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单词 图斯
释义 〔Sistine〕Of or relating to one of the popes named Sixtus, especially Sixtus IV (1414-1484; reigned 1471-1484).西克斯图斯的:属于或有关罗马教皇西克斯图斯的,尤指西克斯图斯四世(1414-1484;于1471-1484年在位)〔Muskie〕American politician. A Democratic U.S. senator from Maine (1958-1980), he also served as U.S. secretary of state (1980-1981).马斯基,埃德蒙·西克斯图斯:(生于 1914) 美国政治家,来自缅因州的美国民主党议员(1958-1980年),曾担任过美国国务卿(1980-1981年)〔Pilatus〕A peak, 2,121.3 m (6,955 ft) high, in the Alps of central Switzerland south-southwest of Lucerne. According to medieval folklore, the body of Pontius Pilate was thrown into a small lake on the mountain.皮拉图斯山:瑞士中部一山峰,位于阿尔卑斯山中、卢塞思州西南偏南,高2,121.3米(6,955英尺)。根据中世纪民间传说,旁图斯·彼拉多的尸体被抛入这座山的一个小湖里〔Socinian〕after Laelius Socinus and Faustus Socinus 源自莱利乌斯 Socinus浮士图斯 Socinus 〔Erigena〕Irish-born theologian and philosopher who sought to reconcile Neo-Platonism and Christian belief in his principal work,On the Division of Nature (862-866). 埃里金纳,约翰·斯科图斯:(810?-877?) 出生于爱尔兰的神学家与哲学家,曾试图在他的主要著作《论自然的区分》 (862-866年)中使新柏拉图主义与基督教信仰相结合 〔Becker〕American historian noted for his analyses of philosophies in action. His works includeOur Great Experiment in Democracy (1924). 贝克尔,卡尔·洛图斯:(1873-1945) 美国历史学家,因其对故事情节出色的哲学分析而著名。其著作有《我们在民主方面的伟大实验》 (1924年) 〔Bentley〕English cleric and classical scholar noted for hisLetter to Dr. John Mill (1691) and Dissertation upon the Epistles of Phalaris (1699). 本特利,理查德:(1662-1742) 英国牧师和古典学者,以其《致约翰·穆勒书》 (1691年)和 《图斯库路姆论辩集》 (1699年)著称 〔Cincinnatus〕Roman statesman who according to tradition was twice called away from his farm to assume the dictatorship of Rome (458 and 439).辛辛纳图斯,卢修斯·昆科提斯:(519?-438) 罗马政治家,依照惯例两次被从他的农场请出执掌罗马的独裁权(458年和439年)〔Arnoldson〕Swedish politician and pacifist. He shared the 1908 Nobel Peace Prize for efforts to keep peace between Sweden and Norway.阿诺德森,克拉斯·篷图斯:(1844-1916) 瑞典政治家和和平主义者。因他使瑞典和挪威双方保持和平的努力而获1908年诺贝尔和平奖〔Scaliger〕Italian physician and scholar noted for his scientific and philosophical writings. His sonJoseph Justus Scaliger (1540-1609), a French scholar, pioneered the modern study of classical texts. 斯卡利哲,尤里乌斯·凯撒:(1484-1558) 意大利医生和学者,以其科普和哲学著作出名。其子约瑟夫·尤斯图斯·斯卡利哲 (1540-1609年)是法国学者,为对古典文本作现代研究的先驱 〔Tusculum〕A city of ancient Latium southeast of modern-day Rome, Italy. Pliny the Younger, Cicero, and the emperors Nero and Titus were among the prominent Romans who built villas here.塔斯库勒姆:古代拉丁姆的一个城市,位于今天意大利的罗马东南。小普林尼、奇切罗及皇帝尼禄和蒂图斯是曾在这里建造别墅的人中最显要的几个〔Liebig〕German chemist who made a number of contributions to organic chemistry and pioneered laboratory-based scientific education (1826).李比希,尤斯图斯·冯:(1803-1873) 德国化学家,对有机化学贡献卓著,最早创立以实验室为基地的科学教育(1826年)〔Lamar〕American politician and jurist who served in the Confederate Army during the Civil War and later became an associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court (1888-1893).拉马尔,卢西乌斯·昆图斯·辛辛纳图斯:(1825-1893) 美国政治家和法理学家,曾于南北战争期间在南联邦军中服务,后来成为美国最高法院助理法官(1888-1893年)




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