉图思想为理论依据的名著《哲学的慰藉》 〔doubt〕Sue has studied so much philosophy this year今年苏钻研哲学下了不少功夫,〔polity〕"His alien philosophy found no roots in the American polity"(New York Times)“他与众不同的哲学并非来源于美国的政治体制”(纽约时报)〔realist〕A practitioner of artistic or philosophic realism.唯实论者,实在主义者:艺术或哲学唯实论或实在论的实践者〔Bergsonism〕The philosophy of Henri Bergson, which asserts that the flow of time personally experienced is free and unrestricted rather than measured on a clock and contends that all living forms arise from a persisting natural force, the élan vital.柏格森主义:亨利·柏格森的哲学,宣称个人经历的时间流逝是自由的、不受限制的,而不象在钟表中测量的那样,并主张所有的生物形式都来源于一种永恒的自然力量──生命冲动〔Anselm〕Italian-born English prelate, philosopher, and theologian who founded Scholasticism and is best known for his ontological argument for the existence of God.圣安塞姆:意大利裔的英国主教,哲学家和神学家,他创立了学院哲学并以对上帝存在论的论证而闻名〔Unamuno〕Spanish philosopher and writer primarily concerned with the conflict between reason and faith and the solitary nature of human existence. His works include short novels, poetry, and philosophical studies, such asThe Tragic Sense of Life (1913). 乌纳穆诺,米高尔·德:(1864-1936) 西班牙哲学家和作家,主要关注的是理智与信念的冲突以及人类存在的孤独。他的作品包括短篇小说,诗和哲学研究著作,如《人生悲惨感》 (1913年) 〔Spinozism〕A monistic approach to philosophy in which all reality is held to consist of one substance, usually termed God or Nature, of which minds and bodies are both attributes.斯宾诺莎学说(主义):一种一元论哲学主义,认为所有实体组合在一起形成一种物质,通常称为上帝或自然,而人的头脑及身体都是这种物质的象征〔Taoism〕A principal philosophy and system of religion of China based on the teachings of Lao-tzu in the 6th centuryb.c. 道教:中国的一种主要哲学和宗教,以公元前 6世纪的老子的教义为基础 〔Comtism〕The philosophy of Auguste Comte; positivism.康德哲学,实证哲学:奥古斯特·康德的哲学;实证主义〔Mach〕Austrian physicist and philosopher whose concept of knowledge as the organization of sensory experience has greatly influenced modern science and philosophy.马赫,厄恩斯特:(1838-1916) 奥地利物理学家、哲学家,他提出的知识是感觉体验的复合这一概念对现代科学与哲学产生过巨大的影响〔realism〕The scholastic doctrine, opposed to nominalism, that universals exist independently of their being thought.唯实论:与唯名论相对的一种哲学信条,认为宇宙是以其被认为的看法而独立地存在的〔Ismaili〕A member of a branch of Shiism that follows a living imam and is noted for esoteric philosophy.伊斯玛仪派信徒:什叶派一派的信徒,追随一位活着的伊玛目并以其神秘的哲学而闻名〔disciple〕An active adherent, as of a movement or philosophy.拥护者,追随者:积极的拥护者或追随者,如一场运动或一种哲学〔idea〕In the philosophy of Plato, an archetype of which a corresponding being in phenomenal reality is an imperfect replica.理念:柏拉图哲学中的一种原型,它在现实物质世界中有一个并不完美的复制品〔deconstruction〕A philosophical movement and theory of literary criticism that questions traditional assumptions about certainty, identity, and truth, asserts that words can only refer to other words, and attempts to demonstrate how statements about any text subvert their own meanings:解构,拆析:哲学运动和文学评论理论对传统的关于事实、象征和真理的设想提出疑问,断言词组只能指代其它词组,并试图表明文本的表述是如何推翻它本身的意义的:〔philosophical〕Of, relating to, or based on a system of philosophy.哲学的;哲学上的:哲学的,与之有关的,基于哲学体系的〔epistemology〕The branch of philosophy that studies the nature of knowledge, its presuppositions and foundations, and its extent and validity.认识论:哲学的一个分支,研究知识的本质,先决条件和基础及其程度和效力




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