单词 | 在使用 |
释义 | 〔anymore〕In standard American English the wordanymore is often found in negative sentences: They don't live here anymore. Butanymore is widely used in regional American English in positive sentences with the meaning "nowadays": "We use a gas stove anymore" (Oklahoma informant in DARE).Its use, which appears to be spreading,is centered in the South Midland and Midwestern states—Tennessee, Kentucky, Indiana, Oklahoma, and Iowa—and the Western statesthat received settlers from those areas.The earliest recorded examples are from Northern Ireland,where the positive use ofanymore still occurs. 在标准美国英语里anymore 一词常出现于否定句里: 他们再也不在这儿住了。 但anymore 在地方美国英语里广泛用于肯定句中,意思是“如今”: “我们现如今使用煤气炉” (美国区域英语词典的俄克拉何马州情报提供者)。它的用法似乎还正扩展,主要集中于中南部和中西部各州--田纳西州,肯塔基州,印第安纳州,俄克拉何马州和依阿华州——以及接收了这些地区移民的西部各州。最早记载的例子来自北爱尔兰,在那里anymore 一词的肯定用法仍在使用 〔venality〕Susceptibility to bribery or corruption, as in the use of a position of trust for dishonest gain.甘受贿赂,贪污腐化:易受贿赂或腐败的影响性,如在使用不诚实的收益的信托状况时〔retrofit〕To fit into or onto equipment already in existence or service.改进:对已存在或正在使用的设备内部或外部进行安装配备〔Huelva〕A city of southwest Spain near the Gulf of Cádiz and the Portuguese border. Founded by Carthaginians, it was colonized by the Romans, who built a still-used aqueduct to supply water to the settlement. Population, 137,453.韦尔瓦:西班牙西南部一城市,靠近加的斯湾,临近葡萄牙边境。它由迦太基人初建,后处于罗马殖民统治下,罗马人建了一条用于住宅供水的高架渠,至今仍在使用。人口137,453〔automatic〕The wordsautomatic pilot or automatic transmission bring to mind mechanical devices that operate with minimal human intervention. Yet the wordautomatic, which goes back to the Greek word automatos, "acting of one's own will, self-acting, of itself,” made up of two parts,auto-, "self,” and -matos, "willing,” is first recorded in English in 1748 with reference to motions of the body, such as the peristaltic action of the intestines: "The Motions are called automatic from their Resemblance to the Motions of Automata, or Machines, whose Principle of Motion is within themselves.”Although the writer had machines in mind,automatic could be used of living things, a use we still have, although not the primary one. The association ofautomatic chiefly with machinery may represent one instance of many in which we have come to see the world in mechanical terms. 这些单词automatic pilot 或 automatic transmission 带给我们只需最小人力介入即可操作的机械装置的意识。 但这个词automatic, 追溯至希腊单词 automatos, “以个人自身的意志行动,自我行动,” 由两部分组成,auto-, “自我的,”和 -matos, “意愿,” 以作为身体运动的含义于1748年首次记录于英语,如体内的肠蠕动: “这些运动被称为身体内自动的运动,是与机器运动的相似性得出的,其运动原理在于其自身内部。”虽然作者头脑中有机器印象,automatic 可以被用于生物,这种用法虽然不是基本的,但我们仍在使用。 主要将automatic 与机器相联系可能反映了我们眼中的世界越加机械化的情况 〔sharpshooter〕The second military grade of proficiency in the use of rifles and other small arms.神射手:在使用来福枪及其它小武器时的第二等军事熟练等级〔maroon〕The history of the wordmaroon, which we associate with desert islands, takes us back to the days of slavery, when the nounmaroon was a term in English for a Black person who lived in the mountains and forests of Dutch Guiana (Suriname) and the West Indies, a term that is still used in parts of the Caribbean.These were plantation slaveswho had run away to live free in uncultivated parts.The English word is taken from the French wordmarron, "runaway Black slave,”which in turn was an alteration of American Spanishcimarrón, meaning "runaway slave.”Cimarrón is perhaps from cima, "summit.” Having come into English (first recorded in 1666),maroon took on a life of its own and came to be used as a verbmeaning "to be lost in the wilds,”from which our sense "to put ashore on a deserted island or coast" evolved.单词maroon 与荒岛有关联,其历史可追溯到奴隶制时代, 当时英语中的maroon 这个词指的是生活在荷属圭亚那(苏里南)和西印度群岛的黑人, 在加勒比的某些地区这个词仍在使用。这些人本是种植园里的奴隶,他们逃到未开发的土地上自由自在地生活。英语中的这个词源于法语中的marron , 意思是“逃亡的黑奴”,它又是美洲西班牙语cimarron 的变形, 其意为“逃亡的奴隶”。Cinmarron 可能源于 cima ,“顶峰”。 进入英语之后(最早的记载在1666年),maroon 具有了自己的内涵, 而且开始被作为动词使用,意思是“在荒野中迷失方向”,我们的“将…置于一个荒凉的岛上或海岸边”这个意思就是从这里发展而来〔inflatable〕Designed to be filled with air or gas before use:可膨胀的,可吹气的:设计为在使用前充空气或其他气体的:〔allude〕Allude and allusion are often used where the more general terms refer and reference would be preferable. Allude and allusion apply to indirect references in which the source is not specifically identified: "Well, we'll always have Paris,” he told the travel agent, in an allusion to Casablanca. Refer and reference, unless qualified, usually imply specific mention of a source: I will refer to Hamlet for my conclusion: As Polonius says, "Though this be madness, yet there is method in't.” See Usage Note at refer Allude 和 allusion 在使用时经常可以被更普遍的词 refer 和 reference 所代替。 Allude 和 allusion 用在来源没有特别指明的间接引用语中: “对,我们将永远拥有巴黎,”他对旅行社服务员说。这句话引自卡萨布兰卡。 Refer 和 reference 通常指明确提到出处,除非有所限制: 我将引用 哈姆雷特 里的话作为我的结论: 正如波洛涅斯所说,“尽管这是发疯,但其中颇有理性。” 参见 refer〔Francophone〕A French-speaking person, especially in a region where two or more languages are spoken.操法语者:尤指在使用两种或多种语言的国度里讲法语的人〔tit〕Tit is an old Germanic word for "small" and is used in various northern European languagesto refer to small objects, animals, or people,especially girls—for example,titta is a Norwegian dialect word for "little girl.” The word is most common in American English in combinationsthat denote various small birds,such as thetitmouse or tomtit. Atitman in the 19th century could mean a small or stunted person,as Henry David Thoreau indicates when he calls his generation "a race of tit-men.”Tit and titman are still used in New England, mostly by farmers to refer to the runt of a litter of pigs.Tit 是古日耳曼语“小”的意思, 在各种北部欧洲语言中,这个词都用来指小的物体,动物或人,尤其是女孩儿——比如,titta 是挪威方言“小姑娘”的意思。 在美国英语中这个词以复合词的形式最为常见,表示各种小鸟类,比如titmouse 或者 tomtit 。 在19世纪,titman 指小个子的人或发育不良的人,正如亨利·戴维·梭罗把他那一代人称为“一个发育不良的人组成的种族”时所指的那样。Tit 和 titman 在新英格兰地区仍在使用, 主要被农民用它来叫一窝猪中最小的一个〔busy〕Being in use, as a telephone line.占线的:正在使用的,比如电话线〔else〕When a pronoun is followed byelse, the possessive form is generally written thus:someone else's (not someone's else ). Bothwho else's and whose else are in use, but notwhose else's: 当一个代名词跟有else, 所有格的形式一般写成这样:someone else's (而不是 someone's else )。 who else's 和 whose else 都在使用, 但却没有使用whose else's: 〔unused〕Not in use or put to use.未使用的:没有处在使用之中的或未投入使用的〔Anglophone〕An English-speaking person, especially one in a country where two or more languages are spoken.讲英语者:讲英语的人,尤指在使用两种或多种语言的国家里〔mount〕An undercarriage or stand on which a device rests while in service.底座:在使用时将设备固定在其上的底座或支撑物〔ilk〕When one usesilk, as in the phrasemen of his ilk, one is using a word with an ancient pedigreeeven though the sense ofilk, "kind or sort,” is actually quite recent,having been recorded no earlier than the end of the 18th century.This sense grew out of an older use ofilk in the phrase of that ilk, meaning "of the same place, territorial designation, or name.” This phrase was used chiefly in names of landed families,Guthrie of that ilk meaning "Guthrie of Guthrie.” "Same" is the fundamental meaning of the word.The ancestors ofilk, Old Englishilca and Middle English ilke, were common words, usually appearing with such words asthe or that, but the word hardly survived the Middle Ages in those uses.当我们使用ilk 一词, 例如在词组men of his ilk 中那样, 我们实际上在使用一个历史悠久的词。不过ilk 这个词有“一种或一类”这个意思, 却是近期的事情,其最早的使用记录不超过18世纪末。过去ilk 这个词用于词组 of that ilk 之中,意为“相同地方的,相同封地的,相同名号的”,现代意义就是从这个意思演化而来。 这个词组主要用于拥有土地的家族的名称前面:Guthrie of that ilk 意指“格思里这个地方叫格思里的人”。 这个词的基本意义为“相同”。ilk 这个词的前身, 古英语的ilca 和中古英语的 ilke 都是常用词汇, 常常和the 或 that 等词一起使用, 不过这些词经过中世纪后都没能存在下来〔line〕An open or functioning telephone connection:电话线路:不占线的电话线或正在使用的电话线:〔chortle〕“‘O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!’ He chortled in his joy.”Perhaps Lewis Carroll would chortle a bit himself to find that people are still using the wordchortle, which he coined in Through the Looking-Glass, published in 1872. In any case,Carroll had constructed his word well, combining the wordschuckle and snort to create it. This type of word is called a blend or a portmanteau word.InThrough the Looking-Glass Humpty Dumpty uses portmanteau to describe the word slithy, saying, "It's like a portmanteau—there are two meanings packed up into one word" (the meanings being "lithe" and "slimy").“‘噢,今天真是太棒了’他高兴地大笑着说”。也许刘易斯·卡罗尔发现人们还在使用他1872年出版的透过镜子 一书中创造的 chortle 一词时,他自己会大笑起来。 无论怎样,卡罗尔把chuckle 一词和 snort 一词结合起来创造的这个词,创造得很不错。 这种形式的词称为混合词或合成词。在透过镜子 一书中矮胖子用 portmanteau(合成词) 一词描述 slithy 一词说, “它象个混成词--有两个意思加在一起放进一个词中”(意思是“柔软的”和“粘性的”)〔sober〕Habitually abstemious in the use of alcoholic liquors or drugs; temperate.有节制的:在使用的酒精或药品方面习惯性的有节制的;适度的〔commission〕In use or in usable condition.在使用中或在使用条件中〔Scottish〕Scottish is the full, original form of the adjective. Scots is an old Scottish variant of the form; Scotch is an English contraction of Scottish that at one time also came into use in Scotland ( as in Burns's"O thou, my Muse! guid auld Scotch drink!” ) but subsequently fell into disfavor.To some extent these facts can serve as a guide in choosing among the many variant forms of related words,such asScot, Scotsman or Scotswoman, or Scotchman or Scotchwoman, for one of the people of Scotland; Scots, (the) Scotch, or, rarely, (the) Scottish for the people of Scotland; andScots, Scotch, or Scottish for the dialect of English spoken in Scotland. The forms based onScotch are English and disfavored in Scotland, while those involving the full formScottish tend to be more formal. In the interest of civility, forms involvingScotch are best avoided in reference to people. But there is no sure rule for referring to things,since the history of variation in the use of these words has also left many expressions in which the choice is fixed,such asScotch broth, Scotch whisky, Scottish rite, and Scots Guards. Scottish 是这个形容词最完整,最原始的形式。 Scots 是这种形式的一种古老的苏格兰英语变体; Scotch 是苏格兰语的一个英语缩写形式并且苏格兰人曾用过( 例如波恩斯写过“喔你,我的灵感!最古代的苏格兰饮料!” ), 但后来就不令人喜欢了。在某种意义上讲这些事实可以帮助我们在那些有联系的各种变体中选择,例如Scot, Scotsman 或者 Scotswoman, 或者 Scotchman 或者 Scotchwoman, 来指定一个苏格兰的人; Scots, (the)Scotch, 或者,很少见的 (the) Scottish 来指定一个苏格兰人; 以及Scots, Scotch, 或者 Scottish 来指示在苏格兰讲的英语方言, 以Scotch 为基础的形式是英语在苏格兰不受欢迎, 但是包括完整形式Scottish 的那些形式趋向于更正式。 考虑到礼数时,带Scotch 的形式在指人时会被尽量回避的。 不过并没有一个固定的规则来指示事物,因为由于在使用这些字时不同变体的历史已经使许多表述方式固定下来了,例如苏格兰浓汤,苏格兰威士忌,苏格兰仪式 和 苏格兰卫兵 〔flexography〕A system of printing on a rotary press employing water-based ink, used especially for printing on plastic, paper, or cardboard.苯胺印刷(术):一种在使用水性油墨的轮转式印刷机上操作的印刷方法,专用于在塑料、纸或纸板上进行印刷〔hall〕The group of students using such a building:学生:一群正在使用这样一所建筑的学生:〔industry〕A clear indication of the way in which human effort has been harnessed as a force for the commercial production of goods and services is the change in meaning of the wordindustry. Coming from the Latin wordindustria, meaning "diligent activity directed to some purpose,”and its descendant, Old Frenchindustrie, with the senses "activity,” "ability,” and "a trade or occupation,”our word (first recorded in 1475) originally meant "skill,” "a device,” and "diligence" as well as "a trade.”As more and more human effort over the course of the Industrial Revolution became involved in producing goods and services for sale,the last sense ofindustry as well as the slightly newer sense "systematic work or habitual employment" grew in importance, to a large extent taking over the word.We can even speak now of the Shakespeare industry,rather like the garment industry.The sense "diligence, assiduity,” lives on, however,perhaps even to survive industry itself.industry 有一个明显的含义,即指将人力组织转化成进行货物商业性生产和进行商业性服务的方法,而在有此含义前,这个词经历了多次变化。 这个词来源于拉丁文industria , 意思是“为某种目的而进行的勤奋的活动”;后来这个拉丁字发展成古法语单词industrie , 其意思是“活动性”、“能力”和“一种行业和职业”。英文单词(最早的记载是1475年)原意是“技巧”、“方法”、“勤奋”,也有“一种行业”之意。随着产业革命的开展,越来越多的人力被用于进行货物生产和商业服务,industry 最新的含义及其较新的意思“有组织的劳动或习惯性的雇佣”变得重要起来, 并逐渐成为这个词最主要的意思。现在,我们甚至在提到莎士比亚研究时,就象提及成衣制造业。不过,“勤劳、勤奋”这层含义仍在使用,也许只要这个单词存在,这层含义就不会消失〔blond〕It is usual in English to treatblond as if it required gender marking, as in French, spelling itblonde when referring to women and blond elsewhere. But this practice is in fact a relatively recent innovation,and some have suggested that it has sexist implicationsand that the formblond should be used for both sexes. There is certainly a measure of justice to the claim that the two forms are not used symmetrically.Since English does not normally mark adjectives according to the gender of the nouns they modify,it is natural to interpret the final-e as expressing some additional meaning, perhaps because it implies that hair color provides a primary category of classification for women but not men.This association of hair color and a particular perception of feminine identity is suggested in phrasessuch asdumb blonde and Is it true blondes have more fun? or in Susan Brownmiller's depiction of Hollywood's "pantheon of celebrated blondes who have fed the fantasies of men and fueled the aspirations of women.” The corresponding masculine formblond, by contrast, is not ordinarily used to refer to men in contexts in which hair color is not specifically at issue; there is something arch in a reference toLeslie Howard, Robert Redford, and other celebrated blonds. See Usage Note at brunette 在英语中,通常在使用blond 时似乎认为这个词需要性别标志。 正如在法语中,指女性时拼作blonde ,指其他时拼作 blond 。 但这实际上是较新的一种用法,一些人就曾认为这个词本身就带有性别的含义,而且blond 可同时用于两种性别。 两种形式并没有相应地使用的说法是有几分道理。因为英语中通常并不根据形容词修饰的名词的性而加以标明,很自然地就词尾的-e 看作附加的意思的表示, 这也许是由于它暗示头发的颜色是女性而不是男性提供了一个鉴别的首要类型。这种把头发颜色和女性鉴别的特殊方法联系在一起的作法,在如下的一些句子中有所体现,dump blonde(愚蠢的女人) 和 Is it true blondes have more fun?(金发女人真的更有情趣吗?) 或苏珊·布朗米勒的《好莱坞》中的描写的 "pantheon of celebrated blondes who have fed the fantasies of men and fueled the aspirations of women"(一些曾满足男人的幻想和勾起女人的野心的显赫女明星)。 不同的是相对应的男性的强调形式blond, 在行文中没有特别头发颜色的情况下通常并不专指男性; 如这句说法有调侃的意味的例句Leslie Howard, Robert Redford, and other celebrated blonds(莱斯利·霍华德,罗伯特·莱德佛拉和其他著名的金发明星中) 参见 brunette |
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