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单词 地下
释义 〔vadose〕Of, relating to, or being water that is located in the zone of aeration in the earth's crust above the ground water level.渗流的:属于、有关或成为位于地壳露天地区且高于地下水平面的水体〔trolley〕A device that collects electric current from an underground conductor, an overhead wire, or a third rail and transmits it to the motor of an electric vehicle.触轮:电力车辆的一种装置,能将地下导体、架空电线或第三个铁道上的电流接收过来并递给电力车辆的发动机的装置〔geophyte〕A perennial plant, such as a crocus or tulip, propagated by buds on underground bulbs, tubers, or corms.地下芽植物:一种通过地下鳞茎、块茎或球茎上的芽繁殖的多年生植物,如藏红花或郁金香〔zamia〕Any of various chiefly tropical American cycads of the genusZamia, having a thick, usually underground trunk, palmlike terminal leaves, and seeds borne in woody cones. 泽米:一种主要生长在美洲热带地区的泽米 属苏铁科植物,其树干很粗,通常长在地下,生有掌状顶生叶子,而且种子生于木本球果中 〔tunnel〕An underground or underwater passage.地道,坑道:地下的或水下的通道〔belowground〕Into or under the ground.在地下:进入地里或地面以下地〔root〕The usually underground portion of a plant that lacks buds, leaves, or nodes and serves as support, draws minerals and water from the surrounding soil, and sometimes stores food.根:通常指植物没有花苞、叶子或节的地下部分,作为植物的供养部分从周围的土壤中吸取矿物和水份且有时贮藏养分〔gentian〕The dried rhizome and roots of a yellow-flowered European gentian,G. lutea, sometimes used as a tonic. 龙胆根:欧洲黄花龙胆属植物的干地下根茎黄龙胆根 ,有时用作补药 〔travertine〕A light-colored porous calcite, CaCO3, deposited from solution in ground or surface waters and forming, among other deposits, stalactites and stalagmites. 石灰华:一种淡色的多孔方解石,分子式为CaCo3,溶解储存于地下或地表水中。它还形成钟乳石和石笋,这也是它的另外一种存在方式 〔Begin〕Russian-born Israeli politician. He led (1943-1948) Irgun, the Zionist underground movement in Palestine. After the establishment of Israel, Begin became a political leader known for his hard-line views on the Arabs, but as prime minister (1977-1983) he strove to resolve the Arab-Israel conflict. He shared the 1978 Nobel Peace Prize with Anwar el-Sadat of Egypt.贝京,梅纳切姆:(1913-1992) 俄裔以色列籍政治家。1943年至1948年,他在巴勒斯坦领导了伊尔干地下犹太复国主义运动。以色列建国后,作为政治领袖贝京以其对阿拉伯国家主张强硬路线的观点著名。但作为总理(1977-1983年),他努力解决阿以冲突问题。1978年他与埃及的安瓦·艾-萨达特共获诺贝尔和平奖〔oubliette〕A dungeon with a trap door in the ceiling as its only means of entrance or exit.地下土牢:顶部有一供出入的活板门的土牢〔blindfish〕Any of various small fishes, such as the cavefish, that have rudimentary, nonfunctioning eyes and inhabit the waters of caves and underground streams.盲鱼:一种小鱼,如洞鱼,有退化不起作用的眼睛,居住在洞中水域和地下河流中〔dungeon〕The worddungeon may have gone down in the world quite literally, if one etymology of the word is correct. Dungeon may go back to a Vulgar Latin word,domniō, meaning "the lord's tower,”which came from Latindominus, "master.” In Middle English,in which our word is first recorded in a work composed around the beginning of the 14th century,it meant "a fortress, castle,” and "the keep of a castle" as well as "a prison cell underneath the keep of the castle.”Dungeon can still mean "keep,” although the usual spelling for this sense is donjon, but the meaning most usually associated with it is certainly not elevated.It is also possible thatdungeon goes back to a Germanic word related to our word dung. This assumed Germanic word would have meant "an underground house constructed of dung.”If this etymology is correct, the worddungeon has ended up where it began. 单词dungeon 的一种词源是它以其字面意义流传下来, 如果这个单词其中的一种语源是正确的话。 Dungeon 可追溯到拉丁俗词domnio, 意为“领主的塔”,这一拉丁俗词又来自拉丁文dominus, 意为“主人”。 在中古英语时期,该词首次记录于作于14世纪初的一部作品,意为“要塞,城堡”,“城堡主楼”以及“城堡方楼下的地牢”。Dungeon 仍有城堡主楼的意思,但最常与之联系在一起的这一拼法为 donjon, 但最常与之联系在一起的这一意义显然流传不广。Dungeon 还可能上溯到与之相联系的日耳曼语词 dung。 这一假设的日耳曼语词可能曾意为“由粪建构的地下房屋“。假如这一词源正确,dungeon 一词结束于它起源的地方 〔Mithraeum〕An often subterranean or semisubterranean temple dedicated to the worship of Mithras.米索拉斯神殿:通常在地下或半地下的用以供奉太阳神的庙宇〔cave〕A hollow or natural passage under or into the earth with an opening to the surface.洞:向地表开有出口的地下的或通向地内的中空或天然的通道〔mole〕Any of various small, insectivorous mammals of the family Talpidae, usually living underground and having thickset bodies with light brown to dark gray silky fur, rudimentary eyes, tough muzzles, and strong forefeet for burrowing.鼹鼠:一种小而以虫类为食的鼹鼠科的哺乳动物,通常生活在地下,有长着淡褐色到深灰色柔软皮毛的矮胖身体,退化的眼睛,坚韧的口部和为打洞用而强壮的前足〔mine〕An excavation in the earth from which ore or minerals can be extracted.矿,矿井:采掘矿石或矿物的地下坑道〔comix〕Comic books and comic strips, especially of the underground press:地下出版书籍:指滑稽书册和连环漫画,特别是地下印刷的:〔hypogeum〕An ancient subterranean burial chamber, such as a catacomb.古代地下墓室:古代地下埋葬房间,比如陵寝〔subway〕An underground tunnel or passage, as for a water main or for pedestrians.地下通道:建在地下的隧道或通道,如供水管或行人用〔root〕Any of various other underground plant parts, especially an underground stem such as a rhizome, corm, or tuber.地下茎,根茎,块茎:任何其它植物的地下部分,尤指根茎、球茎或块茎等地下〔subirrigate〕To irrigate from beneath, as by underground pipes.地下灌溉:从地下进行灌溉,例如用地下水管进行灌溉〔underneath〕In or to a place beneath; below.在下面,在底下;向下:在或向着地下的地点;在下面〔columbarium〕A vault with niches for urns containing ashes of the dead.骨灰安置所:带有盛放骨灰匣壁龛的地下灵堂〔infernal〕from Latin [lower, underground] * see ödher- 源自 拉丁语 [较低的,地下的] * 参见 ödher- 〔bootleg〕a clandestine outfit that bootlegs record albums and tapes.非法贩卖唱片和磁带的地下商店〔aquifer〕An underground bed or layer of earth, gravel, or porous stone that yields water.地下蓄水层,砂石含水层:含有水的泥、砂砾或多孔石的地下河床或地层〔hypogene〕Formed or situated below the earth's surface. Used of rocks.地下(生成)的:在地表面以下生成的,或位于地表面以下的用于指岩石〔dugout〕A pit dug into the ground or on a hillside and used as a shelter.防空洞:挖在地下或山坡,用作掩蔽体的洞〔bury〕To place in the ground:埋:放置在地下〔gnome〕One of a fabled race of dwarflike creatures who live underground and guard treasure hoards.守护神:民间传说中的畸形矮子,住在地下守护着宝藏〔cellar〕An underground shelter, as from storms.庇护所:地下庇护所,如躲避风暴的庇护所〔hypogeum〕from Greek hupogeion [from neuter of] hupogeios [underground] * see hypogeal 源自 希腊语 hupogeion 源自hupogeios的中性词 [地下的] * 参见 hypogeal〔sewer〕An artificial, usually underground conduit for carrying off sewage or rainwater.排水沟,下水道:人工的、通常在地下用于排废物或取水的沟〔zine〕An inexpensively produced, self-published, underground publication:地下杂志:自己印刷制作的低成本地下杂志:〔burrow〕A hole or tunnel dug in the ground by a small animal, such as a rabbit or a mole, for habitation or refuge.地洞:某些小动物(如兔子或鼹鼠)在地下挖的、供居住或躲藏的洞或地道〔mine〕To dig a mine in (the earth) to obtain ore or minerals.开矿:在(地下)开矿以获得矿石或矿物〔broomrape〕Latin rāpum [underground stock of a tree] 拉丁语 rāpum [一棵树的地下部分] 〔hypogeal〕Located under the earth's surface; underground.地下的:位于地球表面以下的;地下〔Maquisard〕from maquis [the French underground] * see maquis 源自 maquis [法国地下力量] * 参见 maquis




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