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单词 在当代
释义 〔afraid〕The notion of removal from a state of peace happens to be the basis for constructing.exfredāre, literally "to remove from peace,” the Vulgar Latin ancestor of our wordafraid. This Vulgar Latin word is made up of the Latin prefixex-, "out of,” and a Vulgar Latin verb of the form .fridāre or .fretāre, which came from Germanic.frithuz, "peace.” The Old French wordesfraier, "to disturb,” which subsequently developed from .exfredāre, came into Middle English asaffraien, a verb whose earliest recorded sense, found in a text composed possibly around 1300, is "to frighten, disturb.” Affray, the descendant of affraien, is little used in contemporary writing and speech, but the same cannot be said of the descendant of the past participle ofaffraien, our adjective afraid. 离开平静的状态,这个概念恰好是exfredare 一词的构词基础。 这个词字面意思为“离开平静”,是afraid 一词的俗拉丁语始祖。 这个俗拉丁语词汇由意为“离开”的拉丁语前缀ex- 和俗拉丁语动词形式的 fridare 或 fretare 组成, 这一俗拉丁语动词形式又源自日耳曼语frithuz, 意为“平静”。 古法语单词esfraier, 意为“打扰”是随后从 exfredare 发展而来的, 其以affraien 的动词形式传入中古英语,这个词最早的有记载的意义为“吓唬,打扰”,见载于约1300年的一篇文章中。 Affray 为 affraien 的派生词,其很少在当代文章以及口语中使用, 但这不等于说明affraien 的过去分词的派生词,现在的形容词 afraid 也很少使用 〔faubourg〕The close political ties between Scotland and France during the 15th through 17th centuries were reflected in linguistic borrowing from French to Scots,as in the case offaubourg, a synonym for suburb. In Englandfaubourg seems to have lost the competition with the more popular suburb. However, in contemporary American English the word still exists,although it is virtually confined to the city of New Orleans, where,in fact,faubourg remains in use because of the city's French background. Even there it is used not as a common noun likesuburb but in combination in the names of various quarters of the city,for example,Faubourg Sainte Marie. These city districts, like their counterparts in Paris,such asFaubourg Saint-Germain and Faubourg Saint-Antoine, originally lay outside the city limits, hence the designationfaubourg, originally from Old French fors, "outside,” and borc, "town.” As the population grew outward,these former suburbs became part of the city proper.在苏格兰语对法语语言上的借用反应了15世纪到17世纪之间苏格兰与法国紧密的政治纽带,例如faubourg, 是 suburb 的同义词。 在英国,faubourg 看起来已丧失了与更流行的 suburb 的竞争力。 然而,在当代美国英语中,这个词仍然存在,尽管实际上它限于新奥尔良城。事实上,faubourg 保持在新奥尔良的使用是因为这个城市的法语背景。 它甚至不是像suburb 那样作为一个普通名词使用, 而是与城市的不同区的名字连在一起,例如圣玛丽亚区 。 这些城区,就像它们在巴黎的对应地区,如圣格梅茵区 和 圣安东尼区 一样,一般位于城区的外围, 因此名称faubourg 源自于古法语 fors ,“外面”,和 borc, “城镇”。 随着人口的向外增长,这些前郊区成了城区的一部分〔underdeveloped〕Having a low level of economic productivity and technological sophistication within the contemporary range of possibility; developing:落后的:在当代可能范围以内经济生产率低技术落后的;发展中的:




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