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单词 嗅觉
释义 〔smell〕That quality of something that may be perceived by the olfactory sense.气味:能通过嗅觉发现的某种性质〔taste〕This sense in combination with the senses of smell and touch, which together receive a sensation of a substance in the mouth.味感:和嗅觉和触觉结合在一起的这种感觉能力,三者共同获得口腔内的一种物质的感觉〔smell〕To perceive the scent of (something) by means of the olfactory nerves.嗅到,闻到:通过嗅觉神经觉察到(某物)的气味〔scent〕To hunt prey by means of the sense of smell. Used of hounds.循嗅迹追猎:通过嗅觉追踪猎物。用于猎狗〔nose〕To find out by or as if by smell:嗅出:凭或像是凭嗅觉找出:〔aroma〕A quality that can be perceived by the olfactory sense:气味:一种可被嗅觉感受到的特性:〔impaired〕an impaired sense of smell.受到伤害的嗅觉〔chemosensory〕Relating to the perception of a chemical stimulus by sensory means. Used especially of olfactory reception.嗅觉感受的:通过感官方式感觉化学刺激的。尤指嗅觉感受的〔nose〕The ability to detect, sense, or discover as if by smell:感觉能力:用嗅觉来侦察、感觉或发现的能力:〔odor〕The property or quality of a thing that affects, stimulates, or is perceived by the sense of smell.See Synonyms at smell 气味:事物的一种性质或性能,它影响、激发嗅觉或能为嗅觉感受到 参见 smell〔osmics〕The science that deals with smells and the olfactory sense.嗅觉学:研究气味和嗅觉的科学〔scent〕To perceive or identify by the sense of smell:闻出:通过嗅觉察觉或识别:〔osmic〕Of or relating to odors or the sense of smell.气味的,嗅觉的:与气味或嗅觉有关的〔odor〕A sensation, stimulation, or perception of the sense of smell.嗅觉的感受、激发或感觉〔sharp〕Strongly affecting the senses of smell and taste:刺激感官的:强烈影响嗅觉及味觉的:〔sense〕Any of the faculties by which stimuli from outside or inside the body are received and felt, as the faculties of hearing, sight, smell, touch, taste, and equilibrium.感觉:接受和感觉体外或体内刺激的能力,如听力、视力、嗅觉、触觉、味觉和平衡的官能〔bloodhound〕One of a breed of hounds with a smooth coat, drooping ears, sagging jowls, and a keen sense of smell.大猎犬,大警犬:一种猎犬,皮毛光滑、耳朵下垂、下颚下陷、具有敏锐的嗅觉〔snuff〕To sense or examine by smelling; sniff at.嗅出:用嗅觉觉察或检查;嗤之以鼻〔chemoreceptor〕A sensory nerve cell or sense organ, as of smell or taste, that responds to chemical stimuli.化学感受器:对化学刺激作出反应的感觉神经细胞或嗅觉或味觉等感觉器官〔scent〕To suspect or detect as if by smelling:察觉:犹如通过嗅觉猜测或发现:〔smell〕The sense by which odors are perceived; the olfactory sense.嗅觉:能闻出气味的感觉;闻气味的感觉〔rhinencephalon〕The olfactory region of the brain, located in the cerebrum.嗅脑:脑的嗅觉区域,位于大脑〔offend〕Onions offend my sense of smell.洋葱刺激我的嗅觉〔scent〕dogs scenting their prey.通过嗅觉追踪猎物的狗〔smell〕To sense the presence of by or as if by the olfactory nerves; detect or discover:发现:通过嗅觉神经或像通过嗅觉神经一样发现某物的存在;发掘或发现:〔olfactory〕Of, relating to, or contributing to the sense of smell.嗅觉的:嗅觉的,与嗅觉有关的或有助于嗅觉〔gazehound〕A dog, such as the Afghan hound or the greyhound, that hunts its prey by sight rather than by scent.锐目猎狗:象阿富汗猎狗或灰狗的一种狗,捕获猎物用视觉而不是用嗅觉




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