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单词 在形式上
释义 〔jazzy〕Resembling jazz in form or nature; rhythmical.爵士乐的:在形式上或本质上似爵士乐的;有节奏的〔pig〕Something that is offered in a manner that conceals its true nature or value.在形式上掩盖了真实特性或价值的东西〔ticket〕The resemblance in form between the wordsticket and etiquette is not accidental. Both words have the same ultimate source, Old Frenchestiquet, but each was borrowed into English at a different time and with a different meaning.Old Frenchestiquet meant "a note, label.” Having been changed in form toetiquet in French, the word was adopted into English in the 16th century (first recorded in 1528)in a form,tiket, without the initiale. The earliest uses of the word in English were in the senses "a short written notice,” "a notice posted in a public place,” and "a written certification.”The word is first recorded with reference to something like a ticket of admission in 1673.In French, meanwhile, the word (in the formetiquette in the 18th century) came to mean "ceremonial"; court ceremonies were noted down or labeled in a book known asl'étiquette. The French word was borrowed again into English, this time in its French form, which is first recorded in 1750.ticket 与 etiquette 这两个词在形式上相似并非偶然。 它们从根本讲都源于古法语中的estiquet 这个词, 但它们被借用到英语中的时间不同且意思也不一样。古法语中的estiquet 的意思是“注解,标签”, 它在法语中变成了etiquet , 16世纪时它被吸收到了英语中(最早的文字记载是在1528年),形式是tiket, , 没有了字首的e. 。 这个词在早期英语中的意思是“写得很短的通知”、“贴在公共场所的通告”和“文字证明”。这个词最早的文字记载意为1673年时使用的一种类似入场券的东西。同时在法语中,这个词(18世纪时的形式是etiquette )的意思是“仪式的”; 在一本叫I'etiqutte 的书里被记载为宫廷仪式。 最早的文字记载在1750年,这个法语词再一次被借用于英语,这次使用了它的法语形式〔formal〕Characterized by strict or meticulous observation of forms; methodical:正式的,符合传统或习惯的:在形式上严格拘泥于细节的;有条理的:〔reticular〕Resembling a net in form; netlike:网状的:在形式上类似网的,网状的:〔variant〕Something that differs in form only slightly from something else, as a different spelling or pronunciation of the same word.异体:在形式上只是轻微地不同于其它的东西,如同一单词的不同拼写或发音〔every〕Every is representative of a large class of English words and expressions that are singular in formbut felt to be plural in sense.The class includes, for example, noun phrases introduced byevery, any, and certain uses of some. These expressions invariably take a singular verb;we say Every car has (not have ) been tested. Anyone is (not are ) liable to fall ill. But when a sentence contains a pronoun whose antecedent is introduced byevery, grammar and sense pull in different directions.The grammar of these expressions requires a singular pronoun, as in Every car must have its brakes tested, but people persist in using the plural pronoun,as in Every car must have their brakes tested. Although the latter pattern is common in the speech of all groups,it is still widely regarded as grammatically incorrect in writing. ·The effort to adhere to the grammatical rule leads to various complications, however.The first is grammatical.When a pronoun refers to a phrase containingevery or any that falls within a different independent clause, the pronoun cannot be singular.Thus it is simply not English to sayEvery man left; he took his raincoat with him. Nor can one sayNo one could be seen, could he? Writers unwilling to use plural forms in these examples must find another way of expressing their meaning,either by rephrasing the sentence so as to get the pronoun into the same clause (as inEvery man left, taking his raincoat with him ) or by substituting another word forevery or any (as in All the men left; they took their raincoats with them. ) · The second complication is political.When a phrase introduced byevery or any refers to a group containing both men and women, what shall be the gender of the singular pronoun?This matter is discussed in the Usage Note athe. See Usage Note at all ,any ,each ,either ,he 1neither ,none Every 是一大类英语单词和短语的代表, 它们在形式上是单数的,但在意义上感觉起来却是复数。例如,这一类词中所包括的由every,any 和某些用法中的 some 所引导的名词短语。 这些短语毫无例外的跟单数动词,我们说每辆车都已 (不是 have ) 被测试过。 每个人都(不是 are ) 会生病 。 但是当一个句子中包括一个由先行词every 引导的代词时, 从句法和意义上就要区分不同的情况了。象每一辆车必须测试它的制动器 这样的表达法在语法上要求使用一单数代词, 但人们总习惯于用复数代词,象Every car must have their brakes tested 这样。 虽然后面这种形式在各种团体的讲话中非常普遍,但它在写作中仍广泛地被认为是语法上的错误。无论如何,坚持语法规则的努力总会导致各种各样的复杂问题。首先是语法上的复杂性。当一个代词指代一个短语,而这个短语中包括every 或 any 属于另一个与此代词所在子句不同的独立子句中时, 这个代词不能用单数形式。因此很容易理解英国人为何不说每个人离开时,都拿着各自的雨衣 , 也不说没有人会被看到,不是吗? 。 不愿意在这些例子中用复数形式的书写者必须找到另外一种表达他们意思的方法,或者可以通过重新改变句子的说法以使代词与其指代的短语同属一个从句中(如Every man left, taking his raincoat with him ), 或者通过以另一个词代替every 或 any 的方法(如 All the man left;they took their raincoats with them )。 第二是政治上的复杂性。当一个被every 或 any 引导的短语指代的一个团体中既有男人又有女人时, 单数代词的词性怎么确定呢?这个问题在单词he的用法说明中将被讨论 参见 all,any,each,either,he1neither,none〔acorn〕A thoughtful glance at the wordacorn might produce the surmise that it is made up of oak and corn, especially if we think ofcorn in its sense of "a kernel or seed of a plant,” as in peppercorn. The fact that others thought the word was so constituted partly accounts for the present formacorn. Here we see the workings of the process of linguistic change known as folk etymology,an alteration in form of a word or phrase so that it resembles a more familiar term mistakenly regarded as analogous.Acorn actually goes back to Old English æcern, "acorn,” which in turn goes back to the Indo-European root ōg-, meaning "fruit, berry.” 对acorn 稍加分析我们可能会产生这样的假设,它是由 oak 和 corn 两个词组成的, 特别是当我们想到corn 作为“植物的核或种子”的意思用时,如 胡椒粒。 有人认为这种组合方式就可解释现在acorn 这种形式。 在这我们就看到了语言学上被称为俗语源学的语言变化形式。一词或词组在形式上改变从而错误地被认为是类似性地代表另一个更为熟悉的词。Acorn 在古英语中实际上是 æcern, "acorn"的印欧语系中的词根是 og- ,意指“水果,浆果。” 〔network〕Something resembling an openwork fabric or structure in form or concept, especially:网状结构:在形式上或概念上类似于网状结构的东西。尤其是:〔fantastic〕Bizarre, as in form or appearance; strange:奇异的:古怪的,如在形式上或外表上;奇怪的:




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