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单词 哺乳动物
释义 〔Eocene〕Of, relating to, or designating the geologic time, rock series, sedimentary deposits, and fossils of the second oldest of the five major epochs of the Tertiary Period, extending from the end of the Paleocene to the beginning of the Oligocene, and characterized by the rise of mammals. See table at geologic time 始新世的:关于或标明第三纪的五个世中第二世的地质时代、岩系段,沉积矿床和化石的,该世由古新世末期到渐新世初期,以哺乳动物的繁盛为特征 参见 geologic time〔whisker〕One of the long stiff tactile bristles or hairs that grow near the mouth and elsewhere on the head of most mammals; a vibrissa.刚毛,触须,嘴须:绝大多数哺乳动物的长在嘴附近或头部其它位置的长而硬的触觉硬髭或毛发〔web〕A membrane or fold of skin connecting the toes, as of certain amphibians, birds, and mammals.蹼:连接某些动物,如两栖动物、鸟和哺乳动物的趾的皮肤褶或膜〔sloth〕Any of various slow-moving, arboreal, edentate mammals of the family Bradypodidae of South and Central America, having long hooklike claws by which they hang upside down from tree branches and feeding on leaves, buds, and fruits, especially:树懒:生活在美洲中部和南部的树懒科哺乳动物之一,移动缓慢,栖息在树上,无齿目,爪子长而有钩,它们用爪子倒悬在树枝上,吃树叶、嫩芽和果实,尤指:〔mediastinum〕The region in mammals between the pleural sacs, containing the heart and all of the thoracic viscera except the lungs.纵隔:哺乳动物体内将胸腔分为左右两半的中隔,由心脏和除肺以外的胸腔脏器组成〔raccoon〕The fur of this mammal.浣熊皮毛:这种哺乳动物的皮毛〔coelom〕The cavity within the body of all animals higher than the coelenterates and certain primitive worms, formed by the splitting of the embryonic mesoderm into two layers. In mammals it forms the peritoneal, pleural, and pericardial cavities. Also called body cavity 体腔:高于腔肠动物和一些本源虫的所有动物体内的腔,由中胚层裂成两层形成。它形成哺乳动物的腹膜的、胸膜的和心包的腔 也作 body cavity〔jaguar〕A large feline mammal(Panthera onca) of Central and South America, closely related to the leopard and having a tawny coat spotted with black rosettes. 美洲虎:一种产自中美及南美地区的大型猫科哺乳动物(美洲虎 猫科) ,与豹有很近的血缘关系,长有黄褐色带黑色花斑的皮毛 〔scale〕One of the many small, platelike dermal or epidermal structures that characteristically form the external covering of fishes, reptiles, and certain mammals.鳞:一种覆盖在鱼、爬行动物和某些哺乳动物体表的典型的小盘状表皮结构〔buffalo〕The buffalo is so closely associated with the Wild West that it would seem natural to assume that its name comes from a Native American word, as is the case with the wordsmoose and skunk. In fact, however,buffalo can probably be traced back by way of one or more of the Romance languages, such as Portuguese, Spanish, or Italian, through Vulgar Latin and Latin and ultimately to the Greek wordboubalos, meaning "an antelope or a buffalo.” The buffalo referred to by the Greek and Latin words was, of course, not the American one but rather an Old World mammal, such as the water buffalo of southern Asia.Applied to the North American mammal,buffalo is in fact a misnomer, bison being the preferred term. As far as everyday usage is concerned, however,buffalo, first recorded for the American mammal in 1635, is older thanbison, first recorded in 1774. 野牛同西部荒原联系如此紧密以致人们很自然地认为这个名字源于美洲本地语言,就象这两个词moose 和 skunk。 然而,实际上buffalo 一词可以通过一种或更多种日耳曼语言,如葡萄牙语、西班牙语或意大利语溯源。 通过通俗拉丁语和拉丁语最终追溯到希腊词boubalos 意思是“羚羊或野牛”。 希腊语和拉丁语所指的野牛当然不是美洲野牛,而是东半球的一种哺乳动物,如南亚水牛。就北美哺乳动物来说,buffalo 实际上是用词不当, bison 才是合适的词。 然而就日常用法而言,buffalo 于1635年首次被用于记录美国哺乳动物, 比首次记录于1774年的bison 要早些 〔anteater〕Any of several tropical American mammals of the family Myrmecophagidae, which lack teeth and feed on ants and termites, especiallyMyrmecophaga tridactyla, having an elongated, narrow snout, a long, sticky tongue, and an extended, shaggy-haired tail. 食蚁兽:一种美洲热带食蚁科哺乳动物,没有牙齿,以蚂蚁和白蚁为食,尤其是三趾食蚁兽属 有长而细的鼻子,长而粘的舌头和长毛蓬松的尾巴 〔meat〕The edible flesh of animals, especially that of mammals as opposed to that of fish or poultry.(可食用的)肉:可食用肉,尤指(与鱼或家禽不同的)哺乳动物的肉〔dominant〕"Egrets, gulls and small mammals are the predominant wildlife on the island these days" (Dan McCoubrey).“白鹭、海鸥和小哺乳动物在这些年成了岛上的主要野生生物” (丹·麦克考布雷)。〔dewclaw〕A vestigial digit or claw not reaching the ground and found on the feet of certain mammals.上爪,残留趾:退化的足趾或在一些哺乳动物脚上发现的不接触地面的爪〔snare〕A trapping device, often consisting of a noose, used for capturing birds and small mammals.陷阱,罗网:一种通常包含有套索的捕捉装置,用来捕捉鸟类或小型哺乳动物〔unguligrade〕An unguligrade mammal.蹄行的哺乳动物〔marten〕Any of several principally arboreal carnivorous mammals of the genusMartes, related to the weasel, mainly inhabiting northern forests, and having a slender body, bushy tail, and soft fur. 貂:几种貂 属的主要栖居于树上的食肉哺乳动物的统称,与鼬类动物有亲缘关系,主要栖居在北部森林。体形细长,尾部毛浓密,皮毛柔软 〔blubber〕The thick layer of fat between the skin and the muscle layers of whales and other marine mammals, from which an oil is obtained.鲸脂:鲸和其它海洋哺乳动物的表皮层肌肉层之间的厚层,含有油脂〔boar〕The adult male of any of several mammals, such as the beaver, raccoon, or guinea pig.雄性动物:雄哺乳动物,如海狸、浣熊、豚鼠等〔elephant〕Either of two very large herbivorous mammals,Elephas maximus of south-central Asia or Loxodonta africana of Africa, having thick, almost hairless skin, a long, flexible, prehensile trunk, upper incisors forming long, curved tusks of ivory, and, in the African species, large, fan-shaped ears. 象:两种巨大的食草哺乳动物,中南亚的象属 或者非洲的 非洲象属 中的一种,皮肤坚厚,无毛,长有一条长的柔韧的可以卷曲的鼻子,上颚二门齿发展为长而弯的象牙。非洲象属有巨大的扇形状的耳朵 〔flying〕The bat is a flying mammal.蝙蝠是会飞的哺乳动物〔pinniped〕A mammal of the suborder Pinnipedia.鳍脚亚目哺乳动物〔placenta〕A membranous vascular organ that develops in female mammals during pregnancy, lining the uterine wall and partially enveloping the fetus, to which it is attached by the umbilical cord. Following birth, the placenta is expelled.胎盘:雌性哺乳动物在怀孕期间生长的薄膜血管器官,靠着子宫壁且包住由脐带束住的胎儿。随着胎儿出生,胎盘去除〔coati〕Any of four species of omnivorous mammals of the generaNasua or Nasuella of South and Central America and the southwest United States, related to and resembling the raccoon but having a longer snout and tail. 长鼻浣熊:杂食性的四种豿属 或 浣熊 属的哺乳动物之一,产于南美洲和中美洲以及美国西南部,与浣熊有关且类似,但有更长的口鼻部和尾 〔bot〕bots (used with a sing. or pl. verb)A disease of mammals, especially cattle and horses, caused by infestation of the stomach or intestines with botfly larvae. bots (与单数或复数动词连用)马胃肠蝇蛆,牛胃肠蝇蛆:哺乳动物(尤指牛或马)的疾病,由寄生于胃肠的马蝇卵所引起〔bat〕Any of various nocturnal flying mammals of the order Chiroptera, having membranous wings that extend from the forelimbs to the hind limbs or tail and anatomical adaptations for echolocation, by which they navigate and hunt prey.蝙蝠:一种翼手目的夜间飞行的哺乳动物,它们具有能从前肢伸到后肢或尾巴的膜状翅膀,其生理结构能够靠声波定位,并以此导航和捕食〔parvovirus〕Any of a group of small viruses that contain DNA in an icosahedral protein shell and cause disease in many vertebrates, especially mammals such as dogs and cattle.小脱氧核糖核酸病毒:一类在二十面体蛋白外壳中含有脱氧核糖核酸的小病毒中的任一种,在许多脊椎动物,尤其是狗和牛等哺乳动物中引起疾病〔distemper〕Any of various similar mammalian diseases.温热:一种类似的哺乳动物疾病〔sable〕A carnivorous mammal(Martes zibellina) of northern Europe and Asia, having soft dark fur. 紫貂,黑貂:生长于北欧和亚洲的一种食肉哺乳动物(黑貂 黄侯貂属) ,有柔软的暗色毛 〔vagina〕The passage leading from the opening of the vulva to the cervix of the uterus in female mammals.阴道:雌性哺乳动物的从外阴阴门处通向子宫颈的通道〔pelage〕Something felt to resemble the coat of a mammal:皮毛状的:摸起来与哺乳动物毛皮相似的东西:〔metanephros〕The third and final excretory organ that develops in a vertebrate embryo. In birds, reptiles, and mammals it replaces the mesonephros as the functional excretory organ and develops into the adult kidney.后肾:脊椎动物胚胎发育中的第三个也是最后一个排泄器官。在鸟类、爬行动物和哺乳动物中它代替中肾起排泄器官的作用,并最终发育成肾〔mongoose〕Any of various Old World carnivorous mammals of the genusHerpestes and related genera, having a slender agile body and a long tail and noted for the ability to seize and kill venomous snakes. 獴:任一种獴 属及相关种属的东半球食肉哺乳动物,有一柔软而灵活的躯体和长尾巴,善于捕食毒蛇 〔panda〕A small, raccoonlike mammal(Ailurus fulgens) of northeast Asia, having reddish fur, white face markings, and a long ringed tail. Also called lesser panda ,red panda 小熊猫:产于亚洲东北的一种长得象浣熊的小型哺乳动物(小熊猫) ,有赤褐色毛,脸带白斑,有长的环状尾巴 也作 lesser panda,red panda〔rut〕A condition or period of mammalian sexual activity, such as estrus.发情期:哺乳动物性交活动状况和时期,如动情期〔platelet〕A minute, disklike cytoplasmic body found in the blood plasma of mammals that promotes blood clotting. Also called blood platelet ,thrombocyte 血小板:在哺乳动物的血浆中发现的能促进血液凝固的微小的,圆盘状的细胞质个体 也作 blood platelet,thrombocyte〔xanthopterin〕A yellow pigment in the wings of certain butterflies and moths, found also in the urine of mammals.黄蝶呤:存在某些蝴蝶和蛾翅膀中的一种黄色色素,也存在于哺乳动物的尿中〔milk〕To draw milk from a female mammal.挤奶:从雌性哺乳动物身上挤奶〔mastodon〕Any of several very large, extinct proboscidian mammals of the genusMammut (sometimes Mastodon ), resembling the elephant but having molar teeth of a different structure. 乳齿象:美洲乳齿象 属(有时为 乳齿象 )的几种已灭绝的高大、长鼻的哺乳动物,与大象外形相似,但臼齿结构不同 〔hippopotamus〕A large, chiefly aquatic African herbivorous mammal(Hippopotamus amphibius) having thick, dark, almost hairless skin, short legs with four toes, and a broad, wide-mouthed muzzle. Also called river horse 河马:非洲的一种大型水生食草型哺乳动物(河马 河马属) ,皮厚且黑,几乎无毛,短腿,有四个脚趾,口鼻宽阔突出 也作 river horse




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