单词 | 土著人 |
释义 | 〔Moravian〕A native or inhabitant of Moravia.摩拉维亚人:摩拉维亚土著人或其居民〔Pawnee〕A Native American people formerly inhabiting the Platte River valley in south-central Nebraska and northern Kansas, with a present-day population in north-central Oklahoma. The Pawnee comprised a confederation of four relatively independent tribes living in permanent villages.波尼族人:美国土著人,以前住在普拉特河谷,在内布拉斯加州中南部和堪萨斯州北部,今居住于俄克拉荷马州中北部。波尼人把居住固定的村落里的四个相对独立的部落凑成一联盟〔Tagalog〕A member of a people native to the Philippines and inhabiting Manila and its adjacent provinces.塔加拉人:菲律宾一支土著人群中的一成员,生活在马尼拉和其邻近省份〔Malagasy〕A native or inhabitant of Madagascar.马尔加人:马达加斯加的土著人或居住者〔Caddo〕A Native American confederacy composed of numerous small tribes formerly inhabiting the Red River area of Louisiana, Arkansas, and eastern Texas and now located in central Oklahoma.喀多族:美国土著人联盟,由数个以前定居在路易斯安那州、阿肯色州和东得克萨斯州的红河地区的小部落组成,现居住俄克拉荷马州中部地区〔aboriginal〕Of or relating to aborigines.土著人的:土著人的或与土著人有关的〔Gosiute〕A Native American people inhabiting an area southwest of Great Salt Lake.美国土著人:居住在盐湖的西南地区的土生土长的美国人〔Pequot〕A Native American people formerly inhabiting eastern Connecticut, with present-day descendants in the same area. The Pequot and the Mohegan were the same people until the Mohegan broke away under Uncas in the early 17th century.佩科特族:曾居住在美国康涅狄格州东部的美国土著人,如今后裔仍居住在那里。佩科特族和莫希干族原属一族,后来莫希干族在17世纪早期叛归安卡斯族〔Laotian〕A native or inhabitant of Laos.老挝土著人或老挝居民〔Dutchman〕A man who is a native or inhabitant of the Netherlands.荷兰人:荷兰的土著人或其居民〔haole〕A person, especially a white person, who is not a native Hawaiian.See Regional Note at ukulele 外族人:非夏威夷本地土著人的人,尤指白种人 参见 ukulele〔redskin〕Used as a disparaging term for a Native American.红皮人:用于对美国土著人的贬称〔Lesbian〕A native or inhabitant of Lesbos.莱斯博斯岛人:莱斯博斯岛的土著人或当地居民〔tattoo〕The practice of tattooing the body is prehistoric,but the English wordtattoo was introduced fairly recently. Our word came from Polynesian languages such as Tahitian and Samoanand was introduced to English speakers by the explorer Capt. James Cook (who also gave us the wordtaboo ). The earliest use of the verbtattoo in English is found in 1769 in his account of a voyage around the world from 1768 to 1771. Cook also used a noun in his writings of 1769but treated it as a native wordso he is not given credit for the first use of the noun in English (recorded in 1777).In any event,sailors introduced the custom into Europe from the Pacific societies in which it was practiced,and it has remained associated with sailors,although many other people have tattoos as well.尽管在身体上刺出花纹这一做法在史前就已存在,但英语中tattoo 一词却是在距离现在较近的时候才被引入的。 我们这个词源于塔西提语或萨摩亚语等波利尼西亚语族,它是由探险家詹姆斯·库克船长介绍给英语使用者的(库克同时也给了我们taboo 一词)。 动词tattoo 在英语中的首次使用见于库克关于他在1768年-1771年所做的一次环球航行记录中。 库克在他1769年的日志中也把这个词用作一个名词,但因为他只是把它作为一个土著人的词汇对待,所以人们不认为他是第一个在英语中使用该词名词形式的人(记录于1777年)。但不管怎样,是水手们将这种原本是太平洋岛屿社会中的习俗带入欧洲的,所以直到今天这种做法仍然和水手们联系在一起,虽然各种职业的人们都在身上刺花纹〔Timucua〕A Native American people formerly inhabiting much of northern Florida, extinct since the early 18th century.提默瓜人:以前居住于美国佛罗里达北部大部分地区的一支土著人,18世纪早期就已灭绝〔wickiup〕A frame hut covered with matting, as of bark or brush, used by nomadic Native Americans of North America.草棚:覆盖有树皮或柴枝做的草席的构架棚子,由北美洲的游牧土著人建立〔Manxman〕A man who is a native or inhabitant of the Isle of Man.马恩岛人:马恩岛土著人或居民〔Sardinian〕A native or inhabitant of Sardinia.撒丁尼亚人:撒丁尼亚的土著人或居民〔Scandinavian〕A native or inhabitant of Scandinavia.斯堪的纳维亚人:斯堪的纳维亚土著人和居民〔Phoenician〕A native or inhabitant of ancient Phoenicia.腓尼基人:古代腓尼基土著人或居民〔tribespeople〕An aboriginal people living in tribes:生活在部落中的土著人:〔Kickapoo〕A Native American people formerly inhabiting southern Wisconsin and northern Illinois, with small present-day populations in Kansas, Oklahoma, and northern Mexico.基卡普人:美国土著人,原居住于美国威斯康星州南部和伊利诺斯州北部,现有的少量人口住在堪萨斯州、俄克拉荷马州和墨西哥北部〔berdache〕Among certain Native American peoples, a person, usually a male, who assumes the sexual identity and is granted the social status of the opposite sex.娈童:在某些美国土著人中,通常指男性假扮异性并被给予异性的社会地位的人〔Miwok〕A Native American people formerly composed of numerous groups inhabiting central California from the Sierra Nevada foothills to the San Francisco Bay area, with a small number of present-day descendants in the same region.米沃克人:美国土著人,从前由大量居住在加利福尼亚州中部从谢拉内华达山脚至旧金山湾地区的群体构成,在以上地区现在有少量的后代〔Yankee〕A native or inhabitant of the United States.美国佬:美国土著人或居民〔Maltese〕A native or inhabitant of Malta.马耳他人:马耳他的土著人或居民〔Abo〕Used as a disparaging term for an Australian aborigine:土著:对澳大利亚土著人的贬义称呼:〔coup〕Among certain Native American peoples, a feat of bravery performed in battle, especially the touching of an enemy's body without causing injury.棒击:在美国的某些土著人中,战斗时为表现勇敢而棒击敌人身体但不致伤〔native〕Aboriginal describes what has existed from the beginning;it is often applied to the earliest known inhabitants of a place: Aboriginal 描述从一开始就存在的;经常用于居住于某一地区的最早发现的原始土著人: 〔native〕the aboriginal population;原始土著人人口;〔soviet〕Soviet A native or inhabitant of the Soviet Union. Soviet 苏联人:苏联的居民或土著人〔Tahitian〕A native or inhabitant of Tahiti.塔希提岛的土著人或居民〔Hualapai〕A Native American people inhabiting northwest Arizona south of the Grand Canyon.华拉柏:居住在美国大峡谷南部,亚利桑那州西北部的一支北美土著人〔Blackfoot〕A Native American confederacy located on the northern Great Plains, composed of the Blackfoot, Blood, and Piegan tribes. Traditional Blackfoot life was based on nomadic buffalo hunting.黑脚族:一美土著人同盟,位于北部大平原,由黑脚族、布拉族、皮埃甘部落组成。传统黑脚人以游牧猎牛为生〔Lombard〕A native or inhabitant of Lombardy.伦巴底的土著人或居民〔Saxon〕A native or inhabitant of Saxony.萨克森人:德国萨克森的土著人或其居民〔Whitman〕American frontier missionary who with his wifeNarcissa Prentiss (1808-1847) established a missionary post in the Oregon region (1836), where they introduced Christianity, schooling, and medical advances to the Native Americans. 惠特曼,马库斯:(1802-1847) 美国边远地区携带妻子的传教士纳西萨·普伦蒂斯 (1808—1847年),在俄勒冈地区建立了一个传教地(1836年),在那里向美国土著人介绍基督教、教育和医术 〔Pomeranian〕A native or inhabitant of Pomerania.波美拉尼亚人:波美拉尼亚土著人或居民〔Mercian〕A native or inhabitant of Mercia.麦西亚人:麦西亚土著人或居民〔Persian〕A native or inhabitant of Persia or Iran.波斯人:波斯或伊朗的土著人或居民 |
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