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单词 哲学家
释义 〔Hayakawa〕Canadian-born American philologist, educator, and legislator. Noted for his writings on general semantics, such asLanguage in Action (1941), he was also president of San Francisco State College (1968-1973) and a U.S. senator from California (1977-1983). 早川,塞(缪尔)·伊奇耶:(1906-1992) 出生于加拿大的美国哲学家、教育家和议员,以其普通语义学著作而闻名,如《语言在行动》 (1941年),也曾任旧金山立大学校长(1968-1973年)及加利福尼亚州参议员(1977-1983年) 〔Locke〕English philosopher. InAn Essay Concerning Human Understanding (1690) he set out the principles of empiricism, and his Two Treatises on Government (1690) influenced the Declaration of Independence. 洛克,约翰:(1632-1704) 英国哲学家。在《人类理智论》 (1690年)中,他提出了经验论原则,他的 《政府两记》 (1690年)影响了《独立宣言》 〔Voltaire〕French philosopher and writer whose works epitomize the Age of Enlightenment, often attacking injustice and intolerance. He wroteCandide (1759) and the Philosophical Dictionary (1764). 伏尔泰:法国哲学家和作家,其作品是启蒙时代的代表,常常攻击不公正和不宽容。他著有《老实人》 (1759年)和 《哲学辞典》 (1764年) 〔Descartes〕French mathematician and philosopher. Considered the father of analytic geometry, he formulated the Cartesian system of coordinates. His philosophy is based on the rationalistic premise "I think, therefore I am.”笛卡尔,莱恩:(1596-1650) 法国数学家,哲学家,因将笛卡尔坐标体系公式化而被认为是解析几何之父。他的哲学思想基于唯理性的前提“我思故我在”〔philosopher〕A student of or specialist in philosophy.哲学家:哲学上的学生或专家〔Schlegel〕German scholar who wrote influential criticism, translated several Shakespearean works, and composed poetry. He also edited a literary magazine with his brotherFriedrich (1772-1829), a philosopher, poet, and critic whose essays formed the intellectual basis of German romanticism. 席雷格尔,奥古斯特·威廉·冯:(1767-1845) 德国学者,著有具有影响性的评论文章,翻译过数部莎士比亚的作品,并作有诗歌。他还与他兄弟弗里德里奇 (1772-1829年)共同编辑一本文学杂志。弗里德里奇是一位哲学家、诗人和批评家,其文章构成了德国浪漫主义的唯智论基础 〔Spengler〕German philosopher who argued that civilizations and cultures are subject to the same cycle of growth and decay as human beings. His major work isThe Decline of the West (1918-1922). 施彭格勒,奥斯瓦尔德:(1880-1936) 德国哲学家,他认为文明和文化就象人类一样也要经历兴起与衰落的循环。他的主要著作为《西方的衰落》 (1918-1922年) 〔Camus〕French writer and philosopher whose works, such asThe Stranger (1942) and The Plague (1947), concern the absurdity of the human condition. He won the 1957 Nobel Prize for literature. 卡缪,阿尔贝特:(1913-1960) 法国作家和哲学家,其作品如《陌生人》 (1942年)及 《瘟疫》 (1947年)涉及人类自身状况的荒谬性。他获得了1957年的诺贝尔文学奖 〔Cassirer〕German philosopher who was concerned with the formation of concepts in the mind and the theory of scientific knowledge.卡西尔,厄恩斯特:(1874-1945) 德国哲学家,他所感兴趣的是概念在头脑中的形成和关于科学知识的理论〔Steiner〕Austrian social philosopher who founded a Christianized school of theosophy, called anthroposophy, which recognizes the existence of pure thought that is independent of the senses.斯坦纳,鲁道夫:(1861-1925) 奥地利社会哲学家,创立了称作人智学的清教化神学派,承认独立于感觉的纯思想的存在〔Dewey〕American philosopher and educator who was a leading exponent of philosophical pragmatism and rejected traditional methods of teaching by rote in favor of a broad-based system of practical experience.德威,约翰:(1859-1952) 美国哲学家,教育家,是哲学实用主义的倡导者,通过生搬硬套实践经验的广泛基础抵制传统的教育方式〔Epicurus〕Greek philosopher who founded his influential school of Epicureanism in Athens c. 306.伊壁鸠鲁:古希腊哲学家,于公元前306年在雅典创立了其颇具影响力的伊壁鸠鲁学派〔Popper〕British philosopher known for his contributions to the understanding of scientific reasoning and his attacks on historicism. His works includeThe Logic of Scientific Discovery (1931) and The Open Society and Its Enemies (1945). 波珀,卡尔·雷芒德:(生于 1902) 英国著名的哲学家,以其推动人们对科学推理的理解作出的贡献和对历史主义的批判而闻名。他的作品包括《科学发现的逻辑》 (1931年)和 《开放社会及其敌人》 (1945年) 〔James〕American psychologist and philosopher. A founder of pragmatism and the psychological movement of functionalism, he developed an approach to intellectual issues that greatly influenced American thought. His works includeThe Will to Believe (1897) and The Varieties of Religious Experience (1902). 詹姆斯,威廉:(1842-1910) 美国心理学家和哲学家。作为机能心理学的创始人和实用主义创始人,他提出的思想指导行为观点极大地影响了美国人的思想。著作有《信仰的意愿》 (1897年)和 《宗教信仰经验》 (1902年) 〔Reid〕Scottish philosopher who founded a philosophy of common sense largely as a reaction to the ideas of David Hume.里德,托马斯:(1710-1796) 苏格兰哲学家,建立了共同意识的哲学,主要作为对大卫·休姆的思想的反应〔Humboldt〕German philologist and diplomat known for exploring the relationship between language and culture and for his study of the Basque language.洪堡男爵,(卡尔)威廉·冯:(1767-1835) 德国哲学家和外交家,以其对语言与文化的关系的探索和对巴斯克语言的研究而著名〔Haeckel〕German philosopher and naturalist who supported Darwin's theory, mapped a genealogical tree relating all animal life, and developed the maxim "Ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny.”海克尔,厄恩斯特·亨利希:(1834-1919) 德国哲学家和博物学家,达尔文理论的支持者,他绘制了有关所有动物的系谱图,并提出了“个体生命不完全地重演其系统发生”的格言〔philosophe〕from Old French [philosopher] * see philosopher 源自 古法语 [哲学家] * 参见 philosopher〔Maimonides〕Spanish-born Jewish philosopher and physician. The greatest Jewish scholar of the Middle Ages, he codified the Talmud and inGuide for the Perplexed (1190) reconciled Aristotelian philosophy with Jewish theology. 迈蒙尼德,摩西:(1135-1204) 西班牙裔的犹太哲学家和医生。中世纪最伟大的犹太学者,他编纂了犹太法典并且在《迷途指津》 (1190年)中融合了亚里士多德的哲学和犹太宗教学 〔Nietzsche〕German philosopher who reasoned that Christianity's emphasis on the afterlife makes its believers less able to cope with earthly life. He argued that the ideal human being, theUbermensch, would be able to channel passions creatively instead of suppressing them. His written works include Beyond Good and Evil (1886) and Thus Spake Zarathustra (1883-1892). 尼采,弗里德里希·威廉:(1844-1900) 德国哲学家,论断基督教强调的来生说使它的信徒们不能很好地处理现世的生活。他坚持认为理想化的人类,《超人哲学》 能够创造性地引导情感而不被它们所压制。他的著作包括 《善与恶的彼岸》 (1886年)和 《查拉图斯特拉如是说》 (1883-1892年) 〔Epictetus〕Greek Stoic philosopher who believed that one should act in life as one would at a banquet, by taking a polite portion of all that is offered.爱比克泰德:古希腊斯多葛派哲学家,认以为人生如宴会,人只应在所有提供的东西中有礼貌地拿取一份〔Bentham〕British writer, reformer, and philosopher who systematically analyzed law and legislation, thereby laying the foundations of utilitarianism.边沁,杰里米:(1748-1832) 英国作家、改革者和哲学家。系统地分析法律和立法,建立功利主义学说〔Aquinas〕Italian Dominican monk, theologian, and philosopher. The outstanding representative of Scholasticism, he applied Aristotelian methods to Christian theology. His masterwork isSumma Theologica (1266-1273). 阿奎那,托马斯:(1225-1274) 意大利多明我会修道士,神学家和哲学家。经院哲学杰出代表,他将亚里士多德的方法应用于基督神学。他的名著是《神学大全》 (1266-1273年) 〔Hume〕British philosopher and historian who argued that human knowledge arises only from sense experience. His works includeA Treatise of Human Nature (1739-1740) and Political Discourses (1752). 休姆,戴维:(1711-1776) 英国哲学家和历史学家,他认为人类认识的唯一来源是感觉经验。他的作品包括《人性论》 (1739-1740年)和 《政治论》 (1752年) 〔Unamuno〕Spanish philosopher and writer primarily concerned with the conflict between reason and faith and the solitary nature of human existence. His works include short novels, poetry, and philosophical studies, such asThe Tragic Sense of Life (1913). 乌纳穆诺,米高尔·德:(1864-1936) 西班牙哲学家和作家,主要关注的是理智与信念的冲突以及人类存在的孤独。他的作品包括短篇小说,诗和哲学研究著作,如《人生悲惨感》 (1913年) 〔Rousseau〕French philosopher and writer who held that humanity is essentially good but corrupted by society. His written works includeThe Social Contract and the novel Émile (both 1762). 卢梭,简·雅克:(1712-1778) 法国哲学家和作家,主张人的本性是好的,但被社会腐化了。其著作有《民约论》 和小说 《爱弥尔》 (均写于1762年) 〔Mach〕Austrian physicist and philosopher whose concept of knowledge as the organization of sensory experience has greatly influenced modern science and philosophy.马赫,厄恩斯特:(1838-1916) 奥地利物理学家、哲学家,他提出的知识是感觉体验的复合这一概念对现代科学与哲学产生过巨大的影响〔Edwards〕American theologian and philosopher whose original sermons and writings stimulated the Great Awakening, a period of renewed American interest in religion.爱德华兹,约拿丹:(1703-1758) 美国神学家和哲学家,他富有创见的布道和著作激起了一个“大觉醒”时代,从而使美国宗教兴趣复苏〔Thales〕Greek philosopher who is traditionally considered the first Western philosopher and a founder of geometry and abstract astronomy. He maintained that matter is composed of water.赛勒斯:希腊哲学家,被认为是第一个西方哲学家以及几何学和抽象天文学的奠基人,他认为物质由水组成〔Origen〕Greek Christian philosopher known for his interpretations of the Old Testament, contained inHexapla. 奥利金:希腊天主教哲学家,以其对旧约全书的解释而著称,其解释包含在《六种经文合璧》 一书中 〔plus〕Philosophers of mathematics have long debated the proper analysis of the relation denoted by the + sign in equations such as 2 + 2 = 4,so it is not surprising that the syntactic status of its natural language equivalent, the wordplus, should be similarly problematic— though to be sure, the questions are primarily of theoretical interest.When mathematical equations are pronounced as English sentences,the verb is usually in the singular:Two plus two is (or equals ) four. By the same token,subjects containing two noun phrases joined byplus are usually construed as singular: 数学哲学家们已就诸如2+2=4这类等式中的“+”号所表示的关系的正确分析进行了长期的辩论,所以这一符号的自然语言对应物——即单词plus 的语法地位应同样不确定也就不足为奇了—— 纵然可以确定,这些问题也主要是理论上的兴趣。当数学等式被转化为英语句子,动词通常用单数形式:Two plus two is(或 equals ) four。 通过同样的记号,包含两个由plus 联结的名词短语的主语通常被视为单数: 〔Carnap〕German-born American philosopher whose antimetaphysical views, set forth in such works asThe Logical Structure of the World (1928) and The Logical Foundations of Probability (1950), were central to the development of logical positivism. 卡纳普,鲁道夫:德裔美籍哲学家,其反形而上学观点是逻辑实证论发展的核心,体现在作品《世界的逻辑结构》 (1928年)和 《或然性的逻辑基础》 (1950年) 〔Mill〕Scottish philosopher, economist, and a founder of utilitarianism. His works includeAnalysis of the Mind (1829). 穆勒,詹姆斯:(1773-1836) 苏格兰哲学家、经济学家和功利主义的创始人。其作品有《精神分析》 (1829年) 〔Russell〕British philosopher, mathematician, social critic, and writer who had profound influence on the development of symbolic logic, logical positivism, and the set theory of mathematics. His written works includePrincipia Mathematica (1910-1913), written with Alfred North Whitehead, and A History of Western Philosophy (1945). He won the 1950 Nobel Prize for literature. 罗素,贝特朗·阿瑟·威廉:(1872-1970) 英国哲学家、数学家、社会评论家和作家。他对于符号逻辑、逻辑实证论和数学的体论体系的发展有很深的影响。他的书面作品有:《数学原理》 (1910-1913),与阿尔弗雷德·诺斯·怀特海合著和 《西方哲学史》 (1945年)。他获1950年诺贝尔文学奖 〔Derrida〕Algerian-born French philosopher who developed the theory of deconstruction. His widely influential works includeSpeech and Phenomena, Writing and Difference, and Of Grammatology, all published in 1967. 德希达,雅克:阿尔及利亚裔的法国哲学家,他发展了解构主义理论。其影响广泛的作品包括《声音与现象、书写与差异》 以及 《文字语言学》 ,全部于1967年出版 〔Paley〕British theologian and utilitarian philosopher. Among his works areThe Principles of Moral and Political Philosophy (1785) and A View of the Evidences of Christianity (1794). 帕列夫,威廉:(1743-1805) 英国神学家和功利主义哲学家。在他的著作中有《道理与政治哲学的原则》 (1785年)和 《基督教证明一览》 (1794年) 〔Jones〕American Quaker philosopher who helped found (1917) the American Friends Service Committee.琼斯,鲁富斯·马修:(1863-1948) 美国贵格会哲学家,于1917年帮助创建了“美国友爱服务委员会”〔Mead〕American philosopher who was a leader of the American pragmatists and contributed greatly to the development of social psychology.米德,乔治·赫伯特:(1863-1931) 美国哲学家,美国实用主义者的代表人物,对社会心理学的发展作出过巨大贡献〔sophist〕A Greek philosopher of pre-Socratic times who inquired about and speculated on theology, metaphysics, mathematics, and the natural and biological sciences.诡辩哲学家:前苏格拉底时代对神学、形而上学、数学以及自然和生物科学进行探索和思考的希腊哲学家〔Santayana〕Spanish-born American philosopher and writer primarily known for his theories of aesthetics, morality, and the spiritual life. In addition to his philosophical works, such as the four-volumeRealms of Being (1927-1940), he wrote poetry and a novel, The Last Puritan (1935). 桑塔亚那,乔治:(1863-1952) 西班牙裔美国哲学家和作家,主要以其关于美学、道德、精神生活的理论著作出名。除他的哲学著作以外,如四卷的《存在的王国》 (1927-1940年),他还写诗和小说,如 《最后一个清教徒》 (1935年)




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