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单词 回答
释义 〔talk〕To make an impertinent reply:顶嘴:做出无礼的回答〔again〕In return; in response; back.作为回报;作为回应;回答〔reply〕To give an answer in speech or writing.回答:用言语或书写作出回答〔right〕answered the question right.准确地回答出问题〔problem〕A question to be considered, solved, or answered:问题:应该考虑、解决或回答的问题:〔unmeaning〕gave a vapid and unmeaning response to a difficult query.对一个难于回答的提问作出了一个干瘪而无甚意义的反应〔and〕It is frequently asserted that sentences beginning withand or but express "incomplete thoughts" and are therefore incorrect. But this rule was ridiculed by grammarians like Wilson Follett (who ascribed it to "schoolmarmish rhetoric") and H.W. Fowler (who called it a "superstition"),and the stricture has been ignored by writers from Shakespeare to Virginia Woolf.Members of the Usage Panel were asked whether they paid attention to the rule in their own writing:24 percent answered "always or usually,” 36 percent answered "sometimes,” and 40 percent answered "rarely or never.”See Usage Note at both ,but ,try ,with 通常认为用and 或 but 开始的句子表达“不完整的思想”,因而是不正确的。 但这条规则被一些语法学家所嘲弄,如威尔逊·弗莱特(称之为“古板的修辞”),和H·W福勒(称之为“迷信”),从莎士比亚到弗吉尼亚·沃尔夫之间的作家都忽视了这条规定。当用法专题小组的成员被问到在他们的自己写作中是否也注意到这条规则时:24%的人回答“一直是这样或一般是这样”,36%的人回答“有时这样”,40%的人回答“很少或从来没有” 参见 both,but,try,with〔plea〕A special answer depending on or demonstrating one or more reasons why a suit should be delayed, dismissed, or barred in equity law.答辩:依据或表明公正的法律案件应被推迟、驳回或阻止的一个或多个原因的特定的回答〔doubt〕reassured me by answering my doubts.回答我的疑点消除了我的疑虑〔culprit〕According to British legal tradition,the wordculprit comes from cul. prit, an abbreviation of the Anglo-Norman legal phraseCulpable: prit d'averrer nostre bille. These words, said by the clerk of the crown in response to a not-guilty plea,meant, "Guilty: I am ready to aver our indictment.”After law French went out of official use in the courts,the shortened formcul. prit was misinterpreted as a term of address used by the clerk to a prisoner indicted for high treason or felony and pleading "not guilty.” Culprit is first recorded in such a use in 1678. The term was thereafter taken to mean "the accused,”and then, by association with Latinculpa, "guilt,” it came to mean "a guilty party.”根据英国法律的传统,culprit 一词源于 cul. prit , 这是英国法语的法律短语Culpable: prit d'averrer nostre bille 的缩略语。 这些词语是王国政府的书记员在回答对于被指控罪名不服的申诉时所说的,意思是:“证明有罪的:我将要证实我们的控告属实。”在诺曼人的法律法语不限于在法庭中使用后,其缩略形式cul.prit 被错误地理解为一种称呼,书记员用它来称呼被控犯有判国罪或重罪但又申辩“无罪”的犯人。 Culprit 一词最早在1678年以这种用法被记录下来。 这个词语自那以后被用来指“被控告的人”,然后它与拉丁语culpa “有罪的”一词相联系, 用来表示“被证明有罪的一方”〔interview〕"I had been warned that[he] was a tough interview—that he doled out flip answers . . . to questions he was tired of being asked" (David Roberts)“我被警告说[他] 是一个顽强的受访者——因为对于他厌烦被问到的问题他只勉强地给予轻率的回答” (戴维·罗卜茨)〔unimpassioned〕answered the charges with an unimpassioned defense.以没有热情的辩护回答控告〔leading〕Formulated so as to elicit a desired response:诱导的:为了引出所期望的回答而制定的:〔height〕"He returned me a very resolute answer, and full of height"(Oliver Cromwell)“他给我一个非常果断的回答,而且还充满了傲慢之气”(奥利弗·克伦威尔)〔here〕Used to respond to a roll call, attract attention, command an animal, or rebuke, admonish, or concur.到,喂,嘿:点名时回答、引起注意、命令动物、训斥、告诫或同意时用〔pollster〕An understanding of the history of the-ster in pollster may perhaps raise more questions than it answers. In the first place apollster does not have to be a woman, despite the fact that the suffix-ster, originally-estre in Old English, was used to form feminine agent nouns.Hoppestere, for example, meant "female dancer.” But in Old English-estre was occasionally applied to men, although perhaps largely or completely in the case of translations of Latin masculine nouns denoting occupations that were held by women in Anglo-Saxon society.An example isbæcester, "baker,” glossing Latinpistor; it survives as the Modern English nameBaxter. In Middle Englishthe suffix was still largely feminine in the south of Englandbut masculine and feminine in the north,a tendency that became general in English starting with the 16th century.As an example of this tendencyseamster was remade into the feminineseamstress. In Modern English the suffix is usually derogatory.This use probably arose from the occurrence of the suffix with ambiguous verbs,such asgame, "to play at sports, to play at sex,” or with pejorative verbs,such asrime or rhyme. In some modern formations on neutral words-ster is not derogatory, as inyoungster (1589), but in most cases,as withpollster (1939), -ster has pejorative force. 对于pollster 中的 -ster 的历史的理解也许会引发比它能回答的问题更多的问题。 首先pollster 不一定非得是妇女, 尽管-ster 这一后缀, 源于古英语中的-estre , 被用来构成阴性名词。比如hoppestere 一词意为“女舞蹈者。” 但在古英语中-estre 也偶尔可以用在男性身上, 虽然也许这种情况大多或者完全出现在表示盎格鲁-撒克逊社会中由妇女从事的职业的一些阳性拉丁文名词的翻译中。其中一个例子是boecester 意为“面包师”, 来自拉丁语的pistor; 这个词在现代英语名字Baxter 中保存了下来。 在中世纪英语中,该后缀在英格兰南部仍然主要地被用作阴性,但在英格兰北部却被同时用作阳性和阴性,而后一种趋势自16世纪以来逐渐在英语中变得普遍。反映这种趋势的一个例子是seamster , 该词被改造成了阴性的seamstress。 在现代英语中这一后缀通常是含贬义的。这种用法可能是因为此后缀与一些有歧义的动词合用而产生的,比如game 可表示“进行体育活动,进行性游戏,” 或者是因为与轻蔑动词合用而产生的,比如rime 或 rhyme。 在某些现代英语中性名词中,-ster 不是贬损的, 如在youngster (1589年)中, 但在大多数情况下,如pollster (1939年)这个词中 -ster 仍是有贬义的 〔question〕An expression of inquiry that invites or calls for a reply.问题:征求或要求回答的询问的词句〔outright〕finally responded outright to the question.直截了当地回答了这个问题〔find〕found my voice and replied.重新开口并回答〔unblinking〕an unblinking answer to a very personal question.不动声色地回答一个私人问题〔construction〕I was inclined to put a favorable construction on his reply.我总是对他的回答作出很好的解释〔oblique〕gave oblique answers to the questions.给这个问题骗人的回答〔protagonist〕Theprotagonist of a Greek drama was its leading actor, of whom there could be but one in any play.This is an etymological nicety that many modern writers continue to observe when using the word to refer to the main character of a drama or other fiction.Thus when the members of the Usage Panel were asked "How many protagonists are there inOthello ?” the great majority answered "One"and offered substitutes such asantagonist, villain, principal, and deuteragonist to describe Desdemona and Iago. But there is reputable precedent from the 17th century on for usingprotagonist to mean simply "important actor" or "principal party,”with no implication of uniqueness,as inThere are three protagonists in this sluggish novel. Smith and Jones were the protagonists in the struggle over the future of the computer company. Thus, while some writers may prefer to confine the word to a singular sense in their own usage,it is pedantic to insist that the looser use is incorrect. ·The use ofprotagonist to refer to a proponent has become common only in the 20th century and may have been influenced by a misconception that the first syllable of the word represents the prefixpro-, "favoring.” In sentences such asHe was an early protagonist of nuclear power, this use is likely to strike many readers as an errorand can usually be replaced byadvocate or proponent with no loss of sense.希腊戏剧的protagnist 是主角, 且在任何戏剧中仅有一个主角。许多现代作家在用这个词时都注意使它指代戏剧或其他小说的主要人物,因此当用法专题小组成员被问及“在奥赛罗 里有几个主要人物?”时, 大部分人回答“一个”,而且用如antagonist、villain、principal 和 deuteragonist 等词来描述苔丝德蒙娜和雅各。 但是从十七进纪开始,有一个使用protagonist 的规范惯例, 仅表示“重要的演员”或“首要的政党”,而丝毫没有独一无二的暗示,象在句子在这部文风拖沓的小说中有三个人物。 史密斯和琼斯是为计算公司的未来而奋斗的主角中一样。 因此,当某些作家可能在他们自己的用法中偏于把这个词限制在一个简单的含义中时,仍强调自由用法不正确就是卖弄学问的了。用protagonist 来指代建议者或支持者仅在20世纪开始变得常见, 而且被对于代表意为“支持的”前缀pro- 的该词第一个音节的误解所影响。 在句子他是核武力的早期支持者 中, 这种用法可能会使读者认为是个错误,而且常被advocate 或 proponent 所替代, 同时也不会有任何意思的遗漏〔rejoinder〕An answer, especially to a reply.回答;反驳:回答,尤其是对回答的反驳〔putdown〕"Such answers were, perhaps still are, a . . . form of put-down to the questions of white people"(Lillian Hellman)“这样的回答曾经是,也许依然是,…对白人的诘难的蔑视”(莉莲·赫尔曼)〔indirection〕wouldn't give us a straight answer, only hints and indirections.不给我们直接的回答,只是闪烁其词〔hedge〕An intentionally noncommittal or ambiguous statement.暧昧的回答,故意的不信任:故意说得模棱两可的话,不明确的话〔riposte〕from Italian risposta [answer] [from feminine past participle of] rispondere [to answer] 源自 意大利语 risposta [答案] 源自rispondere的阴性过去分词 [回答] 〔bequest〕quist [will] from Old English -cwis as in andcwis [answer] * see g wet- quist [愿望] 源自 古英语 -cwis 如在 andcwis [回答] * 参见 g wet- 〔antiphon〕"It would be truer . . . to see[conservation] as an antiphon to the modernization of the 1950s and 1960s" (Raphael Samuel)“可以更真实地看到 就是对20世纪50,60年代现代化的回答” (拉斐尔·塞缪尔)〔counterfactual〕"Cold war historiography vividly illustrates how the selection of the counterfactual question to be asked generally anticipates the desired answer"(Timothy Garton Ash)“冷战史学著作生动地描述了被选出作答的与事实相悖的问题是如何总是期待着满意的回答的”(提摩太·加顿·阿什)〔rather〕[ră"Yûrʹ, räʹ-] Chiefly British Most certainly. Used as an emphatic affirmative reply.[ră"Yûrʹ, räʹ-] 【多用于英国】 当然:最肯定地。做为对肯定性回答的加强语气〔grumble〕grumbled a rude response.粗鲁而不满地回答〔answer〕 Answer, respond, and reply, the most general, all mean to speak, write, or act in response: Answer, respond 和 reply 这三个常用的词都指用口头,书面或行为方式回答〔positive〕a positive answer; positive criticism.肯定的回答;肯定的评论〔feel〕She felt his answer to be evasive.她认为他的回答完全是闪烁其辞〔evade〕To avoid fulfilling, answering, or performing:规避:避免完成、回答或履行:〔flip〕a flip answer to a serious question.对严肃问题的轻率回答〔emphatic〕responded with an emphatic "no.”斩钉截铁地回答“不”〔answer〕To speak, write, or act as a return, as to a question.回答,应答:对问题以说,写或做的形式回答




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