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单词 在意
释义 〔carouse〕The origin of the wordcarouse can be found in a German interjection that meant "time to leave the bar.” Germangaraus, which is derived from the phrase gar ("all") aus ("out"), meaning "all out,” then came to mean "drink up, bottoms up,” and "a last drink before closing time.”The English borrowed this noun, with the meaning "the practice of sitting around drinking until closing time,”sometimes spelling the wordgaraus but usually spelling it closer to the way it is spelled today.Soon after the word is first recorded as a noun in 1559,we find the verbcarouse, in 1567. 单词carouse 的词源可以在意为“是离开酒吧的时候了”的日耳曼语感叹词中找到。 日耳曼语garaus 是从短语 gar (“所有的”) aus (“出去”),即“竭尽全力。全力以赴”的意思中衍生出来的; 接着又表示“喝光,干杯”和“打烊前的最后一杯”的意思。英语中借用这个名词,意为“坐着饮酒直至打烊的做法”;有时拼写成garaus , 但通常其拼写更接近于现今的拼法。该词于1559年首次做名词记录下来后,我们很快地在1567年发现了动词carouse 〔harlot〕Harlot is first recorded in English in a work written around the beginning of the 13th century, meaning "a man of no fixed occupation, vagabond, beggar,” also the first main sense of the word herlot, which we borrowed from Old French. The recorded history of a word is sometimes all we need to scotch conjectures as to its ultimate origins. William Lambarde, in a 1570-1576 work, suggested that the word harlot came from the name of Arletta, or "Harlothe,” William the Conqueror's mother. As we have seen, Lambarde was unnecessarily besmirching her, for the history of harlot makes clear that "prostitute" was not its first sense. In fact, the word came to mean "male lecher" before it meant "prostitute,” but by the time Lambarde wrote, "prostitute" must have been thought to have been the main sense of the word, hence his etymology. Harlot 在英语中首次出现于某部创作于约13世纪初的作品中,意指“没有固定职业的人,流浪者,乞丐,”这也是 herlot 一词由古法语转借而来的第一个主要意思。单词的历史记载通常可供我们推测该词的最初渊源,威廉·兰巴德在他于1570年到1576年间创作的作品中指出: harlot 一词来自于英王威廉一世的母亲阿莉塔或“哈洛特”的名字,我们知道,兰巴德并无需玷污英王母亲的名誉,因为 harlot 一词的历史很明白地表明“妓女”之意并非该词的第一个意思,实际上,该词在意为“妓女”之前所具备的意思是“好色的男人”,但在兰巴德创作之时,“妓女”一定已经被认为是该词的主要意思,这便是它的词源 〔least〕Nobody cared, least of all the manager.没人在意,尤其是经理〔provoke〕These verbs are compared in the sense of moving a person to action or feeling or summoning something into being by moving a person in this way.这些动词在意为触动某人采取某行动、产生某种感情或以这种方式触动某人从而命令某事物时,常把它们做比较。〔prodigious〕No one would now say, as did a character in Fanny Burney'sEvelina (1778), "You are prodigiously kind!”But this utterance, exclamation point and all,illustrates two important points about intensives, linguistic elements,such asextremely or awfully, that provide force or emphasis.One point is that we press words that originally had other meanings into service as intensives.Prodigiously is an adverb formed on prodigious, which meant such things as "ominous, amazing, enormous,” going back to the Latinprōdigiōsus, "portentous, marvelous, unnatural.”Prodigiously, first recorded in 1595, meant "portentously, ominously,”and was later used to mean "wonderfully, astonishingly,”therefore making a perfect candidate for use as an intensive.The other point about intensives illustrated byprodigiously is that they go in and out of fashion. The character inEvelina used prodigiously in a way that was no doubt very stylish; no one would find it so today.Perhaps the main reason for such shifts in the use of these intensives is that once they have been used for a whilethey no longer intensify.现在没有人会象芬妮·伯尼的小说埃维莉娜 (1778年)中的人物那样说, “您真是太好了!”但这种说法,感叹号和全句,说明了关于加强语气的重要两点,如extremely 或 awfully 这样的语言要素, 具有加强语气或表示强调的作用。要点之一是我们把一些最初有其他意思的词当作了加强语气的词来使用。Prodigiously 是在意为“不祥的,惊人的,巨大的”的形容词 prodigious 基础上形成的副词, 可追溯到拉丁词prodigiosus, 意思是“不祥的,奇异的,不自然的。”Prodigiously 最早记录于1595年, 意为“预兆性地,不祥地,”后来意为“奇妙地,惊人地,”因此很适于用作强调词。Prodigiously 说明的关于强调词的另一个要点是这些词流行一时然后就过时了。 埃维莉娜 中的人物使用 prodigiously 的方式无疑是很时髦的; 但今天已没有人这样用了。或许这些强调词用法变换的主要原因是一旦这些词被使用了一段时间后,其加强语气或强调作用就不再明显了〔care〕It is true that a close examination of the syntax of the phraseI could care less reveals that it ought by rights to mean something like "I care more than I might,” rather than "I don't care at all.” But while the illogicality of a phrase may be reason enough for excluding it from formal writing,this illogicality cannot be invoked as grounds for keeping it out of the colloquial language,particularly when the phrase is itself an expression of casual indifference.See Usage Note at cannot 对短语I could care less 的句法的仔细研究揭示,该短语按理应有类似“我极其在意,甚于我应该做的”的意思,而不表示“我一点儿也不介意”,这一点确凿无疑。 但是,尽管由于一个短语有不合逻辑性的含义,也许这一点足以使其不合逻辑的用法被排除在正式文体之外;这不合逻辑性却不能被援引作为把它排除在口语用法之外的根据,尤其是当该短语本身只是一个非正式的或随意的表达语时 参见 cannot




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