单词 | 固着 |
释义 | 〔rockweed〕Any of several coarse, brownish seaweeds of the generaFucus and Ascophyllum that grow on rocks in coastal areas. 固着在岩礁上的海藻:任一种生长在沿海岸地区岩石上的粗糙且呈褐色的海藻 和 藻 属海藻 〔button〕A generally disk-shaped fastener used to join two parts of a garment by fitting through a buttonhole or loop.钮扣:通常为圆片状的固着物,用于穿过扣眼或扣环将衣服的两个部分连起来〔fixate〕To attach (oneself) to a person or thing in an immature or neurotic fashion.固着,依恋:以一种不成熟或神经质的方式(把自己)和另一个人或事联系起来〔phototropism〕Growth or movement of a sessile organism toward or away from a source of light.向光性,趋光性:无柄(固着)的生物朝向或远离某光源生长或运动的特性〔barnacle〕Any of various marine crustaceans of the subclass Cirripedia that in the adult stage form a hard shell and remain attached to submerged surfaces, such as rocks and ships' bottoms.藤壶:一种蔓足亚纲的海洋甲壳类动物,成年期形成硬壳且固着在没入水的表层,如岩石和船底〔periphyton〕Sessile organisms, such as algae and small crustaceans, that live attached to surfaces projecting from the bottom of a freshwater aquatic environment.固着生物:固着生物体,如海藻和小型甲壳动物,固着在突出淡水水底环境的表面上〔collet〕A cone-shaped sleeve used for holding circular or rodlike pieces in a lathe or other machine.套爪:用以固着车床及其它机器中圆形或棒状物件的锥形套筒〔beam〕A transverse structural member of a ship's frame, used to support a deck and to brace the sides against stress.船梁:船的横向结构,用以支撑甲板并固着在船体的两则以抵抗压力〔fixate〕To form a fixation; become attached to in an immature or neurotic way.固着,依恋:形成固着心态;不成熟地或神经质地与…联系〔preacher〕River navigation in America has its own lexicon,including words for hazards encountered in riverboat travel.Large uprooted trees that had drifted down the river and become stuck in the riverbedwere sometimes known by their peculiar and dangerous characteristics.John McPhee writes for theNew Yorker : "One kind . . . known as asawyer, sawed up and down with the vagaries of the current . . .In the Yukon River, such logs—eternally bowing—are known aspreachers. In the Mississippi . . . they were allsnags. ” 在美国内河航运业有它自己的专门词汇,包括用于表示船只在航行中所遇危险的词。一些被连根拔起的大树沿河漂流而下并且固着在河床上,它们都因奇特及危险的特性而为人所知。约翰·麦克菲曾在纽约人 中写道: “有一种…被称为 sawyer (漂流木), 随着水流的变化擦来擦去…在育空河里,这种整日里打躬的木头被叫做沉木 。 在密西西比河中…它们都被称为水中沉树 ” 〔encaustic〕A paint consisting of pigment mixed with beeswax and fixed with heat after its application.上釉烧出颜色的:由色素掺入蜂蜡构成的一种涂料,使用后加热而固着〔suctorian〕A protozoan of the class Suctoria, having in its immature form a small, round, ciliated body but in its adult form being stalked and sessile, lacking cilia, and feeding by means of suctorial tentacles.吸管纲动物:吸管纲的一种原生动物,未成熟时有一小且圆的、有纤毛的身体,但在成熟时为有茎且固着的、无纤毛的,并可通过有吸盘的触须进食〔osculant〕Closely adhering or joined; embracing.固着的:紧密固着或相接的;包含的〔collet〕A metal collar used in watchmaking to join one end of a balance spring to the balance staff.油丝固着环:制表过程中将平衡发条一端与平衡轴杆相连接的金属环 |
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