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释义 〔fey〕The history of the wordsfey and fay illustrates a rather fey coincidence. Our wordfay, "fairy, elf,” the descendant of Middle Englishfaie, "a person or place possessed of magical properties,” and first recorded around 1390,goes back to Old Frenchfae, "fairy,” the same word that has given usfairy. Fae in turn comes from Vulgar LatinFāta, "the goddess of fate,” from Latin fātum, "fate.” Iffay goes back to fate, so doesfey in a manner of speaking, for its Old English ancestorfǣge meant "fated to die.” The sense we are more familiar with, "magical or fairylike in quality,”seems to have arisen partly because of the resemblance in sound betweenfay and fey. fey 和 fay 两词的历史展示了一个十分奇特的巧合。 我们现在所使用的词fay, “神仙,小精灵,” 是中古英语faie, “具有魔力的人或地方”的派生词, 它首次记载于约1390年左右,回溯到古法语fae “神仙”, 这一词产生了我们现在的fairy。 Fae 依次产生于俗拉丁语Fata, “命运女神,”和拉丁语 fatum, “命运。” 如果fay 回到命运的意思, 可以说fey 也是如此, 因为其古英语原形f?ge 的意思即为“注定死亡。” 我们现在更熟悉的意思“性质上具有魔力的或似神仙的”,似乎部分是由于fay 和 fey 在读音上的相似而产生的 〔mastiff〕The mastiff, which was at one time used in bullbaiting and bearbaiting as well as in dogfights,is ultimately named not for its fierceness but for its tameness.To find this tamenesswe must look back to the ultimate source ofmastiff in the Latin word mānsuētus, "tame, domesticated,” itself derived from the past participle ofmanusuēscere, "to tame,” made up of the rootman- found in the wordmanus, "hand,” and the verb suēscere, "to become accustomed to.” Tame beasts are accustomed to the hand.To explain howmansuēscere became mastiff, we must follow it through its Vulgar Latin development,.mansuētīnus, "domesticated,” and the later Old French development, mastin, "mastiff.” While being borrowed into English,mastin was probably blended with the Old French word mestif, "mongrel,” and was possibly influenced by the Medieval Latin wordmastīvus, "mastiff,” probably itself an error formastīnus, which came from the same Vulgar Latin source as the Old French word. Mastiff is first recorded in Middle English (as mastif ) in a work written before 1387. 曾经一度被用于纵狗斗牛、纵狗斗熊以及斗狗的大驯犬,最终并不是因为它的凶狠而是因为它的驯顺命名。要找到这种驯顺,我们必须回溯到mastiff 的最终拉丁语词源 mansuetus 意为“驯服,驯养”, 该词本身源于manusuescere “驯养”的过去分词, 由man- 构成, 始于manus (意为“手”)和动词 suesere “适应,习惯于”。 被驯养的野兽习惯于驯养者的手。要知道mansuecere 如何成 mastiff , 我们必须紧跟它在俗拉丁语中的发展,mansuetinus (“驯服的”)以及后来古法语的发展 mastin “猛犬”。 当mastin 一词借用到英语中时,它可能和古法语词 mestif (“杂种狗”)相混合, 还可能受中世纪拉丁语词mastivus (“大驯犬”)的影响, 但也许这个词本身就是同样作为古法语词来源于俗拉丁语的mastinus 的误写。 Mastiff 在1387年的一部作品中首次出现在中世纪英语里(当时写作 mastif ) 〔sherbet〕The wordsherbet has been in the English language for several centuries (first recorded in 1603) but not as a name for what one normally thinks of as sherbet.The word came into English from Ottoman Turkishsherbet or Persian sharbat, both going back to Arabicšarbah, "drink.” The Turkish and Persian words referred to a beverage of sweetened, diluted fruit juicethat was popular in the Middle East and imitated in Europe.Eventually in Europesherbet came to refer to a carbonated drink. Because the original Middle Eastern drink contained fruit and was often cooled with snow,sherbet was applied to the frozen dessert (first recorded in 1891). It is thus distinguished slightly fromsorbet, which can also mean "a fruit-flavored ice served between courses of a meal.”Sorbet (first recorded in English in 1585) goes back through French ( sorbet ) and then Italian ( sorbetto ) to the same Turkish sherbet that gave us sherbet. 单词sherbet 引入英语语言中已经有几个世纪了(首次记录于1603年), 但它并不是象人们通常认为的果汁牛奶冻名称。这个单词是由奥斯曼土耳其语sherbet 或波斯语 sharbat 形成英语的, 二者都可回溯到阿拉伯语sarbah ,意为“饮料”。 该词土耳其及波斯语指一种加甜的、稀释的水果汁饮料,它流行于中东并在欧洲被仿制。最后,在欧洲,sherbet 指一种碳酸饮料。 因为最初的中东饮品中包含有水果汁并常用雪冷却,所以sherbet 用于指冰冻甜点(首次记录于1891年)。 这样它与Sorbet 稍有区别, 但也可指“在一顿饭的几道菜之间供应的果味冰”。Sorbet (在英语中首次记录于1585年)通过法语( sorbet )和意大利语( sorbetto )可以回溯到向我们提供 sherbet 的相同的土耳其词 sherbet 〔examine〕A student who is being examined might prefer at times to deal with a swarm of bees rather than be weighed in the balance once again.The history of the wordexamine involves both phenomena. Examine, first recorded in English in a work composed before 1338,goes back to the Latin wordexāmināre, which in turn is derived fromexāmen, meaning both "a swarm of bees" and "the apparatus or process of weighing, balance.” Exāmen has these senses because it is formed from the prefixex-, "out of,” and the root .ag-, "to drive, force.” The semantic possibilities of this combination are shown by the senses of the related verbexigere, which meant "to drive out,” "to exact payment,” "to demand,” and "to inquire after or into.”The verbexāmināre derived from exāmen has the sense "to swarm" as well as the senses "to weigh, balance,” and "to consider critically.”一个正在考试的学生有时宁愿去对付一群蜜蜂也不愿再一次参加考试。examine 这个词的历史涉及到以上两种现象。 Examine 在英文最早的记录是出现于1338年以前的一本书中,回溯到拉丁文中的examinare, 其源自examen, 意思不但包括“蜂群”,还包括“衡量和平衡的程序或装置”。 Examen 具有这些含义是因为它由前缀ex-, 意为“超出”,和词根 ag-, 意为“驱使,强迫”组成的。 这个组合在语义上包含的几种可能被相关动词exigere 的意义表达出来, 它的含义有“赶出”、“要求支付”、“需要”和“问候或调查”。examinare 这个动词源自 examen, 含有“云集”的意思, 同时也有“衡量、平衡”和“吹毛求疵地考虑”等含义




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